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Capsule Females varied their provisioning patterns according to brood age and brood size, whereas males did not.

Aims To quantify how parents balance the needs of their offspring for food and protection.

Methods We studied 13 nests from hides and spent on average 101 hours per nest monitoring prey types, provisioning rate and the time spent at the nest by both sexes in relation to brood size and brood age.

Results Males always provided more food than females. Males brought similar amounts of prey items irrespective of brood size and nestling age, whereas females brought more prey and bigger items to larger and older broods. Females spent less time brooding larger broods, particularly early on.

Conclusions Hen Harrier parents share the provisioning burden, with each parent delivering prey as a function of brood care requirements, hunting capability and the behaviour of the other parent.  相似文献   
One of the more unusual groups of insect pathogens consists of members of the family Polydnaviridae, insect DNA viruses that live in mutual symbioses with their associated parasitoid wasp (Hymentoptera) carriers until they are injected into specific lepidopteran hosts. Once inside this secondary host, polydnaviruses cause a wide variety of negative effects that ultimately ensure the survival of the parasitoid larvae. Because of their unusual life strategy and genetic features, it had been difficult to fully characterise polydnaviruses in terms of evolutionary history, replication cycle and functions in the host that might normally be well characterised for more conventional viruses. Recently, our understanding of polydnavirus evolutionary origins, gene content, genome organisation and functions in parasitism has greatly increased. Key findings are summarised in this review with emphasis on evolution of polydnavirus genes and genomes, their functional roles in insect pathology and their potential applications in insect biological control and biotechnology.  相似文献   
This paper presents three distinct models for the development of acquired anemia: iron-deficiency anemia produced by the inadequate intake and/or absorption of iron, the anemia of chronic disease (ACD) caused by the body's natural iron-withholding defense against microbial invaders, and megaloblastic anemia caused by insufficient intake and/or absorption of vitamin B(12) or folic acid. These etiological models are used to interpret the distribution and etiology of anemia among adult individuals interred at the Medieval Gilbertine Priory of St. Andrew, Fishergate, York (n = 147). This bioarchaeological analysis uncovered not only a strong relationship between decreasing status and increasing prevalence of anemia for both men and women, but also identified clear sex-based differences at this site. Within the high-status group, blood and iron loss as a result of rampant parasitism likely produced an environment ripe for the development of iron-deficiency anemia, while the parasitic consumption of vitamin B(12) may have caused occasional cases of megaloblastic anemia. As status decreases, the interpretation of anemia becomes more complex, with megaloblastic anemia and ACD emerging as viable, potentially heavy contributors to the anemia experiences of low-status people at St. Andrew's. Apart from status effects, women (especially young women) are disproportionately affected by anemia when compared to men within their own status group and, on average, are also more likely to have experienced anemia than their male peers from other status groups. This suggests that high iron-demand reproductive functions helped to make iron-deficiency anemia a chronic condition in many women's lives irrespective of their status affiliation.  相似文献   
1. Insecticide usage selects strongly for resistance in aphid populations, but this could entail fitness costs in other resistance traits. The potato aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas exhibits intraspecific variation in susceptibility to parasitism by braconid wasps and provides a suitable species to study the relation between the defensive traits of parasitism and insecticide resistance. 2. Clonal lines (23 in total) of M. euphorbiae were established from aphids collected in 2013 from geographically separate populations in the U.K. Clonal lines belonged to five aphid genotypes, but one genotype predominated (78% of samples), and the facultative endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa was detected in c. 40% of lines. 3. Total esterase activity in aphid tissues varied significantly between aphid genotypes and collection areas, but there was no clear pattern in relation to H. defensa infection or between collection sites likely to differ in insecticide pressures. 4. Five clonal lines representing low to moderate levels of enzyme activity, which included different aphid genotypes and presence/absence of H. defensa infection, were assayed for their susceptibility to the parasitoid wasp Aphidius ervi Haliday. Aphid mummification varied significantly between aphid genotypes, with low values in one genotype of aphids irrespective of H. defensa presence. 5. The results revealed that aphid lines belonging to the parasitism‐resistant genotype exhibited moderate levels of total esterase activity, indicating a competitve advantage for this genotype of M. euphorbiae when exposed to chemical and biological control factors in agroecosystems.  相似文献   
1. Damselflies and dragonflies are widely parasitised insects and numerous studies have tried to understand this host–parasite relationship. However, most of these studies have concentrated on a single host species, neglecting the larger pattern within the Odonata order. 2. The aim of this paper was to examine different damselfly and dragonfly species for common endo‐ and ectoparasites and whether a general infection pattern can be found. Additionally, the goal was to investigate whether the phylogeny of the host species could explain these possible infection patterns. To this end, a dataset from the existing literature was compiled and the prevalence of endoparasitic gregarines and ectoparasitic water mites was analysed for 46 different odonate species. 3. Three distinct patterns were found: (i) most of the odonate host species had both gregarines and water mites, rather than only either one or neither; (ii) there appears to be a positive association between gregarine and water mite prevalences across host species; (iii) a weak phylogenetic signal was detected in gregarine prevalence and a strong one in water mite prevalence. 4. It is hypothesised that, due to the infection and transmission mechanisms by which water mites and gregarines infect different odonate host species, parasitism is aggregated to common, high‐density species. However, much research is needed in order to fully understand this relationship between odonates and their parasites, especially within the same host populations and host species assemblages.  相似文献   
Diatraea lineolata and Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) are moths with stemboring larvae that feed and develop on economically important grasses. This study investigated whether these moths have diverged from a native host plant, corn, onto introduced crop plants including sorghum, sugarcane, and rice. Diatraea larvae were collected from these four host plants throughout the year in El Salvador and were reared on artificial diet until moths or parasitoids emerged. Adult moths were subsequently identified to species. Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) were used to examine whether or not there was genetic divergence of D. lineolata or D. saccharalis populations on the four host plants. Percent parasitism was also determined for each moth on its host plants. D. lineolata was collected from corn in the rainy season and sorghum in the dry season. D. saccharalis was most abundant on sugarcane in the rainy season and sorghum in the dry season. The AFLP analysis found two genetically divergent populations of both D. lineolata and D. saccharalis. Both moths had high levels of parasitism on their dominant host plant in the rainy season, yet had low levels of parasitism on sorghum in the dry season. The presence of two genotypes of both Diatraea spp. on sorghum suggest that host‐associated differentiation is occurring on this novel introduced crop plant.  相似文献   
2009~2010年对江西省吉安地区乌鸫Turdus merula的繁殖进行了调查研究,结果表明:当地乌鸫的营巢时间在3月9日至16日,产卵时间是3月18日至26日,平均窝卵数5.14(4~6)枚(n=14),平均卵大小29.71 mm×21.16 mm,平均卵重6.63 g(n=71).孵卵和暖巢主要由雌鸟承担,但雄鸟也有暖巢行为,孵化率为65.83%,育雏期13~15 d,离巢率高达100%.与高海拔的乌鸫相比,当地乌鸫产大窝小卵,这一特征保证了大窝雏数和高离巢率,繁殖对策属于r-选择.  相似文献   
以安全性较高的本土植物南方菟丝子和重要的外来入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花为材料,于温室中采用盆栽试验在湿润和半湿润条件下用南方菟丝子寄生不同生长阶段(幼苗阶段、过渡阶段和成株阶段)的加拿大一枝黄花植株,考察加拿大一枝黄花植株被寄生后的营养生长、光合生理、逆境生理等指标,探索适宜南方菟丝子寄生加拿大一枝黄花的最佳条件阈值。结果显示:(1)寄生处理与对照之间,加拿大一枝黄花株高、基径、生物量、叶绿素含量、光合速率、可溶性糖、丙二醛、脯氨酸等指标差异均显著;(2)幼苗组、过渡组被寄生加拿大一枝黄花的株高增量、基径增量、生物量、叶绿素含量、净光合速率均显著低于相应对照组,而其可溶性糖、丙二醛、脯氨酸含量均显著高于相应对照组;(3)在半湿润条件下,加拿大一枝黄花的株高、基径增量均小于湿润条件下植株,其净光合速率、叶绿素含量在幼苗组和过渡组均小于湿润条件下植株,而可溶性糖、丙二醛、脯氨酸含量在在幼苗组和过渡组均大于湿润条件下相应指标;(4)幼苗组、过渡组加拿大一枝黄花被寄生后无法正常开花结实,寄生幼苗组加拿大一枝黄花的南方菟丝子亦无法正常开花结实。研究表明,在湿润与半湿润地区,南方菟丝子可以寄生各生长阶段的加拿大一枝黄花,并对株高1.2 m以下的植株产生较强的寄生胁迫;寄生的最佳时间段为每年的4月到8月。  相似文献   
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