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Vitamin D-deficiency and rickets was produced in growing chicks. The resulting decrese in mineralization of whole bone and of fractions separated by density centrifugation was accompanied by a very significant decrease in the contents of O-phosphoserine and O-phosphothreonine. Likewise, the total amount of O-phosphoserine and O-phosphothreonine and the concentrations of these phosphoamino acids in EDTA extracts and in fractions obtained by molecular sieving was also reduced. These data provide the first in vivo evidence that phosphoproteins may be critically involved in the calcification of bone.  相似文献   
A stilbene synthase catalyzing the formation of resveratrol from 4-hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA was found in the leaves of several Vitaceae. This stilbene synthase and two other enzymes functioning on the route from phenylalanine to stilbenes were induced concurrently upon irradiation of the leaves with UV light. With leaves of Cissus antarctica, an increase of stilbene synthase activity, more than hundred-fold, was observed with a maximum appearing 15 h after the induction with UV light.Abbreviations EDTA Na2-ethylenediaminotetraacetate - Hepes 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - Mes morpholinoethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   
Dry lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seeds (achenes) contain -galactosidase (EC 3.2.122) at a level which is maintained in the imbibed dormant state in darkness. Both red light (R) and gibberellic acid promote an increase in enzyme activity several hours prior to the completion of germination. Germination and enzyme activity are not essentially linked, however, for the latter can increase while the former is inhibited. -Galactosidase activity increases within the cotyledons and the endosperm following R stimulation, but the axis is essential to perceive the stimulus and to promote and maintain the increase in enzyme activity. A diffusible factor (or factors) is produced by and-or released from irradiated axes, and it migrates to the cotyledons (and possibly endosperm) to promote the increase in -galactosidase activity. Gibberellic acid, particularly in the presence of benzyladenine, can replace the requirement for irradiated axes.Abbreviations GA3 gibberellic acid - R red light  相似文献   
The filamentous cyanobacterium Oscillatoria chalybea grows phototrophically on a mineral medium in the presence of either nitrate or ammonium ions as nitrogen source at similar growth rates. In the absence of any combined nitrogen source in the medium the cyanobacterium also grows, although at a reduced growth rate. The steady state rate of oxygen evolution by filaments from these three culture conditions is approximately constant if compared on an equal chlorophyll basis. Qualitative differences, however, emerge, if transient phenomena, e.g. the oxygen gush, are investigated. Only nitrate-and nitrogen-free-grown cultures show an oxygen gush, whereas ammonium sulfate-grown cultures do not show this phenomenon. Fluorescence induction in O. chalybea shows a fast monophasic rise, comparable to the fluorescence rise curves of higher plant chloroplasts in the presence of dithionite. The steady state level of fluorescence in ammonium sulfate-grown cells is up to seven times higher than in nitrate-grown cells when compared on an equal chlorophyll basis. In ammonium sulfate-grown cells, DCMU (N,N-3,4-Dichlorophenyl dimethylurea) causes a further increase in fluorescence level. In nitrate-grown cyanobacteria, however, the effect of DCMU consists of a decrease of the steady state level of fluorescence. In context with earlier research on Anabaena cylindrica, another filamentous cyanobacterium, it appears that the type of the nitrogen source used for growth determines the main location of the DCMU-block in this organism. It thus appears that in O. chalybea the site of DCMU inhibition lies on the oxygen-evolving side of photosystem II, if the organism is grown on nitrate. If grown on ammonium sulfate, no substantial difference of the location of the inhibition site when compared to algae or higher plant chloroplasts is found.Thylakoid preparations of O. chalybea perform the usual Hill reactions with ferricyanide, p-benzoquinone or silicomolybdate as electron acceptors. In each case it is seen that with thylakoids of nitrate-grown cells the steady-state level of fluorescence is lowered by DCMU in the presence of these acceptors, which should be the case, if DCMU inhibits electron transfer on the donor side of photosystem II. According to the literature silicomolybdate accepts electrons mainly before the DCMU-block in higher plant chloroplasts. Hence, in higher plants this reaction is mainly DCMU-insensitive. In thylakoids of O. chalybea, however, the Hill reaction with silicomolybdate is DCMU-sensitive which provides further evidence that the DCMU-block is on the oxygen-evolving side of photosystem II in O. chalybea provided the cells have been grown on nitrate.Abbreviations DCMU N-N-3,4-Dichlorophenyl dimethylurea  相似文献   
Rhodospirillum rubrum strain F24.1 is a spontaneous revertant of nonphototrophic mutant F24 derived from wild-type strain S1. Strain F24 shows no detectable photochemical activity and contains, at most, traces of the photoreaction center polypeptides. Strain F24.1 has a phototrophic growth rate close to that of the wild-type strain (Picorel, R., del Valle-Tascón, S. and Ramírez, J.M. (1977) Arch. Biophys. Biochem. 181, 665–670) but shows little photochemical activity. Light-induced absorbance changes in the near-infrared, photoinduced EPR signals and ferricyanide-elicited absorbance changes indicate that strain F24.1 has a photoreaction center content of 7–8% as compared to strain S1. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isolated F24.1 chromatophores shows the photoreaction center polypeptides to be present in amounts compatible with this value. Photoreaction center was prepared from strain F24.1 and showed no detectable difference with that of strain S1. It is concluded that strain F24.1 photosynthesis is due entirely to its residual 7–8% of typical photoreaction center.  相似文献   
U. Schreiber 《BBA》1980,591(2):361-371
Phycobilin fluorescence of Anacystis nidulans grown at 28°C increases substantially upon cooling below 10°C. A maximal increase is found around ?5°C and amounts to 300%, with almost complete reversibility upon re-warming. Illumination with actinic light leads to considerable stimulation of the cold-induced phycobilin fluorescence increase. Analysis of the light stimulation phenomenon reveals: (1) Actinic illumination shifts the fluorescence-temperature characteristic by about 3°C upwards on the T-axis. At temperatures below 5°C the light stimulating effect becomes smaller again and fluorescence-temperature characteristics measured at high and low light intensity converge around ?5°C. (2) In the 13-8°C region a large (up to 100%) light-induced phycobilin fluorescence increase is observed, while only negligible changes occur in the dark. (3) 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea (DCMU) as well as uncouplers inhibit the light stimulation, which hence depends on coupled electron transport.In agreement with previous work (Schreiber, U. (1979) FEBS Lett. 107, 4–9) it is concluded that illumination enhances cold-induced phycobilisome detachment by increasing the net negative charge at the outer surface of the thylakoid membrane. The possible role of a fluid → ordered transition of membrane lipids (Murata, N. and Fork, D.C. (1975) Plant Physiol. 56, 791–796) is discussed.  相似文献   
The segregation of isozymes of peroxidase and acid phosphatase in progenies of crosses between large (L) and small (S and L6) flax genotrophs has been determined. The peroxidase isozymes segregated as expected on a simple Mendelian model with a dominant and a recessive allele and with the L genotroph being a homozygous dominant. All the peroxidase isozymes which differed segregated together, so the isozymes are controlled by either a single locus or closely linked loci. The acid phosphatase isozymes in the F1 were all L type, but the segregations observed in the F2 were not always consistent with a simple Mendelian model.  相似文献   
The temperature and orientation dependence of pulsed NMR ‘free induction decay’ signals have been studied in detail for lipid bilayers macroscopically-oriented between glass slides. Results for the lipid molecules (1H, 31P), bound water (2H2O) and ions dissolved in the aqueous phase (23Na) are presented. Bilayers of egg-lecithin, dimyristoyl lecithin and potassium oleate have been investigated. In the liquid crystal phase all the signals, including those from bound water and ions exhibit a |3 cos2? ? 1| dependence on orientation of the bilayer normal to the magnetic field. In the case of DML samples, some orientation dependence of both 1H and 2H signals persists in the gel phase, indicating that the lipid molecules retain a degree of reorientational freedom about their long axes in this phase. At the gel-liquid crystal transition the 2H quadrupole spittings undergo a discontinuous change. Results are interpreted in terms of a model in which water molecules are bound to individual lipid head groups and reorient with them, while sodium ions are located in the aqueous channel between bilayers.  相似文献   
The effect of exposure period and concentration of algae on the frequency of infection of aposymbiotic ciliates by algae obtained from the same clone of Paramecium bursaria syngen 2, was studied. The frequency of infection was roughly proportional to the algal concentration and to the exposure time of ciliates to algae. The relationship of algal concentration to infection frequency closely fitted the Poisson distribution curve for N = 1, suggesting that the minimum number of algae required to infect a single ciliate is 1. However, the data also strongly suggested that the average number of algae required to initiate infection of an average ciliate was ? 1,000. Three possible resolutions of this situation are: (a) the selection by the ciliate of a rare infective variant from a heterogeneous population: (b) the rare escape of an alga from digestion by the ciliate; and (c) the requirement for a large number of algae-ciliate contacts to induce susceptibility in the ciliate. Splitting the exposure of ciliates to algae into 2 periods of 0.5 h, separated by 5 h in the absence of algae, produced a much higher frequency of infection than a single l-h exposure, supporting the suggestion that the large number of algae is required to induce susceptibility in the ciliate which can then be infected by as few as a single algal cell.  相似文献   
A chemically defined medium was established for the growth of tissue cultures of Holarrhena antidysenterica. Administration of cholesterol-[4-14C] to 10-day-old callus yielded radioactive 24-methylenecholesterol, 28-isofucosterol, sitosterol, stigmasterol, and conessine, thereby indicating that the conversion of cholesterol into sitosterol is mediated through 24-methylenecholesterol and 28-isofucosterol in this system.  相似文献   
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