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We analyzed the functional morphology and evolution of the long jaws found in several butterflyfishes. We used a conservative reanalysis of an existing morphological dataset to generate a phylogeny that guided our selection of seven short- and long-jawed taxa in which to investigate the functional anatomy of the head and jaws: Chaetodon xanthurus, Prognathodes falcifer (formerly Chaetodon falcifer), Chelmon rostratus, Heniochus acuminatus, Johnrandallia nigrirostris, Forcipiger flavissimus, and F. longirostris. We used manipulations of fresh, preserved, and cleared and stained specimens to develop mechanical diagrams of how the jaws might be protruded or depressed. Species differed based on the number of joints within the suspensorium. We used high-speed video analysis of five of the seven species (C. xanthurus, Chel. rostratus, H. acuminatus, F. flavissimus, and F. longirostris) to test our predictions based on the mechanical diagrams: two suspensorial joints should facilitate purely anteriorly directed protrusion of the lower jaw, one joint should allow less anterior protrusion and result in more depression of the lower jaw, and no joints in the suspensorium should constrain the lower jaw to simple ventral rotation around the jaw joint, as seen in generalized perciform fishes. We found that the longest-jawed species, F. longirostris, was able to protrude its jaws in a predominantly anterior direction and further than any other species. This was achieved with little input from cranial elevation, the principal input for other known lower jaw protruders, and is hypothesized to be facilitated by separate modifications to the sternohyoideus mechanism and to the adductor arcus palatini muscle. In F. longirostris the adductor arcus palatini muscle has fibers oriented anteroposteriorly rather than medial-laterally, as seen in most other perciforms and in the other butterflyfish studied. These fibers are oriented such that they could rotate the ventral portion of the quadrate anteriorly, thus projecting the lower jaw anteriorly. The intermediate species lack modification of the adductor arcus palatini and do not protrude their jaws as far (in the case of F. flavissimus) or in a purely anterior fashion (in the case of Chel. rostratus). The short-jawed species both exhibit only ventral rotation of the lower jaw, despite the fact that H. acuminatus is closely related to Forcipiger.  相似文献   
Observations were made on herds of the Pacific walrus ( Odobenus rosmarus divergens ) to study their response during the capturing and handling of adult males in summer 1995 at a haul-out at Cape Peirce in southwestern Alaska. Three behaviors (alertness, displacement, and dispersal) were quantified from 16 capture sessions. Herd sizes ranged from 622 to 5,289 walruses. Handling of an immobilized walrus consisted of attempts to attach telemetry devices to the tusks and collect various biological samples. Handling activities resulted in an average of about 10-fold or greater levels of behavior in alertness, displacement, and dispersal than during precapture and darting periods. High levels of behavior usually occurred within the first 45 min of handling. In 8 of 10 capture sessions, walruses returned to predisturbance levels of behavior within 40 min of cessation of the handling disturbance. Alertness and displacement were moderately and negatively correlated with herd size during the handling period, which may reflect an effect of a threshold distance from the point of disturbance to responding individuals. Observations of walruses tagged with VHF radio transmitters indicated that the activities from a given capture session did not preclude tagged walruses from using the haul-out over a subsequent 11 -wk monitoring period. Moreover, non-tagged walruses continued to extensively use the haul-out during and after the period in which capture sessions were conducted.  相似文献   
大熊猫气味标记DNA的制备和序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁波 Ryode  OA 《动物学研究》1998,19(5):344-349
大熊猫气味标记在其个体间的通讯中具有重要意义。用不同方法收集了7只大熊猫个体的9个气味标记样品,运用Instagene Kit制备出了DNA。采用PCR扩增线粒体D-环区和细胞色素b基因、Thr-tRNA基因片段并作序列分析。结果提示,不同收集方式所得气味标记样品均有DNA,但用干棉花收集样品的方法最佳。该方法为大熊猫的遗传多样性研究提供了新的简捷有效的DNA来源。  相似文献   
捕捉法ELISA检测流行性乙型脑炎IgM抗体用于早期快速诊断   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张礼壁  刘玉清 《病毒学报》1989,5(4):378-382
Book reviews     
Gábor Guti 《Hydrobiologia》1992,241(3):195-198
The numbers of perch Perca fluviatilis in the Cikola backwater system of the river Danube were estimated by mark-recapture techniques using multiple fishings. Fish were caught by fyke nets and electrical fishing. The latter method was unselective for sex and the catch data could be used to correct the sex bias in the fyke net catches. A population estimate in April of 6059 ind ha–1 (95% C.L. 5135–7386) for perch > 5 cm was obtained for a 0.6 ha area of backwater and 1665 ind ha–1 (95% C.L. 1204–2692) in May for a 0.4 ha area of a small bay.  相似文献   
纵坑切梢小蠹蛀梢期空间分布   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
叶辉  李隆术 《昆虫学报》1994,37(3):311-316
在昆明地区,纵坑切梢小蠹(Tomicus piniperda)成虫蛀梢多集中在蛀干木附近。 种群密度以蛀干木为中心向周围呈指数递减,散布半径约30m。在蛀梢过程中,该种群逐渐向新区扩张。在树冠内,纵坑切梢小蠹主要分布在4-10轮枝上。第7轮枝虫口百分率最高。6-7轮枝受害率最大。 树冠上层受害较其下层严重。从树冠水平层次考察,树冠外层虫量相对集中,约为树冠中、内层虫量之和。 树冠内层虫量最少。纵坑切梢小蠹在树冠内的种群分布系由梢径、种群密度、蛀梢行为、降落方式、光照等因素综合影响的结果。  相似文献   
本文对938例初生婴儿接种小剂量(10ug×3)乙肝疫苗后3-5年的预防效果进行了随访观察,并以253例初生儿未接种疫苗者作为对照,结果表明,接种组3-5年后抗-HBs阳性率显著高于对照组,HBsAg阳性率则较对照组显著为低。感染保护率86.7%。结果还表明,接种乙肝疫苗3年后加强1次,比不加强者P/N均值显著增高。文章认为初生儿接种小剂量乙肝疫苗有长期免疫效果;接种后3年加强接种1次,可保持较高免疫力。  相似文献   
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