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Male/female pairs of adult milkweed bugs, Oncopeltus faciatus were offered reduced food rations (100 mg milkweed seeds/week, 50 mg seeds/week, and 25 mg seeds/week) at 232C, 14L : 10D photoperiod. The high rate of food consumption normally occurring during the teneral period (first 8 days posteclosion) and subsequent food consumption were reduced on both reduced rations. Initial fresh weight was lost by bugs on both reduced rations and their weekly fresh body weight tended to remain less than bugs on the 100 mg seeds/week ration.Normal onset of egg production (about 3 weeks posteclosion) was delayed 6 weeks and normal length of a female's life (13–14 weeks) was increased 7–8 weeks on the 25 mg seeds/week ration. Rate of egg production exhibited a linear decrease with decrease in food ration on both reduced rations due to an increased interclutch interval, while fresh egg weight, duration of egg stage, number of eggs/clutch and percentage of clutches containing fertile eggs were little affected.Gross egg production efficiency (efficiency of conversion of ingested food into eggs = dry mg egg production × 100/dry mg food ingested) was high on both the 100 and 50 mg seeds/week rations (27.9% and 21.1%, respectively) and low (7.7%) on the 25 mg seeds/week ration. These data are discussed in the context of the reciprocal interaction between nutrient intake and egg production.  相似文献   
The genus Philaenus is one of the best investigated among Auchenorrhyncha, and several morphological, ecological, karyological, and molecular data have led to a designation of up to 10 species, distributed mainly in the Mediterranean and south-western Asia. The only widespread Palaearctic species, P. spumarius, is known to be structured phylogeographically as it consists of two highly divergent mitochondrial clades (northeast, NE and southwest, SW), with several subclades. This study contributes to the species phylogeography through the study of the genetic diversity and affinity of P. spumarius populations from southwestern Asia. Mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome B) show a high level of genetic diversity within Turkish and Iranian populations, the majority of which belong to the SW clade, and only single populations from northeastern Turkey are found to be substantially highly divergent lineages within the NE clade. One of the NE populations also showed significant differences in the distribution and amount of heterochromatin compared to other populations. According to the results of this study and previous phylogenetic and phylogeographic works on this species, we conclude that Southwestern Asia is probably the place of origin of the Philaenus spumarius.  相似文献   
土蝽——善于土栖生活的半翅目昆虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土蝽是半翅目异翅亚目蝽总科中多数适应于地栖生活的蝽类。文章简要描述该类昆虫的形态特征、分类历史以及生物学,同时对该类昆虫目前的生物学和系统学研究进展也给予简要介绍。文中还提供形态特征图6幅,臭腺特征扫描电镜照片6幅。  相似文献   
悬铃木方翅网蝽: 一种正在迅速扩张的城市外来入侵害虫   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鞠瑞亭  李博 《生物多样性》2010,18(6):638-27
悬铃木方翅网蝽(Corythucha ciliata)是新近入侵我国城市生态系统的外来害虫, 严重危害城市行道树悬铃木(Platanus spp.), 自2002年该虫在湖南长沙首度报道以来, 已在我国11个省(直辖市)的25个城市发生, 尤其在长江流域呈现爆发态势。本文系统介绍了悬铃木方翅网蝽的生活史、生活习性、繁殖潜力等生物学特性, 以及扩散速度与方式、影响发生的主要环境因素、种群的耐寒耐热能力等生态学特性。最后, 在分析该虫的寄主及危害特点的基础上, 对其控制与管理对策进行了综述, 以为其管理提供参考。  相似文献   
Laboratory studies with the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), feeding on seeds or fruits of some alternate host plants, demonstrated differences in nymphal survival and development time, and body weight at adult emergence. Lowest mortalities (25%) were observed for nymphs on fruits of dakota mustard [Brassica kaber (DC.)] and siberian motherwort (Leonurus sibiricus L.). On fruits of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) nymph mortality was ca. 60%, and on mature seeds of L. sibiricus ca. 75%. Total development time from second instar to adult ranged from ca. 26 days on B. kaber to ca. 42 days on R. communis. Fresh body weight at adult emergence was greatest for nymphs on L. sibiricus and lowest on R. communis. Adult survival after 30 days and mean longevity was greater on L. sibiricus than on the remaining foods, being drastically reduced on R. communis. In general, reproductive performance on all foods was similar, except R. communis, on which no female reproduced. Female weight gain of N. viridula was generally greater on L. sibiricus On R. communis, adults lost weight during their first week and showed the lowest weight gain at the end of day 29. Field observations coupled with these laboratory studies suggest that in the Warta area (northern Paraná state, Brazil, 23° 11 S), L. sibiricus and B. kaber are important alternate food plants in the seasonal phenology of N. viridula. R. communis, however, is of poor nutritional quality, serving primarily as a refuge.
Résumé L'alimentation au laboratoire de N. viridula avec les graines et les fruits de diverses plantes a entraîné différentes mortalités larvaires, différentes vitesses de développement et des différences dans les poids des adultes à l'émergence. Les mortalités les plus faibles (25%) on été observées avec les fruits de Brassica kaber DC. et de Leonurus sibiricus L.Avec les fruits de Ricinus communis L., la mortalité larvaire était de 60%; sur graines mûres de L. sibiricus, elle était de 75%. La durée du développement du second stade à l'adulte a varié de 26 jours sur B. kaber à 42 jours sur R. communis. Le poids frais des adultes à l'émergence était le plus élevé avec L. sibiricus et le plus faible avec de R. communis. La longévité des adultes au-delà de 30 jours était la plus élevée avec L. sibiricus, et était fortement réduite avec R. communis. Dans l'ensemble, la reproduction était de même importance avec les différents aliments, à l'exception de R. communis avec lequel les femelles ne se reproduisaient pas. Le gain de poids des femelles était généralement supérieur avec L. sibiricus; avec R. communis les adultes ont perdu du poids pendant la première semaine et ont présenté le plus faible gain à la fin du 29ème jour.Des observations dans la nature, associées à ces expériences de laboratoire, laissent supposer que dans la zone de Warta (au Nord de l'état de Paraná, 23° 11 S, au Bresil), L. sibiricus et B. kaber sont des plantes hôtes alternatives importantes dans la phénologie saisonnière de N. viridula. Cependant, R. communis, de faible valeur alimentaire, sert avant tout de refuge.
Although Bacillus cereus sensu lato are important both from an ecological and an economical point of view, little is known about their population structure, ecology, and relationships with other organisms. In the present work, the genotypic similarity of arthropod-borne B. cereus s.l. isolates, and their symbiotic relationship with the host are assessed. Bacilli of this group were recovered from the digestive tracts of sow bugs (Porcellio scaber) collected in three closely located sites. Their genotypic diversity was investigated using pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) following the whole-genome DNA digestions with NotI and AscI, and PCR amplification of virulence genes. The majority of the sow-bug Bacillus cereus sensu stricto isolates originating from the same but also from different sites displayed identical PFGE patterns, virulence gene content and enterotoxicity, indicating strong genetic and genomic relationships. The sow-bug Bacillus mycoides/Bacillus pseudomycoides strains displayed a higher diversity. The isopod-B. cereus s.l. relationship was also evaluated using antibiotic-resistant derivatives of B. cereus s.s., B. mycoides/B. pseudomycoides and Bacillus thuringiensis reintroduced into sow bugs. Both spores and vegetative cells of B. cereus s.l. were recovered from sow bugs over a 30-day period, strongly suggesting that these bacteria are natural residents of terrestrial isopods.  相似文献   
Producers in the southeastern USA face significant crop losses from the stink bugs Nezara viridula (L.), Euschistus servus (Say), and Chinavia hilaris (Say) (all Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Cotton, peanut, and soybean are major agronomic crops and host plants of stink bugs in the region. We conducted a field plot study to measure the relative longevity of adult, unmated N. viridula males and females caged on peanut, cotton, and soybean to test three hypotheses: (1) differences in mortality are associated with differences in host plant food suitability, (2) mortality rates increase with age, and (3) males have higher mortality than females. Using survival analysis, we found that the sex of the individual did not affect survival rates on any of the three host plants. Survival was significantly higher in cotton and soybean than in peanut. Mortality rates increased with age in peanut, but not in soybean or cotton. The frequency of canopy temperatures above 35 °C was higher in peanut than in soybean. Peanut appears to be a less than ideal habitat in terms of canopy temperature and/or food quality for N. viridula adults. Both, cotton and soybean were equally suitable food resources for Nviridula adults prior to maturation of the plants.  相似文献   
在郑州通过室外埋卵观察,草履蚧Drosicha corpulenta Kuwana从1月初开始孵化,孵化后在土里等到2月初开始出土,此时日最高气温在6~8℃之间。若虫出土期约30d,2月中下旬为出土高峰期。经设置14,18,22,26和30℃5个温度梯度观察,草履蚧1龄若虫发育起点温度为7.9℃,有效积温为203.8日.度。利用树干绑缚杀虫药带防治效果达到98%以上。  相似文献   
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