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Summary A one-step vital stain is described for the macroscopic visualization of histotypic cell aggregates in fetal rat lung organotypic cultures. Organotypic cultures are incubated in 0.05-0.1% 2,3,5′-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) in culture medium (37°C). Living cells reduce the tetrazole to a water-insoluble red colored formazan. Cell aggregates appear as densely stained foci against the lighter background of the Gelfoam substrate. Stained cultures may be scanned macroscopically to determine the degree of reaggregation and assess cell viability. Identification of aggregates by TTC staining improves the efficiency of tissue processing for electron microscopy and does not alter the ultrastructural appearance of the cultured cells. This work was funded in part by the United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation, Inc. and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Grants 1ROHL19513 and 1 R01HL21008).  相似文献   
Summary A new calculation of the relative efficiency of polymorphic enzyme markers, called the REB, was determined and compared with one of Fisher's determinations of the relative efficiency called REA here. The REA estimates the chance of failing, and 1-REA of succeeding, to show a phenotypic difference between two randomly selected persons or cultured cell lines (Case 1). In this study it was shown that the REA also estimates the chance of detecting a cell line mislabeling or similar mixup (Case 2) and a cell line cross-contamination leading to the complete replacement of an original line by contaminating line (Case 3). The new REB determines the probability of failing, and 1-REB of succeeding, to detect a contamination of an original line by another line leading to their coexistence, or at least a sufficiently long period of transitional coexistence before one overgrows the other. The REA and REB also apply to determining the efficiency of polymorphic markers in detecting donor and recipient cells in tissue transplants. This work was developed from the author's involvement in the human tumor cell-line characterization project at Sloan-Kettering Institute and he acknowledges this opportunity and the benefits of his association with Dr. J?rgen Fogh and colleagues in the Human Tumor Cell Laboratory.  相似文献   
Asynchronous 9L cells were separated into relatively homogeneously-sized populations using centrifugal elutriation with both a conventional collection method and a long collection method. A substantial increase in the homogeneity of the volume distributions and in the degree of synchrony of the separated fractions was obtained using the long collection method. Autoradiographic data indicated that fractions containing ≥97% G1 cells, ≥80% S cells, and 70–75% G2 cells could be routinely recovered with this procedure. Recovery in these fractions varied from 5 to 8% of the total number of cells elutriated. The colony forming efficiency (CFE) of cells from fractions representing each phase of the cell cycle was a constant 60–70%, which was comparable to the 60–80% usually found for asynchronous 9L cells. The percentage of cells in the G1, S, and G2 phases in the elutriated fractions was more accurately determined from the volume distribution than from computer fits of the DNA histogram obtained from flow cytometry. In general, the degree of synchrony was related to the coefficient of variation (CV) of the volume distributions of the elutriated fractions. The CV was about 14% for all elutriated fractions. When the ≥97% G1 population was allowed to progress to S and G2, the CVs were about 17 and 20.2%, respectively. Thus, the best nonperturbing method for obtaining synchronous 9L cells in the S or G2 phases was direct elutriation with the long collection method.  相似文献   
Effects of chronic administration of somatostatin on rat exocrine pancreas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the effects of somatostatin on synthesis of pancreatic DNA, RNA and protein and on pancreatic weight and contents of DNA, protein, amylase and chymotrypsinogen in rats. In short term synthesis studies, rats were injected with 100 micrograms . kg-1 somatostatin or 0.15 M NaCl (control) at times 0, 8 and 16 h. Eight rats from each treatment group were killed 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 h after beginning treatment. Incorporation rates in vivo of [3H]thymidine into DNA, [3H]uridine into RNA and [14C]phenylalanine into total protein were significantly depressed by somatostatin. In long term studies, four groups of 12 rats were injected every 8 h for 5 days with 0.15 M NaCl or 11, 33 or 100 micrograms . kg-1 somatostatin. Body weight was unaffected but pancreatic contents of DNA, protein and enzymes were significantly decreased by somatostatin. Administration of somatostatin inhibits DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in exocrine pancreas with resulting decreases in DNA and enzyme contents.  相似文献   
RNA-primed discontinuous DNA synthesis was studied in an in vitro system consisting of washed nuclei from synchronized S-phase HeLa cells. A new technique proved useful for the purification of short nascent fragments of DNA (Okazaki fragments). Mercurated dCTP was substituted for dCTP in the DNA synthesis reaction. Short nascent pieces (4–6 S) of mercurated DNA were found to bind preferentially to sulfhydryl-agarose, and could be eluted with mercaptoethanol. The isolated fragments were assayed for the presence of covalently linked RNA by the spleen exonuclease method described by Kurosawa et al. (Kurosawa, Y., Ogawa, T., Hirose, S., Okazaki, T. and Okazaki, R. (1975) J. Mol. Biol. 96, 653–664). Following a 30 s incubation with [3H]TTP in the absence of added ribonucleotides, approximately 20% of the nascent strands synthesized in washed nuclear preparations had RNA attached. These RNA primers either preexisted in the nuclei or were formed from endogenous ribonucleotides. The 5′ ends of the primers appeared to be largely in a phosphorylated state. In the absence of added ribonucleotides, these RNA-DNA linkages disappeared within 2 min, whereas if ribonucleotides were added, the number of RNA primers increased to 40% and remained at this level for greater than 2 min. To obtain maximal levels of RNA primer, the addition of all three of the ribonucleotides, rCTP, rGTP and rUTP (0.1 mM), as well as high levels of rATP (5 mM) was required. Addition of ribonucleotides also markedly enhanced the amount of nascent DNA fragments synthesized. However, in the absence of added ribonucleotides, after RNA primers had disappeared, nascent DNA fragments were still initiated at a significant rate. These results suggest that RNA primers play an important role in the initiation of Okazaki fragments but that synthesis can also be initiated by alternative mechanisms. An important role for ATP in RNA primer synthesis is suggested.  相似文献   
Bombesin production by human small cell carcinoma of the lung   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A series of continuous cell lines of human small cell carcinoma of the lung (SCCL) have been evaluated for the production of bombesin (BN). In early established cultures BN was detected in the medium of 9 out of 11 cell lines and in 6 out of 7 cell homogenates examined. Levels in the medium were frequently higher in cultures of later passages compared to earlier passages of the same line and low levels developed in the two previously negative cell lines. Plasma concentrations were greater than 80 pmol/l in 2 out of 27 (7%) randomly selected patients with SCCL. A culture (DMS 406) established from the tumor of a patient with the highest plasma level (1240 pmol/l) was the highest producer in vitro. The results indicate that BN, which has been demonstrated immunocytochemically to be present in normal bronchial mucosal cells, is frequently produced by SCCL in vitro but elevated plasma levels are infrequently found in patients with this neoplasm.  相似文献   
Bumetanide is a potent diuretic drug which has some structural features in common with furosemide. The steady-state exchange of K+ and Cl? was investigated in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells treated with bumetanide. This agent did not alter the cellular content of K+ or Cl? but the self-exchange of both ions was depressed. K+ self-exchange was inhibited by 55% at bumetanide concentrations as low as 10?6 M. Cl? self-exchange was less sensitive to this drug but at low concentrations (between 10?6 and 10?3 M) bumetanide was a more effective inhibitor of Cl? transfer than furosemide. The steady-state K+ flux of cells equilibrated in NO3? media was compared with the K+ flux in cells treated with 10?4 or 10?3 M bumetanide; the Cl? -sensitive K+ exchange was equivalent to the bumetanide-sensitive K+ exchange. Since the results suggested that a bumetanide-sensitive (Cl?, K+) cotransport could be operative in steady-state cells, the stoichiometry of the bumetanide-sensitive fluxes was determined by measuring Cl? and K+ fluxes simultaneously in the same cell suspension. At 5 · 10?4 and 10?3 M bumetanide concentrations, the ratio of these fluxes was 0.98 ? 0.07 (S.E.) and 1.04 ? 0.06, respectively, consistent with the postulated cotransport mechanism. At 10?4 and 10?5 M, however, the ratio of the bumetanide-sensitive Cl?/K+ flux was significantly less than 1.0. Since the magnitude of the bumetanide-sensitive K+ flux at 10?4 M was close to that of the Cl?-sensitive flux, a ratio of less than 1.0 at this drug level indicates that Cl? sensitivity and drug sensitivity may not reflect inhibition of the same process under all circumstances.  相似文献   
Rat hepatoma cells accumulate considerably less 2-aminoisobutyrate after cultivating in the absence of serum the change in rate of aminoisobutyrate uptake takes place within 1 h of serum starvation. Starvation of amino acids by contrast raises aminoisobutyrate uptake in the presence or absence of serum, but the cells are much less responsive to amino acid supply than to availability of serum. Phosphate (10 mM) reduced aminoisobutyrate uptake by cells grown in serum to that exhibited by serum-starved cells. Aminoisobutyrate uptake by cells grown in serum was reduced by glycine, proline, alanine, serine, glutamine, methylaminoisobutyrate and 2-aminonorbornane-2-carboxylate, the effects of methylaminoisobutyrate and 2-aminonorbornane-2-carboxylate being additive. However, similar inhibition phenomena were not seen for cells deprived of serum where aminoisobutyrate uptake tended to a relatively constant level insensitive to inhibitory influences, yet substantially greater than that arising by simple diffusion. The comparative insensitivity of our hepatoma line when starved of serum to competition and repression phenomena is in contrast to findings of others. Our results also suggest a lack of clear delineation of specificities for the A and L transport systems as usually defined.  相似文献   
External ATP causes passive permeability change in several transformed cells, but not in untransformed cells. We studied the effect of external ATP on the passive permeability of CHO-K1 cells, a transformed clone of Chinese hamster ovary cells. Treatment of the cells with external ATP alone did not produce a permeability change, and this was observed only when a mitochondrial inhibitor, such as rotenone or oligomycin, was present together with ATP. These inhibitors reduced the concentration of intracellular ATP and a permeability change by external ATP was observed when intracellular ATP was decreased more than 70%. This requirement for permeability change of CHO-K1 cells was quite unique, since passive permeability change of other transformed cells so far tested was induced by ATP alone. Treatment of CHO-K1 cells with cyclic AMP analogues increased their sensitivity to external ATP about 2-fold. The roles of external and intracellular ATP in controlling passive permeability are discussed.  相似文献   
Studies with the light microscope were carried out on mesophyll cell protoplasts of Avena sativa which had been made to undergo fusion by reversible electrical breakdown of the cell membrane. In order to establish close membrane contact between the cells, an important prerequisite for fusion, a method known as dielectrophoresis was used. In an inhomogeneous alternating electrical field the protoplasts adhere to the electrodes and to each other in the direction of the field lines. The cells which were thus brought into close contact with each other could be made to fuse by the application of a field pulse of high amplitude (about 750 V/cm) and short duration (20–50 μs). The field strength required for fusion exceeds the value necessary for the electrical breakdown of the cell membrane. Fusion took place within some minutes and led to a high yield of fused protoplasts. The fusion of cells being in the electric field occured in a synchronous manner. In some of the fusion experiments part of the protoplasts of A. sativa were stained with neutral red. When these cells were fused with unstained protoplasts, the vacuoles from the different cells within the fused aggregate could be shown to remain separate for quite some time.  相似文献   
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