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Blooms of domoic acid (DA) producing Pseudo-nitzschia, regularly occur off the coast of California. Although it has been hypothesized that these blooms are increasing in frequency, the lack of historical records limits our understanding of potential causal mechanisms. In this study, an 15-year time-series (1993–2008) of sediment trap samples collected from the Santa Barbara Basin (SBB) at 540 m were analyzed for Pseudo-nitzschia (n = 196, microscopy and SEM) and DA (n = 206, LC–MS/MS) concentrations and fluxes. Results suggest that there was an abrupt shift towards greater frequency and higher magnitude Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and toxic DA flux events in the SBB after the year 2000. SEM analysis of sediment trap material indicates that these events were mainly blooms of P. australis, with cell fluxes increasing by an order of magnitude from a maximum of 4.5 × 106 cells m−2 d−1 pre-2000, to as high as 3.2 × 108 cells m−2 d−1 thereafter. Similarly, sediment trap DA fluxes increased by an average of 13.4 μg m−2 d−1, with only one large event (>5 μg m−2 d−1) from 1993 to 1999 versus 16 large DA events from 2000 to 2008. While the causes of this abrupt shift remain ambiguous, we suggest that this shift may be related to natural climate variability associated with a change in phase of the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO) and its potential influence on the composition and magnitude of waters that are upwelled into the SBB.  相似文献   
Background: Neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) production has been implicated in the pathogenesis of thromboinflammatory conditions such as Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), contributing to heightened risk for ischemic stroke. NETs are catalyzed by the enzyme Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase 4 (PAD4) and neutrophil derived reactive oxygen species (ROS), especially NADPH oxidase (NOX) which interacts with PAD4 and is therefore critical for neutrophil function. However, the role that NOX-dependent ROS and NETs play in the accelerated cerebral microvascular thrombosis associated with thromboinflammatory conditions, such as SCD, has not been fully elucidated and is the aim of this study.Methods: The in-vitro effects of targeting PAD4 and NOX were examined using physiologically relevant NET assays with neutrophils isolated from healthy volunteers (control) and SCD patients. In addition, in-vivo intravascular effects of targeting PAD4 and NOX in the cerebral microcirculation of C57BL/6 and sickle transgenic mice (STM) were assessed using a photoactivation thrombosis model (light/dye) coupled with real-time fluorescence intravital microscopy.Results: We found that targeting PAD4 and NOX in human neutrophils significantly inhibited ionomycin dependent H3cit+ neutrophils. Targeting PAD4 and NOX in-vivo resulted in prolonged blood flow cessation in cerebrovascular arterioles as well as venules. Moreover, we were able to replicate the effects of PAD4 and NOX targeting in a clinical model of accelerated thromboinflammation by increasing blood flow cessation times in cerebral microvessels in STM. These findings concurred with the clinical setting i.e. neutrophils isolated from SCD patients, which possessed an attenuation of H3cit+ neutrophil production on targeting PAD4 and NOX.Conclusions: Taken together, our compelling data suggests that PAD4 and NOX play a significant role in neutrophil driven thromboinflammation. Targeting PAD4 and NOX limits pathological H3cit+ neutrophils, which may further explain attenuation of cerebral thrombosis. Overall, this study presents a viable pre-clinical model of prevention and management of thromboinflammatory complications such as ischemic stroke.  相似文献   
基于激光雷达技术获取冠层结构为森林生态学研究增加了新的维度。搭载于多旋翼无人机的近地面激光雷达相比于固定翼有人机的机载激光雷达,能够更加灵活高效地获取森林群落样地高密度点云。但在实际操作中,往往出现局部低密度点云数据,影响了冠层结构参数提取的准确性。使用4块森林动态样地的近地面激光雷达点云数据;利用航带分解方法分析各样地低密度样方成因;采用点云抽稀模拟算法计算并拟合偏差曲线,对比不同样地、参数和取样尺度间的点云密度对冠层结构参数提取准确性的影响;根据偏差曲线计算各条件下保证参数提取准确性的最低点云密度。结果发现:1)低密度区域主要受地形或(和)近地面遥感设计规划的影响。地形复杂的测区(西双版纳和古田山样地),遥感规划难度大,整体难以获取高密度点云(在30点/m2左右),容易在沟谷和高海拔处出现低密度样方。平坦测区(长白山两块样地)虽可获取高密度点云(均超过150点/m2),但欠佳的遥感规划设计导致长白山1测区北部出现1hm2低密度区域。2)冠层参数提取准确性随点云密度减少而迅速降低,呈负指数幂函数关系。这一变化趋势在不同...  相似文献   
森林生态系统作为陆地生态系统的主体,其发达的林冠层通过调节降水量、改变降水强度等深刻影响着流域全过程水文通量及水分输出。以中国广泛开展的典型森林降雨再分配过程的年尺度监测数据为基础,揭示中国不同类型森林生态系统的降雨再分配及林冠层降雨截留特征,阐明森林生态系统林冠层截留特征与降雨、植被要素的关系。结果表明:我国不同森林生态系统年穿透雨量处于141.4-2450.0 mm之间,年穿透雨率为36.3%-92.3%。5种典型森林生态系统多年平均穿透雨量((445.3±252.9)-(1230.6±479.6) mm)占同期多年平均降雨量的(72.6±9.2)%-(77.4±8.9)%。不同森林生态系统年树干茎流量介于0-508.2 mm之间,占同期年降雨量的0-25.8%。5种典型森林生态系统树干茎流量多年平均值((9.8±17.3)-(87.8±81.6) mm)占同期多年平均降雨量的(1.4±1.9)%-(5.4±4.6)%。不同森林生态系统林冠层年降雨截留范围在25.7-812.9 mm之间,占年降雨量的4.2%-55.6%。5种典型森林生态系统多年平均林冠截留量((154.2±81.6)-(392.2±203.5) mm)占同期年平均降雨量的(18.7±7.4)%-(25.9±8.3)%。进一步分析表明,我国森林生态系统穿透雨量、树干茎流量和林冠层截留量随观测区年降雨量的增加而呈显著增大(P<0.05),年穿透雨率、年树干茎流率随年降雨量的增加呈显著线性上升趋势(P<0.05),而年林冠截留率与年降雨量呈显著的负相关关系(P<0.01),降雨量、叶面积指数是深刻影响森林生态系统林冠层降雨截留率等特征的重要因素。整体上,不同类型森林生态系统林冠截留降雨能力存在明显差异,林冠层截留率突出表现为:落叶林大于常绿林、针叶林大于阔叶林。  相似文献   
Light is a key resource for plant growth and is of particular importance in forest ecosystems, because of the strong vertical structure leading to successive light interception from canopy to forest floor. Tree species differ in the quantity and heterogeneity of light they transmit. We expect decreases in both the quantity and spatial heterogeneity of light transmittance in mixed stands relative to monocultures, due to complementarity effects and niche filling. We tested the degree to which tree species identity and diversity affected, via differences in tree and shrub cover, the spatiotemporal variation in light availability before, during, and after leaf expansion. Plots with different combinations of three tree species with contrasting light transmittance were selected to obtain a diversity gradient from monocultures to three species mixtures. Light transmittance to the forest floor was measured with hemispherical photography. Increased tree diversity led to increased canopy packing and decreased spatial light heterogeneity at the forest floor in all of the time periods. During leaf expansion, light transmittance did differ between the different tree species and timing of leaf expansion might thus be an important source of variation in light regimes for understory plant species. Although light transmittance at the canopy level after leaf expansion was not measured directly, it most likely differed between tree species and decreased in mixtures due to canopy packing. A complementary shrub layer led, however, to similar light levels at the forest floor in all species combinations in our plots. Synthesis. We find that a complementary shrub layer exploits the higher light availability in particular tree species combinations. Resources at the forest floor are thus ultimately determined by the combined effect of the tree and shrub layer. Mixing species led to less heterogeneity in the amount of light, reducing abiotic niche variability.  相似文献   
Developing efficient sampling protocols is essential to monitor crop pests. One vector of the citrus disease HLB, the African citrus psyllid Trioza erytreae Del Guercio, 1918 (Hemiptera: Triozidae), currently threatens the lemon industry throughout the Mediterranean region. In this work, a pool of sampling methods devoted to monitoring the population of T. erytreae was compared, its spatial distribution in the orchard was assessed, and the minimum sampling effort for the best sampling method was estimated. Three lemon orchards in North-western Portugal were sampled for one year using two types of yellow sticky traps (standard yellow and fluorescent Saturn yellow), B-vac sampling and sweep net sampling. The method that best performed, in terms of cost-efficiency, was the yellow sticky traps. The two colours of the sticky traps tested did not yield a significantly different number of catches. The spatial distribution throughout the orchards was found to be aggregated towards the borders. A minimum of three sticky traps per hectare was found to be enough to estimate the population at 90% accuracy for the mean during the outbreak. These results should help to monitor and anticipate outbreaks that may even colonize neighbour orchards. Studies on the local dispersion patterns of T. erytreae throughout the orchard are mandatory to further refine and optimize efficient monitoring protocols.  相似文献   
江西九连山常绿阔叶林主要树种叶建成消耗的比较   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
叶建成消耗(或叶构建消耗)是指构建单位质量(面积)叶片所需要的葡萄糖当量,是植物碳收获过程中必要的成本投资.反映植物在叶片水平上的能量和碳分配策略。基于热值、灰份含量、叶氮含量和比叶面积的测定,估算了江西九连山常绿阔叶林16个主要树种的叶建成消耗,分析比较了不同树种、不同叶寿命、比叶面积和冠层不同部位对叶建成消耗的影响。结果表明,热值组分的变化对单位质量叶建成消耗的影响最大;树种间单位质量叶建成消耗的差异不大(变化率仅3%~6%),但其单位面积叶建成消耗则存在显著差异(变化率达27%~28%);热值和单位质量叶建成消耗与比叶面积密切相关,而比叶面积随取样高度呈显著的降低趋势,最终导致热值及单位质量和单位面积的叶建成消耗均随取样高度呈显著的增加趋势。研究结果指出:(1)较高的叶建成消耗是由于植物叶片内含有较高能量投资的化学组分;(2)叶建成消耗和比叶面积随取样高度的变化综合反映了植物对光照和水分资源垂直梯度变化的可塑性适应。  相似文献   
白岩  朱高峰  张琨  马婷 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7821-7831
针对西北干旱区绿洲经济作物葡萄树冠层蒸腾及蒸散发特征的相关问题,在甘肃省敦煌市南湖绿洲开展无核白葡萄树液流速率及蒸散发观测试验,采用基于热平衡原理的包裹式茎流计,详细分析了典型生长季7—9月份葡萄树蒸腾耗水规律,使用"单位叶面积上的平均液流速率SF×叶面积指数LAI"的方法,实现了从单株到林分冠层蒸腾的尺度扩展,并通过与涡动相关技术所测蒸散发数据对比,详细研究了葡萄地冠层蒸腾及蒸散发规律。结果表明:典型生长季中葡萄树液流速率日变化为单峰型曲线,日均耗水量从2.76 kg到10 kg不等,胸径越大的葡萄树日均耗水量越大;冠层蒸腾及蒸散发日变化曲线亦为单峰型,白天8:00—12:00与17:00—20:00期间,葡萄冠层蒸腾与蒸散发曲线均比较吻合,该时间段葡萄地蒸散发绝大部分来源于葡萄冠层蒸腾,而12:00—17:00之间由于午后太阳辐射强烈土壤蒸发量增加,葡萄蒸散发大于冠层蒸腾;典型生长季3个月中,葡萄冠层蒸腾量的变化范围在1.88—8.12 mm/d之间,日均冠层蒸腾量为6.12 mm/d,蒸散发在1.74 mm/d至10.78 mm/d之间,日均蒸散发量为7.13 mm/d;日均土壤蒸发量约为1.01 mm/d,只占总蒸散发量的14.2%,日均冠层蒸腾占日均蒸散发的比重达到85.8%,说明该生长阶段冠层蒸散发以作物蒸腾为主。  相似文献   
Urbanization is an important driver of the diversity and abundance of tree‐associated insect herbivores, but its consequences for insect herbivory are poorly understood. A likely source of variability among studies is the insufficient consideration of intra‐urban variability in forest cover. With the help of citizen scientists, we investigated the independent and interactive effects of local canopy cover and percentage of impervious surface on insect herbivory in the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) throughout most of its geographic range in Europe. We found that the damage caused by chewing insect herbivores as well as the incidence of leaf‐mining and gall‐inducing herbivores consistently decreased with increasing impervious surface around focal oaks. Herbivory by chewing herbivores increased with increasing forest cover, regardless of impervious surface. In contrast, an increase in local canopy cover buffered the negative effect of impervious surface on leaf miners and strengthened its effect on gall inducers. These results show that—just like in non‐urban areas—plant–herbivore interactions in cities are structured by a complex set of interacting factors. This highlights that local habitat characteristics within cities have the potential to attenuate or modify the effect of impervious surfaces on biotic interactions.  相似文献   
Fluxes and concentrations of carbon dioxide and 13CO2 provide information about ecosystem physiological processes and their response to environmental variation. The biophysical model, CANOAK, was adapted to compute concentration profiles and fluxes of 13CO2 within and above a temperate deciduous forest (Walker Branch Watershed, Tennessee, USA). Modifications to the model are described and the ability of the new model (CANISOTOPE) to simulate concentration profiles of 13CO2, its flux density across the canopy–atmosphere interface and leaf‐level photosynthetic discrimination against 13CO2 is demonstrated by comparison with field measurements. The model was used to investigate several aspects of carbon isotope exchange between a forest ecosystem and the atmosphere. During the 1998 growing season, the mean photosynthetic discrimination against 13CO2, by the deciduous forest canopy (Δcanopy), was computed to be 22·4‰, but it varied between 18 and 27‰. On a diurnal basis, the greatest discrimination occurred during the early morning and late afternoon. On a seasonal time scale, the greatest diurnal range in Δcanopy occurred early and late in the growing season. Diurnal and seasonal variations in Δcanopy resulted from a strong dependence of Δcanopy on photosynthetically active radiation and vapour pressure deficit of air. Model calculations also revealed that the relationship between canopy‐scale water use efficiency (CO2 assimilation/transpiration) and Δcanopy was positive due to complex feedbacks among fluxes, leaf temperature and vapour pressure deficit, a finding that is counter to what is predicted for leaves exposed to well‐mixed environments.  相似文献   
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