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Summary Soil tests, plant performance, and plant tissue analyses were used to study the availability of sulfur to wetland rice in 30 Philippine soils. The critical concentrations of available sulfur by the calcium phosphate, lithium chloride, ammonium acetate, and hydrochloric acid extractions were 9, 25, 30, and 5 mg/kg, respectively. The critical total sulfur limits were 0.11% in the shoot at maximum tillering 0.055% in the straw at maturity, and 0.065% in the grain. The critical N:S ratio was 15 in the shoot at maximum tillering, 14 in the straw at maturity, and 26 in the grain. The critical sulfate-sulfur limit was 150 mg/kg in the shoot at maximum tillering and 100 mg/kg in the straw at maturity. The critical sulfate-sulfur/total sulfur percentage ratio was 15% in the shoot at maximum tillering and the straw at maturity. Plant performance, judged by appearance and yield of dry matter, straw, and grain, was generally poorer in the sulfur deficient soils than in the other soils. Although the calcium phosphate and ammonium acetate methods gave a better correlation between plant performance and available sulfur than the others, all four methods separated sulfur-deficient soils from non-deficient ones. The hydrochloric acid method merits further study because it is simple and versatile.  相似文献   
H Slor 《Mutation research》1973,19(2):231-235
The carcinogen 7-bromomethylbenz(a)anthracene (BBA), which can bind strongly to DNA, induces unscheduled DNA synthesis (DNA repair) in normal lymphocytes but almost none in lymphocytes from patients with Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), and inherited disease known to be defective in excision repair of ultraviolet-damaged DNA. We studied [3H]BBA's ability to bind to DNA of normal and XP lymphocytes, its influence on unscheduled DNA synthesis, and its removal from the DNA of both cell types. We found that 20–30% of the BBA is bound to macromolecules other than DNA and that its binding to DNA is essentially complete after 30 min. The induction of unscheduled DNA synthesis by the carcinogen in XP lymphocytes was approximately 10% of that induced in normal lymphocytes. While 15–20% of the BBA was removed from the DNA of normal cells 6 h after treatment, only 1–2% was removed from the DNA of XP cells. Thus, XP cells not only are defective in repairing ultraviolet-damaged DNA and excising thymine dimers but also fail to repair DNA damaged by certain carcinogens, and, most importantly, fail to remove the DNA-bound carcinogen, BBA.  相似文献   

Recent structures of the potassium channel provide an essential beginning point for explaining how the pore is gated between open and closed conformations by changes in membrane voltage. Yet, the molecular details of this process and the connections to transmembrane gradients are not understood. To begin addressing how changes within a membrane environment lead to the channel’s ability to sense shifts in membrane voltage and to gate, we performed double-bilayer simulations of the Kv1.2 channel. These double-bilayer simulations enable us to simulate realistic voltage drops from resting potential conditions to depolarized conditions by changes in the bath conditions on each side of the bilayer. Our results show how the voltage sensor domain movement responds to differences in transmembrane potential. The initial voltage sensor domain movement, S4 in particular, is modulated by the gating charge response to changes in voltage and is initially stabilized by the lipid headgroups. We show this response is directly coupled to the initial stages of pore domain motion. Results presented here provide a molecular model for how the pre-gating process occurs in sequential steps: Gating charge response, movement and stabilization of the S4 voltage sensor domain, and movement near the base of the S5 region to close the pore domain.  相似文献   
Seedlings of 14 species were grown for 14–28 days on nutrient solution with 6 mmol.l−1 NH4 as the sole nitrogen source. Solutions acidity was were kept constant at pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 by continuous titration with diluted KOH. The following species were used: barley, maize, oats sorghum, yellow and white lupin, pea, soybean, carrot, flax, castor-oil, spinach, sugarbeet and sunflower. Most plant species grew optimally at pH 6.0 with slight reductions at pH 5.0. Growth of many species was severely inhibited at pH 4.0, but this inhibition was not observed with the legume and cereal species. Yield depressions at pH 4.0 relative to pH 6.0 were well correlated with the respective relative decreases of the K concentration in their roots (P<0.002). In the roots of two species (sunflower and flax) total N concentrations were also strongly reduced at pH 4.0. apparently, the interactions between uptake of K, NH4 and H ions become the prevalent problem at suboptimal pH. At pH 7.0, yields were also considerably decreased, with the exception of the lupines. At this pH, the roots of the growth inhibited plants were characterized by increased levels of total N and free NH4. It is thought that the binding capacity of the roots for NH4 is an important factor in preventing NH4/NH3 toxicity at supraoptimal pH.  相似文献   
Birch ( Betula pendula Roth.) was investigated under steady-state nutrition and growth at different incident photon flux densities (PFD) and different relative addition rates of nitrogen. PFD had a strong influence on the relative growth rate at optimum nutrition and on the nitrogen productivity (growth rate per unit of nitrogen) but little effect on the formal relationships between nitrogen and growth, i.e. PFD and nitrogen nutrition are orthogonal growth factors. At a given suboptimum nitrogen (the same distance from optimum), increased PFD increased the relative growth rate and, therefore, the relative uptake rate and the required relative addition rate in accordance with the theoretical equality between these three parameters at steady-state nutrition. Correspondingly, at a given suboptimum relative addition rate, increased PFD decreased nitrogen status (larger distance from optimum) at an unchanged relative growth rate. Nutrient uptake rate, dry matter content, and partitioning of biomass and nutrients are strongly influenced by nitrogen status. PFD influences these characteristics, but only to an extent corresponding to its effect on the nitrogen status. The influence of PDF on the relative growth rate at optimum and on nitrogen productivity is well described by hyperbolic relationships, similar to reported PFD/photosynthesis relationships. These expressions for plant growth as well as the productivities of leaf area and quantum appear to be valuable characteristics of plant responses to light and nutrition. Although the calculated PFD/growth relationships indicate saturation at high values of PFD, a more realistic estimate of PFD at which saturation occurs is about 30 mol m−2 day−1, where the highest relative growth rate and nitrogen productivity were experimentally determined. No significant effect was observed because of day length differences between the present and previous experiments.  相似文献   
Limited proteolysis (papain) of the cellobiohydrolase I (CBH I, 65 kDa) from Trichoderma reesei led to the seperation of two functional domains: a core protein (55 kDa) containing the active site, and a C-terminal glycopeptide (10 kDa) implicated in binding to the insoluble matrix (cellulose). The quaternary structures of the intact CBH I and its core in solution are now compared by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements. The molecular parameters derived for the core (Rg=2.09 nm, Dmax=6.5 nm) and for the intact enzyme (Rg=4.27 nm, Dmax=18 nm) indicate very different shapes. The resulting models show a tadpole-like structure for the intact enzyme where the isotropic part coincides with the core protein and the flexible tail part should be identified with the C-terminal glycopeptide. Thus in this enzyme, functional differentiation is reflected in structural peculiarities.Abbreviations SAXS small angle X-ray scattering - SDS-PAGE SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - IEF-PAG polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing; cellobiohydrolase (CBH, 1,4--glucan cellobio hydrolase (E.C. - Dmax maximum diameter - Rg radius of gyration  相似文献   
The interactive effect of low P supply (0, 10, 20 and 40 M) and plant age on nodule number, mass and functioning (ureide analysis technique), vegetative growth and pod production were investigated in glasshouse-grown nodulated cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.cv. Kausband) in sand culture. Compared with 40 M P, P stress (0 M P) or very low (10 M P) supply markedly impaired nodulation, allantoin and amino-N concentrations and weight of N solutes in xylem exudates. Consequently, P stress reduced top growth and pod yields by 48 and 90%, respectively. N solutes in xylem exudates and total plant N assayed by Kjeldahl technique (as estimates of N2 fixation) responded similarly to P supply. However, the relative ureide index [(ureide-N/ureide N+amino-N)×100] remained constant (99%), irrespective of P supply, indicating the plants' complete dependency on symbiosis for growth, without implying that growth was markedly increased by N2 fixation. Although P concentrations in plant tops, roots and nodules increased with P supply, N concentrations in these plant tissues were unaffected by P supply. The concentrations of N and P in the nodules were 2–2 1/2 times higher than in plant tops. P application interacted strongly with plant age, with the largest P effect evidently achieved at the early podding stage. The significance and implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted on an Ultisol in Malaysia to assess changes in soil solution composition and their effects on maize and groundnut yields, resulting from limestone and gypsum application. The results showed that soil solution Ca in the lime treatment remained mainly in the zone of incorporation, but in the gypsum treatment some Ca moved into 15–30 cm zone. Al3+ and AlSO4 + were dominant Al species in the soil solution of nil treatment. Liming decreased Al3+ and AlSO4 +, but increased hydroxy-Al monomer activities. However, gypsum application resulted in an increase of AlSO4 + activity and in a decrease of Al3+ activity. Relative maize and groundnut yields were negatively correlated with Al3+, Al(OH)2+ and Alsum activities. Likewise, relative yields were negatively correlated with Al concentration and the Al concentration ratio and positively correlated with soil solution Mg concentration and Ca/Al ratio.  相似文献   
The products of activities of calcium and sulphate were calculated for solutions of 75 glasshouse soils. The majority of these products was found to be higher than the solubility product of gypsum, thus indicating that these soil solutions were possibly supersaturated. In another investigation, soil solutions were examined to determine whether such high activity products could be really attributed to supersaturation. By means of ultracentrifuging of solutions of glasshouse soils, it could be established that the solutions were practically free of sulphate-bearing colloidal particles. Some solutions contained calcium-bearing colloidal particles, but the quantities of calcium contained in these particles were too small to substantially influence the calcium activity. Addition of gypsum crystals to soil solutions led to crystallization of so much calcium and sulphate that the products of the activities of calcium and sulphate dropped from values that can be listed as high to values approaching the solubility product of gypsum. The results obtained demonstrate the occurrence of supersaturation of soil solutions with respect to gypsum. It is further postulated that the presence of humic substances in the soil solution is responsible for this supersaturation. The possible occurrence of supersaturation with respect to gypsum in soils other than glasshouse soils is discussed.  相似文献   
A Chinese hamster ovary triple auxotroph (CHO AUXB1) requires glycine, adenosine, and thymidine (GAT) for growth and survival due to a defect in the structural gene for folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS). This auxotroph and others like it contain less than 3% of the parental amounts of FPGS activity. In order to develop a reverse mutation assay with CHO AUXB1, we determined the optimal conditions for measuring reversion and characterized some of the revertants. We also obtained quantitative mutagenicity data for several direct-acting mutagens for comparison to the parental CHO-S/HGPRT locus. Induced revertants appear in the culture immediately following 20-22 h exposures in +GAT complete medium, indicative of dominant genetic changes. They are maximally expressed after 2 population doublings and can be conveniently selected after 44-48 h of expression growth by plating 1 X 10(6) cells/100-mm dish into -GAT-deficient medium and incubating 12-13 days. Plating reconstruction experiments show that the cloning efficiencies of revertants in -GAT medium are not influenced by the presence of up to 1 X 10(6) CHO AUXB1 cells. Dose-dependent increases above the spontaneous revertant frequency (average = 5 X 10(7)) are induced with cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 (14-fold) (but not trans-Pt(NH3)2Cl2), PtCl4(10-fold), Pt(SO4)2 (14-fold), K2CrO4 (8-fold), EMS (10-fold), 4-NQO (53-fold), ICR-191 (60-fold), and ICR-170 (30-fold). All of the revertants that have been isolated are stable to repeated subculturing in -GAT medium; 40 out of 42 that have been analyzed are characterized by an increased 72-h growth incorporation of labeled folate and their extracts contain 5-94% as much FPGS as the original, parental CHO-S line. Spontaneous and induced reversion to the GAT+ phenotype primarily reflects mutations involving the FPGS gene locus. But the re-acquisition by most of the revertants of much less than normal amounts of FPGS activity suggests that they arise from compensatory second-site mutations within this gene. Comparison of the mutagenicity patterns of the foregoing compounds as a function of the applied concentration and the relative percent survival reveals some interesting similarities, as well as differences, between the CHO AUXB1/FPGS and CHO-S/HGPRT loci. In particular, the FPGS locus is rather insensitive to EMS (or other simple alkylating agents). However, it seems to be quite susceptible to reversion by other chemicals that are known to react selectively with guanine bases in DNA. CHO AUXBI is a useful supplemental mammalian assay system for assessing quantitatively the generally weak mutagenic activities of metal compounds.  相似文献   
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