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Islands offer an interesting framework in which to study the effect of geographical isolation on population genetic differentiation. For plant species with high dispersal abilities, however, oceanic barriers may not represent a factor promoting strong population structure. In this work, we analysed seven nuclear microsatellite loci in Ilex (Aquifoliaceae), a bird‐dispersed plant group, to infer patterns of genetic differentiation among Macaronesian taxa: I. canariensis, I. perado ssp. lopezlilloi, I. perado ssp. platyphylla (Canary Islands) and I. perado ssp. azorica (Azores). In agreement with current taxonomic classification, our results revealed a high genetic differentiation between Ilex lineages (I. canariensis and the I. perado complex), and also supported previous hypotheses that these are the result of independent dispersal events to the islands. In contrast, genetic differentiation between I. perado ssp. azorica and the two subspecies from the Canaries was high, suggesting that taxonomic revision may be necessary. Levels of genetic variation at microsatellite loci in ssp. azorica were, in addition, the lowest reported among Macaronesian bird‐dispersed taxa. Lastly, low genetic differentiation was observed between subspecies occurring on the same island (sspp. platyphylla and lopezlilloi). In summary, our results revealed contrasting patterns between Macaronesian Ilex lineages: I. canariensis displayed moderate population structure across islands, whereas the I. perado complex showed strong differentiation among populations sampled on different islands. Thus, the Macaronesian Ilex taxa show that long‐distance dispersal syndromes (ornithochory) do not always ensure genetic connectivity across large areas in island systems. Plant groups that successfully colonized the islands on multiple occasions may have found barriers to gene flow within certain lineages. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 258–268.  相似文献   
A spectrophotometric technique was developed to provide insight into the feeding behavior of Simulium vittatum Zetterstedt (Diptera: Simuliidae) larvae. Larvae were exposed to water insoluble Neon Red particles (NRP) (DayGlo®) in a controlled current. The insoluble particles were available for capture by the cephalic fans of the larvae and subsequent ingestion. The length of gut occupied by the particles after a given exposure time was determined by visual inspection and measured with the aid of a dissecting microscope. Larvae were then homogenized in acetone to solubilize the particles. After filtration, the quantity of pigmented particles in the alimentary tract of the larvae was determined using spectrophotometric analysis. The quantity of particles per unit length of the alimentary tract was calculated. Experiments were conducted to determine the ideal concentration of NRP for obtaining an accurate measure of ingestion without interfering with normal larval feeding behavior. Larval mortality following ingestion of insecticidal proteins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis was used as an indirect measure of feeding behavior for these experiments. A concentration of 15 p.p.m. of NRP in the larval medium was the highest concentration used that did not interfere with larval mortality following exposure to the insecticidal proteins. Additional experiments demonstrated that components of the experimental matrix did not interfere with NRP absorbance. The final experiment revealed that the consumption of NRP and insecticidal proteins by larvae was influenced by clay and cellulose in the larval medium.  相似文献   
The velvet longhorned beetle, Trichoferus campestris (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is a serious wood‐boring pest that is a major threat to the phytosanitary condition of forests and orchards. Its worldwide expansion is a major concern for plant health. We have collected all bibliographical references, phytosanitary reports and authentic photographic evidence from entomological websites to determine the worldwide distribution of T. campestris. The theoretical directions of the spreading and actually occupied area of this arthropod pest were determined over the whole Holarctic range. Furthermore, the potential distribution area was calculated using cumulated temperature in the growing season averaged over 15 years both in the Palearctic and Nearctic regions. Holarctic expansion of the species, including the main parts of North America and Eurasia, is clearly indicated. Its populations occur in 29 countries to date, supported by documentation from 64 publications and 30 online forums. Its spread is continuously westward in the Palearctic; in the Nearctic, the spread was first southward from the Great Lakes region then eastward from Utah. The species has excellently adapted to circumstances of freight by ship and plane, as wood is often used, ensuring optimal conditions for the pest. In addition, the active spreading achieved by flying is an important factor contributing to its expansion. The primary criterion for controlling the species would be the introduction of a monitoring system in affected and exposed areas.  相似文献   
以白菜型油菜‘陇油6号’和‘天油2号’为试验材料,经MAPK抑制剂U0126、H_2O_2清除剂DMTU、NADPH氧化酶抑制剂DPI和IMD预处理后再分别进行盐胁迫、PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫,研究其对两种油菜幼苗活性氧、抗氧化酶活性和RbohC、RbohF基因表达的影响.结果表明:盐胁迫和PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫下,两种白菜型油菜中H_2O_2积累量上升,O_2积累量下降,抗氧化酶(超氧化物歧化酶SOD、过氧化氢酶CAT、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶APX和谷胱甘肽还原酶GR)活性和RbohC、RbohF基因表达均升高.与单独胁迫处理相比,两种油菜O_2积累、抗氧化酶活性和RbohC、RbohF基因的表达量均明显降低,经DMTU、DPI和IMD预处理后再分别进行盐和干旱胁迫,H_2O_2积累量下降,但U0126预处理后再进行胁迫处理,H_2O_2积累量上升.说明NADPH氧化酶、MAP激酶级联途径、H_2O_2参与了盐、干旱胁迫下活性氧产生、抗氧化酶活性变化和RbohC、RbohF基因表达的调控.  相似文献   
Erwinia carotovora subsp, carotovora (Ecc) infects and causes soft rot disease in hundreds of crop species including vegetables, flowers and fruits. Lignin biosynthesis has been implicated in defensive reactions to injury and pathogen infection in plants. In this work, variations of lignin content and gene expression in the molecular interaction between Chinese cabbage and Ecc were investigated. H2O2 accumulation and peroxidase activity were detected by 3, 3'- Dimethoxybenzidine staining at mocked and Ecc-inoculated sites of Chinese cabbage leafstalks. Klason lignin content in inoculated plants increased by about 7.84%, 40.37%, and 43.13% more than that of the mocked site at 12, 24 and 72 h after inoculation, respectively. Gas chromatography detected more p-coumaryl (H) and less coniferyl (G) and sinapyl (S) monolignins in leafstalks of Chinese cabbage. All three monomers increased in Ecc-infected leafstalks, and the Ecc-induced "defense lignin" were composed of more G and H monolignins, and less S monolignin. After searching the expressed sequence tags (EST) data of Chinese cabbage, 12 genes putatively encoding enzymes involved in lignin biosynthesis were selected to study their expression. All of these genes could be induced by mock inoculation and Ecc infection, while the gene expression lasted for several more hours in the infected samples than in mocked and untreated plants. Our results indicated that "defense lignin" was different from the developmental lignin in composition; G and S monolignins were significantly induced in plants in response to the soft rot Ecc; thus, lignin biosynthesis was differentially regulated and played a role in plant response to the soft rot Ecc.  相似文献   
Species’ geographic range limits often result from maladaptation to the novel environments beyond the range margin. However, we rarely know which aspects of the n‐dimensional environment are driving this maladaptation. Especially of interest is the influence of abiotic versus biotic factors in delimiting species’ distributions. We conducted a 2‐year reciprocal transplant experiment involving manipulations of the biotic environment to explore how spatiotemporal gradients in precipitation, fatal mammalian herbivory, and pollination affected lifetime fitness within and beyond the range of the California annual plant, Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana. In the first, drier year of the experiment, fitness outside the range edge was limited mainly by low precipitation, and there was some evidence for local adaptation within the range. In the second, wetter year, we did not observe abiotic limitations to plant fitness outside the range; instead biotic interactions, especially herbivory, limited fitness outside the range. Together, protection from herbivory and supplementation of pollen resulted in three‐ to sevenfold increases in lifetime fitness outside the range margin in the abiotically benign year. Overall, our work demonstrates the importance of biotic interactions, particularly as they interact with the abiotic environment, in determining fitness beyond geographic range boundaries.  相似文献   
Black rot, caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc), is the most devastating disease of brassica, but the mechanisms of basal or induced resistance in cabbage remain largely unknown. Here, we performed three experiments to investigate biochemical features associated with cabbage resistance to black rot. In the first experiment, biochemical changes were assessed in plants that were inoculated with a highly (UFPR 5) or a moderately (Xcc 10) aggressive Xcc isolate. In the second experiment, we examined the biochemical responses in two cultivars (Chato de Quintal [CQ] and Louco de Verão [LV], susceptible and moderately resistant to Xcc, respectively). Finally, we examined whether acibenzolar‐S‐methyl (ASM) could induce cabbage resistance to Xcc. Plants inoculated with the Xcc 10 isolate displayed higher activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POX) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), whereas activities of chitinase (CHI), β‐1,3‐glucanase (GLU) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) as well as the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were lower compared to plants inoculated with the UFPR 5 isolate. The resistance of the cultivar LV to Xcc was linked to increases in the activities of CHI, GLU, and PPO and decreases in the activities of SOD, POX and APX as well as in the concentrations of H2O2 and MDA relative to the cultivar CQ. In general, ASM‐sprayed plants displayed higher activities for the enzymes studied, which was associated with decreased disease symptoms and oxidative stress. Taken together, our results demonstrated that high activities of both defence and antioxidant enzymes played a major role in both basal and induced resistance of cabbage to black rot.  相似文献   
Neotyphodium (Clavicipitaceae: Balansieae) fungal endophyte infection does not always confer temperate grass resistance to insect herbivores, although reports indicate that over 40 species are adversely affected by its infection. Laboratory and glasshouse experiments were conducted to improve our knowledge of the anti‐insect properties of Neotyphodium‐infected (E+) non‐commercial grasses, and E+ wild barley (Hordeum) specifically. Neotyphodium infection of four plant inventory (PI) lines of wild barley conferred resistance to Mayetiola destructor (Say) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), whereas none of the E+ wild barley accessions reduced the survival of Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker) (Homoptera: Aphididae) densities were significantly lower on the E+ clones of Hordeum brevisubulatum ssp. violaceum (Boissier and Hohenacker) (PI 440420), compared with densities on endophyte‐free (E–) plants of this species in population growth experiments. Neotyphodium infection of three Hordeum bogdanii (Wilensky) PI lines did not confer resistance to M. dirhodum; however, one of these E+ lines (PI 314696) was resistant to this aphid in a second population growth experiment. Our results provide additional evidence that the outcome of a grass–endophyte–insect interaction is influenced by the host grass species or genotype, Neotyphodium species or genotype, and the insect species involved. They also reinforce this phenomenon for non‐commercial grass–endophyte–insect interactions and underscore the potential role of endophytes in mediating wild barley–insect interactions and their potential to act as defensive mutualists.  相似文献   
Citrus canker is a plant disease caused by Gram‐negative bacteria from the genus Xanthomonas. The most virulent species is Xanthomonas citri ssp. citri (XAC), which attacks a wide range of citrus hosts. Differential proteomic analysis of the periplasm‐enriched fraction was performed for XAC cells grown in pathogenicity‐inducing (XAM‐M) and pathogenicity‐non‐inducing (nutrient broth) media using two‐dimensional electrophoresis combined with liquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry. Amongst the 40 proteins identified, transglycosylase was detected in a highly abundant spot in XAC cells grown under inducing condition. Additional up‐regulated proteins related to cellular envelope metabolism included glucose‐1‐phosphate thymidylyltransferase, dTDP‐4‐dehydrorhamnose‐3,5‐epimerase and peptidyl‐prolyl cistrans‐isomerase. Phosphoglucomutase and superoxide dismutase proteins, known to be involved in pathogenicity in other Xanthomonas species or organisms, were also detected. Western blot and quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction analyses for transglycosylase and superoxide dismutase confirmed that these proteins were up‐regulated under inducing condition, consistent with the proteomic results. Multiple spots for the 60‐kDa chaperonin and glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase were identified, suggesting the presence of post‐translational modifications. We propose that substantial alterations in cellular envelope metabolism occur during the XAC infectious process, which are related to several aspects, from defence against reactive oxygen species to exopolysaccharide synthesis. Our results provide new candidates for virulence‐related proteins, whose abundance correlates with the induction of pathogenicity and virulence genes, such as hrpD6, hrpG, hrpB7, hpa1 and hrpX. The results present new potential targets against XAC to be investigated in further functional studies.  相似文献   
利用SSR分子标记对中国沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides ssp. sinensis Rousi)自由授粉的种子进行父本分析,研究其子代的父本来源和花粉散布模式。结果显示:在80%的置信水平上,193个子代中有104个个体可以确定花粉来源;在20个确定的父本中,16个为中国沙棘,4个为肋果沙棘(H.neurocarpa S.W.Liu et T.N.He)。传粉格局分析结果显示,中国沙棘有效花粉散布范围为3~71 m,平均距离为20.4 m,2株母本分别有87.23%和78.95%的有效花粉来自距其30 m的范围之内,研究结果表明中国沙棘自然种群以近距离传粉为主。此外,在黑河上游沙棘杂交带中,中国沙棘子代中的肋果沙棘花粉平均贡献率达到14.84%,表明中国沙棘与肋果沙棘存在较高的种间当代花粉流。  相似文献   
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