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The biological control service supplied to croplands is a result of the predator community present within a focal crop, which is likely influenced by surrounding landscape composition and configuration. In this study, using cage experiments in two regions near Santiago, we determined if predator communities supplied a significant biological control service in alfalfa fields, examined how the abundance of exotic and native coccinellids, as well as other key predator groups, influenced biological control of aphids and measured how landscape composition and heterogeneity at three spatial scales influenced this service. We found that predators significantly suppressed aphid populations in both regions, but the relative importance of predators versus landscape variables on biological control differed between regions. In the region where predators were abundant, biological control was higher and related to the abundance of native coccinellids and syrphids, highlighting the importance of native species as providers of crucial ecological services. In the region where predators were not abundant, biological control was lower, and it was related to landscape composition, being positively associated with the abundance of woodlots and urban habitats, and negatively associated with fruit crops in the landscape. Therefore, landscape effects on biological control service may be weaker than local factors, and only become important when local predator abundance is low.  相似文献   
Many insect groups have obligate associations with primary endosymbionts: mutualistic bacteria that are maternally transmitted and derived from an ancient infection. Often, the same insects are hosts to 'secondary' bacterial symbionts which are maternally transmitted but relatively labile within host lineages. To explore the dynamics of secondary symbiont associations in aphids, we characterized bacteria infecting 15 species of macrosiphine aphids using DNA sequencing, diagnostic polymerase chain reaction (PCR), diagnostic restriction digests, phylogenetic analyses, and electron microscopy to examine aphids from nature and from laboratory colonies. Three types of bacteria besides Buchnera were found repeatedly; all three fall within the Enterobacteriaceae. The R-type has a 16S rDNA less than 0.1% different from that of the secondary symbiont previously reported from Acyrthosiphon pisum and is related to Serratia species. The T-type includes a symbiont previously reported from a whitefly; the U-type comprises a new cluster near the T-type. The T-type was found in every one of 40 Uroleucon ambrosiae clones collected throughout the United States. In contrast, A. pisum individuals were infected by any combination of the three symbiont types. Secondary symbionts were maternally transmitted for 11 months within laboratory-reared A. pisum clones and were present in sexually produced eggs. PCR screens for a bacteriophage, APSE-1, indicated its presence in both A. pisum and U. ambrosiae containing secondary symbionts. Electron microscopy of R-type and T-type bacteria in A. pisum and in U. ambrosiae revealed rod-shaped organisms that attain extremely high densities within a few bacteriocytes.  相似文献   
Although aphids are worldwide crop pests, little is known about aphid effector genes underlying virulence and avirulence. Here we show that controlling the genetics of both aphid and host can reveal novel recombinant genotypes with previously undetected allelic variation in both virulence and avirulence functions. Clonal F1 progeny populations were derived from reciprocal crosses and self-matings between two parental genotypes of pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) differing in virulence on a Medicago truncatula host carrying the RAP1 and RAP2 resistance genes. These populations showed Mendelian segregation consistent with aphid performance being controlled largely by a dominant virulence allele derived from only one parent. Altered segregation ratios on near-isogenic host genotypes differing in the region carrying RAP1 were indicative of additional heritable functions likely related to avirulence genes originating from both parents. Unexpectedly, some virulent F1 progeny were recovered from selfing of an avirulent parent, suggesting a reservoir of cryptic alleles. Host chlorosis was associated with virulence, whereas necrotic hypersensitive-like response was not. No maternal inheritance was found for any of these characteristics, ruling out sex-linked, cytoplasmic, and endosymbiotic factors. Our results demonstrate the tractability of dissecting the genetic basis of pest-host resistance mechanisms and indicate that the annual sexual cycle in aphids may lead to frequent novel genotypes with both increased and decreased virulence. Availability of genomes for both pest and host can facilitate definition of cognate gene-for-gene relationships, potentially leading to selection of crop genotypes with multiple resistance traits.  相似文献   
Summary Development of new selectable markers is needed to increase the efficiency and flexibility of plant transformation, and to overcome drawbacks sometimes associated with use of existing markers. A useful alternative to chemical-based selection systems would be a system using visual screening to obtain transgenic lines. Investigations were carried out to determine if the green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene could be utilized alone as a visual screenable marker to produce stably transformed, fertile oat plants. Twelve experiments were conducted in which gfp-based selection was utilized to obtain routinely stable transgenic lines in oat. A synthetic gfp gene under the control of the maize ubiquitin promoter was delivered into embryogenic oat callus via microprojectile bombardment. Cell clusters (1–3 mm) expressing gfp were visually identified using epifluorescence microscopy and physically isolated approximately 3 wk post-bombardment. Fertile, gfp-expressing T0 plants were regenerated from 78% of the glowing cell sectors placed on regeneration medium. T0 plants from 55% of the events produced gfp-expressing progeny in a 3∶1 Mendelian ratio. Southern blot and PCR analysis confirmed transgene integration and transmission to progeny. Expression of gfp did not reduce plant growth or fertility. Transgene copy number and integration patterns were similar to those in transgenic plants derived from chemical-based selection systems. The mean transformation frequency, based on fertile events obtained per bombarded plate, was 1.8%. Over 180 independent transgenic oat lines were produced, to date, using only visual screening for expression of gfp, demonstrating efficiency and repeatability of the selection system. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the University of Wisconsin or the US Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may be suitable.  相似文献   
米兰遗址位于新疆塔里木盆地东南缘的若羌县,是丝绸之路新疆段南道上的重要遗址之一,延续年代可从吐蕃占领时期上溯至汉朝。遗址群内包含佛寺、屯田、灌溉水利设施、烽燧、戍堡以及城址等15处单体遗迹。2012年,新疆文物考古研究所对米兰遗址再次发掘,其中戍堡内出土了一批植物遗存,年代在距今1200年左右,包括黍、粟、青稞、小麦、桃、稗子、小獐毛和苦豆子等8种。结合植物鉴定和前人研究成果,本文认为吐蕃占领时期的米兰地区微环境较今天更为湿润,米兰戍堡的守卫者有一定的屯垦行为。除栽培谷物外,此地还有一定规模的桃树栽培。  相似文献   
高粱(Sorghum bicolour)是世界上最重要的粮食、饲料、酿造和能源作物之一, 也是C4植物研究的模式植物。蚜虫是农业生产上的重要害虫, 几乎危害所有的栽培作物。危害高粱的蚜虫主要包括高粱蚜(Melanaphis sacchari)、麦二叉蚜(Schizaphis graminum)和玉米蚜(Rhopalosiphum maidis)。高粱的抗蚜资源尚不丰富且缺乏深入系统的研究。目前研究较多的是麦二叉蚜的抗性遗传方面, 已定位20个抗性QTLs, 单一QTL对抗性差异贡献率最高可达80.3%, 对高粱蚜和玉米蚜的研究尚需进一步加强。高粱的理化特性与其抗蚜性能相关, 故可与育种实践相结合。高粱和蚜虫(Acyrthosiphon pisum)的全基因组测序工作已经完成, 这将有助于蚜虫-植物间的相互作用关系及植物对蚜虫的抗性机制研究。目前已克隆到2个抗蚜基因, 且多个抗蚜基因(位点)已被定位在染色体上。该文重点综述了上述研究成果并对高粱抗蚜的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
适用于蚜虫等微小昆虫的飞行磨系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了一套采用计算机进行控制和数据采集的适用于蚜虫等微小昆虫的飞行磨系统。该系统能同时对32头昆虫进行飞行测试,并对测试数据进行自动分析处理。利用该飞行磨系统对不同日龄禾缢管蚜的飞行能力进行了初步测试。结果表明,禾缢管蚜在第1至第5日龄的飞行能力最强,明显高于第7和第9日龄。平均飞行时间在各日龄之间差异不显著,但平均飞行速度随日龄的增加而逐渐降低。本文对飞行磨结构、数据采集接口板电路原理和软件流程设计等方面均进行了较为详细的介绍。并简要介绍了不同日龄禾缢管蚜的飞行能力测试结果。对开展微小型昆虫的飞行行为学研究具有较为重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
In laboratory experiments treatment of sugar-beet plants with aldicarb stimulated the mobility of Aphis fabae and two clones of Myzus persicae which were susceptible (S) and resistant (R) to carbamate-based insecticides, respectively. On the other hand, the number of aphids probing and the total number of probes made was reduced, and hence the transmission of beet mosaic virus (BMV) was restricted. In outdoor experiments the spread of BMV from aldicarb-treated plants by naturally infesting aphids was also restricted. The number of infected plants decreased with increasing distance from the sources of infection.
Résumé Des plantes de betterave traitées au laboratoire avec de l'aldicarbe ont stimulé la mobilité d'Aphis fabae et de deux clones de Myzus persicae, l'un sensible et l'autre résistant à des insecticides contenant des carbamates. Par ailleurs, le nombre de pucerons en train de sonder les feuilles ainsi que le nombre total de sondages ont été réduits et ainsi la transmission du virus de la mosaïque de la betterave (BMV) a été limitée. Dans des expériences à l'extérieur, la vitesse de propagation de BMV par des pucerons sur des plantes traitées à l'aldicarbe a été aussi plus limitée. Le nombre de plantes contaminées diminuait avec la distance de la source de contamination.
在公益性行业(农业)科研专项的支持下,项目组在我国大豆和小麦主产区进行了蚜虫监测预警及绿色防控技术的研究。构建了基于吸虫塔的蚜虫监测预警网络系统,在蚜虫基础生物学研究、天敌资源普查及其控蚜作用研究的基础上,研发了多项以生物防治为主体的蚜虫绿色防控技术,包括天敌人工助迁、人工饲养天敌释放、作物邻间作措施、物理防控、隐蔽性施药等。相关技术措施在我国的东北、华北等大豆蚜、麦蚜为害严重的大豆产区和小麦主产区共建立了4个规模较大的试验示范区,取得了较好的综合效益。  相似文献   
蚜虫迁飞的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
蚜虫的迁飞能造成危害扩展、病毒病传播和防碍人们的正常生活。蚜虫迁飞有其生理生态基础。寄主营养、蚜群拥挤度、天敌以及气候条件是刺激有翅蚜产生的主因素。蚜虫迁飞与卵巢发育存在明显的共轭关系。蚜虫迁飞多发生在晴朗的白天 ,并且温度、光照和风是影响迁飞行为的主导因子。蚜虫可上升到逆温层并随气流迁飞到上百公里以外的地方。目前 ,昆虫雷达观察、天气学分析和分子生物学方法已应用于蚜虫迁学的研究中 ,文章对蚜虫迁飞的生理生态基础、迁飞行为、影响迁飞的生态因子以及研究方法进行了综述 ,以期为蚜虫这类小型昆虫的迁飞研究提供指导  相似文献   
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