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The activity of ammoniagenesis from guanine nucleotides was found to increase significantly in rat brain after infusion of kainic acid into the striatum. Among the enzymes involved in degrading guanine nucleotides, nucleoside diphosphatase was markedly increased in the lesioned striatum. The enzyme activity began to increase 2 days after the infusion, and reached the maximum on the 13th day, the level being 4 times as high as that of the intact contralateral region. The increased activity was due to Type L enzyme, judging from its substrate specificity. Puromycin and cycloheximide inhibited this increase, indicating that the increased activity resulted from an increase in the net synthesis of the enzyme. These findings suggest that Type L NDPase might play some important roles in gliosis after neuronal lesion.  相似文献   
Antipsychotics represent high affinity for sigma receptors and sigma-like drugs often have the psychotomimetic properties. Besides, the receptors are unevenly distributed in human brain. These findings suggest that sigma receptors might be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Sigma receptors in rat and human brain were measured with [3H]-1, 3, di-o-tolylguanidine (DTG) and non-specific binding of [3H]DTG was determined in the presence of 10–5M haloperidol. Monovalent and divalent cations strongly inhibited [3H]DTG binding. Glutamate, aspartate and glycine also decreased the binding to human cerebral membranes. With post-mortem brain samples from 12 schizophrenics and 10 controls, sigma receptors were measured in 17 areas of cerebral cortex. Sigma receptors binding showed the regional differences in the cortex, but no significant differences between schizophrenics and controls were observed except the superior parietal cortex where the binding significantly increased in the schizophrenic group. These results suggest that sigma receptors in cerebral cortices might not be directly concerned with the pathophysiological role in schizophrenia.Dedicated to Dr. Morris Aprison. Received too late for publication in special issue.  相似文献   
The pigment of substantia nigra human brain has been extracted by a mild procedure consisting of washes with phosphate buffer, methanol and incubation with SDS-proteinase. Pyrolisis gas chromatography mass spectrometry infrared spectrometry, termogravimetric analysis and elemental analysis were the techniques used for the chemical characterization. An indole moiety bound to a sulfur containing amino acid and to palmitic acid were the main aspects found in the structure. The presence of a 7% inorganic component was observed. This probably contains Fe, Cu, Zn and Cr which are also relevant, for the formation and the role of melanin in substantia nigra neurons. The fatty acid moiety is chemically bound to the indole structure as it was not eliminated by repeated methanol washing. The same situation occurs for the sulfur containing gropu. Considering these data and the most abundant molecules present in substantia nigra the precursor of neuromelanin seems to be a cysteinyl-cethecol, to which is then bound a palmityl group.  相似文献   
用相关和回归处理方法,研究了8条正常狗咽喉部高频喷射通气时,调节驱动压、呼吸比和频率对喷气量、吸入气氧浓度、动脉血气及气道内压的作用。结果显示,驱动压和呼吸此对各观察指标几乎有同等重要的作用,频率的影响很小,喷气量与吸入气氧浓度、动脉血气、气道内压间存在显著的正相关关系。说明调节参数的意义主要在于改变了喷气量。  相似文献   
Summary Three G proteins from human brain membranes were purified to near homogeneity by conventional techniques including preparative electrophoresis. These G proteins were characterized by their ability to bind GTP, GDP and GTP analogs. Two of these proteins have molecular weights of 50,000 (G50) and 36,000 (G36), as determined on SDS-gels. G36 was ADP-ribosylated by pertussis toxin. Thus, G50 could represent a Gsα subunit, whereas G36 could be Giα or Goα. G50 was phosphorylated by cAMP dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C. G36 was phosphorylated by a protein kinase independent of calcium and phospholipid, a proteolytic product of protein kinase C, analogous to protein kinase M. Phosphorylation of G36 by this protein kinase induced a dramatic decrease in its GTPase activity. The third G protein, of molecular weight 22,000 probably belongs to the group of monomeric G proteins possessing functional similarities withras gene products. The regulation of G proteins involving calcium-dependent and independent pathways is delineated.  相似文献   
Reduced orthostatic tolerance following 4 h head-down tilt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cardiovascular responses to a 10-min 1.22 rad (70 degrees) head-up tilt orthostatic tolerance test (OST) was observed in eight healthy men following each of a 5-min supine baseline (control), 4 h of 0.1 rad (6 degrees) head-down tilt (HDT), or 4 h 0.52 rad (30 degrees) head-up tilt (HUT). An important clinical observation was presyncopal symptoms in six of eight subjects following 4 h HDT, but in no subjects following 4 h HUT. Immediately prior to the OST, there were no differences in heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, mean arterial pressure and total peripheral resistance for HDT and HUT. However, stroke volume and cardiac output were greater for the control group. Mean arterial pressure for the control group was less than HDT but not HUT. Over the full 10-min period of OST, the mean arterial pressure was not different between groups. Heart rate increased to the same level for all three treatments. Stroke volume decreased across the full time period for control and HDT, but only at 3 and 9 min for HUT. There was a higher total peripheral resistance in the HDT group than control or HUT. The pre-ejection period to left ventricular ejection time ratio was less in HDT than for control or HUT groups. These data indicate a rapid adaptation of the cardiovascular system to 4 h HDT that appears to be inappropriate on reapplication of a head to foot gravity vector. We speculate that the cause of the impaired orthostatic tolerance is decreased tone in venous capacitance vessels so that venous return is inadequate.  相似文献   
Summary In the present study, we have demonstrated, by means of the biotin-avidin method, the widespread distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY)-immunoreactive structures throughout the whole brain of the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). The prosencephalic region contained the highest concentration of both NPY-containing fibres and perikarya. Immunoreactive fibres were observed throughout, particularly within the paraolfactory lobe, the lateral septum, the nucleus taeniae, the preoptic area, the periventricular hypothalamic regions, the tuberal complex, and the ventrolateral thalamus. NPY-immunoreactive cells were represented by: a) small scattered perikarya in the telencephalic portion (i.e. archistriatal, neostriatal and hyperstriatal regions, hippocampus, piriform cortex); b) medium-sized cell bodies located around the nucleus rotundus, ventrolateral, and lateral anterior thalamic nuclei; c) small clustered cells within the periventricular and medial preoptic nuclei. The brainstem showed a less diffuse innervation, although a dense network of immunopositive fibres was observed within the optic tectum, the periaqueductal region, and the Edinger-Westphal, linearis caudalis and raphes nuclei. Two populations of large NPY-containing perikarya were detected: one located in the isthmic region, the other at the boundaries of the pons with the medulla. The wide distribution of NPY-immunoreactive structures within regions that have been demonstrated to play a role in the control of vegetative, endocrine and sensory activities suggests that, in birds, this neuropeptide is involved in the regulation of several aspects of cerebral functions.Abbreviations AA archistriatum anterius - AC nucleus accumbens - AM nucleus anterior medialis - APP avian pancreatic polypeptide - CNS centrai nervous system - CO chiasma opticum - CP commissura posterior - CPi cortex piriformis - DIC differential interferential contrast - DLAl nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars lateralis - DLAm nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars medialis - E ectostriatum - EW nucleus of Edinger-Westphal - FLM fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - GCt substantia grisea centralis - GLv nucleus geniculatus lateralis, pars ventralis - HA hyperstriatum accessorium - Hp hippocampus - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - HV hyperstriatum ventrale - IF nucleus infundibularis - IO nucleus isthmo-opticus - IP nucleus interpeduncularis - IR immunoreactive - LA nucleus lateralis anterior thalami - LC nucleus linearis caudalis - LFS lamina frontalis superior - LH lamina hyperstriatica - LHRH luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone - LoC locus coeruleus - LPO lobus paraolfactorius - ME eminentia mediana - N neostriatum - NC neostriatum caudale - NPY neuropeptide Y - NIII nervus oculomotorius - NV nervus trigeminus - NVI nervus facialis - NVIIIc nervus octavus, pars cochlearis - nIV nucleus nervi oculomotorii - nIX nucleus nervi glossopharyngei - nBOR nucleus opticus basalis (ectomamilaris) - nCPa nucleus commissurae pallii - nST nucleus striae terminalis - OM tractus occipitomesencephalicus - OS nucleus olivaris superior - PA palaeostriatum augmentatum - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - POA nucleus praeopticus anterior - POM nucleus praeopticus medialis - POP nucleus praeopticus periventricularis - PP pancreatic polypeptide - PYY polypeptide YY - PVN nucleus paraventricularis magnocellularis - PVO organum paraventriculare - R nucleus raphes - ROT nucleus rotundus - RP nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis - Rpc nucleus reticularis parvocellularis - RPgc nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis, pars gigantocellularis - RPO nucleus reticularis pontis oralis - SCd nucleus subcoeruleus dorsalis - SCv nucleus subcoeruleus ventralis - SCNm nucleus suprachiasmaticus, pars medialis - SCNl nucleus suprachiasmaticus, pars lateralis - SL nucleus septalis lateralis - SM nucleus septalis medialis - Ta nucleus tangentialis - TeO tectum opticum - Tn nucleus taeniae - TPc nucleus tegmenti pedunculo-pontinus, pars compacta - TSM tractus septo-mesencephalicus - TV nueleus tegmenti ventralis - VeL nucleus vestibularis lateralis - VLT nucleus ventrolateralis thalami - VMN nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami A preliminary report of this study was presented at the 15th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Leuven, Belgium, September 1990  相似文献   
The accumulation of [3H]inositol by mechanically dissociated brain cells and cultured skin fibroblasts from fetal mice was examined. Uptake by both tissues was strongly dependent on temperature and the presence of sodium ions. Brain and fibroblast uptake also responded similarly to inhibition by inositol isomers and phloridzin. At lower concentrations of inositol, both tissues exhibited high-affinity uptake kinetics with apparent Km values near 30 M, similar to values observed previously in human fibroblasts and other cultured cells. The activity of brain high-affinity uptake was nearly an order of magnitude lower than that of fibroblasts, however, and was in part confounded by the presence of a low-affinity or simple diffusion system operating at inositol concentrations above 100M. Brain preparation from adult mice also showed evidence of high-affinity, Na+ dependent uptake, but its activity was significantly diminished relative to that of fetal brain preparations. Our results demonstrate that a high-affinity inositol transport system closely resembling that found in cultured cells is expressed in the developing mouse brain.  相似文献   
Guanidinoethanesulfonic acid (GES) is known to induce convulsive seizures when administered intracisternally to rabbits and cats. The effects of GES on behavior, electroencephalographic recording and brain monoamine levels were examined in mice. When GES (900 nmol) was intraventricularly injected into mice, focal clonic movements of the face, vibrissae and ears together with twitching of the limbs were observed 0.5–1 min after the injection. Hypersensitivity was observed up to 7 min after the injection, after which the mice behaved normally. GES also induced sporadic spike discharges on electrocorticogram. The levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) of the GES-injected mice were lower than those of the saline-injected mice in the hippocampus, diencephalon, pons-medulla oblongata and cerebellum 5 min after the injection. No changes in the norepinephrine or dopamine levels were found after the GES injection. The level of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid increased in the striatum and cerebellum 5 min after the GES injection. These results suggest that GES-induced convulsive activities enhance the serotonergic neuroactivity in order to suppress the convulsions.  相似文献   
Using the developing chick embryo as a model and a very sensitive micromethod for amino acid analysis, a complete analysis is presented of the developmental changes in free amino acid concentration in the blood, in the CSF, and in two different brain regions (optic lobe and frontal lobe) of the chick embryo (from day 4 of incubation, until day 5 post hatching). The developmental profile of Lys is the only one that is almost identical in all three compartments. The developmental profiles of the serum and of the brain are very similar for Arg and Phe, less so for Leu and Gly, and towards the end of the embryonic period, similar also for Val, Ile, Trp, and Met. The amino acid concentrations in the CSF are either much lower than in serum and brain already at the earliest stages, or they progressively decline to levels lower than those in brain and serum, most rapidly between day 6 and 8 of embryonic life. The concentrations of neuroactive amino acids (Gln, Glu, Asp, GABA, Tau, and Gly) in both brain regions begin to increase very early, and continue to rise, except Tau, which goes through a maximum at day 8. Comparative analysis of the developmental profiles of each amino acid in serum, brain, and CSF reveals that the blood supply and the cellular uptake, retention, and metabolism by neural cells are the major determinants of the free amino acid pool of the developing brain.  相似文献   
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