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A kinetic model of colony formation was proposed by Hattori, based on a count of the colonies that appear on a plate in successive short intervals of time. In this model, three parameters (,t r and N) are defined, which reflect the ability of a bacterium to yield colonies and allow us to described the dynamics of bacterial populations in soil and ofE. coli at different growth phases. In this paper we report a reparametrization of the kinetic model of colony formation, with the aim of facilitating more accurate calculation of andt r. Moreover, we observed that during the starvation ofE. coli andK. pneumoniae in urine, can be used to assess survival, since this parameter clearly decreases during starvation. Retardation time values (t r) were similar inE. coli andK. pneumoniae throughout the starvation experimental period.  相似文献   
We have studied the effect of R5020, a synthetic progestin, on the biosynthesis of cellular proteins extracted from the MCF7 and T47D human breast cancer cells, using gel electrophoresis. R5020 stimulates the synthesis, as measured after [35S]-methionine labelling, and the accumulation, as shown by silver staining, of a protein of molecular weight approximately equal to 250,000. The increase of the labelled 250-kilodalton protein was rapid (3 hours) and after 3 days this protein represented approximately equal to 6% of the total cellular proteins (approximately equal to 1 microgram/150,000 cells). The induction of the 250-kilodalton protein was obtained by physiologically active concentrations of several progestins and high concentrations of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone but not by estradiol or dexamethasone. It was inhibited by R486 , a progestin antagonist, but not by flutamide, an androgen antagonist. These results indicate a mediation by the progesterone receptor. The 250-kilodalton protein appears to be an excellent probe to study in cell culture the mechanism of action of progestin on human cells.  相似文献   
The survival rate of North American bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis, housed in several zoological gardens was analyzed. Complete herd histories, including birth and death data as well as causes of mortality, were collected from seven institutions. Lambs were divided into inbred and noninbred animals, with lambs being considered inbred if they had an inbreeding coefficient greater than zero. The rate of survival of inbred and noninbred lambs was compared using “survival equalling one year” and “survival equalling six months.” Another analysis compared the survival rate of male and female inbred lambs and male and female noninbred lambs. Age at death was also compared in inbred and noninbred lambs. The analysis of the data for the seven collections, located in various geographic areas and housing various subspecies, indicates that inbreeding depression is a mortality factor in the captive management of North American bighorn sheep. Therefore, long-term survival of captive or isolated wild populations will depend on maintaining genetic diversity within the herds through careful selection of breeding stock in captive populations and introduction of nonrelated animals into isolated wild populations.  相似文献   
M T Hansen 《Mutation research》1982,106(2):209-216
The sensitivity to psoralen plus near-ultraviolet radiation (PUVA) was compared in a pair of E. coli strains differing at the acrA locus. Survival was determined for both bacteria and phage lambda. AcrA mutant cells were 40 times more sensitive than wild type to the lethal effect of PUVA. Free lambda phage exposed to PUVA survived as well when plated on acrA mutants as on wild type. In contrast, prophage lambda CI857 ind carried in lysogenic acrA strains was hypersensitive to PUVA. The enhanced sensitivity of bacterial and lambda DNA, when inside acrA cells, was paralleled by an increased photobinding of radiolabelled psoralens in the mutant. Binding was increased specifically to DNA rather than to nucleic acids in general. The difference in psoralen-binding ability determined by the acrA gene persisted after permeabilizing treatment of the cells. The results suggest that the acrA mutation causes an alteration specifically in the environment of the cellular DNA so as to allow increased intercalation and photobinding of psoralens.  相似文献   
The importance of mother — infant attachment in free-ranging primates is illustrated by events culminating in the deaths of two baboon infants a few days after losing their mothers. These two cases are contrasted with those of a severely injured infant, not separated from its mother, which lived, and an animal which lost and refound its troop. Protective behavior of adult males is described. In captivity, separation sometimes produces infant depression; in nature, such depression may be fatal.  相似文献   
Freeze-thawing of Escherichia coli cells caused a release of cell membrane components such as protein, phospholipids and lipopolysaccharides. A greater amount of release and a lesser extent of cell survival were seen in slow freeze-thawing than in rapid freeze-thawing. Several dehydrogenases in the cells were also freed. The mode of release was also dependent on the rate of freeze-thawing.The materials released by slow freeze-thawing were found to be mostly composed of outer membrane components, whereas the materials released by rapid freeze-thawing contained cytoplasmic as well as outer membrane components. The chemical composition of these fragments differed significantly from that of the original membranes. The relative content of cytoplasmic membrane-bound enzymes in these fragments also differed from that of the cytoplasmic membrane.The fragmentation was assumed to have resulted mainly from the crystallization of external water. In slow freeze-thawing, it was considered that the phase separation of the membrane phospholipid bilayer increased the possibility of outer membrane fragmentation. Rapid freeze-thawing caused cytoplasmic membrane damage to the cells as well as to the outer membrane. In rapid freeze-thawing, the effect of phase separation appeared to be small because of rapid passage through the transition temperatures.The presence of 10% glycerol completely inhibited the release of cellular materials and enzymes. Cell survival was maintained at a high level in the glycerol-treated samples whether freeze-thawed slowly or rapidly.  相似文献   
The Zn(II) site of the dimeric Cu(II),Zn(II)-superoxide dismutase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been examined by means of perturbed angular correlation of gamma rays (PAC) on the Cu(II),Cd(II)- and Cu(I),Cd(II)-superoxide dismutase. The PAC spectrum for the Cu(II),Cd(II) enzyme reveals two different, pH independent, coordination geometries for the Cd site. Removal of Cu(II) does not affect the PAC spectrum, which suggests that Cu(II) and Cd(II) do not share a common histidine side chain as ligand. The results are consistent with either an equilibrium between two coordination geometries for Cd(II) in each subunit or a difference in the structure of the Cd(II) site in the two subunits. In contrast, in the reduced enzyme only one structure is present, identical for the two subunits.  相似文献   
Nematodes of three genera (Acrobeloides sp., Aphelenchus avenae, and Scutellonema brachyurum) were induced to coil and enter anhydrobiosis in drying soil of two types: sandy loam and loamy sand. Coiling was studied in relationship to soil moisture characteristics. Coiling and the physiological state of anhydrobiosis occurred before the water in sandy soils reached a water potential of -15 bars. Coiling was maximum at 3-6 bars, depending on the soil type and nematode species. It appeared that induction of coiling and anhydrohiosis were determined by the physical forces exerted by the water film surrounding the nematode, which, for these three species, was 6-9 monomolecular layers of water, rather than the % moisture and relative humidity of the soil per se.  相似文献   
For optimum mutagensis in V79 Chinese hamster cells, the amount of liver postmitochondrial fraction in the assay was found to be of critical importance, depending on the chemicals being tested. Benzo[a]pyrene (BP) required lower (1-5%) concentrations of the liver 15 000 X g supernatant (S15) from methylcholanthrene pretreated rats for a maximum induction of cytotoxicity and mutagenicity, as determined by 8-azaguanine- and ouabain-resistance. A sharp peak of mutagenicity and cytotoxicity was induced by 7,8-dihydroxy-7,8-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene (7,8-diol BP) at a concentration of 1% of the S15 fraction. Little or no response was induced by these compounds with the S15 concentrations of more than 10%. Similarly, aflatoxin B1 induced a sharp peak of mutagenicity and cytotoxicity at a concentration of 2% of the liver S15 fraction from Aroclor-pretreated rats. Under the same condition, non-carcinogenic aflatoxin G2 did not induce cytotoxicity and mutagenicity. Analysis of BP metabolites by high-pressure liquid chromatography indicates that with the 30% S15 fraction, more than 80% of BP was metabolized during the first 15 min, while with the 2% S15 fraction, 7,8-diol BP increased continuously throughout the 120-min incubation period, suggesting a strong metabolic competition to rapidly remove BP and 7,8-diol BP with a high concentration of the S15. In contrast with these compounds, N-nitrosodimethylamine induced mutagenicity and cytotoxicity which increased linearly in proportion to the increasing amount of the S15 fraction from phenobarbitone- and Aroclor-pretreated rats. Various nitrosamines with different lipophilicity were examined at a high (30%) and low (2%) concentration of the S15 fraction from Aroclor-pretreated rats, in which ratios of mutation frequencies at 30% and 2% correlated inversely with lipophilicity of the compound. This result suggests that the lipid solubility of test compounds may be one factor which determines the concentration of post-mitochondrial supernatant for optimum mutagenesis.  相似文献   
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