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Understanding the mechanisms generating species distributions remains a challenge, especially in hyperdiverse tropical forests. We evaluated the role of rainfall variation, soil gradients and herbivory on seedling mortality, and how variation in seedling performance along these gradients contributes to habitat specialisation. In a 4‐year experiment, replicated at the two extremes of the Amazon basin, we reciprocally transplanted 4638 tree seedlings of 41 habitat‐specialist species from seven phylogenetic lineages among the three most important forest habitats of lowland Amazonia. Rainfall variation, flooding and soil gradients strongly influenced seedling mortality, whereas herbivory had negligible impact. Seedling mortality varied strongly among habitats, consistent with predictions for habitat specialists in most lineages. This suggests that seedling performance is a primary determinant of the habitat associations of adult trees across Amazonia. It further suggests that tree diversity, currently mostly harboured in terra firme forests, may be strongly impacted by the predicted climate changes in Amazonia.  相似文献   
The effect of clipping on methane emissions from Carex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this study was to estimate theresistance to methane release of the above-groundportion of Carex, a wetland sedge, and todetermine the locus of methane release from the plant. Measurements conducted on plants clipped to differentheights above the water level revealed that themethane flux from clipped plants was on the order of97% to 111% of control (unclipped) values. Thegreatest increase was observed in the initial fluxmeasurement after the plants had been clipped to aheight of 10 cm. Subsequent measurements on the 10 cmhigh stubble were similar to control values. When theends of plants which had been clipped to 10 cm weresealed, the methane flux was reduced to 65% ofcontrol values. However, sealing had no effect on theflux from plants which were clipped at 15 cm andhigher, indicating that virtually all methane wasreleased on the lower 15 cm of the plants as theyemerged from the water. The results indicate that theabove-ground portions of Carex at our studysite offered only slight resistance to the passage ofmethane, and that the main sites limiting methaneemission are below-ground, at either theporewater-root or root-shoot boundary. We hypothesizethat the transitory increase in flux associated withclipping was due to the episodic release of methaneheld within the plant lacunae. The buildup ofCH4 partial pressure within lacunal spacesovercomes the resistance to gas transport offered byaboveground parts.  相似文献   
Estimating soil organic carbon (SOC) density and influence factors of tropical virgin forests in Hainan Island provide new insight in basic data for SOC pool estimation and its dynamics study.
The main distribution areas of tropical virgin forests in Jianfengling (JFL), Bawangling (BWL), Wu- zhishan (WZS), Diaoluoshan (DLS), Yinggeling (YGL) of Hainan Island were selected, and soil samples (0-100 cm) were sampled and analyzed. SOC density was estimated by soil vertical fitting method and soil stratification method to discover the distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon in tropical virgin forests of Hainan Island.
Important findings
Results showed that: (1) The average SOC density using soil vertical fitting method in JFL, BWL, WZS, DLS and YGL was 14.98, 18.46, 16.48, 18.81, 16.66 kg·m-2, respectively, which was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the estimated average SOC density using soil stratification method in these areas (14.73, 16.24, 15.50, 16.91, 15.03 kg·m-2, respectively). It is better to use soil vertical fitting method for SOC density estimation when the soil was natural without disturbance. (2) The proportion of SOC content in the first 0-30 cm depth interval out of SOC in the whole 0-100 cm soil profiles in JFL, BWL, WZS, DLS and YGL was 50.50%, 48.56%, 43.49%, 47.37%, 42.88%, respectively. (3) SOC density was significantly negative correlated with Shannon-Wiener index, Simpson index, species richness, and soil bulk density; and was significantly positive correlated with altitude, soil porosity, and soil nitrogen. However, SOC density was not significantly correlated to slope, biomass, average diameter at breast height, or average height. (4) Our study area Hainan was located in low latitude area with high rainfall and high temperature, which accelerated the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient recycling, resulting in significantly lower SOC densities in this tropical virgin forests of Hainan Island than the average value in China.  相似文献   
Elevated nitrogen deposition has increased tree growth, the storage of soil organic matter, and nitrate leaching in many European forests, but little is known about the effect of tree species and nitrogen deposition on nitrous oxide emission. Here we report soil N2O emission from European beech, Scots pine and Norway spruce forests in two study areas of Germany with distinct climate, N deposition and soils. N2O emissions and throughfall input of nitrate and ammonium were measured biweekly during growing season and monthly during dormant season over a 28 months period. Annual N2O emission rates ranged between 0.4 and 1.3 kg N ha?1 year?1 among the stands and were higher in 1998 than in 1999 due to higher precipitation during the growing season of 1998. A 2-way-ANOVA revealed that N2O fluxes were significantly higher (p<0.001) at Solling than at Unterlüß while tree species had no effect on N2O emissions. Soil texture and the amount of throughfall explained together 94% of the variance among the stands, indicating that increasing portions of silt and clay may promote the formation of N2O in wet forest soils. Moreover, cumulative N2O fluxes were significantly correlated (r2 = 0.60, p<0.001) with cumulative NO 3 ? fluxes at 10 cm depth as an indicator of N saturation, however, the slope of the regression curve indicates a rather weak effect of NO 3 ? fluxes on N2O emissions. N input by throughfall was not correlated with N2O emissions and only 1.6–3.2% of N input was released as N2O to the atmosphere. Our results suggest that elevated N inputs have little effect on N2O emissions in beech, spruce and pine forests.  相似文献   
Spread of North American wind-dispersed trees in future environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite ample research, understanding plant spread and predicting their ability to track projected climate changes remain a formidable challenge to be confronted. We modelled the spread of North American wind-dispersed trees in current and future (c. 2060) conditions, accounting for variation in 10 key dispersal, demographic and environmental factors affecting population spread. Predicted spread rates vary substantially among 12 study species, primarily due to inter-specific variation in maturation age, fecundity and seed terminal velocity. Future spread is predicted to be faster if atmospheric CO(2) enrichment would increase fecundity and advance maturation, irrespective of the projected changes in mean surface windspeed. Yet, for only a few species, predicted wind-driven spread will match future climate changes, conditioned on seed abscission occurring only in strong winds and environmental conditions favouring high survival of the farthest-dispersed seeds. Because such conditions are unlikely, North American wind-dispersed trees are expected to lag behind the projected climate range shift.  相似文献   
Aim Plant communities across the temperate zone are changing in response to successional processes and human‐induced disturbances. Here, we assess how upland forest under‐ and overstorey community composition has changed along an edaphic gradient. Location Northern Wisconsin, USA. Methods Forest sites initially sampled in the 1950s were resampled for overstorey composition and diversity, basal area, and understorey composition and diversity. We used clustering methods to identify groups of stands based on overstorey composition, and we used similarity indices, ordination and diversity indices to evaluate changes in species abundance and overall community structure. Results Sites clustered into four overstorey groups along the edaphic gradient: ‘hemlock’ sites dominated by hemlock in 1950, ‘mesic’ sites dominated by northern hardwoods, ‘dry’ sites with a significant pine inclusion in the canopy and diverse ‘dry‐mesic’ sites in the middle. Collectively, forests gained maple, ash and cherry while losing pines, birches and red oaks. The hemlock forest sites gained hardwoods, while the dry‐mesic sites shifted towards a more mesic hardwood composition. Only the driest sites have remained relatively stable in species composition. Main conclusions These trends reflect both ‘mesification’ and homogenization among northern forests. Highly diverse mid‐gradient and mesic hemlock‐dominated stands are transitioning to maple dominance. Fire suppression may be favouring invasions of more mesic plants into historically drier sites, while high deer abundance likely limits hemlock regeneration. If current trends continue, maples will dominate the majority of northern forests, with significant losses of local native species richness and substantial shifts in understorey composition.  相似文献   
We evaluated habitat suitability and nest survival of breeding white-headed woodpeckers (Picoides albolarvatus) in unburned forests of central Oregon, USA. Daily nest-survival rate was positively related to maximum daily temperature during the nest interval and to density of large-diameter trees surrounding the nest tree. We developed a niche-based habitat suitability model (partitioned Mahalanobis distance) for nesting white-headed woodpeckers using remotely sensed data. Along with low elevation, high density of large trees, and low slope, our habitat suitability model suggested that interspersion–juxtaposition of low- and high-canopy cover ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) patches was important for nest-site suitability. Cross-validation suggested the model performed adequately for management planning at a scale >1 ha. Evaluation of mapped habitat suitability index (HSI) suggested that the maximum predictive gain (HSI = 0.36), where the number of nest locations are maximized in the smallest proportion of the modeled landscape, provided an objective initial threshold for identification of suitable habitat. However, managers can choose the threshold HSI most appropriate for their purposes (e.g., locating regions of low–moderate suitability that have potential for habitat restoration). Consequently, our habitat suitability model may be useful for managing dry coniferous forests for white-headed woodpeckers in central Oregon; however, model validation is necessary before our model could be applied to other locations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
East Asia has the most diverse temperate flora in the world primarily due to the lack of Pleistocene glaciation and the geographic heterogeneity. Although increasing phylogeography studies in this region provided more proofs in this issue, discrepancies and uncertainty still exist, especially in northern temperate deciduous broad‐leaved and coniferous mixed forest region (II). And a widespread plant species could reduce the complexity to infer the relationship between diversity and physiographical pattern. Hence, we studied the evolution history of a widespread temperate tree, Acer mono, populations in region II and the influence of physiographic patterns on intraspecific genetic diversity. Analyses of chloroplast sequences and nuclear microsatellites indicated high levels of genetic diversity. The diversity distribution was spatially heterogeneous and a latitudinal cline existed in both markers. The spatial distribution pattern between genetic diversity within A. mono and the diversity at species level was generally consistent. Western subtropical evergreen broad‐leaved forest subregion (IVb) had a unique ancient chloroplast clade (CP3) and a nuclear gene pool (GP5) with dominance indicating the critical role of this area in species diversification. Genetic data and ecological niche model results both suggested that populations in region II disappeared during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and recovered from south of Changbai Mt. and the Korean Peninsula. Two distribution centers were likely during the LGM, one in the north edge of warm temperate deciduous broad‐leaved forest region (III) and another in the south edge of region III. This was reflected by the genetic pattern with two spatially independent genetic groups. This study highlights the key role of region III in sustaining genetic diversity in the northern range and connecting diversity between southern and northern range. We elucidated the diversity relationship between vegetation regions which could facilitate the understanding of biodiversity origin and maintenance in East Asia.  相似文献   
Gaps created 10 years ago by clearing of conifer plantations in Kibale National Park, Uganda, still experience very little tree regeneration. We studied the arrested succession by examining the survival of Neoboutonia macrocalyx Pax in different sized canopy gaps. We examined whether Neoboutonia seedlings can survive in gaps, which the tree rarely colonizes naturally and whether survival is limited by the size of the canopy opening, herbaceous climbers or insect folivory. A total of 384 seedlings were planted in 24 gaps, and survival was monitored for 19 months. Survival was dependent on canopy openness, being lowest in small gaps and highest in large gaps. We found a significant negative relationship between survival and folivory and a positive relationship between survival and climber infestation. Because 53% of the seedlings survived, regeneration could be limited by seed dispersal, rather than high seedling mortality. However, considering its high survival rate in arrested succession gaps, Neoboutonia seems to have good potential for forest restoration.  相似文献   
Ecotones mark zones of rapid change in ecological structure at various spatial scales. They are believed to be particularly susceptible to shifts caused by environmental transformation, making them key regions for studying the effects of global change. Here, we explored the variation in assemblage structure of aquatic primary producer and consumer communities across latitudinal transects in northeastern North America (Québec‐Labrador) to identify spatial patterns in biodiversity that indicated the location of transition zones across the landscape. We analyzed species richness and the cumulative rate of compositional change (expressed as beta‐diversity) of diatoms and chironomids to detect any abrupt shifts in the rate of spatial taxonomic turnover. We used principal coordinates analysis to estimate community turnover with latitude, then applied piecewise linear regression to assess the position of ecotones. Statistically significant changes in assemblage composition occurred at 52 and 55°N, corresponding to the transition between closed‐ and open‐crown forest, and to the southern onset of the forest tundra (i.e., the forest limit), respectively. The spatial distribution of ecotones was most strongly related to air temperature for chironomids and to vegetation‐ and soil‐related chemical attributes of lake water for diatoms, including dissolved organic carbon content and water color. Lakes at mid‐ to high‐latitudes currently face pressures from rapidly rising temperatures, accompanied by large increases in organic carbon inputs from their catchments, often leading to browning and its associated effects. The biota at the base of food webs in lakes located in transition zones are disproportionately affected by the cascading effects of these multi‐factorial changes, concurrent with pronounced terrestrial greening observed in these regions. Similar patterns of biotic shifts have been observed along alpine aquatic transects, indicating the potential for widespread restructuring of cold, high‐altitude and high‐latitude freshwater communities due to global change.  相似文献   
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