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Studies were undertaken on interactions between panicle size, insect density, host plant, and the environment for sorghum head bug,Calocoris angustatus Lethiery on five sorghum genotypes in terms of bug population increase, grain damage and loss in grain mass across four panicle sizes (5, 10 or 20 branches/panicle and whole panicle), and three infestation levels (5, 10 and 15 pairs of bugs/panicle). Head bug numbers increased and grain damage decreased with an increase in panicle size in the head bug susceptible cultivars, CSH 1 and CSH 5. However, the increase in bug numbers or decrease in grain damage was not significant in head bug resistant genotypes, IS 17610 and IS 17645. Head bug numbers increased with an increase in infestation level in CSH 1 and CSH 5, however, such an increase was not substantial in IS 17610 and IS 17645. Grain damage was significantly lower in IS 17610 and IS 17645 compared with CSH 1 and CSH 5 across infestation levels. Head bug population increased at a greater rate during the rainy season compared with the dry season. Panicle size and infestation levels accounted for greater variation in grain damage and percentage loss in grain mass during the rainy season than in the dry season. To identify reliable sources of resistance to insects, it is important to study insect host plant-interactions across panicle sizes (levels of food availability), infestation levels and seasons.  相似文献   
The patterns of variation in fluctuating asymmetry were studied in four morphological characters of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica. The level of absolute and relative asymmetry was larger in the secondary sexual character “outer tail length” than in three nonsexual morphological traits (wing, central tail, and tarsus length). The extent of individual asymmetry in outer tail length was negatively correlated with tail-ornament size, whereas the relationship between asymmetry of all other morphological characters and their size was flat or U-shaped. Asymmetry in outer tail length was unrelated to asymmetry in other morphological characters, whereas asymmetries in the length of wing, central tail, and tarsus were positively correlated. Male bam swallows exhibited larger asymmetry in outer tail length than females. Asymmetry of most morphological traits exhibited intermediate repeatabilities between years, with the exception of male and female outer tail length, which were highly repeatable. Tail asymmetry of offspring weakly, though significantly, resembled that of their parents. Asymmetry in wing and outer tail length was also significantly related to several fitness components. Male barn swallows that acquired a mate were less asymmetric in wing and outer tail length than unmated males. Females with more asymmetrical tails laid eggs significantly later. Annual reproductive success was unrelated to fluctuating asymmetry. Male barn swallows that survived were less asymmetric in wing and outer tail length than nonsurvivors, whereas female survivors were less asymmetric in outer tail length than nonsurvivors. These results suggest that levels of fluctuating asymmetry in barn swallows are associated with differences in fitness.  相似文献   
We determined the genetic basis of several traits related to overall fitness of Aquilegia caerulea, a perennial herb of the Rocky Mountains in western North America. To obtain measures of heritability relevant to the evolutionary potential of wild populations, we performed full and partial diallel crosses and studied progeny performance in the field. Based on a joint analysis of two designs with a total of 18 parents and 102 crosses, we detected significant maternal variance for seed mass and emergence time, but this component was negligible for later-expressed traits. Low heritability and evidence that maternal effects on seed mass are largely environmental suggest that in this population there is little evolutionary potential for change in seed mass under conditions experienced during the study. Seed mass varied depending on particular combinations of parents and cross direction. Such an interaction can have several different biological interpretations, including that particular maternal parents selectively provision embryos sired by particular pollen genotypes. Width of the first true leaf after 4 wk of growth and leaf size of juvenile plants at years one and two were significantly heritable and positively genetically correlated. Juvenile survival exhibited significant dominance variance, as expected from evidence of inbreeding depression in this trait. In contrast, for other traits that exhibit inbreeding depression in this population (seed mass and third-year leaf size), dominance variance was negligible.  相似文献   
Response of tidal freshwater macrobenthos to sediment disturbance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Robert J. Diaz 《Hydrobiologia》1994,278(1-3):201-212
The macrobenthic fauna in the tidal freshwater James River, Virginia, USA, exhibited a high degree of resilience and limited temporal response to sediment disturbance caused by large quantities of low bulk density (< 1.3 g cm–3) fluid mud. The fluid mud was produced by hydraulic dredge deepening of a ship channel with disposal of dredged sediments onto a nearby shoal. The response of tidal freshwater communities to fluid mud was limited to mainly quantitative changes in abundance of dominant taxa (Limnodrilus spp., L. hoffmeisteri, Ilyodrilus templetoni, Corbicula fluminea, Coelotanypus scapularis) and was directly related to the thickness of fluid mud layers. Disturbance effects were short lived and for tubificids most obvious in areas with > 0.3 m fluid mud. In areas that received < 0.3 m fluid mud, acute effects were limited to chironomids and small (< 10 mm) C. fluminea. The fauna colonizing the areas disturbed by fluid mud was the same as that inhabiting the shoal prior to disturbance. There was no indication of a successional sequence, as reported for other freshwater and marine habitats. Three weeks after the disturbance ended, all but a few insect taxa had recolonized. Changes in community structure from fluid mud disturbance were slight with total taxa best characterizing the disturbance. The insensitivity of community structure measures reflects the high resiliency of macrobenthic communities to physical stresses in tidal freshwater systems.  相似文献   
Santamaría  L.  Dias  C.  Hootsmans  M. J. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):219-231
In a laboratory experiment, Ruppia drepanensis Tineo seedlings from a brackish marsh in Southern Spain were grown at 20 and 30 °C, at three different nitrogen levels. These levels were obtained by the addition of a slow release fertilizer (23% NH4NO3 by weight) to a sediment mixture of sand and clay (3:1). Several morphometric parameters were recorded during the first five weeks of the experiment, and photosynthesis and respiration were measured after 7 weeks of growth. Results showed a significant reduction of growth and development with increasing nitrogen and temperature levels. Dark respiration increased strongly at high nitrogen levels. At the same time, net photosynthesis at 250 and 500 µE m-2 s-1, Pm, Km and LCP were not affected by either factor. We attribute these phenomena to ammonia toxicity, since relatively high total ammonia (NH3 + NHf4 p+) levels were found in the interstitial water.  相似文献   
On June 26,1989, the tanker World Prodigy ran aground just outside the mouth of the West Passage of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA. About 922 metric tons of No. 2 fuel oil were released into the water and drifted over a total area of about 120 sq miles. Three days after the spill only a small fraction of the oil remained.The effects on macrobenthic crustaceans within the first five weeks after the spill were studied at five stations with a varying degree of oil exposure, including one control site never reached by oil from the spill. Significant differencies between these stations were noted for total amphipod abundance, the amphipod genus Ampelisca and ostracods (retained on a 0.3 mm mesh), but not for amphipods of the genus Corophium. At the most heavily impacted station (23 µg oil g–1 sediment dry weight), the total amphipod abundance, dominated by Ampelisca verrilli, decreased by 86% within the first two weeks after the spill. Decreases in total amphipod abundance significantly larger than at the control site were noted also at two other stations, one of which with only trace amounts of oil detected in the sediment. The amphipod populations at these sites were dominated by juvenile specimens.These findings confirm the extreme sensitivity to oil pollution of amphipods and ostracods, noted in earlier field and experimental studies.  相似文献   
Hummel  Herman  Fortuin  Anne W.  Bogaards  Roelof H.  Meijboom  Andre  de Wolf  Lein 《Hydrobiologia》1994,282(1):219-234
Effects of tidal manipulation, resulting in prolonged periods of emersion and submersion or in protracted tidal cycles, on estuarine benthic animals are reviewed.Prolonged submersion periods did not show effects on mortality of most benthic animals tested, with the exception of the crumb-of-bread sponge Halichondrea panicea, which, at low water-flow rates, was covered with a layer of bacteria and subsequently died.Protracted low-water periods of 18 hours during several weeks hardly caused any mortality. However, protracted low-water periods of 30 hours during some weeks or emersion during several days caused a strong increase in mortality, depending on: the duration of emersion, temperature, condition of the animals, species and age. At temperatures below –1 °C and above 24 °C mortality was generally high. Animals with a low glycogen content were more sensitive to emersion than those with a high content. Species with a shell and those that are relatively big were less sensitive than those without a shell or of small size.The reproductive cycle of benthic animals could be delayed or accelerated by both emersion and submersion.  相似文献   
Components of genetic variation for postweaning growth traits were estimated for both control and growth stocks of mice. The effect of phenotypic selection for gain, which genetically combines selection for additive direct and maternal effects, on additive genetic variance components, heritability, and additive genetic correlationsis discussed. Quantitative genetic theory predicts that simultaneous selection for two metric traits in the same direction will cause the genetic correlation between the two traits to become more negative. The results presented in this paper conflict with this theory. The direct-maternal additive genetic correlation was more negative in the control line (with 356 mice) than in the growth-selected line (with 320 mice) for the three traits analyzed (0.310 vs 0.999 for 21-day weight, 0.316 vs 1.000 for 42-day weight, and 0.506 vs 1.000 for gain from 21–42 days). Estimates were obtained by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) computed under a derivative free algorithm (DFREML).  相似文献   
Multilocation trials are often used to analyse the adaptability of genotypes in different environments and to find for each environment the genotype that is best adapted; i.e. that is highest yielding in that environment. For this purpose, it is of interest to obtain a reliable estimate of the mean yield of a cultivar in a given environment. This article compares two different statistical estimation procedures for this task: the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) analysis and Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP). A modification of a cross validation procedure commonly used with AMMI is suggested for trials that are laid out as a randomized complete block design. The use of these procedure is exemplified using five faba bean datasets from German registration trails. BLUP was found to outperform AMMI in four of five faba bean datasets.  相似文献   
KORPELAINEN, H., 1994. Growth, sex determination and reproduction of Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott gametophytes under varying nutritional conditions. Gametophyte isolates originating from two populations of Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott were grown in culture media containing different amounts of nutrients. Both nutrition and source population significantly affected gametophyte growth, sex, reproduction and mortality. Taking into account the most optimal nutritional condition for the selfing of gametophytes originating from individual source sporophytes, the proportions of hermaphrodites reproducing by intragametophytic selfing in the two populations varied from 33 to 96% and from 54 to 100%, respectively. It is emphasized that when examining the amount of genetic load only hermaphrodites, not all individuals, should be included, and genetic load should be estimated from the growth experiments where the intensity of reproduction is at the maximum. It was detected that hermaphroditic gametophytes are considerably larger than males or asexuals. It follows that gametophyte size is decisive in sex determination. It is suggested that the effect of antheridiogen hormones, which is considered to be an important factor in gametophyte sex determination, is indirect. Antheridiogens would actually affect size, and size would influence sex expression. The ecology of fern mating systems, and the different genetic and nongenetic factors which promote intergametophytic matings are discussed.  相似文献   
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