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The effect of the growth form of the inducing microorganism on specificTrichoderma harzianum mycolytic enzyme production was studied. The pelleted form ofRhizopus nigricans gave a better product concerning protoplast formation ability. The maximum yield of protoplasts from the target fungusCochliobolus lunatus was 1×108 ml–1. Analysis of individual specific enzyme activities inTrichoderma mycolytic enzyme preparations confirms the importance of high chitinase and low protease activity for high protoplast yields. Supplementation of the production medium with chitin increased the chitinase activity in theTrichoderma exoenzyme mixture.  相似文献   
In this study we investigated Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. inflorescence development by characterizing morphological changes at the shoot apex during the transition to flowering. Sixteen-hour photoperiods were used to synchronously induce flowering in vegetative plants grown for 30 d in non-inductive 8-h photoperiods. During the first inductive cycle, the shoot apical meristem ceased producing leaf primordia and began to produce flower primordia. The differentiation of paraclades (axillary flowering shoots), however, did not occur until after the initiation of multiple flower primordia from the shoot apical meristem. Paraclades were produced by the basipetal activation of buds from the axils of leaf primordia which had been initiated prior to photoperiodic induction. Concurrent with the activation of paraclades was the partial suppression of paraclade-associated leaf primordia, which became bract leaves. The suppression of bract-leaf primordia and the abrupt initiation of flower primordia during the first inductive photoperiod is indicative of a single phase change during the transition to flowering in photoperiodically induced Arabidopsis. Morphogenetic changes characteristic of the transition to flowering in plants grown continuously in 16-h photoperiods were qualitatively equivalent to the changes observed in plants which were photoperiodically induced after 30 d. These results suggest that Arabidopsis has only two phases of development, a vegetative phase and a reproductive phase; and that the production of flower primordia, the differentiation of paraclades from the axils of pre-existing leaf primordia and the elongation of internodes all occur during the reproductive phase.  相似文献   
After considering the need for quality control in NAA, the concept of quality in NAA procedures themselves is discussed, and some important factors identified. Two approaches to improve quality are then described in more detail. The first concerns the unique ability of NAA using different isotopic reactions and different modes (INAA/RNAA) to provide independent data sets in the same laboratory, thus allowing internal validation or crosschecking. The second discusses the need for chemical yield measurements in RNAA and the advantages of the radioisotopic tracer technique. Some recent advances and further possibilities for this use of tracers are listed.  相似文献   
A 13 kb DNA fragment was isolated from a grapevine (Vitis var. Optima) genomic library by hybridizing with elicitor-induced stilbene synthase cDNA as a probe. After fragmentation with Eco RI, subcloning and sequencing, two full-size stilbene synthase genes (Vst1 and Vst2) and the 3 end of a third stilbene synthase gene (Vst3) were located within the 13 kb fragment. Vst1 and Vst2, differing only slightly in the coding region, are distinguished in the intron size and in the structure of the promoter region. The 5 flanking region of gene Vst1 contains a TATAA box at nucleotide –48. The substantial structural differences found for the promoters of the two genes are paralleled by a striking difference in the expression of the two genes in elicitor-treated cells. Moreover, the accumulation upon elicitation of six different stilbene synthase mRNAs was studied and found to differ by two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   
Viability of spores of Bacillus cereus was totally inhibited at 85°C over 30 min by adding 0.4% (w/v) potassium sorbate with 6% (w/v) NaCl at pH 4.5. Viability of B. stearothermophilus spores was totally inhibited at 95°C for 45 min in a buffer at pH 4.2 containing 0.8% (w/v) potassium sorbate and 8% (w/v) NaCl. A synergistic inhibitory effect was demonstrated in some of the combinations. The inhibition may be due to interference with the heat-resistance apparatus of the spores.O.B. Oloyede was and J. Scholefield is with the Department of Bioscience & Biotechnology, Food Science Division, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1SD, UK. O.B. Oloyede is now with the Department of Biochemistry, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.  相似文献   
Summary We have examined the 13C and 13C chemical shifts of a number of proteins and found that their values at the N-terminal end of a helix provide a good predictor for the presence of a capping box. A capping box consists of a hydrogen-bonded cycle of four amino acids in which the side chain of the N-cap residue forms a hydrogen bond with the backbone amide of the N3 residue, whose side chain in turn may accept a hydrogen bond from the amide of the N-cap residue. The N-cap residue exhibits characteristic values for its backbone torsion angles, with and clustering around 94±15° and 167±5°, respectively. This is manifested by a 1–2 ppm upfield shift of the 13C resonance and a 1–4 ppm downfield shift of the 13C resonance, relative to their random coil values, and is mainly associated with the unusually large value of . The residues following the N-cap residue exhibit downfield shifts of 1–3 ppm for the 13C resonances and small upfield shifts for the 13C ones, typical of an -helix.  相似文献   
比较研究几种兼性和专一性CAM植物材料的PEPC同工酶表明:经自然干旱诱导,兼性CAM植物露花(Mesembryanthemumcordifolium)、长药景天(Sudumspectabile)有新的PEPC同工酶的出现,诱导前后各同工酶的天然分子量变化不大;而土三七(Sedumaizoon)则没有新的PEPC同工酶出现,但诱导后其同工酶的天然分子量有所增大。以上几种兼性CAM植物的PEPC同工酶酶谱无明显昼夜变化。专一性CAM植物的PEPC酶谱和天然分子量均较一致,亦无昼夜差异。  相似文献   
几种环境因素对玉米叶切块光诱导的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用液相氧电极研究了暗处理、光强、CO2水平、缺钾和干旱对玉米叶切块光诱导的影响。发现长时间的暗处理、高光强、低CO2浓度、缺钾和干旱均使光合诱导期拉长。影响光合诱导期的外界逆境如低CO2浓度、缺钾和干旱也使玉米叶片的净光合速率下降,并对这些结果产生的原因作了分析。  相似文献   
On the inducibility of nitrate transport by tobacco cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The question as to whether the nitrate transport system is induced by nitrate was addressed using a cell suspension of the XD line of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi as an experimental system. The cells were grown on area as the sole nitrogen source, and tungstate was used to render nitrate reductase non-functional. To avoid shock due to vacuum filtration, the cells, were harvested by gravity filtration. Nitrate uptake by cells, which were harvested, transferred to fresh medium, and immediately exposed to nitrate (freshly harvested cells), displayed a lag period of about 3 h.
In cells which were given incubation periods in fresh medium before exposure to nitrate (preincubated cells), the lag period was considerably shortened. After 3 h of preincubation in the absence of nitrate (recovered cells), the lag period was almost completely eliminated. Cycloheximide inhibited nitrate uptake by recovered cells within minutes, and prevented the development of nitrate uptake in freshly harvested cells. Cycloheximide did not affect uptake of α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) within the first 2 h after its addition. Recovery of the membrane potential from a low value just after the harvest of the cells to a maximal value 3 h later, was observed using the lipophilic cation methyltriphenylphosphonium (MTPP+), supplied at low concentrations, as a probe. Depolarization of the membrane potential by MTPP+, at the millimolar range, caused a rapid inhibition of nitrate uptake by recovered cells. The results indicate that nitrate transport by the XD cells depends on the membrane potential and on protein components with short half life. In addition, it requires a continuous protein synthesis. The effects of physical manipulation on nitrate uptake are discussed.  相似文献   
Similarly to higher plant root systems, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard (UTEX 90) cells exhibited biphasic NO3? uptake kinetics. The uptake pattern was similar in cells cultured in 10 mM NO3? (NO3?-grown), 0.25 mM NO3? (N-limited) or 10 mM NO3? followed by an 18-h period of N-deprivation (N-starved). In all cell types there was an apparent phase transition in uptake at 1.1 mM NO3?, although there were variations in the uptake Vmax of both isotherms. The rate of uptake via isotherm 0 ([NO3?]<1.1 mM) in N-limited cells was higher than that of either NO3?-grown or N-starved cells. In contrast, NO3?-grown and N-limited cells exhibited comparable Vmax values when supplied with 1.1 to 1.8 mM NO3? (isotherm 1). When supplied with 1.6 mM NO3?, both N-limited and N-starved cells exhibited enhanced linear uptake after 60 min of incubation. We ascribed this to an induction phenomenon. This trend was not observed when NO3?-grown cells were supplied with 1.6 mM NO3?, or when N-limited and N-starved cells were supplied with 0.6 mM NO3?. The ‘inducible’ aspect of uptake by N-limited cells was blocked by cycloheximide (10 mg l?1), but not by actinomycin D (5 mg l?1), thus indicating the involvement of a translational or post-translational event. To investigate this phenomenon further, we analysed the cell proteins of N-limited cells supplied with either 0.6 or 1.6 mM NO3? for 90 min, using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Comparison of protein profiles enabled the identification of a single cell membrane-associated polypeptide (21 kDa, pI ca 5.5) and ten soluble fraction polypeptides (17–73 kDa, pI ca 5.0 to 7.1) unique to the high NO3? treatment. We propose that the ‘inducible’ portion of NO3? uptake may provide the means by which C. reinhardtii cells regulate uptake in accordance with assimilatory capacity.  相似文献   
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