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The physiological basis of plant reaction to and tolerance of aluminium (Al) is poorly understood. We review the results of investigations into Al toxicity and root physiology to develop a theoretical basis for explaining the reaction of the root to Al, including suggested roles for Ca2+, mucilaginous cap secretions and endogenous growth regulators in mediating a transmitted response between Al-damaged cap cells and the interacting cell populations of the cap and root. This information is used to identify possible mechanisms of Al tolerance, notably involving signal transduction, Al uptake pathways and root morphogenesis; and to briefly discuss how procedures selecting for Al tolerance may be improved by incorporating the concept of stimulus-response coupling. Similarities in the responses of roots to Al and other signals (e.g. gravity, light, mechanical impedance) are used to develop the hypothesis that roots respond to environmental signals by way of a common regulatory system. New research prospects for extending our perception of Al tolerance mechanisms are identified.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted on an Ultisol in Malaysia to assess changes in soil solution composition and their effects on maize and groundnut yields, resulting from limestone and gypsum application. The results showed that soil solution Ca in the lime treatment remained mainly in the zone of incorporation, but in the gypsum treatment some Ca moved into 15–30 cm zone. Al3+ and AlSO4 + were dominant Al species in the soil solution of nil treatment. Liming decreased Al3+ and AlSO4 +, but increased hydroxy-Al monomer activities. However, gypsum application resulted in an increase of AlSO4 + activity and in a decrease of Al3+ activity. Relative maize and groundnut yields were negatively correlated with Al3+, Al(OH)2+ and Alsum activities. Likewise, relative yields were negatively correlated with Al concentration and the Al concentration ratio and positively correlated with soil solution Mg concentration and Ca/Al ratio.  相似文献   
A. Limami  T. Lamaze 《Plant and Soil》1991,138(1):115-121
The lower part (4 cm) of the witloof chicory tap-root (15 cm) was immersed in a complete nutrient solution for 21 days, in the darkness at 18°C and at high RH. This process of forcing which leads to the emergence of an etiolated bud (chicon) was associated with a decrease in root dry weight. Although the amount of calcium in the root and the root cationic exchange capacity remained constant during forcing, the net uptake of calcium, negligible at the onset of forcing, progressively increased to a rate after ten days of 45 mol day–1. Absorption of 45Ca remained at a constant high rate, while the initially low upward migration of 45Ca within the root and the chicon accelerated markedly. This upward migration was associated with a progressive decline in the release of newly absorbed 45Ca. The data support the hypothesis that calcium acquisition by witloof chicory root is predominantly determined by calcium efflux. As the forcing progressed, the influx remained almost constant while a large decrease in the efflux led to a net uptake of calcium. Upward translocation was probably linked to the formation of new negative exchange sites within the growing chicon. The hypothesis that calcium movement occurred along a preferential pathway (xylem vessels) or involved a mass movement through the root is discussed.  相似文献   
We have found and characterized an antigen associated with crystal-containing cells in the stomium and connective tissue of the anthers of Nicotiana tabacum L. (tobacco). The antigen, defined by the monoclonal antibody NtF-8B1, localizes to subcellular regions surrounding the crystals. At the light-microscope level, the antigen is detectable just after the first appearance of crystals in the connective tissue of the anther, and at approximately the same time as the appearance of crystals in the stomium. The antigen is not detectable on a Western blot, and gave inconclusive results on a test of periodate sensitivity. It is not the crystals themselves, nor is the presence of the crystals required for antibody recognition. The antigen is sensitive to heat and protease treatment, indicating that it is a protein. The antigen is not tightly membrane-bound, in spite of its localization closely surrounding the crystals. Chemical tests indicate that the druse crystals in the stomium are calcium oxalate.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate This research was supported by a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellowship to B.L.H., by National Science Foundation grants DMB-87-15799 and to W.E.F. BSR-88-18035, and by U.S. Department of Agriculture grant GAM-89-01056. The authors thank Phillip T. Evans (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA), Wilma L. Lingle, Harry T. Horner, Jr. (Iowa State University), and A. Jack Fowler, Jr., for advice and helpful discussions.  相似文献   
Chromosomal aberrations induced by cobaltous chloride in mice in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of cobaltous chloride in inducing chromosomal aberrations were observed on laboratory bred mice in vivo after single oral administration of different fractions (1/10, 1/20, 1/40) of the lethal toxic dose of the salt. Bone marrow cells were flushed out and processed for chromosome studies following colchicine, hypotonic, giemsa, air drying procedure. The parameters screened were chromosomal aberrations, with and without gaps and break per cell. Slides were screened after the expiry of 6, 12, 18, and 24 h. Statistical analysis indicated the clastogenic effects of the salt. The degree of chromosome damage was directly related to the concentration, and also to the period after administration. The different stages of the cell cycle were affected.  相似文献   
Summary The plasma levels of four osmoregulatory hormones and their target ion-transport systems in the lower intestines of the domestic fowl were determined in order to elucidate their interrelationship and their setpoints in relation to NaCl intake. White Plymouth Rock hens were adapted to six intake levels of NaCl (0.20±0.02–24.7±1.9 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1) for 6 weeks. The Na+ absorption and the Cl secretion of colon and coprodeum were characterized in vitro by the effects of hexoses, amino acids, amiloride, and theophylline on the short-circuit current (SCC) and electrical potential difference (PD). The NaCl-conserving system of the adult chicken is set at low intake levels of NaCl as the 80% range (quantitized by non-linear, logistic regression analyses) of the change in the plasma [ALDO], the amiloride-inhibitable Na+ absorption of coprodeum and colon ( SCC), occurred from 0.18 to 2.3, from 0.9 to 4.3, and from 1.2 to 7.3 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1, respectively. These results demonstrate that the amiloride-inhibitable Na+ absorption of coprodcum is more closely linked to plasma [ALDO] than that of colon. The aminoacid-Na+ coabsorption of colon increased over exactly the same range of Na+ intake as the colonic amiloride-inhibitable Na+ absorption decreased, whereas the hexose-Na+ coabsorption increased at higher levels of Na+ intake, from 2 to 11 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1. Both these Na+ absorption types had reached their maximums at 24.7 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1, whereas the plasma [AVT] and plasma [PRL], although significantly increased, apparently had not; their 80% range of change occurred from 9.9 to 99 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1, and the main changes in plasma osmolity were predicted to occur from 5.4 to 107 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1. These results suggest that these colonic and hormonal variables conserve osmotically-free water and operate at high NaCl intake. The theophylline-induced colonic Cl secretion did not change with NaCl intake, whereas the stimulation of SCC in coprodeum decreased with increasing NaCl intake: The main change occurred between 0 and 3.2 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1. Thus, all ion-transport capacity disappears in coprodeum with increased dietary NaCl intake, whereas colon maintains its ion-transport capacity (although the nature of the Na+ transport changes). It is suggested that hormones defending the extracellular volume and composition are regulated close to zero input and output of both NaCl and water, regardless of whether they are NaCl conserving or free-water conserving. Therefore, changes in their stable plasma concentrations occur at the extremes of tolerable range of NaCl intake.Abbreviation AA aminoacids - ALDO aldosterone - AMI amiloride - AVT arginine vasotocin - bw body weight - CS corticosterone - HEX hexoses - INDO indomethacin - PD potential difference - PRL prolactin - R resistance - SCC short-circuit current - SD standard deviation - SEM standard error of mean - THEO theophylline  相似文献   
Ca2+ titrations of the intrinsic fluorescence of a series of -carboxyglutamic acid (GLA)-deficient bovine prothrombin fragments 1 yield response Hill plot parameters useful for characterization of the metal ion-binding process. 11-, 10-, and 9-GLA fragments 1 exhibitT m (the (Ca2+)total concentration at which ln (B/F)=0 in the response Hill plot) values between 0.2 and 0.3 mM. A 22-fold increase inT m to 5.4 mM is observed for 8-GLA fragment 1.T m decreases to 3.8 mM for the 7- and 6-GLA proteins. The value ofh, about 2.8±0.2 for 11-, 10-, and 9-GLA fragments 1, abruptly decreases to 1.2–1.3 for 8-, 7-, and 6-GLA fragments 1. The observed degree of quenching induced by saturating levels of calcium ions is affected by both changes in the intrinsic fluorescence of the metal ion-free proteins and in the maximum possible degree of quenching in the presence of calcium. The kinetic characteristics of the calcium ion-induced quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence of 6-GLA fragment 1 are identical to those observed in 10-GLA fragment 1, suggesting that the fluorescence quenching observed in the 6- and 10-GLA fragments 1, while different in magnitude, involves similar processes. Observation of an abrupt change in the relative electrophoretic mobilities of 11- to 9-GLA fragments 1 compared to 8- to 6-GLA fragments 1, in the absence or presence of Ca2+, suggests the existence of a major protein conformation change which occurs concomitantly with the noted changes inT m andh response Hill plot parameters. Molecular mechanics calculations suggest a structural hypothesis unifying these observations. Central to this model is the presumption of the existence of hydrogen bond-mediated interactions between metal ion-binding sites.  相似文献   
Intracellular Ca2+ mobilization events were assessed in mouse L cells, which contain native prostaglandin E1 receptors and transfected human 2 adrenergic receptors. Both Fura2 (single cell measurements) and Quin 2, (cuvette assays) were used to determine [Ca2+]i levels. Our results demonstrate that in the transfected cells there is a dose-dependent increase in [Ca2+]i in response to isoproterenol (0.1 nM–100 nM), which is inhibited by the -adrenergic antagonist, propranolol, and is a result of intracellular Ca2+ release. [Ca2+]1 in these cells was also increased by prostaglandin E1, 8 bromo cyclic AMP, and aluminum fluoride. Both 8 bromo cAMP and isoproterenol induced a rapid increase in the levels of IP1, IP2, and IP3. The data presented demonstrate that the elevation of intracellular cyclic AMP induces an increase in IP3 production which leads to an elevation in [Ca2+];. We propose that this cyclic AMP dependent activation of the IP3 generating system occurs at a post-receptor site.Abbreviations cAMP Adenosine Cyclic 3-5-Monophosphate - [Ca2+]i intracellular [Ca2+]i - 8 Br cAMP 8 Bromo Adenosine Cyclic 3-5-Monophosphate - DAG Diacylglycerol - EGTA] [Ethylene Bis (oxyethylenenitrilo)] Tetracetic acid - BSA Bovine Serum Albumin - HBSS-H Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution buffered with HEPES to pH 7.4 - HEPES 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - PIP2 Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate - IP2 Inositol 4 Phosphate - IP2 Inositol 4,5 Bisphosphate - IP3 Inositol Trisphosphate - PGE1 Prostaglandin E1 - PBS Phosphate Buffered Saline Solution  相似文献   
Summary Leishmania donovani, the etiological agent for the disease visceral leishmaniasis, attach themselves to the macrophages for initiation of the disease. The attachment process has been found to be regulated by Ca2+ ions. Verapamil, a Ca2+-channel blocker inhibits Leishmania-macrophage attachment. The inhibitory effect is increased with time. Nifedipine, another Ca2+-channel blocker exhibits the same effect. The attachment process is stimulated by Ca2+-ionophore alone. The inhibitory effects of the calcium channel blockers are reversed by the ionophore.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to induce massive accumulation of calcium in the myocardium and to evaluate the effect of calcium overload on myocardial contractile function and biochemical activity of cardiac subcellular membranes. Rats were treated with an oral administration of 500,000 units/kg of vitamin D3 for 3 consecutive days, and their hearts were sampled on the 5th day for biochemical analysis. On the 4th and 5th days, heart rate, mean aortic pressure, left ventricular systolic pressure and left ventricular dP/dt were significantly lowered in vitamin D3-treated rats, demonstrating the existence of appreciable myocardial contractile dysfunction. Marked increases in the myocardial calcium (67-fold increase) and mitochondrial calcium contents (24-fold increase) were observed by hypervitaminosis D3. Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and ATPase activity were significantly reduced by this treatment. A decline in sarcolemmal Na+, K+-ATPase activity was also observed, while relatively minor or insignificant changes in calcium uptake and ATPase activities of sarcoplasmic reticulum were detectable. Electron microscopic examination revealed calcium deposits in the mitochondria after vitamin D3 treatment. The results suggest that hypervitaminosis D3 produces massive accumulation of calcium in the myocardium, particularly in the cardiac mitochondrial membrane, which may induce an impairment in the mitochondrial function and eventually may lead to a failure in the cardiac contractile function.  相似文献   
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