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In order to study the influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) on the development of root rot infection, tomato plants were raised with or withoutGlomus mosseae and/orPhytophthora nicotianae var.parasitica in a sand culture system. All plants were fed with a nutrient solution containing one of two phosphorus (P) levels, 32µM (I P) or 96µM (II P), to test the consequence of enhanced P nutrition by the AM fungus on disease dynamics. Mycorrhizal plants had a similar development to that of control plants. Treatment withPhytophthora nicotianae var.parasitica resulted in a visible reduction in plant weight and in a widespread root necrosis in plants without mycorrhiza. The presence of the AM fungus decreased both weight reduction and root necrosis. The percentage reduction of adventitious root necrosis and of necrotic root apices ranged between 63 and 89% The enhancement of P nutrition increased plant development, but did not appreciably decrease disease spread. In our system, mycorrhiza increased plant resistance toP. nicotianae var.parasitica infection. Although a contribution of P nutrition by mycorrhiza cannot be excluded, other mechanisms appear to play a crucial role.  相似文献   
The influence exerted by Pseudomonas fluorescens, strain 63-28R, in stimulating plant defense reactions was investigated using an in-vitro system in which Ri T-DNA-transformed pea (Pisum sativum L.) roots were subsequently infected with Pythium ultimum. Cytological investigations of samples from P. fluorescens-inoculated roots revealed that the bacteria multiplied abundantly at the root surface and colonized a small number of epidermal and cortical cells. Penetration of the epidermis occurred through the openings made by the disruption of the fibrillar network at the junction of adjacent epidermal cell walls. Direct cell wall penetration was never observed and bacterial ingress into the root tissues proceeded via an intercellular route. Striking differences in the extent of fungal colonization were observed between bacterized and non-bacterized pea roots following inoculation with P. ultimum. In non-bacterized roots, the pathogen multiplied abundantly through most of the tissues while in bacterized roots, pathogen growth was restricted to the epidermis and the outer cortex. At the root surface, the bacteria interacted with the pathogen, in a way similar to that observed in dual culture tests. Most Pythium cells were severely damaged but fungal penetration by the bacteria was never observed. Droplets of the amorphous material formed upon interaction between the bacteria and the host root were frequently found at the fungal cell surface. Incubation of sections with a -1,4-exoglucanase-gold complex revealed that the cell wall of markedly altered Pythium hyphae was structurally preserved. Successful penetration of the root epidermis was achieved by the few hyphae of P. ultimum that could escape the first defensive line in the rhizosphere. Most hyphae of the pathogen that penetrated the epidermis exhibited considerable changes. The unusual occurrence of polymorphic wall appositions along the host epidermal cells was an indication that the host plant was signalled to defend itself through the elaboration of physical barriers.Abbreviations AGL Aplysia gonad lectin - PGPR plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria The authors wish to thank Sylvain Noël for excellent technical assistance. This study was supported by grants from the Fonds Québécois pour la formation de chercheurs et l'Aide à la Recherche (FCAR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Ministère de l'Industrie, du Commerce, de la Science et de la Technologie (SYNERGIE).  相似文献   
Trichogramma ostriniae has been identified as a candidate for biological control ofOstrinia nubilalis. As little was known about the biology of this parasitoid when reared onO. nubilalis, we undertook experiments to quantify biological parameters important to mass-rearing and ase ofT. ostriniae. When reared continuously onO. nubilalis, femaleT. ostriniae on average lived 2.7 days and produced 24 progeny. Continuous access to honey resulted in a four-fold increase in longevity and fecundity and a significant increase in the percentage of females parasitizing eggs. Rates of fecundity and parasitism decreased with age of female. Likewise, emergence rates and percentage of female progeny decreased with age of parental female.T. ostriniae successfully parasitizedO. nubilalis eggs until the blackhead stage. Most parasitism of eggs and eclosion of adults occurred during the first half of photophase. Eggs of 13 Lepidopterans were parasitized byT. ostriniae. Eggs of the Noctuidae, Pyralidae, and Plutellidae experienced higher levels of parasitism than others tested.T. ostriniae appears to be similar to other species ofTrichogramma in several respects and does not possess any characteristics that limit its potential for mass rearing and use for augmentative biological control ofO. nubilalis.  相似文献   
棉铃虫致病菌BT—931菌株的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1992-1993年,作者从菏泽、聊城棉田采集的自然罹病死亡棉铃虫幼虫体内,分离到2个较高毒效的Bt菌株,编号为BT—931和BT—021,经室内毒力测定和田间药效试验表明,防效及保蕾效果接近或超过化学农药,菌药混剂3—5天平均防治效果达87.0-91.6%,增效作用显著。经1994年大田防治示范表明,利用BT—931菌剂。配合化学农药防治棉铃虫,具有成本低、保护天敌、持效期长、增产效益高等优点。本研究对菌剂的田间应用技术进行了试验示范。  相似文献   
The potato tuber moth (PTM),Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), is a major pest of processing tomatoes,Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (Solanaceae), in Israel. The larvae penetrate the tomato fruit through the stem end and present a serious threat to crop quality. Foliage and fruit samples were taken in nine commercial tomato fields located in Israel's three main tomato growing areas, two of which are potato growing areas as well. PTM was not found where potatoes were absent. Potato harvest in nearby fields was found to be the most significant factor affecting seasonal trends in PTM population density in tomatoes. All four larval instars were found in foliage on all sampling dates. Significantly higher proportions of first instars were found during the population density increase which followed potato harvest. Damaged fruits did not contain first instar larvae, indicating that PTM never undergoes complete development within tomato fruit. Fruit damage levels at harvest were positively correlated to the peak mean population densities on foliage and the date they were observed. In tomato fields not adjacent to potatoes, infestation was first observed at the edge of the field. Both before and after the potato harvest in nearby fields, population density at the edge of the field was significantly higher than at the center. In tomato fields adjacent to potatoes, no significant differences were found between population densities at the edge and center before the potatoes were harvested. After the potato harvest, population density at the center of tomato fields was higher than at the edge. Deceased, October 1988  相似文献   
After considering the need for quality control in NAA, the concept of quality in NAA procedures themselves is discussed, and some important factors identified. Two approaches to improve quality are then described in more detail. The first concerns the unique ability of NAA using different isotopic reactions and different modes (INAA/RNAA) to provide independent data sets in the same laboratory, thus allowing internal validation or crosschecking. The second discusses the need for chemical yield measurements in RNAA and the advantages of the radioisotopic tracer technique. Some recent advances and further possibilities for this use of tracers are listed.  相似文献   
Zoophthora radicans Brefeld was tested for control of Plutella xylostella L. in a caged‐field trial. No infection was seen in control cages, but between 36% and 68% of larvae in live samples, and 38% and 55% of larvae at the final harvest, were infected in inoculated cages, suggesting the biological control potential of this fungus.  相似文献   
The control of Spodoptera littoralis sex pheromone biosynthesis has been investigated with synthetic pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) and different labeled tracers using an in vitro isolated gland system. Responsiveness of the glands to PBAN stimulation was impaired by careless tissue manipulation. The fact that PBAN is active in the isolated gland system suggests that this might be a target organ for this peptide in S. littoralis. As reported previously with Br-SOG extracts and intact females, label incorporation into the pheromone increased in glands treated with PBAN from all the precursors tested. However, the formation of labeled intermediates from d5E11–14:Acid also occurred in glands incubated in the absence of the peptide, but the amounts of d5Z9, E11–14:Acid were lower in PBAN treated glands than in controls. These results indicate that PBAN controls pheromone biosynthesis in S. littoralis by regulating the reduction of acyl moieties. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Natural aggregates of Baby Hamster Kidney cells were grown in stirred vessels operated as repeated-batch cultures during more than 600 hours. Different protocols were applied to passaging different fractions of the initial culture: single cells, large size distributed aggregates and large aggregates. When single cells or aggregates with the same size distribution found in culture are used as inoculum, it is possible to maintain semi-continuous cultures during more than 600 hours while keeping cell growth and viability. These results suggest that aggregate culture in large scale might be feasible, since a small scale culture can easily be used as inoculum for larger vessels without noticeable modification of the aggregate chacteristics. However, when only the large aggregates are used as inoculum, it was shown that much lower cell concentrations are obtained, cell viability in aggregates dropping to less than 60%. Under this selection procedure, aggregates maintain a constant size, larger than under batch experiments, up to approximately 400 hours; after this time, aggregate size increases to almost twice the size expected from batch cultures.  相似文献   
Barley heat shock proteins have been cloned, characterized by hybrid release translation and sequenced. Clones coding for proteins of 17, 18, 30, 32 and 70 kDa have been obtained. Out of these the 32 and 30 kDa proteins have been characterized as precursors to plastidic proteins of 26 kDa by posttranslational transport and by cDNA sequencing. The coding regions of these two transcribed genes are highly homologous. Accumulation of the plastid HSP as well as of HSP 70 as well as their corresponding mRNAs has been studied in 2- to 6-day old seedlings and in the 7-day old barley leaf. The mRNA for all investigated proteins were only found after a heat shock; the mRNA levels increase towards the tip of the leaf and with development. Furthermore, under the conditions used the mRNAs for all investigated heat shock proteins accumulate in parallel. Unexpectedly, both proteins, HSP 70 and HSP 26, are found by western blotting in the 2-day old control plants in the absence of any inducing heat shock. At later stages of development and in the leaf gradient only immunoreactivity with HSP 70 was observed. In contrast to the levels of their mRNAs the highest levels of HSP 30–26 and 70 have been observed in the basal segments indicating that translational control plays a role during HSP expression. Under severe heat shock a protein of 30 kDa is induced whose identity is not known but which reacts with the antibody to HSP 30–26 and might represent the accumulating precursors of the plastidic proteins.  相似文献   
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