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Question: What are the main forces driving natural regeneration in burned mature Mediterranean forests in the medium‐long term and what are the likely successional trajectories of unmanaged vegetation? Location: Valencia Region, eastern Spain. Methods: A wildfire burned 33 000 ha of Pinus halepensis and P. pinaster forest in 1979, and subsequent smaller wildfires took place between 1984 and 1996. The study was designed to sample the range of environmental and disturbance (fire recurrence and land use) conditions. The territory was classified into 17 different geomorphological and fire‐recurrence units. Vegetation cover and floristic composition were measured on a total of 113 plots (1000 m2 each) randomly selected within these units. Results: The results show that 23 years after the fire the regenerated vegetation consists of successional shrublands, and that forest ecosystem resilience can be very low. The vegetation presents a strong correlation with most of the environmental variables, but fire (one or two fires), soil type and land use (in that order) are the main drivers of vegetation composition. Quercus coccifera shrublands persist on limestone soils while diverse types of other shrublands (dominated by seeder species) are found on marl soils. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that disturbance factors strongly coupled to human activities, such as land use and fire, play a critical role in the current state of vegetation. Fire creates vegetation patches in different successional states while land use and soil type define the different types of shrubland in terms of their specific composition.  相似文献   
In the Loess Plateau, China, arable cultivation of slope lands is common and associated with serious soil erosion. Planting trees or grass may control erosion, but planted species may consume more soil water and can threaten long‐term ecosystem sustainability. Natural vegetation succession is an alternative ecological solution to restore degraded land, but there is a time cost, given that the establishment of natural vegetation, adequate to prevent soil erosion, is a longer process than planting. The aims of this study were to identify the environmental factors controlling the type of vegetation established on abandoned cropland and to identify candidate species that might be sown soon after abandonment to accelerate vegetation succession and establishment of natural vegetation to prevent soil erosion. A field survey of thirty‐three 2 × 2–m plots was carried out in July 2003, recording age since abandonment, vegetation cover, and frequency of species together with major environmental and soil variables. Data were analyzed using correspondence analysis, classification tree analysis, and species response curves. Four vegetation types were identified and the data analysis confirmed the importance of time since abandonment, total P, and soil water in controlling the type of vegetation established. Among the dominant species in the three late‐successional vegetation types, the most appropriate candidates for accelerating and directing vegetation succession were King Ranch bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum) and Lespedeza davurica (Leguminosae). These species possess combinations of the following characteristics: tolerance of low water and nutrient availability, fibrous root system and strong lateral vegetative spread, and a persistent seed bank.  相似文献   
Results of a 16‐month study of forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis Matschie) group size and composition, coastal use and frugivory are presented from the Réserve de Faune du Petit Loango, Gabon (now the Parc National de Loango). Mean forest elephant group size was 2.2 (n = 140) including solitary animals, and 3.1 excluding solitaries. Elephants consumed fruits of at least 49 species, and of the 220 elephant dungpiles examined, 185 (84.1%) contained seeds and 203 (92.3%) contained the remains of fruits (seeds and/or pulp). The mean number of seed species per dungpile (±SD) was 2.01 ± 1.49, and the mean number of fruit species was 2.28 ± 1.43. Elephants used the coastal habitat more during warmer months, and during the afternoon than the morning. It is hypothesized that coastal habitat use is related to sodium intake through consumption of salt‐coated vegetation.  相似文献   
附生兰科植物是热带林附生植物的主要类群之一,对于维持热带林生态系统的物种多样性及生态功能具有重要的作用。以海南岛霸王岭国家级自然保护区内的6种热带原始林类型(热带季雨林、低地雨林、热带针叶林、山地雨林、山地常绿林及山顶矮林)中的附生兰科植物为研究对象,通过样带调查(每个森林类型设置12个10m×50m的样带,记录每个样带内胸径(DBH)≥5cm的树木及藤本上附生兰科植物的物种名称、株数及附生位置)分析了附生兰科植物的物种多样性、附生位置及其在不同森林类型中的分布规律。结果表明:1)3.6hm2森林调查样带内共记录到附生兰科植物9634株,分属于26属60种;2)除趋势对应分析(DCA)结果表明,6种森林类型中的附生兰科植物可分成5组(其中,山地常绿林与山顶矮林内的附生兰科植物归为一组);3)分布海拔范围相临近的森林类型的附生兰科植物具有较高的相似性,山地常绿林和山顶矮林附生兰科植物的相似性最高(88.9%);4)6种森林类型中,较高海拔的3种森林类型(山地雨林、山地常绿林和山顶矮林)中,附生兰科植物的丰富度和多度均显著高于其在较低海拔的3种森林类型(热带季雨林、低地雨林和热带针叶林),其中,附生兰科植物在山地常绿林内的丰富度和多度均最高;5)热带季雨林、低地雨林、热带针叶林及山地雨林内,宿主冠区附生兰科植物的多度均高于干区;山地常绿林内两者之间无显著差异;而山顶矮林干区的附生兰科植物的多度高于冠区;6)调查木上附生兰科植物的发生率在高海拔森林类型均高于其在低海拔森林类型,各森林类型内附生兰科植物的多度及物种丰富度与宿主胸径均存在显著正相关关系。  相似文献   
报道由伊朗设拉子大学农学院采集饲出的与林木害虫有关的7属8种寄生蜂,它们均属膜翅目小蜂总科、跳小蜂科,扬与林木介壳虫有关的Anagyrus pseudococci,Cheilonerrus ceroplasits,Dusmetia fascipennis,Homalotylus ephippium,与草蛉有关的Isodromus atriventris,Isodrmus collimaculatu  相似文献   
珠海市陆生天然次生林优势种的生态位   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在珠海市10个陆生次生林群落中设置了112个10m×10m样方,用于珠海市次生林群落23个优势种的生态位宽度和生态位重叠的研究。结果表明:珠海次生林群落23个优势种的Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度和Levins生态位变度值范围为0.4049~0.7736和0.0551~0.3086,生态位宽度较大的种类分别是山油柑(Acronychia pedunculata)、大头茶(Gordonia axillaris)、银柴(Aporosa dioica)、小盘木(Microdesmis casearifolia)、白颜树(Giron-niera subaequalis)和假苹婆(Sterculia lanceolata);生态位相似性比例值为0~0.3810,银柴与阴香(Cinnamomum burmanii)的生态位相似性比例值最高;山油柑与另外22个优势种均存在不同程度的生态位重叠;大头茶只与少数优势种存在生态位重叠;另有20.6%的种对之间不存在生态位重叠。建议使用山油柑、大头茶、白颜树和黄桐(Endospermum chinense)等生态位宽度较高、分布广泛、适应力强的树种,进行森林恢复与人工林改造。  相似文献   
Fruit syndrome found in zoochorous plants is regarded as a result of hypothetical coevolution with a seed disperser/predator. Fruiting phenology was compared among two representative syndromes, such as bird–monkey syndrome (BM) and ruminant–rodent–elephant syndrome (RRE), plus the gravity dispersal species for comparison, in south-western Cameroon in order to examine which biotic or abiotic factors educed syndrome variation. The individual size of selected plants (> 1.6 m in height) was recorded in a 16.95-ha area for recruitment estimation and their fruiting behaviour was checked for 9 months from June 1985 to February 1986. The BM species, a suggested successful group, fruited in a less synchronous manner within species and had fruiting peaks just before and during the rainy season. The RRE species, a suggested failing group, showed greater variation within syndrome in fruiting timing, duration and synchronization. Results obtained supported no clear phenological response to corresponding vertebrates except for the case of Sacoglottis gabonensis in the RRE. The reason for concealing potential responses is probably a result of conflicting requirements for seed dispersal and offspring survival. Periodical fruiting of the BM is likely to reflect ecological constraint, such as water stress on seedlings, caused from syndrome-specific morphological limitation. In this case, the animals have indirect effects on fruiting phenology through selecting syndrome-specific fruit morphology. The greater variation of the RRE suggests a broad spectrum of dispersal tactics from faithful zoochory to alternatives, with a trade off between agent restriction and seed size and another trade off between parental investment and seed-predation risk.  相似文献   
青冈常绿阔叶林钾的生物循环研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于明坚 《植物研究》1999,19(4):461-468
本文对分布于浙江建德的青冈常绿阔叶林K的生物循环进行了研究。群落各代表种类的K浓度大都在0.2~0.4%之间,其令藤本、草本>下木层>乔木层、亚乔木层植物,各器官中K浓度叶>枝、根>干。青冈中K浓度为下木层>乔木层>亚乔木层;幼嫩、同化和生殖器官中积累了较多的K。凋落物凋落之前,K有被回输的现象。K在群落中现存量为431.64kg/hm2,死地被层中积累量为25.88ky/hm2,土壤(A0-B层)中储存量为64298kg/hm2。群落K的存留量为53.83ky/hm2.a;归还量为51.89ky/hm2.a,其中大部分通过穿透水归还(占70%);吸收量为105.72kg/hm2.a。降水输入了7.10kg/hm2.a的K。与世界上其它森林类型相比,青冈林K的循环速申和利用效申是对一定水热条件的正常反映。  相似文献   
A survey of soils and trees was conducted on Syunkunitai coastal sand dune in eastern Hokkaido to clarify the relationships between the soil properties and the plant cover type. A belt transect of 360m in length was established across the dune. Three community types, that is, a Picea glehnii forest, an Abies sachalinensis forest, and a salt marsh were recognized. Soil types at the study area were determined to be sandy immature soil and peat soil. Their horizon sequences were described as A0–V–C or T–V–C layers (A0, T, V, and C indicate layers of leaf litter, peat, volcanic deposit, and parent material, respectively). The Abies sachalinensis forest was characterized by a relatively high calcium concentration in the surface soil layer and a tendency for podzolization in the volcanic deposit layer. The Picea glehnii forest was characterized by peat accumulation because of the high ground water table, volcanic deposits in the soil profile, and the strong influence of sea salt on the soil chemistry. The roots in the Picea glehnii forest were distributed more shallowly than those in the Abies sachalinensis forest, thus avoiding the high water table level as well as the influence of seawater in the soil. The salt marsh showed an extremely high sodium concentration and base saturation, indicating that this area was directly affected by seawater. Recently, the periphery of the Picea glehnii forest on Syunkunitai sand dune has been declining because of seawater inundation caused by ground subsidence.  相似文献   
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