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The backtest response of a pig gives an indication of its coping style, that is, its preferred strategy to cope with stressful situations, which may in turn be related to production traits. The objective of this study was therefore to estimate the heritability of the backtest response and estimate genetic correlations with production traits (birth weight, growth, fat depth and loin depth). The backtest was performed by placing the piglet on its back for 60 s and the number of struggles (NrS) and vocalizations (NrV), and the latency to struggle and vocalize (LV) was recorded. In total, 992 piglets were subjected to the backtest. Heritability estimates for backtest traits were statistically moderate (although high for behavioral traits), with LV having the highest heritability estimate (0.56±0.10, P<0.001) and NrS having the lowest estimate (0.37±0.09, P<0.001). Backtest traits also had high genetic correlations with each other, with vocalization traits (NrV and LV) having the highest (−0.94±0.03, P<0.001), and NrS with NrV the lowest correlation (0.70±0.09, P<0.001). No significant correlations were found between backtest traits and production traits, but correlations between NrS and birth weight (−0.38±0.25), and NrV and loin depth (−0.28±0.19) approached significance (P=0.07). More research into genotype-by-environment interactions may be needed to assess possible connections between backtest traits and production traits, as this may depend on the circumstances (environment, experiences, etc.). In conclusion, heritability estimates of backtest traits are high and it would therefore be possible to select for them. The high genetic correlations between backtest traits indicate that it may be possible to only consider one or two traits for characterization and selection purposes. There were no significant genetic correlations found between backtest traits and production traits, although some of the correlations approached significance and hence warrant further research.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of living and fossil snakes is assessed using likelihood and parsimony approaches and a dataset combining 263 morphological characters with mitochondrial (2693 bp) and nuclear (1092 bp) gene sequences. The ‘no common mechanism’ (NCMr) and ‘Markovian’ (Mkv) models were employed for the morphological partition in likelihood analyses; likelihood scores in the NCMr model were more closely correlated with parsimony tree lengths. Both models accorded relatively less weight to the molecular data than did parsimony, with the effect being milder in the NCMr model. Partitioned branch and likelihood support values indicate that the mtDNA and nuclear gene partitions agree more closely with each other than with morphology. Despite differences between data partitions in phylogenetic signal, analytic models, and relative weighting, the parsimony and likelihood analyses all retrieved the following widely accepted groups: scolecophidians, alethinophidians, cylindrophiines, macrostomatans (sensu lato) and caenophidians. Anilius alone emerged as the most basal alethinophidian; the combined analyses resulted in a novel and stable position of uropeltines and cylindrophiines as the second‐most basal clade of alethinophidians. The limbed marine pachyophiids, along with Dinilysia and Wonambi, were always basal to all living snakes. Other results stable in all combined analyses include: Xenopeltis and Loxocemus were sister taxa (fide morphology) but clustered with pythonines (fide molecules), and Ungaliophis clustered with a boine‐erycine clade (fide molecules). Tropidophis remains enigmatic; it emerges as a basal alethinophidian in the parsimony analyses (fide molecules) but a derived form in the likelihood analyses (fide morphology), largely due to the different relative weighting accorded to data partitions.  相似文献   
深色有隔内生真菌(dark septate endophyte,DSE)广泛定殖于植物根系,对促进植物生长、提高植物抗逆能力具重要作用。本研究从马尾松Pinus massoniana根系分离到一株DSE,于无菌条件下研究了此菌与马尾松的共生特征,研究结果表明:基于形态学和分子生物学分析,此菌被鉴定为福廷瓶头霉Phialocephala fortinii,在PDA培养基25℃培养条件下,此菌不产孢,菌丝深色、具隔,最适培养基为PDA。此菌与马尾松根系共生体的形成过程可划分为3个时期,即侵入前期:接种后2d,新生菌丝向马尾松根系定向生长并开始接触根系,但未侵入根系内部;侵入期:接种后4d,菌丝与马尾松根系接触侵入根内并在根系皮层细胞间扩展延伸;形成期:接种后6d,菌丝继续在马尾松根系内扩展并形成富含脂类物质的微菌核。接种福廷瓶头霉显著增加了马尾松生物量的积累(P<0.05),并影响了其根系发育。接种后,马尾松主根生长受限,侧根生长显著提高(P<0.05),侧根长度较未接种处理增加了112.87%。被侵染根系的根毛数量减少,并由大量根外菌丝包裹。以上结果对进一步揭示DSE与宿主的共生机理有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
Reproductive interference is interspecific sexual interactions that are costly to at least one species involved. Although many studies have reported a substantial fitness cost associated with reproductive interference, suggesting its ecological significance, others have not observed reproductive interference in study species. Reproductive interference that incurs a large fitness cost is more likely to occur during secondary contacts than between long-coexisting species. I first explain the rationale underlying this prediction using existing literature. Next, I present a conceptual framework to classify pairs of interacting species into one of four states, defined by the ecological and evolutionary stabilities of the species pairs. I discuss how the stability states of species pairs are likely to change over time, along with changes in the demographic and evolutionary role of reproductive interference. I then perform literature survey to test the prediction that reproductive interference should be more prevalent in secondary contact. Finally, I discuss the implications of the proposed conceptual framework and literature survey result.  相似文献   
A major challenge for studying the role of sexual selection in divergence and speciation is understanding the relative influence of different sexually selected signals on those processes in both intra‐ and interspecific contexts. Different signals may be more or less susceptible to co‐option for species identification depending on the balance of sexual and ecological selection acting upon them. To examine this, we tested three predictions to explain geographic variation in long‐ versus short‐range sexual signals across a 3,500 + km transect of two related Australian field cricket species (Teleogryllus spp.): (a) selection for species recognition, (b) environmental adaptation and (c) stochastic divergence. We measured male calling song and male and female cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in offspring derived from wild populations, reared under common garden conditions. Song clearly differentiated the species, and no hybrids were observed suggesting that hybridization is rare or absent. Spatial variation in song was not predicted by geography, genetics or climatic factors in either species. In contrast, CHC divergence was strongly associated with an environmental gradient supporting the idea that the climatic environment selects more directly upon these chemical signals. In light of recently advocated models of diversification via ecological selection on secondary sexual traits, the different environmental associations we found for song and CHCs suggest that the impact of ecological selection on population divergence, and how that influences speciation, might be different for acoustic versus chemical signals.  相似文献   
Species interacting in varied ecological conditions often evolve in different directions in different local populations. The butterflies of the cryptic Leptidea complex are sympatrically distributed in different combinations across their Eurasian range. Interestingly, the same species is a habitat generalist in some regions and a habitat specialist in others, where a sibling species has the habitat generalist role. Previous studies suggest that this geographically variable niche divergence is generated by local processes in different contact zones. By varying the absolute and relative densities of Leptidea sinapis and Leptidea juvernica in large outdoor cages, we show that female mating success is unaffected by conspecific density, but strongly negatively affected by the density of the other species. Whereas 80% of the females mated when a conspecific couple was alone in a cage, less than 10% mated when the single couple shared the cage with five pairs of the other species. The heterospecific courtships can thus affect the population fitness, and for the species in the local minority, the suitability of a habitat is likely to depend on the presence or absence of the locally interacting species. If the local relative abundance of the different species depends on the colonization order, priority effects might determine the ecological roles of interacting species in this system.  相似文献   
Interactions between plant community members are an underexplored driver of angiosperm floral variation. We investigate character displacement as a potential contributor to floral variation in Pelargonium communities. Pelargoniums all place pollen on the ventral sides of their pollinators, potentially leading to interspecific pollen transfer (IPT) in sympatry. We show that the positions of pollen placement and receipt are determined by anther and style exsertion lengths. Using field experiments, we demonstrate that heterospecific species experience higher IPT if they have similar style lengths than when they have greater style length differences. Using crosses, we show that IPT has negative consequences on seed set. In combination, these results suggest that character displacement in style length is likely to reduce IPT and increase female fitness in sympatry. Patterns of style length variation across 29 different Pelargonium communities suggest that character displacement has occurred in multiple communities. Furthermore, analyses using a wide-ranging species pair show that style lengths are more different between sympatric populations than they are between allopatric populations. In addition to pollinators as agents of floral divergence, this study suggests that variation in Pelargonium community structure has driven style length variation through character displacement.  相似文献   

A total of 1599 stoats were collected from 14 study areas (including all 10 National Parks) from 1972 to 1976. Samples were larger in summer, and contained more females. Young stoats are born in September-October, and females reach adult weight by the following March, though males not until after August. There was significant geographic variation in the body size of adult stoats sampled: males from lowland podocarp/broadleaved forests averaged 3% smaller than males from upland beech forests in skull length, and 4% smaller in head-and-body length. This pattern was repeated, less clearly, in females and in young (approximately 2–5 months old). In contrast with stoats in Britain, assumed to be still the same size as the colonising stock introduced into New Zealand in 1884 and subsequently, males from lowland podocarp forests were unchanged or possibly smaller, and males from upland beech forests were larger; females were larger in all habitats. In males, the extent of geographic variation is almost as great in New Zealand as in the whole of continental Europe. Possible explanations of this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper presents new data about Early Permian (Cisuralian) strata, palynostratigraphy and absolute dating from the Copacabana Formation in central Bolivia. Recent stratigraphic and palynologic data from marine and transitional rocks at Apillapampa refine the age of Cisuralian palynomorphs in South America. Twelve samples interbedded with five volcanic ashes (processed and productive) yielded 94 palynomorph species arranged in two informal palynoassemblages: the lower assemblage Vittatina costabilis corresponds to one sample near the base of the Copacabana Formation and the upper Lueckisporites virkkiae assemblage occurs in overlying marine and coal-bearing transitional intervals. Ages were also independently refined by a modern review of conodonts, fusulinids, along with those U–Pb radiometric ages (Isotope Dilution Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry [ID-TIMS] of zircon-bearing interbedded tuffs). These data suggest that the lower marine member of the Copacabana Formation at this location is Asselian and Sakmarian. Lueckisporites virkkiae is a key species of palynomorph utilised in South American and global Permian biostratigraphic reconstructions. Hence, a thorough global comparison of these palynofloras and correlations is addressed in this contribution, considering first appearances of mainly cosmopolitan diagnostic taxa. Correlations are established with many similar Permian palynofloras, some also constrained with radiometric data, in South America (Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina) and elsewhere.  相似文献   
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