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Abstract. A study to assess the influence of abiotic (climatic conditions) and biotic factors (food resources, habitat preference and human activity) on endemism patterns of dung beetles in the Mediterranean region was conducted in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. The Thermicity Index (It), the Mediterraneity Index (Im3) and the Aridity Index (Ia) were used to assess the influence of abiotic factors. Relative rabbit density (DR), the proportion of landscape used historically for grazing by sheep and goats and the nature of the food resource were used to assess the influence of biotic factors. Relative endemism (EN) of dung beetle assemblages was positively and significantly related with all of the factors considered. However, the Aridity and Mediterraneity Indices are the best predictors of EN. The predicted endemism (EN = 0.017 Ia + 0.004 Im3 + 0.422) was highly positively and significantly related with the observed endemism. Dung beetle assemblages with the highest relative endemism were observed in the south-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. This distribution corresponded to the highest Aridity and Mediterraneity. In contrast, dung beetle assemblages with lower endemism were located in more humid and temperate areas. Assemblages of dung beetles with the highest endemism comprise many species adapted to aridity and the exploitation of dry dung pellets. Conservation of traditional grazing activity by pellet-dropping sheep and goats might benefit the maintenance of dung beetle biodiversity in Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   
The Influence of Landscape Grain Size on Butterfly Diversity in Grasslands   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The relationship between butterfly diversity and both habitat and landscape variables was studied in two areas of southern Sweden. The habitat quality of the grasslands was similar in the two study areas but the landscape pattern differed in grain size and amount of grassland and forest. Using a transect survey method, a total of 3341 butterflies were observed and 30 taxa identified. We found that both habitat and landscape variables influenced the butterfly diversity of the investigated grasslands. Species composition differed markedly between the two study areas. A study area with a fine-grained landscape pattern, a high cover of semi-natural grassland and many forest edges had twice as many butterfly species but half the number of individuals compared with a coarser-grained study area with larger grasslands widely spread in a matrix of arable fields. The results of our study indicate that both habitat quality and landscape pattern have to be considered when developing conservation strategies for grassland butterflies.  相似文献   
In the framework of the palaeogeographical reconstruction of the Western Taurus during Jurassic, the study of northern and eastern boundary of the Taurids started. Detailed facies analysis evidenced the position of the Barla Dag ramp between two elevated areas: the southern rimmed shelf extension of the platform system and the northern neritic-beach-land plain. In the basal biostratigraphical and ecological characteristics of the Balcikhisar volcano-sedimentary sequence, correlated with the Fele outcrop, one genus and three new species of foraminifers have been found: Sievoides kocyigiti n. gen., n. sp. and Mesoendothyra altineriana n. sp. from neritic environment, and Kurnubia feleensis n. sp. from rimmed shelf lagoon. Both carbonate sedimentary deposits are intercalated with spilitic-basalt pillow lava flows. The age of the new three species is Kimmeridgian, controlled by some foraminifer golden hooks.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. In tropical forests, the adults of many butterfly species feed on fruits rather than nectar from flowers and have long life spans. Rotting fruit and nectar differ from each other in many respects, including sources of amino acids and microbial life. If amino acids in the adult diet can be used for reproduction, this may have facilitated the evolution of extended life spans in this guild.
2. This issue was addressed by investigating effects of banana, yeast, and amino acids in the adult diet of the fruit-feeding butterfly Bicyclus anynana (Lepidoptera) on longevity and female reproductive output in two experiments.
3. Results showed that in the fruit-feeding butterfly B. anynana : (i) banana juice, but not sliced banana or added amino acids extend life span compared with a sugar solution of similar composition; (ii) compared with this sugar solution, other cohorts (banana juice-amino acid enriched) did not have significantly higher reproductive outputs; (iii) yeast does not represent a valuable source of nutrients; (iv) caloric restriction may cause decreased life span and rate of reproduction; and (v) increased rates of reproduction have a life span cost.  相似文献   
Scale and frequency of changes in a lake’s physical structure, light dynamics, and availability of nutrients are closely related to phytoplankton ecology. Since phytoplankton assemblages were first described, phytoplankton ecologists concluded that these assemblages provide insight into phytoplankton responses to environmental changes. Objectives of this study were to investigate ecology of phytoplankton during a complete hydrological cycle in the deepest natural lake in Brazil, Dom Helvécio, and to sort species into the list of assemblages, checking its accordance with environmental changes in a tropical system within the middle Rio Doce Lake district, South-East Brazil. Canonical Correspondence Analysis, t-test, Mann–Whitney U-test, and Kruskal–Wallis test were used to analyze climatological, environmental, and plankton data, which were obtained monthly in 2002. A new phytoplankton assemblage, NA (atelomixis-dependent desmids), is suggested because atelomixis (robust movement of water occurring once a day) contributed to replacement of species in Dom Helvécio Lake. Stability of stratification, water chemistry, and composition of phytoplankton assemblages characterized two periods. The first period occurred in six rainy months (Jan–Mar and Oct–Dec) when the lake was stratified and phytoplankton was dominated by two assemblages: NA and F. The second period occurred in six dry months (Apr–Sep) when the lake was nonstratified and phytoplankton was dominated by four assemblages: S2, X1, A, and LO. Results suggest that phytoplankton in Dom Helvécio Lake was shaped by seasonal and daily changes of water temperature, even with its lower amplitude of variation within 2002 (El Niño year). These changes promoted water column stratification or mixing, reduced light, and increased nutrient availability. Temperature, therefore, is similarly important to phytoplankton ecology in tropical regions as it is in temperate ones. Sorting phytoplankton species into assemblages matched well with environmental changes and periods identified so it is also suggested that this can be further used as an appropriate tool to manage water quality when evaluating tropical lakes.  相似文献   

1. 1. Spectral integral reflectance, transmittance and the resulting absorption of intact and descaled butterfly wings of the black-winged Pachliopta aristolochiae (Papilionidae), the white-winged Pieris brassicae (Pieridae), and the yellow-winged Gonepteryx rhamni (Pieridae) were determined between 350 and 800 nm.

2. 2. Whereas in the black forewing of the dorsal basking Pachliopta almost all incident light is absorbed nearly independent of the wavelength and thus converted into heat, the white forewing of the body basking Pieris absorbs less than 20% in the visible range of the spectrum.

3. 3. The yellow hindwing of the lateral basking Gonepteryx absorbs to a higher degree than the Pierid wing, but—due to the sparsely arranged scales—transmittance is clearly increased (40–50% between 525 and 800 nm).

4. 4. The varying thermal characteristics of the different wings with reference to the color and arrangement of the scales and the different basking strategies of the butterflies are discussed.

Author Keywords: Behavioral thermoregulation; coloration; butterfly wing; radiation absorption; heat gain; sun basking  相似文献   

Experimental approaches to color pattern formation of lepidopteran insects have been made exclusively by analyzing pattern alterations in adult wings induced by operations. We microcauterized the presumptive black region of the dorsal forewing of the butterfly Pieris rapae and analyzed not only the resultant color pattern in the adult wing but also the cell behavior in the pupal wing epidermis around the injury. Cautery induced color alterations were as follows: (i) cautery up to 49.5 h after pupation resulted in white regions appearing within the black region while later cauteries induced larger white regions; (ii) cautery between 50 and 59.5 h resulted in the white regions induced by the cauteries being dramatically decreased; (iii) cautery after 60 h resulted in white regions that had almost disappeared. The examination of the cell behavior in the pupal wing epidermis after cauteries showed that the row formation of scale precursor cells was delayed. This delayed area varied with the time of cautery, in the same manner as that in the induced white area in the adult wing ((i) – (iii) above). The relationship between scale color alteration and the developmental delay of the scale row formation is discussed.  相似文献   
The pierid butterflies Pontia daplidice and P. edusa, parapatrically distributed in southern Europe, have very similar morphologies and life histories, but show fixed differences at four allozyme markers. We sampled these allozymes in a 28-population transect north of Genoa in Italy, through the hybrid zone where these taxa meet. We used the numerical techniques developed for hybrid zone analysis to study the patterns of genetic differentiation and their underlying evolutionary causes. The hybrid zone is characterized by a very short and steep central region, flanked by broad tails of introgression extended up to 100 km in either direction. From mean two-locus disequilibium of D = 0.148 (maximum-likelihood two-unit support limits 0.139-0.153), and after accounting for minor differences in the center locations of the single-locus clines, which act to bias the dispersal estimate, we estimated a dispersal rate of σ = 4.4 (3.7-5.5) km/gen1/2. The effective selection needed to maintain the steep central portion is strong, 0.47 < s? < 0.64, when combined over potential intrinsic (genetic background) and extrinsic (ecological) sources of selection. The clines in allozyme loci showed variation that was significantly different between the most divergent shapes, and the differences are attributable to different degrees of introgression on the edusa side of the zone. The average selection acting on individual allozyme loci was high at s???e  1.5%, but because of the narrowness of the central region of the cline, we suspect that this estimate is somewhat biased by selection on loci closely linked to the allozyme markers. A common question for taxa that show fixed allozyme differences in parapatry is whether or not they are genetically isolated. A fairly general measure of genetic isolation across hybrid zones is the time, T, that it takes a neutral allele to cross the hybrid zone and recombine into the opposite genetic background, given by T = (β/σ)2, where β is the barrier strength of the hybrid zone. Genetic isolation in the Pontia zone is weak, with T  25 generations for most allozyme markers. By this measure, populations of daplidice and edusa on opposite sides of the hybrid zone share more identical-by-descent alleles than do populations of phenotypically pure daplidice in, say, France and Morocco. Accordingly, we think it best for systematists to consider edusa as a well-marked subspecies of P. daplidice.  相似文献   
The African butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, normally possesses circular eyespots on its wings. Artificial selection lines, which express ellipsoidal eyespots on the dorsal surface of the forewing, were used to investigate correlated changes in wing shape. Morphometric analysis of linear wing measurements and wing scale counts provided evidence that eyespot shape was correlated with localised shape changes in the corresponding wing-cell, with overall shape changes in the wing, and with the density/arrangement of scales around the eyespot area.  相似文献   
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