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A comparison of karyotypes ofBrachyscome breviscapis (2n = 8),B. lineariloba cytodemes E (2n = 10), B (2n = 12) and C (2n = 16) suggests that these species have a homoelogous basic set of four chromosome pairs, two large pairs and two small, and that theB. lineariloba cytodemes E, B and C are related toB. breviscapis by successive additions of small chromosomes. A pronounced asynchrony of chromosome condensation between these large and small chromosomes has been observed. In the artificial hybrids betweenB. dichromosomatica (2n = 4) ×B. breviscapis, and theB. lineariloba cytodemes, theB. dichromosomatica chromosomes are similar in size and condensation behaviour to the small chromosomes ofB. breviscapis and ofB. lineariloba cytodemes E, B and C. Meiotic pairing in these hybrids also demonstrates the strong affinities between these chromosomes. It is suggested thatB. breviscapis may be of amphidiploid origin between a species with two large early condensing chromosome pairs and another,B. dichromosomatica-like species with two small late condensing pairs. It seems most likely that the additional small and late condensing chromosomes inB. lineariloba cytodemes E, B and C are derived from theB. dichromosomatica-like parent, and that each addition increases vigour, fecundity and drought tolerance, allowing these cytodemes to colonize more open and arid environments. Transmission of the univalents in the quasidiploidB. lineariloba cytodeme E was verified as being via the pollen, and not via the embryo sacs.The cytology ofBrachyscome lineariloba (Compositae, Asteroidae), 10.  相似文献   
Fast axon activity and the motor pattern in cockroach legs during swimming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Electromyographic recordings were made from muscles that extend the trochanter/femur of each of the six legs of American cockroaches, Periplaneta americana (L.), while the insects swam in water. The recordings showed two novel features. (1) During swimming, muscle activity in different legs was coordinated in the alternating tripod pattern commonly seen during free walking on land, not in the pattern of synchronous leg pairs common to other large terrestrial insects in water. (2) Fast axons were usually recruited along with slow axons, even when the insect swam at a moderate pace. Fast axon activity always started after the middle of the slow axon burst in intact insects, but vanished from most bursts in the stump of the leg after amputation of the femur. The alternating tripod pattern was maintained even after amputation. Possible causes of fast axon recruitment are discussed.  相似文献   
The genome of four Streptomyces ambofaciens strains from different geographical origins (ATCC15154, DSM40697, ETH9247 and ETH 11317) was analysed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The PFGE technique has allowed the study of the extrachromosomal content of these strains and the characterization of their genomic DNA by restriction analyses. Electrophoretic migration of undigested DNA allowed us to detect a 80 kb-length linear molecule with concatemeric forms in S. ambofaciens ATCC15154. These extrachromosomal molecules were shown to be homologous to the circular plasmid pSAM1 (80 kb) suggesting that pSAM1 could exist not only in circular form but also in linear form. In the same way a 45 kb-length linear molecule was detected in S. ambofaciens ETH9427 and ETH11317. In contrast, no extrachromosomal DNA could be detected in S. ambofaciens DSM40697. The analysis of the macrorestriction patterns using the rate-cutting enzymes AseI and DraI indicated a close relationship between the DSM- and ETH- strains. Indeed, three types of restriction patterns were distinguished: while S. ambofaciens ETH9427 and ETH11317 were characterized by the same pattern and share more than 75% of comigrating fragments with the strain DSM40697, S. ambofaciens ATCC15154 exhibited a restriction pattern different from the other three. The total genome sizes of S. ambofaciens ATCC15154, DSM40697, ETH9427 and ETH11317 were estimated to be about 6500, 8000, 8200 and 8200 kb, respectively.  相似文献   
DNA and RNA contents in 20 brain regions or nuclei of the rat were determined by a highly sensitive method using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. The high DNA and RNA contents were found in the hypothalamic nuclei, especially the median eminence-arcuate nucleus. These results may be available for the preparation of nucleic acids as the regional control.  相似文献   
电刺激大鼠下丘脑室旁核(PVH),在同侧中脑中央灰质(CG)内寻找逆行及顺行反应单位,然后观察它们对躯体感觉刺激的反应。实验结果表明:CG 及邻近网状结构内有10%(32/318)的单位呈逆行反应。逆行传导速度平均为0.37±0.24m/s(均数±标准差);推测这种CG→PVH 投射纤维属于细有髓或无髓神经纤维。这些单位分布于 CG 的腹外侧及背外侧亚核。50%(14/28)的逆行单位对坐骨(胫)神经的强电刺激和夹尾等损伤性刺激起反应,但对触毛或低强度的神经干刺激无明显反应。以上结果表明:外周躯体感觉,特别是损伤性信息传入 PVH 时,CG 是其中枢驿站之一。电刺激 PVH 还能顺行激活7.55(24/318)、抑制0.7%(2/318)的 CG 单位。有69%(18/26)的顺行反应单位对外周躯体神经强电刺激及夹尾起反应。提示 PVH 可能通过影响 CG神经元的活动而参与中枢痛觉的整合。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to reproduce and extend an earlier investigation of the effects of human exposure to combined, 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields. This paper presents the neurobehavioral results. Thirty men participated in one training session and four testing sessions. Subjects were randomly assigned to two groups. The 18 subjects in Group I were exposed (9 kV/m, 20 microT) and sham exposed in two counterbalanced orders. In Group II, half of 12 subjects were exposed (9 kV/m, 20 microT) every session, and the remaining half were sham exposed every session. The study was doubly blinded. Measures of cardiac interbeat interval, event-related brain potentials, and performance were obtained before, during, and after exposures. As in the earlier study, exposure to the combined field resulted in a statistically significant slowing of heart rate, in changes in late components of event-related brain potentials, and in decreased errors on a choice reaction-time task. In addition, field effects on several other measures approached statistical significance. The physiological measures obtained during exposure indicated that effects were greatest soon after the field was switched on, and again when it was switched off. The data indicate that changes in exposure level may be more important than duration of exposure for producing effects in human beings.  相似文献   
Hyperthermia has been used in conjunction with radiation and chemotherapy for cancer treatment. When using electromagnetic heating, applicators are critical components in contact with or in proximity to patients and can be the determining factor for effective and safe treatment. Tissue absorption of electromagnetic energy is determined by many factors. Three cases are shown to illustrate the complexity of microwave heating: 1) The BSD MA-151 applicator has good center heating on a muscle-only phantom as shown in the operation manual. When fat slabs of 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2 cm thick were added, two hot spots near the periphery of the applicator were evident on all fat surfaces, exposed at 631 MHz. At 915 MHz, the heating was elongated on the surface of the models with 0.25- and 2-cm fat, and two hot spots were observed on the 0.5- and 1-cm fat surfaces. 2) Heating patterns of the Clini-Therm applicators on a muscle-only phantom, as indicated in the operations guide, are elliptical with their major axes perpendicular to the electric field. However, when a bolus is used, the elliptical pattern is parallel to the E field. 3) Heating patterns in cylindrical structures were studied with inhomogeneous models of limbs. Arm and thigh models consisting of fat, bone, and muscle material were heated with Clini-Therm L, M, and MS applicators at 915 MHz. In addition to the geometric effect, the results indicated that placing the applicators with E field parallel to the long axis of cylindrical structures can minimize required power, produce less heating of fats and reduce stray radiation. In conclusion, to apply penetrating microwave or other RF fields for tissue heating, one must simulate the clinical exposure conditions as closely as possible to obtain useful heating patterns.  相似文献   
Free-living amoebae of the cellular slime mouldDictyostelium discoideum aggregate when starved and give rise to a long and thin multicellular structure, the slug. The slug resembles a metazoan embryo, and as with other embryos it is possible to specify a fate map. In the case ofDictyostelium discoideum the map is especially simple: cells in the anterior fifth of the slug die and form a stalk while the majority of those in the posterior differentiate into spores. The genesis of this anterior-posterior distinction is the subject of our review. In particular, we ask: what are the relative roles of individual pre-aggregative predispositions and post-aggregative position in determining cell fate? We review the literature on the subject and conclude that both factors are important. Variations in nutritional status, or in cell cycle phase at starvation, can bias the probability that an amoeba differentiates into a stalk cell or a spore. On the other hand, isolates, or slug fragments, consisting of only prestalk cells or only prespore cells can regulate so as to result in a normal range of both cell types. We identify three levels of control, each being responsible for guiding patterning in normal development: (i) ‘coin tossing’, whereby a cell autonomously exhibits a preference for developing along either the stalk or the spore pathway with relative probabilities that can be influenced by the environment; (ii) ‘chemical kinetics’, whereby prestalk and prespore cells originate from undifferentiated amoebae on a probabilistic basis but, having originated, interact (e.g. via positive and negative feedbacks), and the interaction influences the possibility of conversion of one cell type into the other; and (iii) ‘positional information’, in which the spatial distribution of morphogens in the slug influences the pathway of differentiation. In the case of possibilities (i) and (ii), sorting out of like cell types leads to the final spatial pattern. In the case of possibility (iii), the pattern arisesin situ  相似文献   
Summary Populations of water snakes (Nerodia sipedon insularum) on islands in western Lake Erie are variable in colour pattern, consisting of unbanded, intermediate, and banded morphs. In contrast, mainland populations (N. s. sipedon) consist solely of banded morphs. Previous investigators hypothesized that natural selection favoured unbanded morphs on exposed island shorelines and banded morphs in overgrown mainland habitats and that gene flow from mainland populations was responsible for the persistence of banded morphs on islands. To clarify the potential role of natural selection, I quantified relative crypsis among morphs and age classes of water snakes by comparing the size of patches making up their colour patterns with the size of patches in island and mainland backgrounds. This analysis reveals that if unbanded morphs are more cryptic than intermediate and banded morphs on islands, it is only in the young-of-the-year age class. For older snakes on islands and for all snakes on the mainland, unbanded morphs are consistently less cryptic than intermediate and banded morphs. Given these results, the net direction of selection in island populations should depend on the intensity of predation on different age classes of snakes. Overall, selection may favour unbanded morphs (e.g. if predation occurs primarily on young-of-the-year), intermediate and banded morphs (e.g. if predation occurs primarily on older snakes), or be weak or absent (e.g. certain combinations of predation on young-of-the-year and older snakes). Using estimates of relative crypsis to guide reanalysis of morph frequency data, I find support for the hypothesis that unbanded morphs are favoured by natural selection in island populations.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Patterns of daily activity of two ectothermic species of the trogid genus Omorgus were studied in the Kalahari of southern Africa in summer. The relationship between time and type of activity, and environmental temperature, relative humidity and light intensity, was investigated.
2. Beetle activity was biphasic, with peaks in activity at sunset and sunrise in both species.
3. Afternoon activity coincided with high temperatures and low humidity and morning activity with minimum daily temperature and maximum humidity.
4. Afternoon activity, which peaked at about 34°C and 25% r.h., consisted predominantly of complex breeding behaviour and dispersal. High temperatures are necessary for these activities.
5. In the morning feeding predominated. At this time temperature was about 27°C and r.h. above 60%. High r.h. is important because it restricts respiratory loss of water, improves food (moist hair and skin keratin) quality and may compensate for faecal water loss.
6. No evidence of competition between the two species was found.  相似文献   
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