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Many deep-water fish populations, being K-selected species, have little resilience to overexploitation and may be at serious risk of depletion as a consequence. Sea warming represents an additional threat. In this study, the condition, or health, of several populations of common ling (Molva molva), blue ling (Molva dypterygia) and Mediterranean or Spanish ling (Molva macrophthalma) inhabiting different areas in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean was evaluated, to shed light on the challenges these deep-water species are facing in the context of fishing activity and a warming climate. The data on the condition of Molva populations which are analysed here have been complemented with data on abundance and, for the southernmost species (Mediterranean ling), with two other health indicators (parasitism and hepato-somatic index). Despite some exceptions (e.g., common ling in Icelandic waters), this study shows that the condition of many populations of Molva species in the northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea has worsened, a trend which, in recent decades, has usually been found to be accompanied by a decline in their abundance. In addition, the poor health status of most populations of common ling, blue ling and Mediterranean ling considered in this analysis points to a lower sustainability of these populations in the future. Overall, the health status and abundance of Molva populations in the northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean suggest that only some populations located in the North Atlantic may be able to rebuild, whereas the populations in southern North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, which are probably most at risk from sea warming, are facing serious difficulties in doing so. In the context of fisheries and global warming, this study's results strongly indicate that management bodies need to consider the health status of many of the populations of Molva species, particularly in southern European waters, before implementing their decisions.  相似文献   
It has recently been unveiled that a wide variety of microbial eukaryotes (protists) occur in chemosynthetic ecosystems, such as hydrothermal vents and methane seeps. However, there is little knowledge regarding protists associated with endemic animals inhabiting these environments. In the present study, utilizing PCR techniques, we detected fragments of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rRNA gene) from a particular protist from gill tissues of a significant fraction of the vesicomyid clams Calyptogena soyoae and C. okutanii complex and of the mussel Bathymodiolus platifrons and B. japonicus, all of which harbor chemosynthetic endosymbiont bacteria and dominate methane seeps in Sagami Bay, Japan. Based on the phylogeny of SSU rRNA gene, the organism in question was shown to belong to Alveolata. It is noteworthy that this protist did not affiliate with any known alveolate group, although being deeply branched within the lineage of Syndiniales, for which the monophyly was constantly recovered, but not robustly supported. In addition, the protist detected using PCR followed by sequencing was localized within gill epithelial cells of B. platifrons with whole‐mount fluorescence in situ hybridization. This protist may be an endoparasite or an endocommensal of Calyptogena spp. and Bathymodiolus spp., and possibly have physiological and ecological impacts on these bivalves.  相似文献   
Dozens of studies have documented that brood parasites are well adapted to a brood parasitic lifestyle but not all parasitism events are successful. Co-evolution between brood parasites and their hosts is a dynamic process so it is reasonable to expect that a female brood parasite may commit errors during egg deposition by laying her eggs outside the laying period of the host, with consequent impacts on her fitness. Using an extensive dataset from a long-term study, we evaluated egg-laying patterns and errors related to the timing of egg-laying in the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus (hereafter ‘Cuckoo’). Specifically, we tested whether the Cuckoo avoids laying before or on the day of host clutch initiation to reduce the risk of rejection of parasitic eggs, whether laying errors will be more frequent in periods with a lack of active host nests, and whether the laying errors will be more frequent in periods with intense Cuckoo parasitism and a consequent lack of suitable host nests. We found that about one-third of Cuckoo eggs were laid on the host clutch initiation day or 1 day before, and the percentage of Cuckoo eggs laid decreased thereafter. Surprisingly, the probability of Cuckoo egg acceptance by the hosts was not affected by the egg-laying stage of the host clutch. Errors in the timing of egg-laying with fatal consequences (i.e. those precluding Cuckoo hatching because of laying in incubated or deserted clutches) were recorded in about 5% of cases. Only laying date of a Cuckoo egg had a significant effect on the probability of errors, which increased during the breeding season. This may be related to the higher number of deserted and incubated host nests at the site at the end of the breeding season. Errors in egg-laying may be attributed to young and inexperienced females but also impaired body condition or intraspecific competition may cause this behaviour. Future studies, which will test these possible explanations, will help to understand better the mechanism of co-evolutionary arms races and differences between host specialist and generalist brood parasites in various host–parasite systems.  相似文献   
The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), is the most serious pest of cauliflower fields in central Iran and its control is primarily based on pesticide sprays. Over the past years, a number of new pesticide compounds were introduced onto the market and some of them may cause adverse effects on natural populations of parasitoids associated with DBM. Excessive use of insecticides against the pest did not produce satisfactory results but has caused concerns about environmental pollution and increased pest resistance to chemicals. This research aims to study natural parasitism of pest on different cauliflower cultivars in the fields of south of Tehran. Dominant species of parasitoids include Diadegma anurum, Cotesia plutellae and Oomyzus sokolowskii. The highest parasitism rate was observed by D. anurum that was recorded on Buris cultivar (19.92?±?1.06) and White cloud cultivar (16.20?±?1.49) and the lowest parasitism rate was observed on Snow crown cultivar (3.42) and SG cultivar (5.00) during the season.  相似文献   
This review deals with some aspects of terrestrial isopod reproduction including breeding season, breeding periods, patterns and strategies, parturition, number and size of broods and mancae. Reproductive period is described by the exact dates (i.e. season) marsupial females were collected in the field, and the duration of the breeding period. The information for both aspects was generally obtained through field work by observing marsupial females. Two reproductive patterns are used by terrestrial isopods, either a discrete (i.e. seasonal) or a continuous (i.e. non-seasonal) pattern. The discrete pattern can be either annual when females breed once a year, or they can breed biannually or multi-annually (two or more times during the year). This conclusion is based generally on observing marsupial females in the field. Therefore, this information does not apply to the reproductive pattern of the individual female since a female may use either or both patterns, i.e. seasonal and continuous. Only by raising individual females singly (with a male) can this point be clarified. This way, the breeding strategy of the same individual female can be studied. The subject is discussed and reviewed based on my research data.  相似文献   
Conservation programs for breeding ducks in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of the United States and Canada require effective means of evaluating and characterizing breeding habitat across large landscapes. Extensive surveys of the distribution of duck broods in late-summer could help identify wetland basins with greater probabilities of occupancy. Broods are difficult to detect, however, rendering presence–absence data from single-visit surveys difficult to interpret, particularly when probability of detection is related to habitat features. Multiple-visit occupancy surveys offer a potential solution. From 20 July to 5 August 2007–2009, we conducted a 3-visit survey of wetland basins located on 167 10.4-km2 study plots in the PPR. Our survey focused on broods of the 5 most common breeding duck species (Anas spp.). Our main objectives were to investigate ecological relationships between occupancy of wetland basins by broods and habitat characteristics and to examine if habitat-specific detection was of enough concern to warrant multi-survey approaches in the future. We surveyed 3,226 wetland basins during the study. Probability of occupancy of a wetland basin by a brood was positively related to the log of wet area for all 5 study species and was greater on wetlands located on plots with a greater proportion of herbaceous perennial cover for 4 of 5 species. For example, the median probability of occupancy for gadwall (Anas strepera) increased from 0.08 (90% Credible Interval [CrI]: 0.07, 0.10) to 0.28 (90% CrI: 0.23, 0.33) as wet area increased from 0.19 ha to 2.12 ha, and increased from 0.12 (90% CrI: 0.09, 0.16) to 0.20 (90% CrI: 0.16, 0.25) as proportion of perennial grass cover on the study plot increased from 0.03 to 0.99. Because occupancy and detection were both related to attributes of wetland basins, we concluded that the multiple-visit survey was a useful approach for identifying habitat relationships of duck broods. Our results indicated that most broods of the study species were found in 10.4-km2 landscapes with greater densities of small- to mid-sized wetland basins and a greater proportion of herbaceous perennial vegetation. Our study provided new empirical support that could be used to help target conservation actions to the most productive landscapes for breeding ducks. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Interactions between avian hosts and brood parasites can provide a model for how animals adapt to a changing world. Reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) hosts employ costly defenses to combat parasitism by common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus). During the past three decades cuckoos have declined markedly across England, reducing parasitism at our study site (Wicken Fen) from 24% of reed warbler nests in 1985 to 1% in 2012. Here we show with experiments that host mobbing and egg rejection defenses have tracked this decline in local parasitism risk: the proportion of reed warbler pairs mobbing adult cuckoos (assessed by responses to cuckoo mounts and models) has declined from 90% to 38%, and the proportion rejecting nonmimetic cuckoo eggs (assessed by responses to model eggs) has declined from 61% to 11%. This is despite no change in response to other nest enemies or mimetic model eggs. Individual variation in both defenses is predicted by parasitism risk during the host's egg‐laying period. Furthermore, the response of our study population to temporal variation in parasitism risk can also explain spatial variation in egg rejection behavior in other populations across Europe. We suggest that spatial and temporal variation in parasitism risk has led to the evolution of plasticity in reed warbler defenses.  相似文献   
Populations of Drosophila melanogaster face significant mortality risks from parasitoid wasps that use species‐specific strategies to locate and survive in hosts. We tested the hypothesis that parasitoids with different strategies select for alternative host defense characteristics and in doing so contribute to the maintenance of fitness variation and produce trade‐offs among traits. We characterized defense traits of Drosophila when exposed to parasitoids with different host searching behaviors (Aphaereta sp. and Leptopilina boulardi). We used host larvae with different natural alleles of the gene Dopa decarboxylase (Ddc), a gene controlling the production of dopamine and known to influence the immune response against parasitoids. Previous population genetic analyses indicate that our focal alleles are maintained by balancing selection. Genotypes exhibited a trade‐off between the immune response against Aphaereta sp. and the ability to avoid parasitism by L. boulardi. We also identified a trade‐off between the ability to avoid parasitism by L. boulardi and larval competitive ability as indicated by differences in foraging and feeding behavior. Genotypes differed in dopamine levels potentially explaining variation in these traits. Our results highlight the potential role of parasitoid biodiversity on host fitness variation and implicate Ddc as an antagonistic pleiotropic locus influencing larval fitness traits.  相似文献   
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