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苏雪  侯云云  高婷  王亚莉  孙坤 《植物研究》2018,38(2):189-194
块茎堇菜是青藏高原及其邻近地区的一种特有两型闭花植物,目前其分类地位存在诸多争议。据此,本文对块茎堇菜及其近缘类群鳞茎堇菜的主要数字化标本以及同域分布的几个自然种群的叶片形态变异特征进行了分析。结果显示,所有参试数字化标本被分为两个明显不同的集群,一个集群符合块茎堇菜的叶片形态,另一集群则符合鳞茎堇菜;同样,同域分布的6个自然种群也分为两个集群。此外,叶片形态变异分析还显示叶片先端和叶基部形态参数ΔW、AL、BL和LWR在块茎堇菜/鳞茎堇菜同一类群不同种群间或种群内变异幅度较小且较为稳定,然而它们在不同类群间差异却极为显著(P<0.01)。因此,块茎堇菜和鳞茎堇菜理应作为两个不同的类群处理,这也表明叶片形态特征完全可以作为鳞茎堇菜和块茎堇菜的重要分类学依据。  相似文献   
Abstract If changes in the structural characteristics of rainforest at edges are caused by wind, then physical damage from a tropical cyclone might be greatest at edges or in small fragments that have a high proportion of edge. We tested whether this was true of a fragmented rainforest landscape impacted by a category 4 severe tropical cyclone in March 2006. Six structural variables (canopy cover, canopy height, cover of ground vegetation, leaf litter, stem density and counts of woody debris) were surveyed at 18 rainforest sites (six small linear remnants, and both edges and interiors of six large remnants) on the Atherton Tableland in north‐eastern Queensland, Australia. Data collected 7 and 12 months after the passage of Cyclone Larry were compared with an identical survey conducted 4 years prior to the cyclone. The cyclone had large effects across many components of forest structure. However, sites within 30 m of forest edges in small and large remnants were not impacted more than the interiors of large remnants. It is likely that the high wind intensity from severe tropical cyclones overrides the modest wind protection provided by surrounding forest. The cyclone's effects were highly patchy at local scales (0.5–1.0 km), leading to an increase in among‐site variation in forest structure and the disappearance of significant spatial autocorrelation among large remnant edge‐interior site pairs which had existed prior to the cyclone. The main effect of Cyclone Larry at these study sites was to increase the spatial heterogeneity of forest structure at local scales.  相似文献   
The spatial heterogeneity, including distribution pattern, tree perimeter and height differentiation, and canopy structure heterogeneity, of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lamk populations at Yingtuo Bay, South-China Coast was investigated using the positioning index (CE), differentiation index (TC and TH), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (D), and Ripley‘s K-functions. Most populations showed random distribution and low differentiation in perimeters and heights of individuals, while a few showed clumped distribution and clear differentiation. Canopy and gap patches were analyzed at multiple horizontal and vertical scales using geographic information system (GIS). The mosaic patterns of canopy and gap patches are different among populations, and could be quantitatively described with the Shannon-Wiener diversity index based on crown projection. The spatial heterogeneity of the canopy structure changed with spatial scales, but this kind of change would remain relatively stable over a range of scales. This scale range could be regarded as the referenced scale for a regeneration or ecological management unit for the forest.  相似文献   
The frequency of individuals with empty stomachs (FES) can vary greatly among northern pike populations. However, the FES has only seldom been analyzed in this species and its meaning is still not fully understood. It has been suggested that a high FES may reflect a strongly piscivorous behaviour while low FES could reflect a higher utilization of invertebrates. We compared the stomach contents and the trophic position of northern pike in 16 populations of individuals feeding mainly on fish or benthic invertebrates. We tested the hypothesis that northern pike with empty stomachs or with fish in their stomachs have a higher trophic position than individuals feeding on invertebrates. Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope signatures were used to estimate the trophic position of individuals. We found no significant difference in the trophic position among piscivores, invertebrate feeders, and northern pike with empty stomachs. The average trophic position of northern pike was high (mean ± SD = 4.3 ± 0.4, n = 66) and was correlated with total length. These results indicate that, although invertebrates could be an important part of the diet of northern pike in Canadian Shield lakes, fish are still the dominant prey. Hence, feeding on invertebrates in our study lakes would reflect an opportunistic rather than a specialized feeding strategy.  相似文献   
The location performance of a global positioning system (GPS) collar was assessed for different habitats and geographical areas. We tested the effects of habitat features, antenna position, movement, and fix interval on location performance around Mount Fuji, a single peak surrounded by wide and flat areas. Fix rate decreased from 100% in open flat areas to 53% under sloped dense canopy. The openness (the actual available sky, i.e., the percentage of a radio collar exposed to the sky when part of the collar is blocked due to terrain and vegetation) and canopy closure affected location accuracy and most other performance parameters. All nine habitat features except for available sky (theoretical, due to terrain) influenced location time. Any combination of obstructions between collar and satellite decreased the available number of satellites, the fix rate, increased the location time, and resulted in poorer location (higher DOP, lower 3-D proportion, or greater location error). A horizontal antenna yielded poorer location performance than a vertical one in the forest but not in the open area. Location performance always decreased when moving in forest rather than in open areas. Location performance changed with fix interval. Sixty-minute intervals resulted in a longer location time and a lower DOP than 10-min intervals. Vegetation affected location performance more than topography in the Mount Fuji area. Factors that cause a longer location time will shorten battery life. We suggest that location frequency and duration employed for field research should be decided by considering the aim of the study and the effects of habitat features, animal activity, and fix interval on GPS performance and battery longevity. The strengthened effect of canopy closure during windy weather should be considered for forest-dwelling animals.  相似文献   
对高原鼢鼠鼠丘不同坡位和不同坡向的植被性状进行了连续3年的监测,对比分析了不同坡位和坡向对植被恢复的影响,并对其作用机理进行了初步探讨.结果表明:(1)物种数、盖度、多度等植被性状在丘体不同坡位和坡向间均存在一定程度的差异,证明丘体坡位和坡向是影响鼠丘植被恢复速率和植被性状的重要因素;(2)不同坡位植被恢复速率的顺序是:丘缘>丘腰>丘顶,造成这种差异的主要原因是微地形对土壤水肥条件和繁殖体源的影响;(3)不同坡向恢复速率的顺序是:西坡>北坡>东坡>南坡,造成这种差异的原因在很大程度上取决于微地貌对土壤肥力及光照资源的再分配.  相似文献   
反复体位改变训练可提高人体头低位耐力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的检验反复体位改变训练可提高人体头低位耐力的假设是否正确.方法6名青年男性被试者经受了为期11 d、共9次反复体位改变训练.在训练前、后分别评价被试者对-30°/30 min头低位倾斜(head-down tilt,HDT)的反应,记录症状、心率、血压、颈部血流等主客观指标.结果①训练后,被试者在HDT中的反应得到了改善,表现为与训练前相比,HDT中的不良症状明显减轻(症状得分1.00±0.63vs6.00±3.79,P<0.05),心率降低的幅度明显增加(-4.4±3.6 vx-0.6±2.5,P<0.01);②训练前,被试者在HDT中,颈内静脉血流与仰卧位比较明显减少(P<0.01),初期颈内动脉血流明显增加(P<0.01),颈总动脉血流呈现增加的趋势;训练后,被试者在HDT中,颈内静脉血流与仰卧位比较无显著差别,颈内动脉血流呈现先升后降的趋势,颈总动脉血流呈现降低的趋势.结论反复体位改变训练可提高人体头低位耐力;血液头向转移得到抑制是反复体位改变训练提高头低位耐力的主要机制.  相似文献   
Partitioning net ecosystem carbon exchange with isotopic fluxes of CO2   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Because biological and physical processes alter the stable isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2, variations in isotopic content can be used to investigate those processes. Isotopic flux measurements of 13CO2 above terrestrial ecosystems can potentially be used to separate net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) into its component fluxes, net photosynthetic assimilation (FA) and ecosystem respiration (FR). In this paper theory is developed to partition measured NEE into FA and FR, using measurements of fluxes of CO2 and 13CO2, and isotopic composition of respired CO2 and forest air. The theory is then applied to fluxes measured (or estimated, for 13CO2) in a temperate deciduous forest in eastern Tennessee (Walker Branch Watershed). It appears that there is indeed enough additional information in 13CO2 fluxes to partition NEE into its photosynthetic and respiratory components. Diurnal patterns in FA and FR were obtained, which are consistent in magnitude and shape with patterns obtained from NEE measurements and an exponential regression between night‐time NEE and temperature (a standard technique which provides alternate estimates of FR and FA). The light response curve for photosynthesis (FA vs. PAR) was weakly nonlinear, indicating potential for saturation at high light intensities. Assimilation‐weighted discrimination against 13CO2 for this forest during July 1999 was 16.8–17.1‰, depending on canopy conductance. The greatest uncertainties in this approach lie in the evaluation of canopy conductance and its effect on whole‐canopy photosynthetic discrimination, and thus the indirect methods used to estimate isotopic fluxes. Direct eddy covariance measurements of 13CO2 flux are needed to assess the validity of the assumptions used and provide defensible isotope‐based estimates of the component fluxes of net ecosystem exchange.  相似文献   
利用荧光原位杂交(FISH),在供试8个转基因水稻株系的染色体上检出了转入的外源基因barnase-ps1片段.其中两株系各检出了两个不同的信号位点,而其他株系均只检出一个信号位点.所有染色体着丝粒区都没有杂交信号.结合Southern杂交及表达分析发现,大多数株系中,整合在染色体端部区的barnase基因表现为高水平表达,而靠近着丝粒区的则表现为低水平表达,表明表达水平与转基因整合位置可能存在一定程度的相关性.表达水平与拷贝数无明显相关.本文还利用多色荧光原位杂交(Multi-color FISH)技术,进行了barnaseps1片段与报道基因pHctinG的共杂交,多数情况下,barnase-ps1片段与报道基因整合在染色体的同一位置.  相似文献   
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