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Two species ofConsolida are described as new:C. lorestanica is distributed in W. Iran (Lorestan), andC. kandaharica is endemic to S. Afghanistan.Dedicated to Hofrat Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of this 80th birthday.  相似文献   
Acid -l-fucosidase (EC was obtained from human liver and purified to homogeneity. The enzyme consists of four subunits; each of these has a molecular mass of 50 kDa and bears oneN-linked carbohydrate chain. The structures of these chains were studied at the glycopeptide level by methylation analysis and 500-MHz1H-NMR spectroscopy. Oligomannoside-type chains andN-acetyllactosamine-type chains are present in an approximate ratio of 31. While the oligomannoside-type chains show some heterogeneity in size (Man5–8GlcNAc2), theN-acetyllactosaminetype chains are exclusively bi-(2–6)-sialyl, bi-antennary in their structure.These observations on the carbohydrate moieties of -l-fucosidase substantiate our hypothesis [Overdijket al. (1986) Glycoconjugate J 3:339–50] with respect to the relationship between the oligosaccharide structure of lysosomal enzymes and their residual intracellular activity in I-cell disease. For the series of enzymes examined so far, namely, -N-acetylhexosaminidase, -l-fucosidase and -galactosidase, the relative amount ofN-acetyllactosamine-type carbohydrate increases, while the residual intracellular activity in I-cell disease tissue decreases in this order. The system which is responsible for preferentially retaining hydrolases with (non-phosphorylated) oligomannoside-type chains both in I-cells and in normal cells has yet to be identified.  相似文献   
The activities of -2-l-fucosyltransferase and -3-l-fucosyltransferase were measured in human platelets and leucocytes from normal donors, -2-l-Fucosyltransferase was found in platelets but not in leucocytes. In contrast -3-l-fucosyltransferase was not detected in platelets but was present in leucocytes where it was demonstrated in the neutrophil, monocyte and lymphocyte fractions.  相似文献   
Asynchronous and synchronized cultures of A549 and HTC cells were used to detect possible, cell cycle or cell density specific variations in the intracellular pools of dinucleoside tetraphosphates (Ap4X). No important variations of the nucleotide pools were observed during cell growth. When HTC cells were released from mitotic arrest, a decrease by a factor of N3 Ap4X and ATP levels was observed when the cells entered the G1 phase. This decrease is essentially due to cell doubling. When A549 cells were released from an arrest at the G1/S boundary, the nucleotide pool size increased slightly during the G2 phase just before mitosis. This result is in agreement with both earlier data from our laboratory and the observed decrease in Ap4X pool after release from mitotic-arrested HTC cells. These results suggest that the Ap4X and ATP pools are only subjected to very small variations during the cell cycle, essentially in the G2 phase and after mitosis.  相似文献   
The G antigen is one of the erythrocyte membrane Rh antigens. The amount of Rh antigen present on the red blood cell is about 10(-15) g and radioactive labeling of membrane proteins is a useful method for its identification and characterization. In this paper, we compare 4 labeling techniques. Using a human monoclonal anti-Rh(G) antibody and an immunofixation technique, we located the G antigen on a polypeptide of an average molecular weight of 28,000 Da.  相似文献   
Heterokaryons (hets), but not monokaryons of Candida albicans die when grown anaerobically on minimal medium. Their rates of inactivation increase with decreases in growth temperatures from 37°C to 25°C. At 10°C, however, anaerobiosis is not lethal and suppresses the inactivation which normally occurs among hets cultured aerobically at that temperature. Killing of hets by anaerobiosis can be altered significantly by certain exogenously provided amino acids or intermediates of oxidative respiration. Aspartic acid alone promotes inactivation whereas alanine, glutamic acid or lysine individually have no effects. However, glutamate and lysine combined afford slight protection against inactivation while aspartate and glutamate combined, with or without lysine, are highly protective: the activity of the aspartate-glutamate combination is completely negated by the addition of alanine. Other common amino acids have no effects on het responses to anaerobiosis other than the ability, when combined, to relieve the antagonism of alanine for the aspartate-glutamate combination. Anaerobic survivals are also enhanced by oxalacetic acid or -ketoglutaric acid, and even more so by a combination of these two intermediates. The resistances to inactivation elicited by the oxalacetate -ketoglutarate or aspartate-glutamate combinations are not additive. These relationships are interpreted to signify that inactivation of hets by anaerobic growth is largely, if not exclusively, due to depletion of their oxalacetic acid and -ketoglutaric acid contents for amino acid biosyntheses, and the unique inability of het cells to replenish those keto acids upon subsequent return to aerobic conditions. The observations are consistent with previous indications that mitochondria formed by hets are functionally abnormal.  相似文献   
Molecular cloning of cDNA for human prostatic acid phosphatase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A human liver cDNA library in λgt11 was screened with polyclonal antiserum to human acid phosphatase isoenzyme 2a/4. About eleven positive clones have been obtained. Two clones, λ Hap21 and λ Hap22 were further characterized: clone λHap21 contained a 0.8-kb cDNA insert and clone λHap22 a 1.8–2.0-kb insert. XbaI digestion of λHap22 generated two fragments of 1.0 and 0.9 kb. BglII digestion resulted in a 1.2-kb fragment and several smaller fragments of undetermined size. Clone 1 Hap22 contained all the genes carried by λ gt11(lac 5cI857nin 5Sam 100) and the 2-kb insert. An Escherichia coli(λHap22) lysogen was generated, and its acid phosphatase activity was approximately ten-fold higher than that in the control nonlysogenic lysate. Western-blot analysis of total proteins present in this E. coli(λHap22) lysate revealed that the non-induced λHap22 prophage directed the synthesis of an approx. 175-kDa protein. This protein was recognized by antibody to the human acid phosphatase isoenzyme 2a/4 and anti-β-galactosidase and was produced only upon induction with IPTG. These results indicated that AHap22 carried a major portion of the gene coding for the human acid phosphatase isoenzyme 2a and/or 4 and this protein fragment of acid phosphatase was sufficient to manifest enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
The changes of dominance rank among female Japanese monkeys of the Koshima group over a period of 29 years from 1957 were studied. The dominance rank order was relatively stable in the early population growing phase, while large scale-changes of dominance rank order occurred successively in the phase of population decrease brought about by the severe control of artificial feeding after 1972. Nevertheless, the rank order of several females of the highest status was stable. Furthermore, the reproductive success of these highest status females was high (Mori, 1979a;Watanabe et al., in prep.). Divergence of the dominance rank order fromKawamura's rules (Kawamura, 1958) was observed in the following respects: (1) Some females significantly elevated their rank depending on the leader males. (2) If mothers died when their daughters were still juveniles or nulliparous, the dominance rank of some of these offspring females was significantly lower than the mother's one. However 55% of daughters which lost their mothers at a young age inherited the mother's rank. (3) Dominance among sisters whose mother had died when at least one of the daughters was under 6 years old followed the rule of youngest ascendancy in 60% (Kawamura, 1958), and in 80% when both of the daughters were nulliparous at the mother's death. The mean rate of aggressive interactions for each female with subordinates to her was calculated by dividing the total aggressive interactions between the female in question and her subordinates by the number of subordinate females to the female in question. A female which showed a high rate of aggressive interactions with her subordinates was categorized as an “Attacker”, and a female showing a lower rate was categorized as a “Non-attacker”. Similarly, categories of “Attacked”, and “Non-attacked” were distinguished by using the rate of aggressive interactions with dominant females. Several females which were once categorized in one category in a year were repeatedly categorized in the same category over different years. The “Attacked” tended to be females of higher rank, and “Non-attackers” tended to be females of lower rank. “The second-higher-status females”, were “Attacked”, and their rank was unstable. In particular, females of lower rank within the lineage of the highest rank suffered this kind of severe status. Most of the daughters of these females showed a sharp drop of rank, and died when they were still at a young age, i.e. “the second-higher-status females” displayed low fitness. “Non-attackers” were significantly “Non-attacked”; i.e. they were females which showed a non-social attitude. Females which underwent a drop of rank tended to be “Non-attackers”. The most important factor which determined the females' rank was the memory of their dominance relations under the influence of their mother [dependent rank (Kawai, 1958)] in their early life during development. This finding corresponds well with the results in baboons obtained byWalter (1980); the target females of aggressive interactions by adolescent females were determined by the rank of the mothers when these adolescent females were born.  相似文献   
Summary Fusion of leaf protoplasts from an inbred line of Brassica oleracea ssp. botrytis (cauliflower, n=9) carrying the Ogura (R1) male sterile cytoplasm with hypocotyl protoplasts of B. campestris ssp. oleifera (cv Candle, n=10) carrying an atrazine-resistant (ATR) cytoplasm resulted in the production of synthetic B. napus (n=19). Thirty-four somatic hybrids were produced; they were characterized for morphology, phosphoglucose isomerase isoenzymes, ribosomal DNA hybridization patterns, chromosome numbers, and organelle composition. All somatic hybrids carried atrazine-resistant chloroplasts derived from B. campestris. The mitochondrial genomes in 19 hybrids were examined by restriction endonuclease and Southern blot analyses. Twelve of the 19 hybrids contained mitochondria showing novel DNA restriction patterns; of these 12 hybrids, 5 were male sterile and 7 were male fertile. The remaining hybrids contained mitochondrial DNA that was identical to that of the ATR parent and all were male fertile.  相似文献   
Summary With the idea to develop a selection system for asymmetric somatic hybrids between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and black mustard (B. nigra), the marker gene hygromycin resistance was introduced in this last species by protoplast transformation with the disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58 pGV 3850 HPT. The B. nigra lines used for transformation had been previously selected for resistance to two important rape pathogens (Phoma lingam, Plasmodiophora brassicae). Asymmetric somatic hybrids were obtained through fusion of X-ray irradiated (mitotically inactivated) B. nigra protoplasts from transformed lines as donor with intact protoplasts of B. napus, using the hygromycin resistance as selection marker for fusion products. The somatic hybrids hitherto obtained expressed both hygromycin phosphotransferase and nopaline synthase genes. Previous experience with other plant species had demonstrated that besides the T-DNA, other genes of the donor genome can be co-transferred. In this way, the produced hybrids constitute a valuable material for studying the possibility to transfer agronomically relevant characters — in our case, diseases resistances — through asymmetric protoplast fusion.  相似文献   
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