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The free energy profiles for the chemical reaction of the guanosine triphosphate hydrolysis GTP + H2O → GDP + Pi by Ras‐GAP for the wild‐type and G13V mutated Ras were computed by using molecular dynamics protocols with the QM(ab initio)/MM potentials. The results are consistent with the recent measurements of reaction kinetics in Ras‐GAP showing about two‐order reduction of the rate constant upon G13V mutation in Ras: the computed activation barrier on the free energy profile is increased by 3 kcal/mol upon the G13V replacement. The major reason for a higher energy barrier is a shift of the “arginine finger” (R789 from GAP) from the favorable position in the active site. The results of simulations provide support for the mechanism of the reference reaction according to which the Q61 side chain directly participates in chemical transformations at the proton transfer stage. Proteins 2015; 83:1046–1053. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Catalytic activities of neutral and charged palladium (Pd) nanoparticles are compared for hydrogen reduction half-reaction. In this work the sequential H2 dissociation from the surface of a Pd13H24 cluster is systematically studied by ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) at the density functional theory level. AIMD simulation is launched by preparing initial values of momenta of all nuclei in the model corresponding to a temperature range of 0–1700 K. AIMD simulation provides the trajectories of all the atoms in the cluster. A sequential H2 desorption up to seven molecules is observed from the cluster surface due to thermal motion of nuclei. Modifications of total charge on the neutral Pd13H24 cluster model are found to affect surface H2 desorption behaviour. A desorption rate of H2 molecule on both neutral and charged Pd13H24 clusters is compared to the data of Pt13H24 cluster reported previously. The H2 desorption energy on all the investigated clusters is also determined. The results reveal that Pd13 cluster presents a higher catalytic activity than Pt13 cluster.  相似文献   
Enzyme active site residues are often highly conserved, indicating a significant role in function. In this study we quantitate the functional contribution for all conserved molecular interactions occurring within a Michaelis complex for mannitol 2-dehydrogenase derived from Pseudomonas fluorescens (pfMDH). Through systematic mutagenesis of active site residues, we reveal that the molecular interactions in pfMDH mediated by highly conserved residues not directly involved in reaction chemistry can be as important to catalysis as those directly involved in the reaction chemistry. This quantitative analysis of the molecular interactions within the pfMDH active site provides direct insight into the functional role of each molecular interaction, several of which were unexpected based on canonical sequence conservation and structural analyses.  相似文献   
HisA is a (βα)8 barrel enzyme that catalyzes the Amadori rearrangement of N′-[(5′-phosphoribosyl)formimino]-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (ProFAR) to N′-((5′-phosphoribulosyl) formimino)-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-ribonucleotide (PRFAR) in the histidine biosynthesis pathway, and it is a paradigm for the study of enzyme evolution. Still, its exact catalytic mechanism has remained unclear. Here, we present crystal structures of wild type Salmonella enterica HisA (SeHisA) in its apo-state and of mutants D7N and D7N/D176A in complex with two different conformations of the labile substrate ProFAR, which was structurally visualized for the first time. Site-directed mutagenesis and kinetics demonstrated that Asp-7 acts as the catalytic base, and Asp-176 acts as the catalytic acid. The SeHisA structures with ProFAR display two different states of the long loops on the catalytic face of the structure and demonstrate that initial binding of ProFAR to the active site is independent of loop interactions. When the long loops enclose the substrate, ProFAR adopts an extended conformation where its non-reacting half is in a product-like conformation. This change is associated with shifts in a hydrogen bond network including His-47, Asp-129, Thr-171, and Ser-202, all shown to be functionally important. The closed conformation structure is highly similar to the bifunctional HisA homologue PriA in complex with PRFAR, thus proving that structure and mechanism are conserved between HisA and PriA. This study clarifies the mechanistic cycle of HisA and provides a striking example of how an enzyme and its substrate can undergo coordinated conformational changes before catalysis.  相似文献   
To further our aim of synthesizing aldehyde-tagged proteins for research and biotechnology applications, we developed methods for recombinant production of aerobic formylglycine-generating enzyme (FGE) in good yield. We then optimized the FGE biocatalytic reaction conditions for conversion of cysteine to formylglycine in aldehyde tags on intact monoclonal antibodies. During the development of these conditions, we discovered that pretreating FGE with copper(II) is required for high turnover rates and yields. After further investigation, we confirmed that both aerobic prokaryotic (Streptomyces coelicolor) and eukaryotic (Homo sapiens) FGEs contain a copper cofactor. The complete kinetic parameters for both forms of FGE are described, along with a proposed mechanism for FGE catalysis that accounts for the copper-dependent activity.  相似文献   
纳米金属材料具有纳米晶强化效应、光吸收率大、较高的表面能和单磁畴性能等优点,因其在医药、化学催化、抗菌抑毒等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用而受到人们广泛关注.近年来,随着全球石化资源消耗与曰俱增,环境污染加剧,基于可再生资源的生物基分子介导纳米材料的制备研究方兴未艾.生物基分子是指直接或间接来源于生物质的小分子或大分子物质...  相似文献   
The active site of heme catalases is buried deep inside a structurally highly conserved homotetramer. Channels leading to the active site have been identified as potential routes for substrate flow and product release, although evidence in support of this model is limited. To investigate further the role of protein structure and molecular channels in catalysis, the crystal structures of four active site variants of catalase HPII from Escherichia coli (His128Ala, His128Asn, Asn201Ala, and Asn201His) have been determined at approximately 2.0-A resolution. The solvent organization shows major rearrangements with respect to native HPII, not only in the vicinity of the replaced residues but also in the main molecular channel leading to the heme distal pocket. In the two inactive His128 variants, continuous chains of hydrogen bonded water molecules extend from the molecular surface to the heme distal pocket filling the main channel. The differences in continuity of solvent molecules between the native and variant structures illustrate how sensitive the solvent matrix is to subtle changes in structure. It is hypothesized that the slightly larger H(2)O(2) passing through the channel of the native enzyme will promote the formation of a continuous chain of solvent and peroxide. The structure of the His128Asn variant complexed with hydrogen peroxide has also been determined at 2.3-A resolution, revealing the existence of hydrogen peroxide binding sites both in the heme distal pocket and in the main channel. Unexpectedly, the largest changes in protein structure resulting from peroxide binding are clustered on the heme proximal side and mainly involve residues in only two subunits, leading to a departure from the 222-point group symmetry of the native enzyme. An active role for channels in the selective flow of substrates through the catalase molecule is proposed as an integral feature of the catalytic mechanism. The Asn201His variant of HPII was found to contain unoxidized heme b in combination with the proximal side His-Tyr bond suggesting that the mechanistic pathways of the two reactions can be uncoupled.  相似文献   
Insulin‐regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP or oxytocinase) is a membrane‐bound zinc‐metallopeptidase that cleaves neuroactive peptides in the brain and produces memory enhancing effects when inhibited. We have determined the crystal structure of human IRAP revealing a closed, four domain arrangement with a large, mostly buried cavity abutting the active site. The structure reveals that the GAMEN exopeptidase loop adopts a very different conformation from other aminopeptidases, thus explaining IRAP's unique specificity for cyclic peptides such as oxytocin and vasopressin. Computational docking of a series of IRAP‐specific cognitive enhancers into the crystal structure provides a molecular basis for their structure–activity relationships and demonstrates that the structure will be a powerful tool in the development of new classes of cognitive enhancers for treating a variety of memory disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   
Edema factor (EF), a key anthrax exotoxin, has an anthrax protective antigen-binding domain (PABD) and a calmodulin (CaM)-activated adenylyl cyclase domain. Here, we report the crystal structures of CaM-bound EF, revealing the architecture of EF PABD. CaM has N- and C-terminal domains and each domain can bind two calcium ions. Calcium binding induces the conformational change of CaM from closed to open. Structures of the EF-CaM complex show how EF locks the N-terminal domain of CaM into a closed conformation regardless of its calcium-loading state. This represents a mechanism of how CaM effector alters the calcium affinity of CaM and uncouples the conformational change of CaM from calcium loading. Furthermore, structures of EF-CaM complexed with nucleotides show that EF uses two-metal-ion catalysis, a prevalent mechanism in DNA and RNA polymerases. A histidine (H351) further facilitates the catalysis of EF by activating a water to deprotonate 3'OH of ATP. Mammalian adenylyl cyclases share no structural similarity with EF and they also use two-metal-ion catalysis, suggesting the catalytic mechanism-driven convergent evolution of two structurally diverse adenylyl cyclases.  相似文献   
Real acidic mine-water drainage was seeded with Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans to catalyse the removal of iron contained therein. The addition of At. ferrooxidans increased metal precipitation kinetics and decreased the water iron content by ~70%. Supplementing non-sterile mine water with a bacterial growth medium accelerated metal removal by indigenous micro-organisms both at the 500 ml shake-flask and 5 l bioreactor scale.  相似文献   
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