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In the UapA uric acid-xanthine permease of Aspergillusnidulans, subtle interactions between key residues of the putative substrate binding pocket, located in the TMS8-TMS9 loop (where TMS is transmembrane segment), and a specificity filter, implicating residues in TMS12 and the TMS1-TMS2 loop, are critical for function and specificity. By using a strain lacking all transporters involved in adenine uptake (ΔazgA ΔfcyB ΔuapC) and carrying a mutation that partially inactivates the UapA specificity filter (F528S), we obtained 28 mutants capable of UapA-mediated growth on adenine. Seventy-two percent of mutants concern replacements of a single residue, R481, in the putative cytoplasmic loop TMS10-TMS11. Five missense mutations are located in TMS9, in TMS10 or in loops TMS1-TMS2 and TMS8-TMS9. Mutations in the latter loops concern residues previously shown to enlarge UapA specificity (Q113L) or to be part of a motif involved in substrate binding (F406Y). In all mutants, the ability of UapA to transport its physiological substrates remains intact, whereas the increased capacity for transport of adenine and other purines seems to be due to the elimination of elements that hinder the translocation of non-physiological substrates through UapA, rather than to an increase in relevant binding affinities. The additive effects of most novel mutations with F528S and allele-specific interactions of mutation R481G (TMS10-TMS11 loop) with Q113L (TMS1-TMS2 loop) or T526M (TMS12) establish specific interdomain synergy as a critical determinant for substrate selection. Our results strongly suggest that distinct domains at both sides of UapA act as selective dynamic gates controlling substrate access to their translocation pathway.  相似文献   
研究生教育注重培养学生的科学研究和创新能力.文献阅读与讨论(literature reading and discussion,LRD)对研究生创新思维和批判性思维的培养发挥积极的作用.然而,在传统的分子生物学课堂上,如何有效地实施大规模的集体LRD是一个巨大的挑战.云班课是一款专门针对教学而设计的免费移动教学APP,...  相似文献   
Periplasmic binding proteins (PBPs) comprise a protein superfamily that is involved in prokaryotic solute transport and chemotaxis. These proteins have been used to engineer reagentless biosensors to detect natural or non-natural ligands. There is considerable interest in obtaining very stable members of this superfamily from thermophilic bacteria to use as robust engineerable parts in biosensor development. Analysis of the recently determined genome sequence of Thermus thermophilus revealed the presence of more than 30 putative PBPs in this thermophile. One of these is annotated as a glucose binding protein (GBP) based on its genetic linkage to genes that are homologous to an ATP-binding cassette glucose transport system, although the PBP sequence is homologous to periplasmic maltose binding proteins (MBPs). Here we present the cloning, over-expression, characterization of cognate ligands, and determination of the X-ray crystal structure of this gene product. We find that it is a very stable (apo-protein Tm value is 100(+/- 2) degrees C; complexes 106(+/- 3) degrees C and 111(+/- 1) degrees C for glucose and galactose, respectively) glucose (Kd value is 0.08(+/- 0.03) microM) and galactose (Kd value is 0.94(+/- 0.04) microM) binding protein. Determination of the X-ray crystal structure revealed that this T. thermophilus glucose binding protein (ttGBP) is structurally homologous to MBPs rather than other GBPs. The di or tri-saccharide ligands in MBPs are accommodated in long relatively shallow grooves. In the ttGBP binding site, this groove is partially filled by two loops and an alpha-helix, which create a buried binding site that allows binding of only monosaccharides. Comparison of ttGBP and MBP provides a clear example of structural adaptations by which the size of ligand binding sites can be controlled in the PBP super family.  相似文献   
The structure, phylogeny and in vivo function of the base pair formed between nucleotides 32 and 38 of the tRNA anticodon loop are reviewed. The A32-U38 pair, which is highly conserved in tRNA2(Ala) and sometimes observed in tRNA2(Pro), was recently found to decrease the affinity of tRNAs to the ribosomal A site relative to other 32-38 combinations. This suggests that the role of 32-38 pair is to tune the tRNA affinity in the A site to a uniform value. New experiments presented here show that the U32C mutation in tRNA1(Gly) increases its affinity to the cognate codon and to codons with third position mismatches in the A site. This suggests that one reason for uniform tRNA binding to evolve was to avoid incorrect codon recognition.  相似文献   
Living cells oscillate between the two states of quiescence and division that stand poles apart in terms of energy requirements, macromolecular composition and structural organization and in which they fulfill dichotomous activities. Division is a highly dynamic and energy-consuming process that needs be carefully orchestrated to ensure the faithful transmission of the mother genotype to daughter cells. Quiescence is a low-energy state in which a cell may still have to struggle hard to maintain its homeostasis in the face of adversity while waiting sometimes for long periods before finding a propitious niche to reproduce. Thus, the perpetuation of single cells rests upon their ability to elaborate robust quiescent and dividing states. This led yeast and mammalian cells to evolve rigorous Start [L.H. Hartwell, J. Culotti, J. Pringle, B.J. Reid, Genetic control of the cell division cycle in yeast, Science 183 (1974) 46–51] and restriction (R) points [A.B. Pardee, A restriction point for control of normal animal cell proliferation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 71 (1974) 1286–1290], respectively, that reduce deadly interferences between the two states by enforcing their temporal insulation though still enabling a rapid transition from one to the other upon an unpredictable change in their environment. The constitutive cells of multicelled organisms are extremely sensitive in addition to the nature of their adhering support that fluctuates depending on developmental stage and tissue specificity. Metazoan evolution has entailed, therefore, the need for exceedingly flexible anchorage-dependent R points empowered to assist cells in switching between quiescence and division at various times, places and conditions in the same organism. Programmed cell death may have evolved concurrently in specific contexts unfit for the operation of a stringent R point that increase the risk of deadly interferences between the two states (as it happens notably during development). But, because of their innate flexibility, anchorage-dependent R points have also the ability to readily adjust to a changing structural context so as to give mutated cells a chance to reproduce, thereby encouraging tumor genesis. The Rb and p53 proteins, which are regulated by the two products of the Ink4a-Arf locus [C.J. Sherr, The INK4a/ARF network in tumor suppression, Nat. Rev., Mol. Cell Biol. 2 (2001) 731–737], govern separable though interconnected pathways that cooperate to restrain cyclin D- and cyclin E-dependent kinases from precipitating untimely R point transit. The expression levels of the Ink4a and Arf proteins are especially sensitive to changes in cellular shape and adhesion that entirely remodel at the time when cells shift between quiescence and division. The Arf proteins further display an extremely high translational sensitivity and can activate the p53 pathway to delay R point transit, but, only when released from the nucleolus, ‘an organelle formed by the act of building a ribosome’ [T. Mélèse, Z. Xue, The nucleolus: an organelle formed by the act of building a ribosome, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 7 (1995) 319–324]. In this way, the Ink4a/Rb and Arf/p53 pathways emerge as key regulators of anchorage-dependent R point transit in mammalian cells and their deregulation is, indeed, a rule in human cancers. Thus, by selecting the nucleolus to mitigate cell cycle control by the Arf proteins, mammalian cells succeeded in forging a highly flexible R point enabling them to match cell division with a growth rate imposed by factors controlling nucleolar assembling, such as nutrients and adhesion. It is noteworthy that nutrient control of critical size at Start in budding yeast has been shown recently to be governed by a nucleolar protein interaction network [P. Jorgensen, J.L. Nishikawa, B.-J. Breitkreutz, M. Tyers, Systematic identification of pathways that couple cell growth and division in yeast, Science 297 (2002) 395–400].  相似文献   
Cell adhesion is required for many cellular processes. In fungi, cell-cell contact during mating, flocculation or virulence is mediated by adhesins, which typically are glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-modified cell wall glycoproteins. Proteins with internal repeats (PIR) are surface proteins involved in the response to stress. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe no adhesins or PIR proteins have been described. Here we study the S. pombe Map4p, which defines a new class of surface protein that is not GPI-modified and has a serine/threonine rich domain and internal repeats that differ from those present in PIR proteins. Map4p is a mating type-specific adhesin required for mating in h(+) cells and enhances cell adhesion when overexpressed.  相似文献   
Comprehensive open reading frame (ORF) clone collections, ORFeomes, are key components of functional genomics projects. When recombinational cloning systems are used to capture ORFs in master clones, these DNA sequences can be easily transferred into a variety of expression plasmids, each designed for a specific assay. Depending on downstream applications, an ORF is cloned either with or without a stop codon at its original position, referred to as closed or open configuration, respectively. The former is preferred when the encoded protein is produced in its native form or with an amino-terminal tag; the latter is obligatory when the protein is produced as a fusion with a carboxyl-terminal tag. We developed a streamlined protocol for high-throughput, simultaneous cloning of both open and closed ORF entry clones with the Gateway recombinational cloning system. The protocol is straightforward to set up in large-scale ORF cloning projects, and is cost-effective, because the initial ORF amplification and the cloning in a pDONR vector are performed only once to obtain the two ORF configurations. We illustrated its implementation for the isolation and validation of 346 Arabidopsis ORF entry clones.  相似文献   
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