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The Iranian species in the Chrysis pulchella and C. varidens species groups are investigated. Six species are recognized, two of which are described for the first time: Chrysis gamberoonensis Farhad, Rosa and Talebi sp. nov. and Chrysis brunneamarginata Farhad, Rosa and Talebi sp. nov.. Chrysis gamberoonensis Farhad, Rosa and Talebi sp. nov. belongs to the C. pulchella group and is recognizable within this species group by its unique blue body coloration, scattered mesosoma punctures, polished pit row with elongated pits, and a small median tooth on the lateral edge of metasomal tergum 3. Chrysis brunneamarginata Farhad, Rosa and Talebi sp. nov. belongs to the C. varidens group and is recognizable by the usually colorless apical rim of metasomal tergum 3, and the unique shape of the anterior corners of the scutellum which are enlarged, thickened and directed backward covering the axillary trough. Dichotomous keys and distributional data for Iranian species included in these species groups are provided. Chrysis schwarzi Linsenmaier, 1968 is raised to species rank. The number of Iranian Chrysis species and subspecies is raised to 122.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F419F860-3B90-4679-9A19-2CF5C255AE6B  相似文献   
The susceptibility of sorghum to the shoot fly Atherigona soccata Rondani, (Diptera: Muscidae) is affected by seedling age and is highest when seedlings are 8–12 days old. This corresponds with high moisture accumulation on the central leaf which is the path of newly hatched larva as it moves downwards from the oviposition site, towards the growing apex. Studies showed that leaf surface wetness (LSW) of the central shoot leaf was higher in 10-day old seedlings than in seedlings of other ages. Similarly, LSW was much higher in the susceptible sorghum genotype CSH 1 than in the resistant genotype IS 2146. Larvae moved faster towards the growing point and produced deadhearts much earlier in CSH 1 than in IS 2146. They also moved faster in 10-day old seedlings than in seedlings of other ages. It was also shown that the leaf surface wetness of the central shoot leaf is a more reliable parameter of resistance than the glossy leaf trait or trichome density.
L'influence de la humidité de la surface foliaire sur le comportement de la mouche des pousses du sorgho
Résumé La sensibilité du sorgho à la mouche des pousses du sorgho, Atherigona soccata Rondani, est liée à l'âge de la plantule. Elle est plus forte lorsque la plantule est âgée de 8 à 12 jours et la sensibilité est maximale à 10 jours. A ce stade de croissance on observe une forte accumulation d'humidité sur la feuille centrale de la tige. Les jeunes larves traversent cette zone humide lorsqu'elles descendent vers la zone de croissance à partir des pontes déposées sur la face ventrale des feuilles déroulées.Des études ont été menées à l'ICRISAT (Inde) sur la relation entre l'humidité de la feuille centrale de la tige des plantules du sorgho et les dégâts provoqués par la mouche des pousses. L'humidité de la surface des feuilles (HSF) a été estimée grâce à une échelle visuelle graduée 1 à 5 où, 1 = pas d'humidité apparente et 5 = surface de la feuille recouverte de gouttes d'eau. La HSF est plus élevée sur des pousses de sorgho âgées de 10 j que sur les pousses appartenant à d'autres classes d'âge. Les valeurs observées sont également plus fortes pour les variétés non résistantes à ce ravageur (CSH 1,4.8) que pour les variétés résistantes (IS 2146, (2)). La vitesse du déplacement larvaire entre le cornet et la zone de la croissance varie en fonction de l'âge de la plante et des cultivars. Les larves migrent plus rapidement vers la zone de croissance et provoquent la mort du coeur du sorgho plus tôt dans la variété CSH 1 que dans IS 2146. Les larves se déplacent plus rapidement dans les pousses âgées de 10 j que dans les pousses appartenant à d'autres classes d'âge.Des études ont également démontré que la HSF n'est pas directement liée au caractère feuille lisse où à la densité des trichomes. La HSF est faible pour les génotypes résistants présentent où non le caractère feuille lisse. Par contre la HSF est élevée pour les génotypes non résistants présentant le caractère feuille lisse ou non. Aucune relation directe entre la densité des trichomes et les dégâts provoqués par la mouche des pousses n'a pu être mise en évidence. L'analyse des correlations établie pour les caractères de surface des feuilles avec la mort du cur des sorghos indique que les correlations sont faibles et non-significatives pour le caractère feuille lisse (0.49) et la densité des trichomes (0.39 et 0.2). Par contre les correlations sont fortes et significatives pour la HSF (0.82).On conclue que la HSF de la feuille centrale de la tige est un facteur important dans le déterminisme de la résistance du sorgho vis à vis de la mouche des pousses. Les relations entre les processus physiologiques de la plante et les facteurs impliquées dans l'accumulation d'eau sur la surface des feuilles font actuellement l'objet d'études détaillées.
This study was conducted to identify environmental and human health risks caused by Balarood Dam, in construction phrase. The first step, all risk-generating factors were identified using a Delphi Questionnaire. Afterwards, the identified criteria were prioritized once using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and then by the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Due to the complex and uncertain nature of decision-making in times of risk, it was necessary to use more than one weighting method to ensure accuracy of weights. The results from AHP and TOPSIS revealed a mismatch in priorities; therefore, an integration method was presented blending Mean-Rank, Borda, and Copeland methods. According to the TOPSIS results, factors including cut and fill, explosion, and transportation, were first to third highest-priority risk-generating factors, respectively. Considering the results from the AHP method, factors cut and fill, drilling, and explosion were identified as first to third top-priority risk-generating factors, respectively. The results obtained from the integration method suggested that cut and fill, explosion, and drilling are the most important environmental risks at construction phase. As a general conclusion, different weighting methods can lead to different results by which the fate of a decision may be changed and it is essential to control final scores by applying more than one weighting method.  相似文献   
目的:研究血管紧张Ⅱ(AngⅡ)对家兔心率变异(HRV)影响的机制。方法:分别给家兔静脉输注生理盐水,AngⅡ,溴化六烃季胺(HEXB),HEXB+AngⅡ检测安静状态下连续5 min的心电图并进行HRV的时域和频域分析。结果:血管紧张素Ⅱ组的时域指标SDNN和RMSSD较对照组明显降低,频域指标低频(LF)升高,而高频(HF)和总功率(TP)明显降低;HEXB+AngⅡ组与HEXB组相比无明显区别。结论:交感神经阻断剂HEXB不能影响AngⅡ的作用,AngⅡ主要通过抑制中枢自主神经的传出,降低迷走神经张力来降低HRV。  相似文献   
This paper reports on three species of mites of the genus Laelaspis in Iran - Laelaspis calidus Berlese from Pheidole pallidula, Laelaspis humeratus (Berlese) from Tetramorium caespitum and Laelaspis dariusi Joharchi & Jalaeian, sp. n. fromsoil. The new species is described and illustrations provided.  相似文献   
The functions of type II diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) δ and -η in the brain are still unclear. As a first step, we investigated the spatial and temporal expression of DGKδ and -η in the brains of mice. DGKδ2, but not DGKδ1, was highly expressed in layers II–VI of the cerebral cortex; CA–CA3 regions and dentate gyrus of hippocampus; mitral cell, glomerular and granule cell layers of the olfactory bulb; and the granule cell layer in the cerebellum in 1- to 32-week-old mice. DGKδ2 was expressed just after birth, and its expression levels dramatically increased from weeks 1 to 4. A substantial amount of DGKη (η1/η2) was detected in layers II–VI of the cerebral cortex, CA1 and CA2 regions and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, mitral cell and glomerular layers of the olfactory bulb, and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum of 1- to 32-week-old mice. DGKη2 expression reached maximum levels at P5 and decreased by 4 weeks, whereas DGKη1 increased over the same time frame. These results indicate that the expression patterns of DGK isozymes differ from each other and also from other isozymes, and this suggests that DGKδ and -η play distinct and specific roles in the brain.  相似文献   
1. Generalist herbivores feed on a wide and diverse set of species, but fine‐scale foraging patterns may be affected by the interplay between the quality, quantity and spatial distribution of host plants. 2. The foraging patterns of a prevalent Neotropical herbivore, the leaf‐cutter ant Atta laevigata, in the Brazilian Cerrado savannas were examined in order to determine if patterns observed are in concert with central‐place foraging predictions. 3. The results showed that A. laevigata acts as a polyphagous but highly selective herbivore, with ant attacks often resulting in partial defoliation of less‐preferred species and full defoliation of preferred ones. It was found, for the first time, that there is a strong and positive relationship between the relative attack frequency on plants from preferred species and foraging distance to the nest. This suggests a balance between the quality of plant resources harvested and costs involved in their transportation. It was also observed that colonies focused their harvest on preferred species in months with low availability of young leaves. Consequently, high herbivory rate was more frequent in plants attacked far away from the nest and in dry months. 4. These assessments highlight the fact that Atta colonies may become more selective as foraging distance to the nest increases and in response to fluctuations in the availability of palatable resources throughout the year. The results also show some dissimilarities in the foraging behaviours of A. laevigata when compared with other locations, suggesting that widely distributed herbivores may modify foraging strategies across their geographic range.  相似文献   
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