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To simulate the effects of forest tent caterpillar (FTC) defoliation on trembling aspen growth and mortality, an artificial defoliation experiment was performed over three years in young aspen stands of northwestern Quebec. Defoliation plots of 15 × 15 m were established on three sites, together with associated control stands of pure trembling aspen. In 2007, root collar diameters were measured and positions of all trees were mapped prior defoliation. Severe FTC defoliation was simulated for three successive years (2007–2009) by manually removing all leaves from all but 7–10% of the trees present in the defoliation plots. Yearly surveys of growth and mortality were conducted until 2010 to evaluate defoliation effects on defoliated as well as surrounding undefoliated trees. In absence of other factors, growth and mortality of trembling aspen decreased and increased, respectively, after defoliation. Our study further revealed that small diameter trees died after one year of artificial defoliation, while larger-diameter trees died after repeated defoliations. Distributions of tree mortality tended to be aggregated at small scales (<5 m), corroborating gap patterns observed in mature stands following FTC outbreaks. This experiment revealed that trembling aspen mortality can be directly attributed solely to defoliation. Repeated defoliations during FTC outbreaks have the potential to profoundly modify stand productivity and structure by reducing tree growth and increasing tree mortality in the absence of predisposing factors.  相似文献   
It is shown that pyrrolizidine alkaloids are phagostimulants for the caterpillars of two polyphagous arctiid caterpillars, Estigmene acrea and Grammia geneura. The caterpillars will also eat dry glass‐fibre discs containing only pyrrolizidine alkaloid ? an example of pharmacophagy. The tip‐recording technique is used to demonstrate that each species has a neurone in the medial galeal styloconic taste sensillum responding to pyrrolizidine alkaloids, although the species differ in their sensitivities. This neurone responds to at least four different pyrrolizidine alkaloids and their N‐oxides, and experiments indicate that it is dedicated to perception of these compounds. The sensory response is phasic–tonic and during the tonic phase remains unchanged for at least 500 ms, resembling the type of response often seen in neurones that are sensitive to plant secondary compounds producing deterrent effects.  相似文献   
Elevated levels of CO2 and O3 affect plant growth and phytochemistry, which in turn can alter physiological performance of associated herbivores. Little is known, however, about how generalist insect herbivores respond behaviorally to CO2‐ and O3‐mediated changes in their host plants. This research examined the effects of elevated CO2 and O3 levels on host plant preferences and consumption of forest tent caterpillar (FTC, Malacosoma disstria Hbn.) larvae. Dual choice feeding assays were performed with foliage from birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx., genotypes 216 and 259). Trees were grown at the Aspen Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) facility near Rhinelander, WI, USA, and had been exposed to ambient or elevated concentrations of CO2 and/or O3. Levels of nutritional and secondary compounds were quantified through phytochemical analyses. The results showed that elevated O3 levels increased FTC larval preferences for birch compared with aspen, whereas elevated CO2 levels had the opposite effect. In assays with the two aspen genotypes, addition of both CO2 and O3 caused a shift in feeding preferences from genotype 259 to genotype 216. Consumption was unaffected by experimental treatments in assays comparing aspen and birch, but were increased for larvae given high O3 foliage in the aspen genotype assays. Elevated levels of CO2 and O3 altered tree phytochemistry, but did not explain shifts in feeding preferences. The results demonstrate that increased levels of CO2 and O3 can alter insect host plant preferences both between and within tree species. Also, consequences of altered host quality (e.g., compensatory consumption) may be buffered by partial host shifts in situations when alternative plant species are available. Environmentally induced changes in host plant preferences may have the potential to alter the distribution of herbivory across plant genotypes and species, as well as competitive interactions among them.  相似文献   
Oral administration of root extracts of a medicinal plant, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) to last instar larvae of a polyphagous pest, Spodoptera litura resulted into abnormal morphogenesis and the effects comprised mortality, delay in larval-pupal and pupal-adult ecdysis, ecdysial stasis, formation of larval-pupal and pupal-adult intermediates, reduced pupation and formation of abnormal pupae, complete suppression of normal adult emergence and formation of adultoids. These effects are similar to those produced by the administration of JHAs and may be due to interference with the normal hormonal mechanism of moulting and metamorphosis.  相似文献   
A new strain of the parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum, was collected in Rio Verde County, State of Goiás, Central Brazil, and designated as T. pretiosum RV. This strain was then found to be the most effective one among several different strains of T. pretiosum tested in a parasitoid selection assay. Therefore, its biological characteristics and thermal requirements were studied, aiming at allowing its multiplication under controlled environmental conditions in the laboratory. The parasitoid was reared on eggs of Pseudoplusia includens and Anticarsia gemmatalis at different constant temperatures within an 18–32 °C temperature range. The number of annual generations of the parasitoid was also estimated at those temperatures. Results have shown that T. pretiosum RV developmental time, from egg to adult, was influenced by all temperatures tested within the range, varying from 6.8 to 20.3 days and 6.0 to 17.0 days on eggs of P. includens and A. gemmatalis, respectively. The emergence of T. pretiosum RV from eggs of A. gemmatalis was higher than 94% at all temperatures tested. When this variable was evaluated on eggs of P. includens, however, the figures were higher than that within the 18–30 °C range (more than 98%), and were also statistically higher than the emergence observed at 32 °C (90.2%). The sex ratio of the parasitoids emerged from eggs of A. gemmatalis decreased from 0.55 to 0.29 at 18–32 °C, respectively. However, for those emerged from eggs of P. includens, the sex ratio was similar (0.73, 0.72 and 0.71) at 20, 28 and 32 °C, respectively. The lower temperature threshold (Tb) and thermal constant (K) were 10.65 °C and 151.25 degree-days when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of P. includens; and 11.64 °C and 127.60 degree-days when reared on eggs of A. gemmatalis. The number of generations per month increased from 1.45 to 4.23 and from 1.49 to 4.79 when the parasitoid was reared on eggs of P. includens and A. gemmatalis, respectively, following the increases in the temperature.  相似文献   
In this investigation, the anterior and posterior regions of the midgut of resistant (RL) and non-resistant (SL) Anticarsia gemmatalis larvae were analyzed morphometrically to characterize different regions along their length. Also, this investigation compares the results between SL and RL to improve the understanding of the resistance mechanisms to the virus. Histological sections were analyzed in a computerized system and the data were statistically analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test and by multivariate analysis. The midguts are morphometrically different in the two larval populations; we observed higher values in RL. The morphometric analysis of the epithelial cells showed that only columnar and goblet cells were distinct along the midgut, in both larvae, with the higher values found in the anterior region. Comparing the results between the two larval populations, all the epithelial cells presented significant differences, with RL showing the higher morphometric values. We concluded that there are regional differences along the length of midgut in SL and RL that confirm the idea of two morpho-functional distinct regions. The consistently morphometric superior values in RL indicate that this variability can be related with the resistance of A. gemmatalis to its AgMNPV.  相似文献   
Residents are more likely to win territorial disputes than intruders. One explanation for this prior resident advantage is that residents place a higher value on the resource and are therefore more motivated to win. Although value asymmetry models of animal contests often assume that contestants use information about resource value, information on the proximate cues affecting territorial behaviour is often lacking. We use a simple model system – territorial behaviour in the masked birch caterpillar (Drepana arcuata) to identify factors that affect territorial behaviour. Late instar caterpillars occupy solitary silken leaf shelters, which they defend against wandering conspecifics with a vibratory display. We evaluated how a caterpillar identifies itself as the owner and the factors that influence a resident's motivation to signal. To do so, we conducted three experiments between size‐matched residents and intruders to assess how residency duration and shelter quality independently affected territorial displays during the early stages of a contest. Experiment 1 (Time Exp.) demonstrated that resident signalling rates increase with increased duration on the leaf prior to introducing the intruder. Residents also signal more than intruders after residency periods of 1–3 min and longer, demonstrating that residents gather information about resource value shortly after occupying a leaf. Experiment 2 (Squatter Exp.) aimed to disentangle the effects of time on the leaf and silk accumulation. Squatters (individuals in a shelter made by another) placed for 1–3 min on a leaf containing a full silk shelter signalled more to intruders than did caterpillars placed on a fresh leaf for 1–3 min. Experiment 3 (Shelter Removal Exp.) showed that residents whose shelters had been removed signal less than those occupying an intact shelter, despite an equal length of time investing in them. Our experiment is the first to covary both prior residency duration and territory quality, and we find that the motivation of caterpillars to signal is a function of both of these attributes.  相似文献   
Two laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the possible coevolution of cabbage loopers (Trichoplusia ni) and their S nucleopolyhedrovirus (TnSNPV). At the conclusion of Experiments 1 and 2, T. ni had respectively evolved 4.4 × and 22 × resistance to TnSNPV. The higher level of resistance achieved in Experiment 2 could be due to marginally stronger selection, possibly greater genetic variability in larval resistance to TnSNPV, or both. However, the evolution of resistance was not accompanied by an increased virulence of TnSNPV or a change in the restriction profile of the viral DNA when digested with BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII, PstI, SalI, SstI or XhoI. Little genetic variability for virulence in the initial TnSNPV stocks, low mutation rates and possibly weak selection on the virus are some factors that may have constrained the evolution of TnSNPV. We discuss our results in light of the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution and their implications for the use of TnSNPV as a biological control agent against T. ni. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The hoopoe (Upupa epops L.) is an insectivorousbird often preying on larvae and pupae of the pineprocessionary caterpillar (Thaumetopoeapityocampa Denis & Schiffermüller), the mostimportant defoliator of pines in Southern Europe andNorthern Africa. The first half of the breeding seasonof this migratory bird coincides with the pupal stageof the insect. Bird predation of pupae was quantifiedin two years in a Pinus nigra stand of northernItaly by periodic counting of the empty cocoons lefton the soil surface after extraction. The predationrate, estimated on 20 pupation sites representing thewhole stand, was 74.1% in 1993 and 68.3% in 1994.Predation was higher in the upper part of the soil andthen progressively decreased with increasing depth.The hoopoe may also prey on cocoons containing pupaeinfected by pathogenic fungi or parasitoids. Anexclosure experiment showed that the bird mayinterfere with these other mortality factors. Threepupal parasitoids, the ichneumonids Erigorgusfemorator Aubert and Coelichneumon rudis (Boyerde Fonscolombe) and the pteromalid Conomoriumpityocampae Graham, were significantly less frequentin the exposed sites. The fungus Beauveriabassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and the most abundantpupal parasitoid, Villa brunnea Becker (Diptera:Bombyliidae), caused the highest pupal mortality atboth protected and exposed sites. The bird seems to bean incompletely additive mortality factor acting onthe pest and it can also alter the relativemortalities imposed by the other natural enemies.  相似文献   
Leschenaultia exul (Townsend) and Patelloa pachypyga (Aldrich & Webber) (Diptera: Tachinidae) are the principal larval parasitoids of the forest tent caterpillar (FTC) Malacosoma disstria (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) in Canada. The response of these two fly species to M. disstria differs depending on the tree species on which the host feeds. In wind tunnel experiments, L. exul spent more time on the side of the tunnel containing volatiles from FTC frass and was attracted to the FTC-aspen poplar (Populus tremuloides Michx.) complex preferentially to the FTC-balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.) complex. Field bioassays confirmed that this fly species was preferentially attracted to the herbivore-aspen poplar complex as compared to the herbivore-balsam poplar complex. In field bioassays, P. pachypyga was also attracted preferentially to aspen poplar trees containing FTC larvae, compared to balsam poplar trees with host larvae.  相似文献   
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