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Two populations of Stachys recta growing in Italy on ultramafic and calcareous soils have been studied for their essential oils. Although the yields were comparable, the composition of the essential oils differed significantly. Plants growing on ultramafic soil produced mainly non-terpene derivatives (55.7%), of which the most abundant ones were 1-octen-3-ol (38.2%) and (E)-3-hexen-1-ol (5.9%); the terpenes α-cadinol (6.1%) and δ-cadinene (5.6%) were also significantly represented. In contrast, the populations living on calcareous soil produced an essential oil dominated by terpenes (93.8%), with germacrene D (18.8%), β-caryophyllene (17.7%), 1,8-cineole (15.9%) and α-pinene (14.2%) among the main components.  相似文献   
本文对藻类 Seloporella属的系统分类进行了评论。根据 Barattolo等人 ,1992年对该属的评论 ,结合对产自罗马尼亚阿朴塞尼山区 ( Apuseni Mountains) ,早白垩世的 Triploporella neocomiensis Radoicˇ ic′及与己发表的资料进行了对比研究 ,提出了 Seliporella neocomiensis的新组合 ,同时与该化石组合形态非常相似的“Diplopora”john-soni Praturlon,1964进行了对比  相似文献   
The bryophyte vegetation of upland limestone grassland at Buxton in the southern Pennine Hills (UK) was studied following seven years' continuous simulated climate change treatments. The experimental design involved two temperature regimes (ambient, winter warming by 3°C) in factorial combination with three moisture regimes (normal, summer drought, supplemented summer rainfall) and with five replicate blocks. Percentage cover of the bryophytes was estimated visually using 15 randomly positioned quadrats (30 cm × 30 cm) within each of the 30 3 m × 3 m plots. Significant treatment effects were found but these were relatively modest. Total bryophyte cover and cover of Calliergonella cuspidata and Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus responded negatively to drought, whereas Fissidens dubius increased in the droughted plots. Campyliadelphus chrysophyllus increased with winter warming, while R. squarrosus, Lophocolea bidentata and species richness all decreased. The effects on the total bryophyte flora were further studied by canonical correspondence analysis, which yielded a first axis reflecting the combined effects of the moisture and temperature treatments. However, this analysis and a detrended correspondence analysis of the plot data also revealed that natural factors were more important causes of variation in the grassland community than the simulated climate treatments. It was concluded that dewfall may be an important source of moisture for grassland bryophytes and that this factor may have reduced the impact of the moisture treatments. The absence of some thermophilous species such as Homalothecium lutescens in the plots initially may also have reduced their scope for major vegetational change.  相似文献   
Assessments of restoration are usually made through vegetation community surveys, leaving much of the ecosystem underexamined. Invertebrates, and ants in particular, are good candidates for restoration evaluation because they are sensitive to environmental change and are particularly important in ecosystem functioning. The considerable resources currently employed in restoring calcareous grassland on ex‐arable land mean that it is important to gather as much information as possible on how ecosystems change through restoration. We compared ant communities from 40 ex‐arable sites where some form of restoration work had been implemented between 2 and 60 years previously, with 40 paired reference sites of good quality calcareous grassland with no history of improvement or cultivation. A total of 11 ant species were found, but only two of these were found to be significantly different in abundance between restoration and reference sites: Myrmica sabuleti was more likely to be present in reference sites, whereas Lasius niger was more likely to be found in restoration sites. Myrmica sabuleti abundance was significantly positively correlated with age of restoration sites. The potential number of ant species found in temperate grasslands is small, limiting the information their assemblages can provide about ecosystem change. However, M. sabuleti is a good indicator species for calcareous grassland restoration success and, alongside information from the plant community, could increase the confidence with which restoration success is judged. We found the survey to be quick and simple to carry out and recommend its use.  相似文献   
The bradoriid genusHipponicharion Matthew, 1886 is one of the oldest known Cambrian ostracods. Until now, five species have been documented and another three taxa have been tentatively assigned to one or another species.Hipponicharion has been recorded from Poland, Germany, Morocco as well as from Canada and Great Britain.Hipponicharion hispanicum n. sp. represents the first Cambrian ostracod documented from Spain.Hipponicharion taidaltensis n. sp., formerlyH. aff.geyeri Hinz-Schallreuter, 1993 andH. elickii n. sp., formerlyH. cf.eos sensuElicki, 1994 have also been restudied in this paper.Hipponicharion seems to be restricted to the Acadobaltic Province sensuSdzuy (1972). The systematic relationships of the Bradoriida, which is controverse, is briefly outlined, emphasizing close affinities to the Ostracoda.   相似文献   
Sulphur fractionation and availability to plants are poorly understood in calcareous soils. Sixty-four calcareous soils containing varying amounts of CaCO3 were collected from ten provinces in China and their S fractions determined. Organic S was the predominant fraction of S, accounting for on average 77% of the soil total S. The amounts of adsorbed sulphate were found to be negligible. 1 M HCl extracted substantially more sulphate than either 0.01 M CaCl2 or 0.016 M KH2PO4, indicating the existence of water-insoluble but acid-soluble sulphate, probably in the form of sulphate co-precipitated with CaCO3. The concentrations of water-insoluble sulphate correlated positively with the contents of CaCO3 and accounted for 0.03–40.3% (mean 11.7%) of soil total S. To test the bioavailability of water-insoluble sulphate, a sulphate-CaCO3 co-precipitate labelled with 35S was prepared and added to a calcareous soil in a pot experiment with either NH4+ or NO3 as the N source. In 29 days, wheat plants took up 10.6% and 3.0% of the 35S added to the soil in the NH4+ and NO3 treatments, respectively. At the end of the pot experiment, the decrease of water-insoluble, acid-soluble, sulphate was more apparent in the NH4+ than in the NO3 treatment. The results indicate that sulphate co-precipitated with CaCO3 in calcareous soils may become partly available for plant uptake, depending on rhizosphere pH, if the field precipitate is similar to the laboratory prepared sample studied.  相似文献   
Dicotyledonous plants subjected to Fe-deficiency stress can decrease pH in the rhizosphere by proton excretion and reduce ferric iron by an activated reduction system in the plasma membranes of the root or by reductants released from the roots. The efficiency by which these plants take up Fe may strongly depend on their cation-anion balance. This study presents results of two experiments conducted to evaluate the effect of K, growth stage and cultivar on ionic balance and Fe acquisition of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) plants.Potassium applications to the high calcareous soil (30.3% CaCO3) favoured proton release, but did not ameliorate plant Fe acquisition. At the earliest stages of plant growth, anion uptake exceeded cation uptake due to intensive N uptake. With time, a shift in the ionic balance was observed as a result of predominant cation uptake. It appears that the relationship between H/OH-ion release and Fe nutrition of peanut plants is actually a complex phenomenon under soil conditions and depends on some soil parameters, such as CaCO3 content. Even by enhanced H-ion release Fe nutrition of plants can be impaired if soil CaCO3 is too high.  相似文献   
Accumulation of heavy metals (HMs) in cultivated soils is a continuing environmental problem in many parts of the world. An increase in HM concentration can enhance uptake of toxic metals by crops and enter the human food chain. In this study, the uptake behavior of wheat and safflower was evaluated in a calcareous soil by using 12 undisturbed columns in which half were artificially contaminated. Heavy metals in the form of CdCl2 (15 mg Cd kg? 1), CuSO4 (585 mg Cu kg? 1), Pb(NO3)2 (117 mg Pb kg? 1), and ZnCl2 (1094 mg Zn kg? 1) were sprayed on the soil surface and completely mixed in the top 10 cm. The background total concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were 1.6, 29.5, 17.5 and 61.2 mg kg? 1, respectively. After metal application, half of the columns (3 contaminated and 3 uncontaminated) were sown with wheat (Triticum aestivum) and the other half with safflower (Carthamus tinctorious) and grown for 74 days until maturity. After harvesting, soil columns were cut into 10-cm sections and analyzed for HNO3- and DTPA-extractable metal concentrations. Metal concentrations were also measured in different plant tissues. The results showed that artificial contamination of topsoil decreased the transpiration rate of wheat by 12% and that of safflower by 6%. In contaminated columns, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn accumulation in wheat shoot was greater by 8.0-, 1.9-, 3.0-, and 2.1-fold than the control, respectively. Accordingly, these numbers were 46.0-, 1.3-, 1.7-, and 1.6-fold in safflower shoot. Soil contamination with HMs resulted in a 55% decrease in shoot dry matter yield of wheat while it had no significant effect on shoot dry matter of safflower. The normalized water consumption for safflower was therefore not affected by metal contamination (≈ 13 mm H2O g? 1 of dry weight for all safflower and uncontaminated wheat treatments), while contaminated wheat was much less water efficient at about 27 mm H2O g? 1 dry weight. It was concluded that although artificial contamination had a negative effect on wheat growth, it did not affect safflower's normal growth and water efficiency.  相似文献   
Paleontological and biostratigraphical studies on carbonate platform succession from southwest Iran documented a great diversity of shallow-water benthic foraminifera during the Oligocene–Miocene. Larger foraminifera are the main means for the stratigraphic zonation of carbonate sediments. The distributions of larger benthic foraminifera in two outcrop sections (Abolhayat and Lali) in the Zagros Basin, Iran, are used to determine the age of the Asmari Formation. Four assemblage zones have been recognized by distribution of the larger benthic foraminifera in the study areas. Assemblage 3 (Aquitanian age) and 4 (Burdigalian age) have not been recognized in the Abolhayat section (Fars area), due to sea-level fall. The end Chattian sea-level fall restricted marine deposition in the Abolhayat section and Asmari Formation replaced laterally by the Gachsaran Formation. This suggests that the Miocene part of the formation as recognized in the Lali section (Khuzestan area) of the Zagros foreland basin is not present in the Abolhayat outcrop. The distribution of the Oligocene larger benthic foraminifera indicates that shallow marine carbonate sediments of the Asmari Formation at the study areas have been deposited in the photic zone of tropical to subtropical oceans. Based on analysis of larger benthic foraminiferal assemblages and microfacies features, three major depositional environments are identified. These include inner shelf, middle shelf and outer shelf. The inner shelf facies is characterized by wackestone–packstone, dominated by various taxa of imperforate foraminifera. The middle shelf is represented by packstone–grainstone to floatstone with a diverse assemblage of larger foraminifera with perforate wall. Basinwards is dominated by argillaceous wackestone characterized by planktonic foraminifera and large and flat nummulitidae and lepidocyclinidae. Planktonic foraminifera wackestone is the dominant facies in the outer shelf.  相似文献   
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