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六盘山主要植被类型冠层截留特征   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
通过野外观测和模型模拟,研究了六盘山主要森林类型的冠层截留量、冠层截留容量和冠层截留模拟参数的变化.结果表明:六盘山主要森林类型的冠层截留率在8.59%~17.94%,穿透降雨率超过80%,树干茎流率在0.23%~3.10%;冠层截留容量在0.78~1.84 mm,其中叶截留容量在0.62~1.63 mm,枝干截留容量在0.13~0.29 mm,且针叶林的冠层截留容量高于阔叶林.考虑冠层叶面积指数的冠层截留改进模型较原有模型具有更好的模拟精度, 其中,研究区红桦林、华山松林、李灌丛和辽东栎-少脉椴混交林的模拟效果较好,辽东栎林、油松林和华西四蕊槭 石枣子灌丛模拟效果相对较差,这可能与冠层结构、叶面积指数以及降水特性等差异有关.  相似文献   
水稻上部叶片叶绿素含量的高光谱估算模型   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
杨杰  田永超  姚霞  曹卫星  张玉森  朱艳 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6561-6571
叶片叶绿素 (Chl) 状况是评价植株光合效率和营养胁迫的重要指标,实时无损监测Chl状况对作物生长诊断及氮素管理具有重要意义.以不同生态点、不同年份、不同施氮水平、不同类型水稻品种的4个田间试验为基础,于主要生育期同步测定了水稻主茎顶部4张叶片的高光谱反射率及Chl含量,并计算了350~2500 nm范围内任意两波段组合而成的比值(SR[λ1,λ2])和归一化(ND[λ1,λ2])光谱指数以及已报道的对Chl敏感的光谱指数,进一步系统分析了叶片Chl含量与上述光谱指数之间的定量关系.结果表明,红边波段的比值和归一化光谱指数可以较好地预测水稻上部4叶的Chl含量(R~2>0.9),但对于不同Chl指标其最佳组合波段有所差异.估算叶绿素a (Chla)、叶绿素总量(Chla+b)和叶绿素b (Chlb)的最佳比值光谱指数分别为SR(724,709)、SR(728,709)和SR(749,745),方程拟合决定系数R~2分别是0.947、0.946、0.905;最佳归一化光谱指数分别为ND(780,709)、ND(780,712)和ND(749,745),R~2分别是0.944、0.943、0.905.引入445 nm波段反射率对上述光谱指数进行修正,可以降低叶片表面反射差异的影响,提高模型的应用范围.利用不同年份独立的试验资料对所建模型进行了检验,结果表明,修正型比值光谱指数 mSR(724,709)、mSR(728,709) 和 mSR(749,745),以及修正型归一化光谱指数mND(780,709)、mND(780,712) 和 mND(749,745) 预测 Chla、Chla+b 和 Chlb 的效果更好,其测试的RMSE分别为 0.169、0.192、0.052、0.159、0.176、0.052,RE分别为8.18%、7.74%、13.01%、8.26%、7.59%、12.96%,均较修正前降低,说明修正后的光谱指数普适性更好.  相似文献   
Aims Forest canopy closure is one of the essential factors in forest survey, and plays an important role in forest ecosystem management. It is of great significance to study how to apply LiDAR (light detection and ranging) data efficiently in remote sensing estimation of forest canopy closure. LiDAR can be used to obtain data fast and accurately and therefore be used as training and validation data to estimate forest canopy closure in large spatial scale. It can compensate for the insufficiency (e.g. labor-intensive, time-consuming) of conventional ground survey, and provide foundations to forest inventory.Methods In this study, we estimated canopy closure of a temperate forest in Genhe forest of Da Hinggan Ling area, Nei Mongol, China, using LiDAR and LANDSAT ETM+ data. Firstly, we calculated the canopy closure from ALS (Airborne Laser Scanning) high density point cloud data. Then, the estimated canopy closure from ALS data was used as training and validation data to modeling and inversion from eight vegetation indices computed from LANDSAT ETM+ data. Three approaches, multi-variable stepwise regression (MSR), random forest (RF) and Cubist, were developed and tested to estimate canopy closure from these vegetation indices, respectively.Important findings The validation results showed that the Cubist model yielded the highest accuracy compared to the other two models (determination coefficient (R2) = 0.722, root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.126, relative root mean square error (rRMSE) = 0.209, estimation accuracy (EA) = 79.883%). The combination of LiDAR data and LANDSAT ETM+ showed great potential to accurately estimate the canopy closure of the temperate forest. However, the model prediction capability needs to be further improved in order to be applied in larger spatial scale. More independent variables from other remotely sensed datasets, e.g. topographic data, texture information from high-resolution imagery, should be added into the model. These variables can help to reduce the influence of optical image, vegetation indices, terrain and shadow and so on. Moreover, the accuracy of the LiDAR-derived canopy closure needs to be further validated in future studies.  相似文献   
森林林冠结构能改变林下微气候条件, 可能会形成独立于地面生境的空间结构, 进而影响群落物种组成差异。该研究利用机载激光雷达获取浙江天童20 hm2常绿阔叶林样地的高精度林冠结构信息, 初步探讨了林冠结构与群落物种组成差异的关系, 结果表明: (1)未考虑林冠结构时, 独立于地面生境的空间结构是天童样地群落物种组成差异的重要影响因子, 在100 m2、400 m2、2 500 m2样方尺度上, 其对群落物种组成差异的解释率分别为25.2%、28.1%、8.0%。(2)考虑林冠结构后, 林冠结构使独立于地面生境的空间结构对群落物种组成差异的解释率降低了约1/3 (26.2%-36.0%)。(3)林冠结构因子中, 林冠高度对群落物种组成差异影响最大, 其次为林冠内部结构; 随样方尺度增大, 林冠高度对群落物种组成差异的影响降低, 林冠内部结构的影响逐渐增加。该研究结果证明了林冠结构是独立于地面生境的空间结构的主要驱动因子, 对天童植物群落物种组成差异具有不可忽视的重要作用。这些结果明晰了林冠结构因子中林冠高度和内部结构的重要性。  相似文献   
We have cloned and sequenced rRNA operons of Clostridium perfringens strain 13 and analyzed the sequence structure in view of the phylogenesis. The organism had ten copies of rRNA operons all of that comprised of 16S, 23S and 5S rDNAs except for one operon. The operons clustered around the origin of replication, ranging within one-third of the whole genome sequence as it is arranged in a circle. Seven operons were transcribed in clockwise direction, and the remaining three were transcribed in counter clockwise direction assuming that the gyrA was transcribed in clockwise direction. Two of the counter clockwise operons contained tRNAIle genes between the 16S and 23S rDNAs, and the other had a tRNAIle genes between the 16S and 23S rDNAs and a tRNAAsn gene in the place of the 5S rDNA. Microheterogeneity was found within the rRNA structural genes and spacer regions. The length of each 16S, 23S and 5S rDNA were almost identical among the ten operons, however, the intergenic spacer region of 16S-23S and 23S-5S were variable in the length depending on loci of the rRNA operons on the chromosome. Nucleotide sequences of the helix 19, helix 19a, helix 20 and helix 21 of 23S rDNA were divergent and the diversity appeared to be correlated with the loci of the rRNA operons on the chromosome.  相似文献   
耿涌  刘晓青  张攀  刘晔 《应用生态学报》2010,21(10):2615-2620
基于社会生态系统代谢多尺度综合评估(MuSIASEM)理论,对2000-2007年大连经济技术开发区人类活动时间、体外能投入量和增加值进行综合评价.结果表明:2000-2007年,大连开发区居民生活水平逐年提高;农业逐渐萎缩;第二产业仍为区域支柱产业,能耗较大;第三产业发展落后于第二产业;区域整体和各个产业的体外能代谢率明显提高,能源密度不断下降;人类活动时间与体外能投入量不断减少的情况下,经济增加值稳步增长,区域整体发展呈可持续态势.  相似文献   
通过田间小区试验,设N0(0 kg·hm-2)、N1(45 kg·hm-2)、N2(90 kg·hm-2)、N3(135 kg·hm-2)4个施氮水平,研究不同施氮水平下小麦与蚕豆间作对蚕豆赤斑病发生和冠层微气候的影响,探讨间作系统氮肥调控下冠层微气候变化及其与蚕豆赤斑病发生的关系.结果表明: 施氮提高了蚕豆单、间作种植模式下蚕豆赤斑病发病盛期的病情指数,增幅27.2%~58.0%,增加了病情进展曲线下面积(AUDPC),增幅15.0%~101.8%,N3水平下赤斑病病情指数和AUDPC最高.施氮使蚕豆冠层温度降低0.2~1.1 ℃,冠层透光率降低1.7%~29.7%,冠层相对湿度增加0.5%~28.7%.与单作相比,间作蚕豆赤斑病病情指数显著降低36.3%~48.1%,AUDPC显著降低44.0%~53.6%,冠层温度和透光率分别提高2.1%~8.7%和12.0%~53.8%,相对湿度降低11.6%~31.6%.相关分析表明,冠层温度和透光率与赤斑病病情指数呈显著负相关,而湿度与病情指数呈显著正相关.表明高氮恶化了冠层微气候环境,加重了蚕豆赤斑病的发生和危害,而间作对蚕豆冠层微气候的改善是控制蚕豆赤斑病发展的重要原因.  相似文献   
为进一步优化新疆滴灌小麦施肥技术,在大田滴灌条件下,采用单因素随机区组设计,共设置0 (N0)、104(N1)、173(N2)、242 kg·hm-2(N3)4个施氮水平,研究不同施氮量对冬小麦花期叶、茎垂直分布及形态特征、冠层温湿度、粒叶比、产量及经济效益的影响.结果表明: 施氮处理较未施氮处理冬小麦各叶位叶长、叶宽均显著增加,株高变幅为65.57~81.58 cm;随施氮水平的提高,叶面积指数、各茎节粗均呈先升后降的变化趋势,在N2处理达到峰值,分别为5.48和0.49 cm;冠层温、湿度日变化分别呈“凸”、“凹”型变化,温度表现为N0>N1>N2>N3,湿度变化趋势相反,≥35 ℃高温日持续时数随施氮量增大而缩短(缩短1~3.5 h不等);各施氮处理间粒叶比仅N1、N3间差异显著;产量及经济效益均以N2处理最高,较N0、N1、N3处理分别高32.8%、12.6%、5.2%和77.7%、5.4%、4.2%.本试验条件下,滴灌冬小麦施氮量控制在173 kg·hm-2左右,冬小麦叶型、株型特征良好,冠层温湿度适宜,产量、经济效益高.  相似文献   
蔡联炳 《植物研究》1996,16(3):273-280
叶片表皮、叶片横切面、花粉和淀粉粒的微观特征,对青藏高原的特有类群三蕊草属Sinochasea Keng的系统位置进行了探讨。结果表明,三蕊草S.trigyna Keng在上述微观性状上与毛蕊草Duthiea brachypodia(P.Candargy) Keng et Keng f.差距最小,与冠毛草Stephanachne pappophorea(Hack.)Keng差距次之,与宝兴野青茅Deyeuxia moupinensis(Franch.) Pilger和拂子茅Calamagrostis epigeios(L.) Roth差距最大;三蕊草属的系统位置应处于毛蕊草所隶的燕麦族Aveneae中;在系统演化上,燕麦族是最原始的类群,它可能直接或间接地派生了针茅族Stipeae和剪股颖族Agrostideae。  相似文献   
李林初   《广西植物》1988,(2):135-141
本文比较了金松(属)和杉科其他各属植物的核型,它的染色体数目(2n=20)和基数(x=10)较低,其核型最为对称。细胞学资料支持金松属从杉科分出另立金松科SciadopityaceaeHayata,它的系统位置则很可能比杉科来得原始。这也得到古植物学的支持。  相似文献   
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