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Several protein expression systems can be used to get enzymes in required quantities and study their functions. Incorporating a polyhistidine tag is a beneficial way of getting various enzymes such as FDHs for industrial applications. The NAD+ dependent formate dehydrogenase from Chaetomium thermophilum (CtFDH) can be utilized for interconversion of formate to carbon dioxide coupled with the conversion of NAD+ to NADH. In this study, N-terminal His tagged CtFDH (N-CtFDH) and C-terminal His tagged CtFDH (C-CtFDH) was constructed to learn the effect of His tag location on the activity and kinetic parameters of the enzyme. The solubility of proteins was not affected by tag position, however, an interference on the N-terminal region caused a deterioration in specific activity and the kinetic ability of enzyme. The obtained results indicated that the C-terminus of the enzyme is an appropriate region for tag engineering. The C-CtFDH has an approximately three-fold larger specific activity and two-fold higher catalytic efficiency than N-CtFDH. The results suggest that insertion of a His-tag at the N-terminal or C-terminal end of CtFDH has different effects on the protein and the N-terminal fragment of the protein is crucial for the function of CtFDH.  相似文献   
试验以‘京亚’和‘红地球’葡萄品种2年生苗木为材料,在田间遮雨棚内考察了自然干旱胁迫下深畦栽植和平畦栽植葡萄根际土壤湿度、叶幕微气候因子、光合作用参数变化特征,探讨根际土壤湿度与叶幕气候互作对葡萄光合作用的影响。结果显示:(1)在干旱逆境下,葡萄根际土壤湿度和叶幕微气候因子交互作用能通过影响水分条件来影响葡萄的光合作用;土壤湿度阀值是葡萄进行光合作用时水分利用最有效的土壤湿度点值,土壤湿度阀值存在“阀值漂移”现象,与叶幕空气湿度呈明显负相关关系,维持较高的叶幕空气湿度有利于实现在较低的土壤湿度下达到更高的光合效率。(2)在干旱逆境下,与平畦栽植相比,深畦栽植在改善葡萄根际土壤水分和叶幕微气候方面具有明显的优势,在该模式下葡萄具有更强的保水能力和更高的水分利用效率,从而具有更强的光合效率。(3)采用深畦栽植模式时,根际土壤相对含水量30%~50%是显著影响葡萄光合作用的土壤湿度区间;根际土壤相对含水量分别在43.32%~50.00%和40.19%~50.00%是‘京亚’和‘红地球’光合作用适宜的土壤湿度范围,在43.32%和40.19%时分别为2种葡萄光合作用水分利用效率达到最高的最适土壤湿度。研究发现,干旱逆境条件下,葡萄根际土壤湿度和叶幕微气候因子交互作用能改善葡萄的光合作用效率;深畦栽植葡萄光合作用对土壤湿度的需求较低,在相对较低的土壤湿度即可达到相对较高的光合能力;深畦栽植模式可以协调葡萄光合作用和水分消耗之间的关系,具有较高的水分利用效率和光合能力,是干旱地区进行葡萄抗旱节水生产的理想模式。  相似文献   
Snow interception by the forest canopy is an important control on the forest hydrological cycle in the Xiaoxing'an Mountains within the northern temperate region of China. In this study, the effects of snowfall characteristics and stand structures on the snowfall redistribution of the canopies within primary spruce‐fir Korean pine forests are analyzed at the forest stand scale. Characteristics of snowfall, through‐canopy snowfall, and stand structure are continuously measured using positioning observations. A semiempirical theoretical model is used to conduct snow interception simulations in the Xiaoxing'an Mountain region. The results indicate that the snowfall, canopy density, slope gradient, and tree height have a significant effect on the through‐canopy snowfall. The interception efficiency gradually decreases with an increase in the amount of snowfall and is particularly sensitive to the snowfall and canopy density, although it shows no significant correlation with average diameter at breast height, tree height, basal area, canopy height, canopy width, leaf area, or slope gradient. Very similar results have been observed in Canada and Switzerland, suggesting the transferability of the results between North America, Western Europe, and China. However, although model results provide a satisfactory simulation of snow interception, further studies are required to optimize the model in this region.  相似文献   
Disturbances have long been recognized as important forces for structuring natural communities but their effects on trophic structure are not well understood, particularly in terrestrial systems. This is in part because quantifying trophic linkages is a challenge, especially for small organisms with cryptic feeding behaviors such as insects, and often relies on conducting labor‐intensive feeding trials or extensive observations in the field. In this study, we used stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to examine how disturbance (annual biomass harvesting) in tallgrass prairies affected the trophic position, trophic range, and niche space of ants, a widespread grassland consumer. We hypothesized that biomass harvest would remove important food and nesting resources of insects thus affecting ant feeding relationships and trophic structure. We found shifts in the feeding relationships inferred by isotopic signatures with harvest. In particular, these shifts suggest that ants within harvest sites utilized resources at lower trophic levels (possibly plant‐based resources or herbivores), expanded trophic breadth, and occupied different niche spaces. Shifts in resource use following harvest could be due to harvest‐mediated changes in both the plant and arthropod communities that might affect the strength of competition or alter plant nitrogen availability. Because shifts in resource use alter the flow of nutrients across the food web, disturbance effects on ants could have ecosystem‐level consequences through nutrient cycling.  相似文献   
Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) is a method allowing in situ visualization of protein transport in porous chromatography resins. CLSM requires labeling a protein with a fluorescent probe. Recent work has shown that conjugation of the protein with fluorescent probes can lead to significant changes in the retention time of the protein-dye conjugate with respect to the unlabeled protein. In this study, we show that common labeling procedures result in a heterogeneous mixture of different variants and that attachment location of the fluorescent probe on the protein surface can have a strong effect on the retention of protein-dye conjugate. Lysozyme was labeled with Cy5 and BODIPY-FL succinimidyl esters, followed by chromatographic separation of the different lysozyme-dye conjugates and subsequent determination of the label position using MALDI-TOF-MS. Finally, homogenously labeled lysozyme-dye conjugates were used in CLSM experimentation and compared to published results arising from heterogeneously labeled feedstocks. The results confirm that the attachment location of the fluorescent probe has a strong effect on chromatographic retention behavior. When addressing the binding affinities of the different labeled protein fractions, it was found that native lysozyme was able to displace lysozyme-dye conjugates when the fluorescent label was attached to lysine-33, but not when attached to lysine-97. Finally, it could be shown that when superimposing the single profiles of the three major fractions obtained during a labeling procedure a qualitative picture of the net profile is obtained.  相似文献   
Xie J B  Liu T  Wei P  Jia Y M  Luo C 《农业工程》2007,27(7):2704-2714
Ecological experiments are usually conducted on small scales, but the ecological and environmental issues are usually on large scales. Hence, there is a clear need of scaling. Namely, when we deal with patterns and processes on larger scales, a special connection needs to be established on the small scales that we are familiar with. Here we presented a wavelet analysis method that could build relationships between spatial distribution patterns on different scales. With this method, we also studied how spatial heterogeneity and distribution patterns changed with the scale. We investigated the distribution and the habitat of C. ewersmanniana in two plots (200 m × 200 m; the distance between these two plots is 15 km) at Mosuowan desert. The results demonstrated that spatial heterogeneity and distribution patterns were incorporated into larger scales when the wavelet scale varied from one (5 m) to four (20 m). However, if the wavelet scale was above five (25 m), the spatial distribution patterns varied placidly, the oscillation frequency of landforms stabilized at 110 m, and the dynamic quantity period of C. ewersmanniana stabilized at 115–125 m. We also identified signal mutation points with wavelet analysis and verified the heterogeneity degree of local space with position variance. We found that position variance decomposed the distribution patterns on large scales into small sampling plots, and the position with the largest variance also had the strongest heterogeneity. In a word, the wavelet analysis method could scale-up spatial distribution patterns and habitat heterogeneity. With this method and other methods derived from this one, such as wavelet scale, wavelet variance, position variance and extremely direct-viewing graphs, wavelet analysis could be widely applied in solving the scaling problem in ecological and environmental studies.  相似文献   
蛋白质空间结构的分析与预测已经成为现今分子生物学和生物信息学的重要研究课题之一。虽然引入了3D-profile,人工神经网络,遗传算法等复杂的模型或算法,并获得了相对较高的准确率,但是却很难对所得到的结果进行解释,且不易发现其中的生物学规律。而相应地,氨基酸序列所隐含的蛋白质结构信息,生物学和数学意义才应是我们所需探寻的重点。因此我们从分析构成特定二级结构的氨基酸序列着手,引入涉及关联规则的支持度S来计算特殊位点处氨基酸的贡献率,以期发现其中的隐含信息,并获得了相应的数据信息矩阵。通过分析二级结构的支持度,不仅得到了各氨基酸位于不同位点时相对于Beta结构的强弱作用关系,还发现了脯氨酸的特殊作用和相对于Beta结构的成核性。  相似文献   
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