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Body water content was determined on groups of Cyprinodon variegatus after sequential acclimation to ambient salinities in the range from fresh water to 100%. A multiple linear regression model applied to the data included body mass ( M ) of individuals and acclimation salinity ( S ) as independent variables, and body water content ( W ) as the dependent variable. The model that described the relationship was W (g) = 0·059 + 0·723 M (g)–0001 S (%). Converting values of body water content to percent of wet body mass produced a range of values from 74·5% in fresh water to 72·0% at 100%, only a 2·5% difference in body water content over this wide range of ambient salinities.  相似文献   
Fresh and dry body weights (FW, DW) were greater for adult southern green stink bug,Nezara viridula (L.) than for the brown stink bug,Euschistus heros F. throughout the year in southern Brazil. FemalesN. viridula significantly increased FW and DW in late summer-early autumn, and during mid-spring; femaleE. heros did not show the same rates of increase in FW and DW. FemaleN. viridula were heavier than males, particularly during summer; however, female and maleE. heros were generally similar in weight.E. heros contained significantly greater amounts of lipid thanN. viridula, during mid-autumn to early-spring (April–September). Survivorship (%) and total longevity ofE. heros adults provided water only was greater (34.6–24.6 days, for females and males) than that forN. viridula (14.8–13.0 days); without water and food, longevity was drastically reduced (<7 days) for both species.  相似文献   
Transgenic animals that over- or underexpress a protein of interest have been used to study obesity development, prevention, and susceptibility to diet-induced obesity such as a high-fat diet. Several transgenic models are resistant to diet-induced obesity including those that overexpress the insulin-sensitive glucose transporter, GLUT4, in adipose tissue only. In this animal there is increased adipose tissue mass but the animal maintains its insulin sensitivity. The overexpression of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in skeletal muscle and the elimination of a protein kinase A subunit both resulted in lean and obesity resistant animals. By directing the production of the diphtheria toxin A chain to adipose tissue only the resulting animals not only had less adipose tissue mass but were resistant to MSG-induced obesity. Conversely, transgenic models with decreased brown adipose tissue or its function have all resulted in obese animals, highlighting the importance of thermoregulation in body weight maintenance. The use of transgenic technology in the field of obesity has emphasized the regional differences among fat pads as well as the dissimilarity between genders in fuel metabolism. Several transgenic models have separated obesity from insulin resistance allowing the importance of each state to be studied individually. Results using transgenic animals have re-emphasized that obesity is a polygenic disease.  相似文献   
The partitioning of partially folded polypeptide chains between correctly folded native states and off-pathway inclusion bodies is a critical reaction in biotechnology. Multimeric partially folded intermediates, representing early stages of the aggregation pathway for the P22 tailspike protein, have been trapped in the cold and isolated by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) (speed MA, Wang DIC, King J. 1995. Protein Sci 4:900-908). Monoclonal antibodies against tailspike chains discriminate between folding intermediates and native states (Friguet B, Djavadi-Ohaniance L, King J, Goldberg ME. 1994. J Biol Chem 269:15945-15949). Here we describe a nondenaturing Western blot procedure to probe the conformation of productive folding intermediates and off-pathway aggregation intermediates. The aggregation intermediates displayed epitopes in common with productive folding intermediates but were not recognized by antibodies against native epitopes. The nonnative epitope on the folding and aggregation intermediates was located on the partially folded N-terminus, indicating that the N-terminus remained accessible and nonnative in the aggregated state. Antibodies against native epitopes blocked folding, but the monoclonal directed against the N-terminal epitope did not, indicating that the conformation of the N-terminus is not a key determinant of the productive folding and chain association pathway.  相似文献   
To characterize long-term actions and interactions of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) on postnatal body and organ growth, hemizygous phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK)-human IGF-II transgenic mice were crossed with hemizygous PEPCK-bovine GH transgenic mice. The latter are characterized by two-fold increased serum levels of IGF-I and exhibit markedly increased body, skeletal and organ growth. Four different genetic groups were obtained: mice harbouring the IGF-II transgene (I), the bGH transgene (B), or both transgenes (IB), and non- transgenic controls (C). These groups of mice have previously been studied for circulating IGF-I levels (Wolf et al., 1995a), whereas the present study deals with body and organ growth. Growth curves (week 3 to 12) were estimated by regression with linear and quadratic components of age on body weight and exhibited significantly (p < 0.001) greater linear coefficients in B and IB than in I and C mice. The linear coefficients of male I and C mice were significantly (p < 0.001) greater than those of their female counterparts, whereas this sex-related difference was absent in the bGH transgenic groups. The weights of internal organs as well as the weights of abdominal fat, skin and carcass were recorded from 3.5- to 8- month-old mice. In addition, organ weight-to-body weight-ratios (relative organ weights) were calculated. Except for the weight of abdominal fat, absolute organ weights were as a rule significantly greater in B and IB than in I and C mice. IGF-II overproduction as a tendency increased the weights of kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas and uterus both in the absence and presence of the bGH transgene. Analysis of relative organ weights demonstrated significant (p < 0.05) effects of elevated IGF- II on the relative growth of kidneys (males and females) and adrenal glands (females), confirming our previous report on organ growth of PEPCK-IGF-II transgenic mice. In females, IGF-II and GH overproduction were additive in stimulating the growth of spleen and uterus, providing evidence for tissue-specific postnatal growth promoting effects by IGF-II in the presence of elevated IGF-I  相似文献   
This paper reports new distribution records of large branchiopods for Mexico following a three year survey of the Baja California peninsula. The occurance of the anostracans Thamnocephalus mexicanus (Linder, 1941) and T. platyurus (Packard, 1877), the notostracan Lepidurus lemmoni (Holmes, 1894), and the spinicaudatans Eulimnadia cylindrova (Belk, 1989) and E. texana (Packard,1871), all represent the first records for the peninsula. An undescribed species of the anostracan genus Streptocephalus is recorded from the state of Baja California (Norte). The occurrence of the notostracan genus Triops and four other anostracan species on the peninsula is also confirmed. The conchostracan Cyclestheria hislopi (Baird, 1859) is recorded from the state of Quintana Roo. The collections of Lepidurus and Cyclestheria are the first records for México. These records increase the number of species of large branchiopods reported fromMéxico to 36: 20 Anostraca, 3 Notostraca, 11 Spinicaudata, and 2Laevicaudata. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Flagellar and basal body development during cell division was studied in the biflagellate green alga Spermatozopsis similis Preisig et Melkonian by light microscopy of immobilized living cells, statistical analysis of flagellar lengths during the cell cycle, and electron microscopy of cells and isolated cytoskeletons. Interphase cells display two flagella of unequal/subequal length. An eyespot located in an anterior lobe of the chloroplast is connected to the basal body bearing the shorter flagellum by means of a five-stranded microtubular root. Until cell division, the two parental flagella attain the same length. During cell division, each cell forms two new flagella that grow to a length of 1.5 μm before they are distributed in a semiconservative fashion together with the parental flagella to the two progeny cells at cytokinesis. During the following interphase, the flagella newly formed during the preceding cell division grow to attain the same length as the parental flagella until the subsequent cell division. The shorter of the two flagella of a cell thus represents the developmentally younger flagellum, which transforms to the mature state during two consecutive cell cycles. Interphase cells display only two flagella-bearing basal bodies; two nascent basal bodies are formed during cell division and are connected to the microtubular d-roots of respective parental basal bodies with which the newly formed basal bodies are later distributed to the progeny cells. During segregation, basal body pairs shaft into the 11/5 o'clock direction, thus conserving the 1/7 o'clock configuration of basal body pairs of interphase cells. Prior to chloroplast and cell division, an eyespot is newly formed near the cell posterior in close association with a 1s microtubular root, while the parental eyespot is retained. During basal body segregation, eyespot-root connections for both the old and newly formed eyespots are presumably lost, and new associations of the eyespots with the 2s roots of the newly formed basal bodies are established during cytokinesis. The significance of this “eyespot-flagellar root developmental cycle” for the absolute orientation of the progeny cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Much empirical evidence suggests that there is an optimal body size for mammals and that this optimum is in the vicinity of l00g. This presumably reflects an underlying fitness function that is greatest at this mass. Here, I combine such a fitness function with an equilibrium model of competitive character displacement to assess the potential influence of a globally optimal body size in structuring local ecological communities. The model accurately predicts the range of body sizes and the average difference in size for species in communities of varying species richness. The model also predicts a uniform spacing of body sizes, rather than the gaps and clumps in the sizes of coexisting species observed in real communities. Alternative explanations for this phenomenon are discussed. The allometric relationships that result in a body size optimum subsume a large number of characteristics associated with the physiological, behavioral, demographic, and evolutionary dynamics of the species. Further integration of the underlying dynamics (e.g. individual energetics) of these relationships into all hierarchical levels of ecology will have to incorporate multiple interactive sites, spatial heterogeneity, and phylogenetic structure, but it has the potential to provide important discoveries into the means by which natural selection operates.  相似文献   
The prevalence of obesity among African American women approaches 50% and greatly exceeds rates for Caucasian women. In addition, black women lose less weight than white during obesity treatment and gain more weight when untreated. This study assessed resting energy expenditure (REE) and body composition in obese white (n=122) and black (n=44) women to explore the relationship between biological variables and these observed differences. REE and body composition were assessed by indirect calorimetry and densitometry, respectively, before weight loss. REE was significantly lower in black subjects (1637.6 ± 236.9 kcal/d) than in white (1731.4 ± 262.0) (p=0.04). REE remained significantly lower in blacks than whites after adjusting for body weight (p=0.02). REE, adjusted for fat-free mass, was also significantly lower in blacks than whites (p<0.0001), although the overestimation of fat-free mass by densitometry in blacks may have contributed to this finding. There were no differences between the groups in respiratory quotient. These results suggest that a decreased REE may exist in obese black women, and it may be related to the observed differences between black and white women in the prevalence of obesity and in the response to weight loss treatment. These crosssectional findings await confirmation in longitudinal studies.  相似文献   
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is now a commonly used method for the determination of bone mineral status and body composition in humans. The purposes of this study were to compare fat mass by in vivo neutron activation analysis (FMIVNA) with that by DXA (FMDXA) in an anthropometrically heterogeneous sample of healthy adult men (n=33) and women (n=36) (19=≤BMI≤39), and to determine whether differences in fat mass estimates between the two methods (ΔFM) were attributable to subject anthropometry as defined by several circumference (waist, iliac crest, thigh) and skinfold thickness (umbilical, suprailiac, abdominal) measurements. No significant differences between FMDXA and FMIVNA were observed in men (p=0.46) or women (p=0.09). The two methods were very highly correlated in both sexes (women r2=0.97, p<0.001, men r2=0.91, p<0.001), although the regression line for men was significantly different from the line of identity (p=0.043). These results suggest modest trends toward underestimation of FMDXA in men when FMIVNA<18 kg, and overestimation in men when FMIVNA>18 kg. ΔFM (IVNA-DXA) was not significantly related to any combination of skinfold thicknesses and circumferences in either gender. Age explained 27% of the variance in ΔFM for the men (p=0.008). Furthermore, ΔFM was not significantly related to inter-method disparity in total-body bone mineral measurements in men or women (p<0.05). The present study demonstrates strong correlation in fat measurements between IVNA and DXA in men and women ranging from normal to markedly obese. Correction for subject anthropometry does not significantly improve this relationship.  相似文献   
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