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Orangutans display remarkable developmental changes and sexual differences in facial morphology, such as the flanges or cheek-pads that develop only on the face of dominant adult males. These changes suggest that facial morphology is an important factor in visual communication. However, developmental changes in facial morphology have not been examined in detail. We studied developmental changes in the facial morphology of the Borneo orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) by observing 79 individuals of various ages living in the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre (SORC) in Malaysia and in Japanese zoos. We also analyzed photographs of one captive male that were taken over a period of more than 16 years. There were clear morphological changes that occurred with growth, and we identified previously unreported sexual and developmental differences in facial morphology. Light-colored skin around the eyes and mouth is most prominent in animals younger than 3 years, and rapidly decreases in area through the age of approximately 7 years. At the same time, the scattered, erect hairs on the head (infant hair) become thick, dense hairs lying on the head (adult hair) in both sexes. The results suggest that these features are infant signals, and that adult signals may include darkened face color, adult hair, whiskers, and a beard, which begin to develop after the age of approximately 7 years in both sexes. In females, the eyelids remain white even after 10 years, and turn black at around the age of 20; in males, the eyelids turn black before the age of 10. The whiskers and beards of adults are thicker in males than in females, and are fully developed before the age of 10 in males, while they begin to develop in females only after approximately 20 years. White eyelids and undeveloped whiskers and beards may be visual signals that are indicative of young adult females. Our results also show that the facial morphology of the unflanged male is similar to that of the adult female, although it has also been pointed out that unflanged males resemble younger individuals.  相似文献   
Discrepancy between GLUT4 translocation and glucose uptake after ischemia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Objective: Low-flow ischemia results in glucose transporter translocation and in increased glucose uptake. After total ischemia in rat heart, we found no increase in glucose uptake. Here we test the hypothesis that total ischemia is associated with decreased activation of GLUT4 despite translocation. Methods: Isolated working hearts (n=70, Sprague–Dawley rats) were perfused for 70 min at physiological workload with Krebs–Henseleit buffer containing [2-3H]glucose (5 mmol/l, 0.05 μCi/ml) with either oleate (0.4 mmol/l, 1%BSA) or pyruvate (5 mmol/l, 1%BSA). After 20 min, hearts were subjected to 15 min of total ischemia followed by 35 min of reperfusion. We measured glucose uptake and intracellular free glucose (IFG) using [2-3H]glucose and [14C]sucrose, and determined the distribution of GLUT4 by colocalization immunofluorescence with Na–K ATP-ase. Results: Cardiac power was 10.1 ± 0.90 mW before ischemia and did not differ between groups. Recovery was the same in both groups (55.7 ± 24.8$%). Glucose uptake did not differ between groups before ischemia, and did not increase during reperfusion. Despite evidence of GLUT4 translocation after reperfusion in both groups, IFG did not increase compared with before ischemia. Conclusion: We conclude that there is a discrepancy between glucose transporter availability and glucose uptake after ischemia, which may be due to inhibition of GLUT4 in the plasma membrane. (Mol Cell Biochem 278: 129–137, 2005)  相似文献   
Syntrophin is known to be a component of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC), a membrane/cytoskeleton-anchoring structure that is essential for the maintenance of viability of sarcolemma. We purified DGC from hearts of human and several animal species, and compared their protein composition. While almost all components of DGC were present in various species, proteins with the apparent molecular mass of 50–65 kDa corresponding to syntrophin isoforms were very different among them. Three isoforms of syntrophin (1, 1, 2) were expressed in hamster, rat and canine ventricles, whereas only 1-isoform was mainly expressed in human and rabbit ventricles. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that 1-and 2-syntrophins were co-localized in sarcolemma and in T-tubules of canine ventricles. However, despite membrane localization of most syntrophins, subcellular fractionation revealed that part of syntrophins were recovered in the cytosolic fraction devoid of other components of DGC, raising the possibility that syntrophins may play multiple roles in various intracellular sites of cardiac muscle cells. Species-dependent expression and unique subcellular localization of syntrophins in cardiac muscle may contribute to the variable severity of muscle dysgenesis caused by the same primary defect in components of DGC of human and other animal species. (Mol Cell Biochem 268: 59–66, 2005)  相似文献   
Glial glutamate receptors are likely to be involved in neuronal differentiation, migration, and plasticity. Dystrophin, the protein defective in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is widely expressed in the Central Nervous System. Activation of internal promoters of the DMD gene leads to the production of several proteins, the Dystrophin-71 (Dp-71) being the most abundant in the encephalon. This protein is known to stabilize neurotransmitter receptors in clusters and its absence has been correlated with cognitive deficits in a mouse model. Using cultured chick Bergmann glia cells and mouse cerebellar fusiform astrocytes, we demonstrate here that glutamate receptor activation results in a time and dose dependent decrease of Dp-71 levels. This effect is mediated through amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors. The present results suggest an involvement of Dp-71 in glutamate receptor signaling and possibly clustering and further support the notion of an active role of glia in the physiology of glutamatergic transmission.  相似文献   
We explored the influence of methodological and chemical parameters on the detection of nasal chemesthesis (i.e., trigeminal stimulation) evoked by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). To avoid odor biases, chemesthesis was probed via nasal pungency detection in anosmics and via nasal localization (i.e., lateralization) in normosmics, in both cases using forced-choice procedures. In the experiments with anosmics, 12 neat VOCs were selected based on previous reports of lack of chemesthetic response. Although none of the VOCs reached 100% detection, detectability and confidence of detection were higher when using a glass vessel system adapted with nosepieces to fit the nostrils tightly than when using wide-mouth glass jars. Half the stimuli were detected well above chance and half were not. When the latter were tested again after being heated to 37 degrees C, that is, body temperature (from room temperature, 23 degrees C), to increase their vapor concentration, only one, octane, significantly increased its detectability. Chemesthesis gauged with normosmics mirrored that with anosmics. Gas chromatography measurements showed that, even at 23 degrees C, the saturated vapor concentrations of the undetected stimuli, except vanillin, were well above the respective calculated nasal pungency threshold (NPT) from an equation that, in the past, had accurately described and predicted NPTs. We conclude that, except for octane and perhaps vanillin, the failure of the other four VOCs to precipitate nasal chemesthesis rests on a chemical-structural limitation, for example, the molecules lack a key property to fit a receptor pocket, rather than on a concentration limitation, for example, the vapor concentration is too low to reach a threshold value.  相似文献   
The signal recognition particle (SRP) is a ribonucleoprotein complex that plays a crucial role during the delivery of secretory proteins from the ribosome to the cell membrane. Among the six proteins of the eukaryotic SRP, the 72 kDa protein (SRP72) is the largest and least characterized. Polypeptides corresponding to various regions of the entire human SRP72 sequence were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and partially proteolyzed. Human SRP RNA bound with high affinity to a 63 amino acid residue region near the C terminus of SRP72. Mild treatment of the fragment with chymotrypsin abolished its RNA-binding activity. A conserved sequence with the consensus PDPXRWLPXXER was identified within a 56 amino acid residue RNA-binding domain. Sucrose gradient centrifugation and filter-binding analysis using mutant SRP RNAs showed that SRP72 bound to the moderately conserved portion of SRP RNA helix 5. Nine tetratricopeptide-like repeats (TPRs) poised to interact with other SRP or ribosomal proteins were predicted in the NH2-terminal region. These identifications assign two important functions to a large portion of SRP72 and demonstrate the RNA-binding capacity of the protein.  相似文献   
Current models for the action of the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system propose that substrates bind initially to the TatBC subunits, after which a separate TatA complex is recruited to form an active translocon. Here, we have studied the roles of individual subunits in the assembly and stability of the core TatBC-containing substrate-binding complex. Previous studies have shown that TatB and TatC are active when fused together; we show here that deletion of the entire TatB transmembrane span from this Tat(BC) fusion inactivates the Tat system but does not affect assembly of the core complex. In this mutated complex, TatA is present but more loosely bound, indicating a role for TatB in the correct binding of TatA. In the absence of TatA, the truncated TatBC fusion protein still assembles into a complex of the correct magnitude, demonstrating that the transmembrane spans of TatC are the only determinants within the membrane bilayer that specify assembly of this complex. Further studies on both the Tat(BC) construct and the wild-type TatBC subunits show that the TatBC complex is unstable in the absence of TatA, and we show that TatA stabilises the TatB subunit specifically within this complex. The results demonstrate a dual role and location for TatA: in the functioning/maintenance of the core complex, and as a separate homo-oligomeric complex.  相似文献   
The Tat system transports folded proteins across bacterial plasma and plant thylakoid membranes. To date, three key Tat subunits have been identified and mechanistic studies indicate the presence of two types of complex: a TatBC-containing substrate-binding unit and a separate TatA complex. Here, we used blue-native gel electrophoresis and affinity purification to study the nature of these complexes in Escherichia coli. Analysis of solubilized membrane shows that the bulk of TatB and essentially all of the TatC is found in a single 370kDa TatABC complex. TatABC was purified to homogeneity using an affinity tag on TatC and this complex runs apparently as an identical band. We conclude that this is the primary core complex, predicted to contain six or seven copies of TatBC together with a similar number of TatA subunits. However, the data indicate the presence of an additional form of Tat complex containing TatA and TatB, but not TatC; we speculate that this may be an assembly or disassembly intermediate of the translocator. The vast majority of TatA is found in separate complexes that migrate in blue-native gels as a striking ladder of bands with sizes ranging from under 100 kDa to over 500 kDa. Further analysis shows that the bands differ by an average of 34 kDa, indicating that TatA complexes are built largely, but possibly not exclusively, from modules of three or four TatA molecules. The range and nature of these complexes are similar in a TatC mutant that is totally inactive, indicating that the ladder of bands does not stem from ongoing translocation activity, and we show that purified TatA can self-assemble in vitro to form similar complexes. This spectrum of TatA complexes may provide the flexibility required to generate a translocon capable of transporting substrates of varying sizes across the plasma membrane in a folded state.  相似文献   
Proteins encoding phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domains function as adaptors or scaffolds to organize the signaling complexes involved in wide-ranging physiological processes including neural development, immunity, tissue homeostasis and cell growth. There are more than 200 proteins in eukaryotes and nearly 60 human proteins having PTB domains. Six PTB domain encoded proteins have been found to have mutations that contribute to inherited human diseases including familial stroke, hypercholesteremia, coronary artery disease, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes, demonstrating the importance of PTB scaffold proteins in organizing critical signaling complexes. PTB domains bind both peptides and headgroups of phosphatidylinositides, utilizing two distinct binding motifs to mediate spatial organization and localization within cells. The structure of PTB domains confers specificity for binding peptides having a NPXY motif with differing requirements for phosphorylation of the tyrosine within this recognition sequence. In this review, we use structural, evolutionary and functional analysis to divide PTB domains into three groups represented by phosphotyrosine-dependent Shc-like, phosphotyrosine-dependent IRS-like and phosphotyrosine-independent Dab-like PTBs, with the Dab-like PTB domains representing nearly 75% of proteins encoding PTB domains. In addition, we further define the binding characteristics of the cognate ligands for each group of PTB domains. The signaling complexes organized by PTB domain encoded proteins are largely unknown and represents an important challenge in systems biology for the future.  相似文献   
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