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以移动的正弦光栅作为刺激,用玻璃微电极记录以冰冻法毁损皮层17、18、19区和外侧上雪氏回(LS)区后的猫外膝体的单细胞反应,测定了了579个细胞的方位调谐特性.另外还在视觉剥夺猫外膝体测定了344个细胞的方位调谐特性.与正常猫相似,去视皮层猫和视觉剥夺猫外膝体的少数细胞(约占10%)具有非寻常的方位调谐特性,包括具蝴蝶形调谐曲线的方位调谐特性、双调谐(Bimodal)的方位调谐特性和最优方位随刺激空间频率的不同而变化的方位调谐特性。结果表明,外膝体的非寻常的方位调谐特性并非主要由皮层下行投射所致,而是主要与先天遗传因素有关。  相似文献   
海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量估测方法比较分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
李意德 《生态学报》1993,13(4):313-320
本文通过对海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量估测方法的比较分析,表明材积转换法不适宜估算海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量,其结果与皆伐法相比较一般偏高20%—40%;而用实测资料建立的生物量回归模型,对原始林林分有较好的估测结果,除树枝和树叶生物量外,树干、树皮及地上部分生物量的回归模型值,与皆伐法的结果比较,相对误差一般在±10%以内,为允许误差范围,而对热带山地雨林的更新林生物量的估测则效果较差,应建立相应的估测模型。平均木法有工作量小的优点,且误差也在16%以下,但要注意取样的树种多样性和取样强度,在实际中应当慎用。另外本文对测定热带山地雨林生物量(原始林)的所需面积大小问题作了研究,提出了生物量-面积曲线的概念,确定其最小调查面积为2500m~2以上。  相似文献   
温度对桃蚜和马铃薯长管蚜实验种群生命表参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】桃蚜Myzus persicae (Sulzer)和马铃薯长管蚜Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas)是2种主要的马铃薯害虫。本研究旨在明确温度对这两种马铃薯蚜虫生长发育、存活、繁殖及种群增长的影响。【方法】在室内测定了5个温度(10, 15, 20, 25和30℃)下桃蚜和马铃薯长管蚜的生长发育、存活和繁殖指标,并组建了4个恒温条件下(10,15,20和25℃)的实验种群生命表。【结果】在10~25℃范围内,2种蚜虫的若蚜期、世代历期、成蚜寿命和产蚜期等均随温度的升高而缩短,而30℃高温抑制了其发育、存活和繁殖。2种蚜虫的平均世代历期(T)随温度的升高而缩短,桃蚜和马铃薯长管蚜分别从10℃的30.08 d和35.35 d缩短至25℃的14.28 d和12.95 d。桃蚜的净增殖率(R0)在15℃时最高(86.00),其次为20℃(73.75),再次为25℃(62.49),最低为10℃(51.00);马铃薯长管蚜的R0在15℃最高(58.97),其次为10℃(51.98),再次为20℃(48.94),最低为25℃(12.36)。桃蚜的内禀增长率(rm)随温度的升高而增大,从最小10℃的0.1307增大到25℃的0.2896;马铃薯长管蚜的rm在20℃时最大(0.2182),其次为25℃(0.1942),再次为15℃(0.1485),最小为10℃(0.1118)。在相同的温度下,桃蚜的发育速率、净增殖率和内禀增长率均高于马铃薯长管蚜。【结论】温度对2种马铃薯蚜虫的生长发育、存活、繁殖及种群增长有显著的影响,桃蚜在马铃薯上的种群增长能力强于马铃薯长管蚜。这一结果为马铃薯蚜虫预测模型的建立奠定了必要的基础,并解释了桃蚜在马铃薯上发生数量多于马铃薯长管蚜的原因。  相似文献   
在复杂的气候变化条件下, 利用水碳耦合模型进行生态水文学研究成为主要的研究手段和途径。该文以杂谷脑河上游流域为例, 在确定生态水文模型WaSSI-C模拟尺度的基础上, 探讨水碳耦合模型在中国西南湿润地区的适用性。杂古脑河上游流域位于岷江上游, 隶属于长江流域。在分析和讨论了模型结构和机理的基础上, 分别对模型蒸散和融雪计算进行了补充改进, 以提高模型的适用性。将1988-1996年作为模型的率定期, 1997-2006年作为模型的验证期, 分别在率定期和验证期利用实测的径流数据和中分辨率成像光谱仪数据的总初级生产力、蒸散(ET)数据, 对模拟结果进行对比验证。并利用决定系数(R2)和Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数(NS)两个指标对模拟效果进行评价。流域总径流率定期和验证期对比验证的R2分别为0.86和0.78; NS分别为0.82和0.67。总生态系统生产力和ET验证期的R2分别为0.89和0.78。可见模型模拟结果的两个评价指标都处于较为理想的区间内, 说明WaSSI-C模型在研究区内具有较好的适用性。并对模型的蒸散计算方法进行了讨论, 在此基础上提出了模型中存在的问题和改进的方向。  相似文献   
李京梅  韩然然  许志华 《生态学报》2022,42(11):4665-4675
海洋生物多样性是海洋生态系统服务的基础,保护海洋生物多样性不仅对维持地球生态系统的功能至关重要,也与人类福祉密切相关。基于沿海11个省区生态系统亚健康程度指标和物种多样性损害指标,运用面板回归模型对中国沿海地区经济增长与海洋生物多样性损害的关系进行实证考察。研究结果表明:(1)海洋生态系统亚健康程度与沿海地区经济增长之间存在显著的线性关系,随着经济增长,典型海洋生态系统亚健康状态占比呈现出持续上升趋势。此外,实施排污费制度和建立海洋自然保护区有利于抑制海洋生态系统的恶化。(2)海洋物种多样性损害与沿海地区经济增长之间存在显著“倒U”型关系,随着经济增长,海洋物种多样性损害呈现先上升后下降的态势,转折点为人均GDP 45145元,目前海南省、广西壮族自治区、河北省未跨过转折点。此外,排污费制度有利于抑制海洋物种多样性损害,而沿海地区目前的产业结构加重了海洋物种多样性损害。根据实证分析结果,海洋生态系统健康尚未出现拐点,沿海地区经济增长如果建立在对生态环境破坏的基础上,则势必会造成生物多样性的损害。因此从规范海域利用方式,完善海岸生态保护红线划定,加强生态系统的监测与管理,保持绿色可持续的...  相似文献   
唐增  黄茄莉  徐中民 《生态学报》2010,30(9):2354-2360
确定生态系统服务供给量与付费标准是进行生态系统服务付费研究的关键问题。最小数据方法是一个推导生态系统服务供给曲线的数学模型,该模型通过分析土地利用收益的空间分布,计算出生态系统服务机会成本的空间分布,从而推导出生态系统服务供给曲线。介绍了最小数据方法,然后以黑河流域张掖市甘州区为例,以植被蒸散发量的减少表征生态系统服务,通过调查获得机会成本的空间分布,利用最小数据方法推导了水资源服务供给曲线。结果表明:随着补偿价格的提高,农业部门提供的水资源服务逐渐增加。当补偿价格从0.067元m-3(农业用水价格)提高到3元m-3(建筑用水水价),农业部门提供的水资源服务由2.08×106m3a-1增加到2.7×108m3a-1。这表明,采用生态系统服务付费政策可以有效减少农业用水量,同时这也为补偿标准的制定提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   
【目的】通过响应面试验对产纤溶酶菌株CNY16发酵条件进行优化,并对其酶学特性进行初步研究。【方法】采用Plackett-Burman设计得出酵母膏、氯化钠、转速3个最重要影响因素,通过最陡爬坡实验逼近酶活的最高区域,然后根据Box-Behnken中心组合设计实验对显著因素进行优化分析,最后对该酶学性质进行初步分析。【结果】最终得到3个因素的最优组合:酵母膏3.28%,氯化钠1.14%,转速166 r/min,在此培养条件下,纤溶酶活达到875.932 U/mL,比优化前提高了46%;该菌株产纤溶酶最适温度为30°C,最适pH为6.5。【结论】确定了高产纤溶酶菌株CNY16的最优发酵条件及其部分酶学性质,为该酶的进一步深入研究及中试实验奠定基础。  相似文献   
The spectra of k-mer frequencies can reveal the structures and evolution of genome sequences. We confirmed that the trimodal spectrum of 8-mers in human genome sequences is distinguished only by CG2, CG1 and CG0 8-mer sets, containing 2,1 or 0 CpG, respectively. This phenomenon is called independent selection law. The three types of CG 8-mers were considered as different functional elements. We conjectured that (1) nucleosome binding motifs are mainly characterized by CG1 8-mers and (2) the core structural units of CpG island sequences are predominantly characterized by CG2 8-mers. To validate our conjectures, nucleosome occupied sequences and CGI sequences were extracted, then the sequence parameters were constructed through the information of the three CG 8-mer sets respectively. ROC analysis showed that CG1 8-mers are more preference in nucleosome occupied segments (AUC > 0.7) and CG2 8-mers are more preference in CGI sequences (AUC > 0.99). This validates our conjecture in principle.  相似文献   
Aim A New Caledonian insect group was studied in a world‐wide phylogenetic context to test: (1) whether local or regional island clades are older than 37 Ma, the postulated re‐emergence time of New Caledonia; (2) whether these clades show evidence for local radiations or multiple colonizations; and (3) whether there is evidence for relict taxa with long branches in phylogenetic trees that relate New Caledonian species to geographically distant taxa. Location New Caledonia, south‐west Pacific. Methods We sampled 43 cricket species representing all tribes of the subfamily Eneopterinae and 15 of the 17 described genera, focusing on taxa distributed in the South Pacific and around New Caledonia. One nuclear and three mitochondrial genes were analysed using Bayesian and parsimony methods. Phylogenetic divergence times were estimated using a relaxed clock method and several calibration criteria. Results The analyses indicate that, under the most conservative dating scenario, New Caledonian eneopterines are 5–16 million years old. The largest group in the Pacific region dates to 18–29 Ma. New Caledonia has been colonized in two phases: the first around 10.6 Ma, with the subsequent diversification of the endemic genus Agnotecous, and the second with more recent events around 1–4 Ma. The distribution of the sister group of Agnotecous and the lack of phylogenetic long branches in the genus refute an assumption of major extinction events in this clade and the hypothesis of local relicts. Main conclusions Our phylogenetic studies invalidate a simple scenario of local persistence of this group in New Caledonia since 80 Ma, either by survival on the New Caledonian island since its rift from Australia, or, if one accepts the submergence of New Caledonia, by local island‐hopping among other subaerial islands, now drowned, in the region during periods of New Caledonian submergence.  相似文献   
The molting process and body growth in Rhodnius prolixus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) (Ståhl, 1859) are significantly influenced by the availability and quality of food. Based on the body weight of each stage, the present study provides estimates of a potential critical weight threshold required for molt initiation in R. prolixus. In addition, a new measure given by the area under the weight curve is proposed, which encapsulates both body weight and time. It is shown that this measure is consistent with the data, and allows the estimation of a pre‐refractory period (i.e. the time interval between the moment at which the critical weight threshold is reached and the moment when no further meals are accepted). The present analysis estimates the critical weight threshold as 1.6, 5.3, 12.9, 42.0 and 97.0 mg for stages 1–5, respectively, whereas the values of the area under the curve threshold as 5, 16, 31.2, 159.7 and 329.9 mg days for stages 1–5, respectively. The results of the present study confirm the existence of a weight‐dependent mechanism for the initiation of molting in R. prolixus.  相似文献   
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