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古树是人类聚居地最具标志性的生物体,具有极其重要的社会文化和生态价值。由于人类活动和气候变化的影响,全球范围内的古树正面临衰退。如何保护人类聚居地的古树及其社会文化和生态价值是科学家和林业管理者需要共同思考的问题。尽管目前在世界范围内有一定数量的古树研究论文发表,但仍然缺乏对人类聚居地古树研究现状和观点的总结。我们从古树的社会文化和生态价值、分布格局和驱动因素、保护的文化根源和保护实践,以及古树保护面临的挑战等方面对目前人类聚居地古树的研究现状和观点进行了综述。希望能够对未来古树的研究提供一定的思考和启发,并为古树的可持续保护提供建议和参考。  相似文献   
Saxifraga section Saxifraga subsection Arachnoideae is a lineage of 12 species distributed mainly in the European Alps. It is unusual in terms of ecological diversification by containing both high elevation species from exposed alpine habitats and low elevation species from shady habitats such as overhanging rocks and cave entrances. Our aims are to explore which of these habitat types is ancestral, and to identify the possible drivers of this remarkable ecological diversification. Using a Hybseq DNA-sequencing approach and a complete species sample we reconstructed and dated the phylogeny of subsection Arachnoideae. Using Landolt indicator values, this phylogenetic tree was used for the reconstruction of the evolution of temperature, light and soil pH requirements in this lineage. Diversification of subsection Arachnoideae started in the late Pliocene and continued through the Pleistocene. Both diversification among and within clades was largely allopatric, and species from shady habitats with low light requirements are distributed in well-known refugia. We hypothesize that low light requirements evolved when species persisting in cold-stage refugia were forced into marginal habitats by more competitive warm-stage vegetation. While we do not claim that such competition resulted in speciation, it very likely resulted in adaptive evolution.  相似文献   
红树林水生动物栖息地功能及其渔业价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
红树林生长于热带、亚热带海陆交界的生态敏感带,其根系为生活于潮间带高度异质环境下的生物提供了适宜生境:藻类、双壳类、甲壳类等大量附生于红树根部;红树的呼吸根、支柱根、树干、倒落的枝条和残骸等,与沉积物形成的松软基质为大量底栖动物提供栖息地,根部结构间的空隙成为虾类、蟹类和鱼类等游泳动物的优良避难所和索饵场。红树林凋落物以碎屑形式进入食物网,连同浮游植物、附生藻类和底栖微藻等,是红树林生态系统的碳循环重要组成部分,为红树林区水生动物提供了丰富的食物来源。可见,食物来源丰富、隐蔽性强、捕食压力低等特点使得红树林成为水生动物的理想栖息地,许多水生动物选择在其中度过部分或完整生活史。另外,红树林也是重要经济动物(鱼、虾、蟹类)的育苗场,为近岸鱼类种群的补充和渔业活动提供支持。为合理开发红树林区渔业和有效保护红树林湿地生态系统,从生境价值、凋落物在红树林生态系统食物网中的贡献等方面总结了红树林栖息地功能及其渔业价值,提出今后的研究方向应将红树林的栖息地功能从其它河口、近岸栖息地中分离出来,甄别不同栖息地间的动态关系及其对渔业的影响。  相似文献   
This study focuses on relationships between the phenological growing season of plant communities and the seasonal metrics of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) at sample stations and pixels overlying them, and explores the procedure for determining the growing season of terrestrial vegetation at the regional scale, using threshold NDVI values obtained by surface–satellite analysis at individual stations/pixels. The cumulative frequency of phenophases has been calculated for each plant community and each year in order to determine the growing season at the three sample stations from 1982 to 1993. The precise thresholds were arbitrarily set as the dates on which the phenological cumulative frequency reached 5% and 10% (for the beginning) and 90% and 95% (for the end). The beginning and end dates of the growing season were then applied each year as time thresholds, to determine the corresponding 10-day peak greenness values from NDVI curves for 8-km2 pixels overlying the phenological stations. According to a trend analysis, a lengthening of the growing seasons and an increase of the integrated growing season NDVI have been detected in the central part of the research region. The correlation between the beginning dates of the growing season and the corresponding threshold NDVI values is very low, which indicates that the satellite-sensor-derived greenness is independent of the beginning time of the growing season of local plant communities. Other than in spring, the correlation between the end dates of the growing season and the corresponding threshold NDVI values is highly significant. The negative correlation shows that the earlier the growing season terminates, the larger the corresponding threshold NDVI value, and vice versa. In order to estimate the beginning and end dates of the growing season using the threshold NDVI values at sites without phenological data from 1982 to 1993, we calculated the spatial correlation coefficients between NDVI time-series at each sample station and other contiguous sites year by year. The results provide the spatial extrapolation area of the growing season for each sample station. Thus, we can use the threshold NDVI value obtained at one sample station/pixel for a year to determine the growing season at the extrapolation sites with a similar vegetation type for the same year. Received: 25 October 2000 / Revised: 19 June 2001 / Accepted: 19 June 2001  相似文献   
Caloric restriction (CR) is one of the most robust interventions shown to delay aging in diverse species, including rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Identification of factors involved in CR brings a promise of translatability to human health and aging. Here, we show that CR induced a profound change in abundance of circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) linked to growth and insulin signaling pathway, suggesting that miRNAs are involved in CR's mechanisms of action in primates. Deep sequencing of plasma RNA extracts enriched for short species revealed a total of 243 unique species of miRNAs including 47 novel species. Approximately 70% of the plasma miRNAs detected were conserved between rhesus monkeys and humans. CR induced or repressed 24 known and 10 novel miRNA species. Regression analysis revealed correlations between bodyweight, adiposity, and insulin sensitivity for 10 of the CR‐regulated known miRNAs. Sequence alignment and target identification for these 10 miRNAs identify a role in signaling downstream of the insulin receptor. The highly abundant miR‐125a‐5p correlated positively with adiposity and negatively with insulin sensitivity and was negatively regulated by CR. Putative target pathways of CR‐associated miRNAs were highly enriched for growth and insulin signaling that have previously been implicated in delayed aging. Clustering analysis further pointed to CR‐induced miRNA regulation of ribosomal, mitochondrial, and spliceosomal pathways. These data are consistent with a model where CR recruits miRNA‐based homeostatic mechanisms to coordinate a program of delayed aging.  相似文献   
In many organisms, attenuation of growth signaling by caloric restriction or mutational inactivation of growth signaling pathways extends lifespan and protects against cancer and other age-related diseases. The focus of many efforts to understand these effects has been on the induction of oxidative stress defenses that inhibit cellular senescence and cell death. Here we show that in the model organism S. cerevisiae, growth signaling induces entry of cells in stationary phase into S phase in parallel with loss of reproductive capacity, which is enhanced by elevated concentrations of glucose. Overexpression of RNR1 encoding a ribonucleotide reductase subunit required for the synthesis of deoxynucleotide triphosphates and DNA replication suppresses the accelerated loss of reproductive capacity of cells cultured in high glucose. The reduced reproductive capacity of these cells is also suppressed by excess threonine, which buffers dNTP pools when ribonucleotide reductase activity is limiting. Caloric restriction or inactivation of the AKT homolog Sch9p inhibits senescence and death in stationary phase cells caused by the DNA replication inhibitor hydroxyurea or by inactivation of the DNA replication and repair proteins Sgs1p or Rad27p. Inhibition of DNA replication stress represents a novel mechanism by which caloric restriction promotes longevity in S. cerevisiae. A similar mechanism may promote longevity and inhibit cancer and other age-related diseases in humans.  相似文献   
Liu Q  Li H  Chen HH  Wang J 《遗传》2012,34(5):573-583
为了观察热量限制对主动脉内皮细胞中HNF3γ及NOX4基因表达的影响, 揭示HNF3γ-NOX4-活性氧通路介导热量限制抗内皮细胞衰老的分子机制, 文章将主动脉内皮细胞分为5组:对照组、高热量组、低热量组、siRNA+低热量组、siRNA+高热量组。应用逆转录实时定量PCR(Real-time quantitative PCR, RT-qPCR)、Western blotting分析各组HNF3γ、NOX4 mRNA及蛋白水平变化, 并检测各组细胞内活性氧产量及细胞衰老程度变化。采用染色质免疫共沉淀分析HNF3γ蛋白与NOX4基因启动子区域结合情况, 萤光素酶报告基因检测HNF3γ蛋白结合后对NOX4基因启动子活性的影响。结果显示:与对照组比较, 低热量组HNF3γ mRNA和总HNF3γ蛋白表达水平、磷酸化/总HNF3γ比值显著升高(P<0.05), NOX4 mRNA和蛋白表达水平、细胞内活性氧产量及细胞衰老程度显著降低(P<0.05); 高热量组HNF3γ mRNA和总HNF3γ蛋白表达水平、磷酸化/总HNF3γ比值显著降低(P<0.05), NOX4 mRNA和蛋白表达水平、细胞内活性氧产量及细胞衰老程度显著升高(P<0.05); siRNA+低热量组及siRNA+高热量组中NOX4 mRNA和蛋白表达水平、细胞内活性氧水平及细胞衰老程度显著升高(P< 0.05)。染色质免疫共沉淀证实HNF3γ蛋白可与NOX4基因启动区域4个结合位点(-6 bp、-76 bp、-249 bp、-954 bp)结合。萤光素酶报告基因检测显示HNF3γ蛋白与NOX4启动子区域1个位点(-6 bp)、2个位点(-6、-76 bp)、3个位点(-6、-76、-249 bp)、4个位点(-6、-76、-249、-954 bp)结合, 可使NOX4启动子活性分别降低至对照组的80.15±4.64%、40.02.±2.15%、16.46±2.24%、12.13±1.46%, P<0.05。上述结果提示热量限制可上调HNF3γ基因表达, 增强HNF3γ蛋白活性, 促进HNF3γ蛋白同NOX4基因启动子区域结合, 抑制NOX4基因表达, 进而减少细胞内活性氧产生而延缓动脉内皮细胞衰老。  相似文献   
前言在我国海涂中被日潮淹没的中、低潮带,天然生长的高等植物种类比较贫乏,分布面积也较小,许多中低潮带海滩为光滩裸地。为了绿化海滩、保护海滩,提高海滩生态系统的初级生产力,我国在1963年和1978年分别从英国  相似文献   
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