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SYNOPSIS Triplet conjugants of Paramecium caudatum which appeared naturally in mating mixtures and those of Paramecium multimicronucleatum which were produced by conjugation-inducing chemicals were isolated. Triplet conjugants lasting for more than 3 h were stained to examine macronuclear events. In P. caudatum , only 2 triplets among 182 (1%) contained macronuclear fragmentation in all 3 members. The most frequently occurring triplets (79%) were those producing 1 cell without and 2 cells with macronuclear fragments. There were also triplets (17%) producing 1 cell with, and 2 without macronuclear fragments, and some (3%) with 3 cells that contained no fragments. The length of persistence of the triplet was not responsible for the occurrence of macronuclear fragmentation in the 3rd cell of the triplet. In P. multimicronucleatum , the same 4 classes of triplets occurred, but the most frequently occurring class was that consisting of 3 cells (91%) with macronuclear fragments. Induction of nearly 100% of triplets with 3 such cells was possible by isolating the triplets' from a culture which was treated chemically at about 24 h after the last feeding. Treatment with chemicals in starved cultures resulted in triplets with incompletely fragmented or nonfragmented macronuclei. Further, in P. multimicronucleatum , chemicallyinduced triplets involving only holdfast pairs to which the 3rd cells were uniting often produced 3 cells with fragmented macronuclei.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of 4 species of the calcareous, siphonaceous alga Halimeda (H. cylindracea Decaisne, H. discoidea Decaisne, H. macroloba Decaisne and H. tuna (Ellis & Solander) Lamour) has been studied, and the observed changes during growth and development are related to changes in the degree of calcification. A distinct gradient in the types and quantities of cell organelles exists in a growing apical filament. As these filaments grow, branch, and eventually develop into a mature segment, changes in the organization of organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts are observed. Calcification begins when the chloroplasts reach structural maturity and when the peripheral utricles adhere (fuse). This adhesion of the peripheral utricles isolates the intercellular space (ICS) in which calcification occurs from the external seawater. Calcification begins in the outermost (pilose) cell wall layer of the walls facing into the ICS. The cell walls at the thallus exterior undergo extensive changes after utricular fusion; the pilose layer is lost, the cuticles of adjacent utricles fuse forming a ridge at their junction, and multiple cuticles are formed. The aragonite (CaCO3) crystals which are initially precipitated within the pilose wall layer, rapidly increase in size and number, eventually filling much of the ICS. Only the initial nucleation of aragonite is associated with the pilose wall layer, the later precipitation of aragonite is totally independent of the pilose layer. In older segments secondary deposition of CaCO3 also occurs around existing aragonite needles.  相似文献   
The effect of cell size on growth rates and some cellular contents of Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii Cleve has been measured at 0 and 10 C. At 0 C the growth rate did not vary with cell size. The 2 smallest clones at this temperature had reduced growth rates because of the induction of sexuality in that size range. The clones grown at 10 C showed a significant negative relationship between growth rate and valve diameter with the cell surface area/volume ratio positively related to growth rate. At both temperatures the smaller cells had proportionately more carbon and nitrogen/unit cell volume. The amount of chlorophyll a and silica/unit cell surface area increased with increasing cell surface area at both 0 and 10 C. Both the C/N and C/chl a ratios showed no significant change with cell size at either temperature but there was a significant increase in the C/chl a ratio at 0 C. The C/Si ratio decreased with increasing cell size at both 0 and 10 C.  相似文献   
Band 3, the erythrocyte membrane protein thought to be responsible for anion transport, was purified to near homogeneity using a Concanavalin A affinity column. Band 3 was then combined with egg lecithin, erythrocyte lipid, cholesterol, and glycophorin, the major erythrocyte sialoglycoprotein, to form vesicles capable of rapid sulfate transport. The transport activity was sensitive to prior treatment of the erythrocytes with pyridoxal phosphate-NaBH4, a potent inhibitor of anion transport in these cells.  相似文献   
-Glucuronidase (GUS) has become an important enzyme model for the genetic study of molecular disease, enzyme realization, and therapy, and for the biogenesis and function of the lysosome and lysosomal enzymes. The genetics of human -glucuronidase was investigated utilizing 188 primary man-mouse and man-Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids segregating human chromosomes. Cell hybrids were derived from 16 different fusion experiments involving cells from ten different and unrelated individuals and six different rodent cell lines. The genetic relationship of GUS to 28 enzyme markers representing 19 linkage groups was determined, and chromosome studies on selected cell hybrids were performed. The evidence indicates that the -glucuronidase gene is assigned to chromosome 7 in man. Comparative linkage data in man and mouse indicate that the structural gene GUS is located in a region on chromosome 7 that has remained conserved during evolution. Involvement of other chromosomes whose genes may be important in the final expression of GUS was not observed. A tetrameric structure of human -glucuronidase was demonstrated by the formation of three heteropolymers migrating between the human and mouse molecular forms in chromosome 7 positive cell hybrids. Linkage of GUS to other lysosomal enzyme genes was investigated. -Hexosaminidase HEX B) was assigned to chromosome 5; acid phosphatase2 (ACP 2) and esterase A4 (ES-A 4) were assigned to chromosome 11; HEX A was not linked to GUS; and -galactosidase (-GAL) was localized on the X chromosome. These assignments are consistent with previous reports. Evidence was not obtained for a cluster of lysosomal enzyme structural genes. In demonstrating that GUS was not assigned to chromosome 9 utilizing an X/9 translocation segregating in cell hybrids, the gene coding for human adenylate kinase1 was confirmed to be located on chromosome 9.Supported by NIH Grants HD 05196, GM 20454, and GM 06321, by NSF Grant BMS 73-07072, and by HEW Maternal and Child Health Service, Project 417.  相似文献   
The precision and accuracy of the Kerley and Ahlqvist-Damsten microscopic methods of age determination are compared. Both methods were applied to the same sample of 40 femoral thin sections of documented age at death. The results indicate that (1) both methods can be used with equal precision, as suggested by comparable observer errors; and (2) the Kerley method produces overall more accurate age estimates. The low previously published standard error of the Ahlqvist-Damsten method (6.71 years) apparently results from the uneven age distribution and small size (20) of their sample.  相似文献   
A detailed ultrastructure study was made of cell division and colony development in Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg. At the onset of cell division and prior to nuclear division the nucleus moved from the cell center to the cell surface. During nuclear division the nuclear membrane remained intact, except for openings occurring at the nuclear poles. The spindle microtubules appeared to arise from a MTOC-like (microtubule organizing centers) structure, while centrioles were absent from the nuclear poles. Following telophase, daughter nuclei formed which were separated by several distinct bands of endoplasmic reticulum. Cytokinesis occurred with formation of a cleavage furrow, associated with a typical phycoplast band of microtubules. However, cytokinesis was incomplete, resulting in formation of cytoplasmic bridges between the plakeal cells. Upon completion of up to five successive cell divisions, the plakea underwent inversion, which appeared to involve the production of colonial envelope material and rearrangement of cytoplasmic bridges. A new hypothesis concerning inversion is postulated based on these observations.  相似文献   
Summary A simple method for making detailed measurements of seedling root systems is described. Photocopies of root systems are traced over by an operator using a digitizing system attached to a microcomputer. The computer calculates and prints the lengths of axis, laterals and sublaterals for each root system. Accurate measurements can be achieved with a degree of speed and detail unobtainable by other methods.  相似文献   
Summary Heat of dilution ofHalobacterium halobium was measured when thick pastes of the bacteria, harvested throughout a complete growth cycle, were lysed by mixing with 40 times their volume of water in a microcalorimeter. A series of comparative measurements was made with pastes of bacteria previously disrupted by freezing and thawing but otherwise identical to the pastes of whole bacteria. The frozen-thawed pastes gave endothermic values some 18% greater than those obtained with intact bacteria; the difference was highly significant. Evidence was obtained that the mechanical component of bursting did not contribute to the difference between whole and lysed bacteria. On the other hand, when a correction was applied for heat of mixing of intracellular salts with extracellular NaCl, such as occurs when the bacteria lyse, the difference between whole and disrupted organisms was largely eliminated from exponential phase halobacteria but not from those harvested in stationary phase. It is concluded that there is no evidence, as reflected in heat of dilution, of abnormal solution properties of the cytosol of young halobacteria, which are rich in potassium. On the other hand, and paradoxically, some doubt remains about stationary phase organisms whose cytosol has a much higher Na+ content (and Na/K+ ratio) than the cytosol of exponential phase bacteria.  相似文献   
A new cell culture microcarrier that can be covalently bonded by cell attachment proteins and can be thin-sectioned for electron microscopy was synthesized. It was easily made by sulfonating cross-linked polystyrene beads for a negative surface charge followed by covalent attachment of polyethylenimine for a positive charge. Cell attachment proteins, e.g. collagen, was covalently bonded directly to the microcarrier using a carbodiimide or after activating the microcarrier surface with glutaraldehyde. HeLa-S3 cells attached, spread and grew to confluence more efficiently on the positive microcarriers and those coated with collagen than on the negative ones. Endothelial cells grew best on those with a negative surface charge. The nature of the microcarrier surface was not the only aspect involved in cell adhesion but also the type of serum proteins adsorbed. Qualitatively different proteins coated the microcarriers depending upon whether the carrier was negative, positive or coated with collagen. Comparison of various types of available microcarriers indicated that the modified cross-linked polystyrene beads used here were best for transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Endothelial cells grown on the microcarriers had the same ultrastructure as cells grown in monolayers in culture dishes. Of a variety of microcarriers tested the modified cross-linked polystyrene beads were the only ones that could be used for both ultrastructural and biochemical techniques.  相似文献   
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