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Dumpling squid, Euprymna tasmanica, show consistent individual differences in behaviour that can be classified according to indices reflecting shy-bold, activity and reactivity responses. Using crosses of wild-caught single males to multiple females with known behavioural phenotypes, this study estimated patterns of additive genetic and residual variance in these behavioural traits from offspring of squid in two contexts, a threat (antipredator) and feeding (foraging) test. Genetic contributions to behavioural expression were dependent on test context. Behaviours in antipredator contexts had significant heritabilities (h(2) = 0.2-0.8) while behaviours from foraging contexts had lesser additive genetic and greater residual components (h(2) = 0.05-0.08). Personality trait variation in females was not related to her fecundity. Female boldness in foraging situations, which co-varied with body size, explained small but significant variation ( approximately 21%) in brood hatching success, while successful fertilization was determined by positive assortion of mate pairs according to their shy-bold phenotype. These results are discussed in terms of the ecological and evolutionary significance of animal "personality" traits in wild populations of animals.  相似文献   
Interspecific symbiotic relationships involve a complex network of interactions, and understanding their outcome requires quantification of the costs and benefits to both partners. We experimentally investigated the costs and benefits in the relationship between European bitterling fish (Rhodeus sericeus) and freshwater mussels that are used by R. sericeus for oviposition. This relationship has hitherto been thought mutualistic, on the premise that R. sericeus use mussels as foster parents of their embryos while mussels use R. sericeus as hosts for their larvae. We demonstrate that R. sericeus is a parasite of European mussels, because it (i) avoids the cost of infection by mussel larvae and (ii) imposes a direct cost on mussels. Our experiments also indicate a potential coevolutionary arms race between bitterling fishes and their mussel hosts; the outcome of this relationship may differ between Asia, the centre of distribution of bitterling fishes, and Europe where they have recently invaded.  相似文献   
Altitudinal changes in traits and genetic markers can complement the studies on latitudinal patterns and provide evidence of natural selection because of climatic factors. In Drosophila melanogaster, latitudinal variation is well known but altitudinal patterns have rarely been investigated. Here, we examine five traits and five genetic markers on chromosome 3R in D. melanogaster collected at high and low altitudes from five latitudes along the eastern coast of Australia. Significant altitudinal differentiation was observed for cold tolerance, development time, ovariole number in unmated females, and the microsatellite marker DMU25686. Differences tended to match latitudinal patterns, in that trait values at high altitudes were also found at high latitudes, suggesting that factors linked to temperature are likely selective agents. Cold tolerance was closely associated with average temperature and other climatic factors, but no significant associations were detected for the other traits. Genes around DMU25686 represent good candidates for climatic adaptation.  相似文献   
Boerner  M.; Kruger  O. 《Behavioral ecology》2009,20(1):180-185
Genetic plumage polymorphism in birds is increasingly recognizedas a potentially important trait influencing birds’ lifehistories. In the common buzzard Buteo buteo, the 3 color morphsvary in lifetime reproductive success (LRS), but the proximatemechanisms leading to these differences are unknown. We firstconfirmed the stability of the fitness differences found previously,using a greatly extended LRS data set. To find potential causesfor these differences, we experimentally studied variation inaggressive behavior of the morphs, both against an interspecificpredator and intraspecific competitors. The morphs showed substantialvariation in aggressive behavior. Light-colored males were mostaggressive toward an interspecific predator, followed by intermediateand dark males. In females, this pattern was reversed, resultingin sex-related differences of aggression in 2 morphs. When defendingtheir territory against intraspecific competitors, no absolutedifference in aggression was found, but the morphs reacted strongesttoward intruders of a morph similar to their own. This suggeststhat aggression differs both between and within morphs, leadingto a complex pattern on the population level. Coupled with thestrong fitness differences, our results suggest that the geneticbasis of the polymorphism has far-reaching behavioral consequences.  相似文献   
Successful pest management is often hindered by the inherent complexity of the interactions of a pest with its environment. The use of genetically characterized model plants can allow investigation of chosen aspects of these interactions by limiting the number of variables during experimentation. However, it is important to study the generic nature of these model systems if the data generated are to be assessed in a wider context, for instance, with those systems of commercial significance. This study assesses the suitability of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (Brassicaceae) as a model host plant to investigate plant–herbivore–natural enemy interactions, with Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), the diamondback moth, and Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of P. xylostella. The growth and development of P. xylostella and C. plutellae on an A. thaliana host plant (Columbia type) were compared to that on Brassica rapa var. pekinensis (L.) (Brassicaceae), a host crop that is widely cultivated and also commonly used as a laboratory host for P. xylostella rearing. The second part of the study investigated the potential effect of the different A. thaliana background lines, Columbia and Landsberg (used in wider scientific studies), on growth and development of P. xylostella and C. plutellae. Plutella xylostella life history parameters were found generally to be similar between the host plants investigated. However, C. plutellae were more affected by the differences in host plant. Fewer adult parasitoids resulted from development on A. thaliana compared to B. rapa, and those that did emerge were significantly smaller. Adult male C. plutellae developing on Columbia were also significantly smaller than those on Landsberg A. thaliana.  相似文献   
Brown recently proposed that the "good genes" that females pursuewhen choosing mates may be individual heterozygosity becausemore heterozygous mates sire offspring with higher fitness.Further, because heterozygosity might enhance developmentalstability, males with more heterozygosity are recognized bythe reduced fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of their bilaterallypaired traits. We used a point sample of 67 male red-winged blackbirds(Agelaius phoeniceus) to test two predictions of this hypothesis:(1) males with more heterozygosity have higher fitness, and(2) males with more heterozygosity have lower FA. We identified7 polymorphic loci from an initial screening of 16 enzymes;32 individuals were completely homozygous, and 35 individualswere heterozygous at at least 1 locus. Larger and older malesrealized higher mating success in this population, but neither sizenor age was related to heterozygosity. Heterozygous males werenot in better condition than homozygous males, nor were theyless infected by hematozoa, lice, or mites. Among 1-year oldmales, epaulet length did not differ between homozygotes andheterozygotes, but among older males, heterozygotes did havelonger epaulets. Homozygotes and heterozygotes did not differin their mean FA scores for nine individual characters. Althoughthe two groups of males did differ in composite FA, heterozygousmales were less symmetrical. Interestingly, this differencewas attributable to a single allele at the PGM-3 locus. Combinedwith previous results showing that FA was generally unrelatedto male health, viability, parental care, social dominance,or mating success, the present results indicate that Brown's hypothesisdoes not explain mate choice or male quality in this populationof red-winged blackbirds.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Microorganisms that manipulate the reproduction of their hosts through diverse mechanisms including the induction of parthenogenesis are widespread among arthropods.
2. The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum , shows a variation in its reproductive mode, with lineages reproducing by cyclical parthenogenesis (obligate alternation of parthenogenetic and sexual generations each year) and others by obligate parthenogenesis (continuous asexual reproduction all year round). In addition, the pea aphid harbours, along with Buchnera the primary aphid endosymbiont, several facultative symbionts whose prevalence differs among host populations.
3. The possible influence of a Rickettsia facultative symbiont on the reproductive mode of its host was tested on two pea aphid clones by comparing the response of infected and uninfected individuals with the same genetic background to conditions that typically induce the production of sexual morphs.
4. No significant effect of the Rickettsia infection was found on the type of reproductive morphs produced (sexual vs. asexual) or on their quantities for the two clones.
5. However, the Rickettsia had a detrimental effect on the fitness of its aphid host, in apparent contradiction to the high prevalence of this symbiont in some host populations. It is suggested that this negative impact may disappear under specific environmental conditions, transforming a parasitic association into a mutualistic one.  相似文献   
The Alaskan swallowtail butterfly, Papilio machaon aliaska (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), uses three plant species as host plants. Cnidium cnidiifolium (Turcz.) Schischk. belongs to the family Apiaceae, the ancestral host‐plant family of the P. machaon group. Artemisia arctica Less. and Petasites frigidus (L.) Franch, in contrast, belong to the distantly related Asteraceae family and were colonized relatively recently by this group of butterflies. Previous work has shown that larval survival is highest on the novel host plants when natural enemies are present in the field. Here I examine whether P. m. aliaska fitness varied when individuals were reared on the three host plants in a common environment, free of environmental and ecological complications such as predation. I collected 12 P. m. aliaska females and measured their reproductive success when their progeny were reared on each of the three host plants. I assessed larval fitness on each of the hosts by recording the percentage pupation and percentage emergence as well as by measuring pupal mass. I found that larvae reared on the ancestral host plant, C. cnidiifolium, had higher fitness than did larvae reared on either of the novel host plants, A. arctica or P. frigidus. Larvae reared on C. cnidiifolium were more likely to pupate, achieved a greater pupal mass, and had higher emergence rates than larvae reared on the novel hosts. I interpret these results to mean that, in the absence of predation, the ancestral host plant is a better host for P. m. aliaska larvae than either novel host and I contend that this result does not appear to support the hypothesis that P. m. aliaska populations in central Alaska are divided into host races.  相似文献   
Distributions of alleles at three apolipoprotein loci (APO E, APO H, and APO A-IV) and an insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism at the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) locus among 274 American Samoans are described here. Genotypes at each locus are examined for associations with quantitative lipid (total cholesterol (total-c), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-c), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c), and triglycerides) and apolipoprotein (APO AI, APO AII, APO E, and APO B) levels. Genotype frequencies at all four loci are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The most common APO A-IV genotype (1-1) was observed in 252 American Samoans (97%). The three most common APO E genotypes were 3-3 (47%), 3-4 (30%), and 2-3 (12%). The most frequent APO H genotype was 2-2 (86%). The most common ACE genotype (I/I) was observed in 75% of sampled individuals, and 23% were I/D heterozygotes. APO E genotypic variation was associated with total-c, HDL-c, LDL-c, and all four quantitative apolipoproteins (AI, AII, E, and B). APO A-IV genotypes were associated significantly with total cholesterol, LDL-c, and APO-B levels. APO H showed little association with any quantitative lipid or apolipoprotein. ACE D/D homozygotes had higher AII levels. ACE showed a consistent association with APO AII levels, with either APO A-IV or APO E as a covariate. The interaction term between ACE and APO E was also significantly associated with total-c and APO E levels, and the ACE genotype showed a significant main effect on APO AI levels in multivariate analyses.  相似文献   
Fitness costs of defense are often invoked to explain the maintenance of genetic variation in levels of chemical defense compounds in natural plant populations. We investigated fitness costs of iridoid glycosides (IGs), terpenoid compounds that strongly deter generalist insect herbivores, in ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) using lines that had been artificially selected for high and low leaf IG concentrations for four generations. Twelve maternal half-sib families from each selection line were grown in four environments, consisting of two nutrient and two competition treatments. We tested whether: (1) in the absence of herbivores and pathogens, plants from lines selected for high IG levels have a lower fitness than plants selected for low IG levels; and (2) costs of chemical defense increase with environmental stress. Vegetative biomass did not differ between selection lines, but plants selected for high IG levels produced fewer inflorescences and had a significantly lower reproductive dry weight than plants selected for low IG levels, indicating a fitness cost of IG production. Line-by-nutrient and line-by-competition interactions were not significant for any of the fitness-related traits. Hence, there was no evidence that fitness costs increased with environmental stress. Two factors may have contributed to the absence of higher costs under environmental stress. First, IGs are carbon-based chemicals. Under nutrient limitation, the relative carbon excess may result in the production of IGs without imposing a further constraint on growth and reproduction. Second, correlated responses to selection on IG levels indicate the existence of a positive genetic association between IG level and cotyledon size. At low nutrient level, a path analysis based on family means revealed that in the presence of competitors, the negative direct effect of a high IG level on aboveground plant dry weight was partly offset by a positive direct effect of the associated larger cotyledon size. This indicates that fitness costs of defense may be modulated by environment-specific fitness effects of genetically associated traits.  相似文献   
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