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Most surrogate-reared long-tailed macaques persistently avoid a big novel object, whereas most mother-reared subjects approach it. A striking difference between these attachment figures is that the mothers moved about with their infants, whereas the surrogates were fixed to the wall In this experiment, we aimed to find out whether mobility of the attachment figure plays a part in the development of an infant’s responses to big novel objects. We studied the effects of mobility of the attachment figure by restraining mothers in their range of action. We confined mothers of the experimental group in a small part of the home cage. Their infants could leave the cage in which their mothers were restrained. Infants that were growing up with unrestrained mothers made up the control group. At two different ages all infants encountered a big novel object. We used two different objects. We found that the range of action of the mother did not significantly affect the responses of infants to big novel objects. As in the previous studies, most of the mother-reared monkeys approached the objects. The age at which an infant was first exposed to an object did not significantly affect its behavior toward it. Further, the two different objects evoked the same reactions.  相似文献   
The high incidence of stereotypic behaviors in zoo bears (van Keulen-Kromhout: International Zoo Yearbook 18:177–186, 1978) suggests that the environment of these animals lacks essential stimuli for guiding normal behavior. Three experiments investigated ways in which bear husbandry procedures can be altered to promote normal behavior. In experiments 1 and 2, honey-filled logs were given to a sloth (Melursus ursinus), American black (Ursus americanus), and brown bear (Ursus arctos) to determine 1) the role of food in stimulating investigatory behavior, 2) the rate of habituation to manipulable objects introduced into the exhibit, and 3) effects on locomotory behaviors. Results show specific and general habituation to the introduced objects that can be counteracted by refilling the logs with honey and by providing multiple logs in the exhibit. Investigatory activity directed toward honey-logs replaces pacing and walking in the sloth bear and is most effective in doing so when the log is novel. Experiment 3 examined the behavioral effects of feeding an American black bear in three different ways: 1) once daily in the den, 2) once daily with supplemental food from a mechanical feeder, and 3) once daily with food hidden in the exhibit in manipulatable objects. The latter method reduced stereotypic pacing from a median of 150 min/day to 20 min/day; the mechanical feeder method had no such effect. The results of a survey of 67 zoos concerning the diet and manner of feeding these three species of bears, as well as Asian black bears (Ursus thibetanus) are presented. Results are discussed with respect to the ways in which husbandry procedures can be improved to stimulate functional foraging and feeding behavior in confined bears.  相似文献   
Play fighting in the rat involves attack and defense of the nape of the neck, which if contacted, is gently nuzzled with the snout. Because the movements of one animal are countered by the actions of its partner, play fighting is a complex, dynamic interaction. This dynamic complexity raises methodological problems about what to score for experimental studies. We present a scoring schema that is sensitive to the correlated nature of the actions performed. The frequency of play fighting can be measured by counting the number of playful nape attacks occurring per unit time. However, playful defense, as it can only occur in response to attack, is necessarily a contingent measure that is best measured as a percentage (#attacks defended/total # attacks X 100%). How a particular attack is defended against can involve one of several tactics, and these are contingent on defense having taken place; consequently, the type of defense is also best expressed contingently as a percentage. Two experiments illustrate how these measurements can be used to detect the effect of brain damage on play fighting even when there is no effect on overall playfulness. That is, the schema presented here is designed to detect and evaluate changes in the content of play following an experimental treatment.  相似文献   
Vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) show individual differences in approach-avoidance behavior when faced with an unfamiliar and potentially threatening situation. Prior research from our colony demonstrated that juveniles who had experienced high levels of early maternal protectiveness were more cautious in response to novelty, compared to juveniles who had had less protective mothers. The research reported here was designed to verify this result in a paradigm that experimentally varied maternal protectiveness through the introduction of new breeding adult males. Mothers responded to the presence of new males by increased maternal protectiveness toward infants born in the year following the introductions. Individual differences in response to the unfamiliar were later evaluated by measuring the latency to approach within 1 m of novel food containers placed into the home enclosure of four naturally composed social groups. Infants approached with the same latency and in the same order as their mothers. Juveniles approached sooner than, and independent of, their mother's current behavior, but their latency to approach could be predicted by the experimentally induced variation in maternal protectiveness they had experienced as infants. Immatures who had been born in New Male years, when maternal protectiveness was high, were more cautious and had significantly longer latencies to approach the novel stimulus compared to immatures who had been born in Resident Male years. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Efforts to restore ponderosa pine ecosystems to open, park‐like conditions that predominated prior to European‐American settlement result in altered stand structure and increased landscape heterogeneity, potentially altering habitat suitability for invertebrates and other forest organisms. We examined the responses of two butterfly species, Colias eurytheme and Neophasia menapia, to microclimatic changes at structural edges created by experimental restoration treatments in northern Arizona. We monitored microclimate, including air temperature, light intensity, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD), on several mornings during butterfly releases. We placed adult butterflies at east‐ and west‐facing edges approximately one half‐hour before dawn to determine their behavioral response to microclimatic differences between east‐ and west‐facing edges. After sunrise, all three microclimatic variables were higher at east‐facing edges, and the difference in microclimate between the two edge orientations increased through early morning. For both species, butterflies placed at east‐facing edges flew earlier than butterflies at west‐facing edges. Colias eurytheme, an open‐habitat species, tended to move toward the treated forest during initial flight, while movements of Neophasia menapia, a forest‐dwelling species, did not differ from random flight. Our results indicate that butterflies respond to microclimatic factors associated with restoration treatments, while responses to structural changes in habitat vary among species, based on habitat and food plant preferences. These changes in forest structure and microclimate may affect the distribution of many mobile invertebrates in forested landscapes undergoing restoration treatments.  相似文献   
近年来,大气CO2浓度升高等全球气候变化和转Bt作物非靶标害虫抗虫性等问题备受关注.大气CO2浓度升高直接或间接地影响植食性昆虫,而迄今为止有关大气CO2浓度升高对刺吸式昆虫(同时也是转Bt作物的非靶标害虫)的影响结论不一,且对其刺吸取食行为的影响研究少有报道.本研究利用智能人工气候箱设置CO2浓度,研究大气CO2浓度倍增(800 μL·L-1)对转Bt水稻的非靶标害虫褐飞虱取食行为及其生长发育和繁殖等的影响.结果表明: 大气CO2浓度倍增对褐飞虱卵和若虫历期、成虫体质量和寿命,以及4龄和5龄若虫的刺吸取食行为等都具有显著影响,但对其繁殖力影响不显著.与对照CO2浓度(400 μL·L-1)相比,倍增CO2浓度处理下褐飞虱的卵和若虫历期及雌成虫寿命分别显著缩短了4.0%、4.2%和6.6%;长翅型成虫比例显著增加了11.6%;初羽化成虫体质量降低,且雌成虫体质量显著降低了2.2%;此外,倍增CO2浓度处理下褐飞虱4龄和5龄若虫口针的刺探效率都显著增加;其中,N4b波的持续时间分别显著延长了60.0%和50.1%,频次分别显著增加了230.0%和155.9%.可见,CO2浓度倍增可通过提高褐飞虱的刺吸取食而促进其生长发育,并缩短其世代历期、提高长翅成虫比例,最终导致大气CO2浓度升高下转Bt水稻的非靶标害虫褐飞虱发生危害严重,并面临其迁飞扩散为害加重的风险.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to develop a framework for understanding the heterogeneity and uncertainties present in the usage phase of the product life cycle through utilizing the capabilities of an agent‐based modeling (ABM) technique. An ABM framework is presented to model consumers’ daily product usage decisions and to assess the corresponding electricity consumption patterns. The theory of planned behavior (TPB), with the addition of the habit construct, is used to model agents’ decision‐making criteria. A case study is presented on the power management behavior of personal computer users and the possible benefits of using smart metering and feedback systems. The results of the simulation demonstrate that the utilization of smart metering and feedback systems can promote the energy conservation behaviors and reduce the total PC electricity consumption of households by 20%.  相似文献   
One of the central ethical tenets of research in developing countries is the sponsor's obligation to benefit host participants and communities. Two known models of benefits provision dominate the ethical discourse of research in developing countries. The first model, known as the “reasonable availability,” endorses the obligation to provide interventions proven to be effective at the end of a study. This contrasts with the second model, known as “fair benefits,” which endorses other forms of benefits that host communities may deem as fair beyond those derived directly from the study's findings. This paper explores a third benefit model consistent with the writings of the Human Hereditary and Health in Africa (H3Africa) research initiative. The H3Africa—a North‐South collaborative initiative predicated by U.S. National Institutes of Health, the Wellcome Trust and the African Society of Human Genetics upholds a benefit model that endorses capacity building as the primary obligation of its research agenda. This is evident by the endorsement of mechanisms to strengthen capacity building in its research projects. While capacity building remains a plausible means of improving the expertise, quality and independence of research in Africa, sustainable measures are needed to realizing the full potential for African‐led research on the continent.  相似文献   
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