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Cope's rule, the tendency towards evolutionary increases in body size, is a long-standing macroevolutionary generalization that has the potential to provide insights into directionality in evolution; however, both the definition and identification of Cope's rule are controversial and problematic. A recent study [J. Evol. Biol. 21 (2008) 618] examined body size evolution in Mesozoic birds, and claimed to have identified evidence of Cope's rule occurring as a result of among-lineage species sorting. We here reassess the results of this study, and additionally carry out novel analyses testing for within-lineage patterns in body size evolution in Mesozoic birds. We demonstrate that the nonphylogenetic methods used by this previous study cannot distinguish between among- and within-lineage processes, and that statistical support for their results and conclusions is extremely weak. Our ancestor-descendant within-lineage analyses explicitly incorporate recent phylogenetic hypotheses and find little compelling evidence for Cope's rule. Cope's rule is not supported in Mesozoic birds by the available data, and body size evolution currently provides no insights into avian survivorship through the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction.  相似文献   
The use of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) for biomonitoring environmental stress is limited by the lack of work on how FA in particular traits responds to specific stresses. Here, by manipulating the number of individuals in an enclosed fallow deer (Dama dama) population, we describe, for the first time, clear density dependence in the FA of juvenile jaw morphology. The impact of high population density on FA was strong for both sexes, supporting the use of FA for indexing environmental stress. In addition, there was some indication that the change in FA was greater in males (43.6%) than females (28.5%). Finally, the ability to buffer density-dependent stress was independent of body condition. We suggest that, under highly limiting conditions, whole cohorts may be unable to buffer against developmental error, irrespective of individual quality.  相似文献   
Correlations between male body size and phenotypes impacting post-copulatory sexual selection are commonly observed during the manipulation of male body size by environmental rearing conditions. Here, we control for environmental influences and test for genetic correlations between natural variation in male body size and phenotypes affecting post-copulatory sexual selection in Drosophila melanogaster. Dry weights of virgin males from 90 second-chromosome and 88 third-chromosome substitution lines were measured. Highly significant line effects (p<0.001) documented a genetic basis to variation in male body size. No significant correlations were identified between male body size and the components of sperm competitive ability. These results suggest that natural autosomal variation for male body size has little impact on post-copulatory sexual selection. If genetic correlations exist between male body size and post-copulatory sexual selection then variation in the sex chromosomes are likely candidates, as might be expected if sexually antagonistic coevolution was responsible.  相似文献   
Genetic parameters were estimated between current UK hill sheep breeding goals and lamb carcass composition and muscularity traits derived using X-ray computed tomography (CT). To produce these estimates, a total of 648 lambs from two hill farms were CT scanned at weaning (ca 120 days of age), over 3 years, and total weights of carcass muscle (MUSC), fat (CFAT) and bone (BONE) and internal fat (IFAT) were predicted. Previously derived muscularity indices were also calculated for the hind leg (HLMI) and lumbar (LRMI) regions, to assess muscle shape. Data for current breeding goals (lamb performance and maternal traits) were also included from a total of 10 297 lamb records and 12 704 ewe records. Heritabilities were estimated for each trait and genetic and phenotypic correlations were calculated between each CT trait and other lamb or ewe traits. Moderate to high positive genetic correlations were found between CT-predicted tissue weights and breeding goals, which were also weights (lamb weaning weight, carcass weight, mature ewe weight, average weight of lambs reared by the ewe). CFAT was positively genetically correlated with ultrasound backfat depth at weaning (UFD) and subjective fatness grade at slaughter (MLCF), suggesting that carcass fat could be decreased using selection on any of these predictors. Ultrasound muscle depth at weaning (UMD) and subjective conformation score at slaughter (MLCC) had high genetic correlations with the muscularity indices (HLMI and LRMI), but correlations with MUSC were not significantly different from zero. This implies that selection to improve MLCC is likely to be increasing the 'roundness' of muscle shape in the high-priced carcass region, but having little impact on total lean meat yield. Correlations of CT traits with the other ewe traits (number of lambs weaned, number of lambs lost, longevity, fleece weight) were generally small or not significantly different from zero. The genetic parameters generated in this study can now be used in selection index calculations to assess the benefits of including lamb CT traits in future selection programmes for hill sheep.  相似文献   
The hydrogen bond systems of cellulose and its derivatives are one of the most important factors regarding their physical- and chemical properties such as solubility, crystallinity, gel formation, and resistance to enzymatic degradation. In this paper, it was attempted to clarify the intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bond formation in regioselectively functionalized 3-mono-O-methyl cellulose (3MC). First, the 3MC was synthesized and the cast film thereof was characterized in comparison to 2,3-di-O-methyl cellulose, 6-mono-O-methyl cellulose, and 2,3,6-tri-O-methyl cellulose by means of wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) and (13)C cross polarization/magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy. Second, the hydrogen bonds in the 3MC film were analyzed by means of FTIR spectroscopy in combination with a curve fitting method. After deconvolution, the resulting two main bands (Fig. 3) indicated that instead of intramolecular hydrogen bonds between position OH-3 and O-5 another intramolecular hydrogen bond between OH-2 and OH-6 may exist. The large deconvoluted band at 3340cm(-1) referred to strong interchain hydrogen bonds involving the hydroxyl groups at C-6. The crystallinity of 54% calculated from the WAXD supports also the dependency of the usually observed crystallization in cellulose of the hydroxyl groups at C-6 to engage in interchain hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   
Akt, also known as protein kinase B, is implicated in many cellular processes. Akt is phosphorylated at two residues, Thr308 and Ser473. Thr308-phosphorylated Akt is present in pericentriolar materials, while localization of Ser473-phosphorylated Akt was similar to that of microtubules in metaphase oocytes. Spindles were shorter and aberrant in oocytes injected with Thr308- or Ser473-phosphorylated Akt antibodies. Specifically, Thr308- and Ser473-phosphorylated Akts function individually and are both necessary to assemble the metaphase II (MII) spindle. Moreover, the functions of Thr308- and Ser473-phosphorylated Akts differ in MII oocytes. Although oocytes exhibited second polar body (PB2) emission after the injection of a peptide for Thr308, the chromosomal alignment and microtubular organization were aberrant. In contrast, the injection of a peptide for Ser473 caused a failure of PB2 emission. These results suggest that Thr308- and Ser473-phosphorylated Akts are individually involved in fertilization to complete meiosis, including different roles (i.e., Ser473-phosphorylated Akts are involved in PB2 emission, whereas Thr308-phosphorylated Akts regulate the organization of microtubules).  相似文献   
As Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodites age, sperm become depleted, ovulation arrests, and oocytes accumulate in the gonad arm. Large ribonucleoprotein (RNP) foci form in these arrested oocytes that contain RNA-binding proteins and translationally masked maternal mRNAs. Within 65 min of mating, the RNP foci dissociate and fertilization proceeds. The majority of arrested oocytes with foci result in viable embryos upon fertilization, suggesting that foci are not deleterious to oocyte function. We have determined that foci formation is not strictly a function of aging, and the somatic, ceh-18, branch of the major sperm protein pathway regulates the formation and dissociation of oocyte foci. Our hypothesis for the function of oocyte RNP foci is similar to the RNA-related functions of processing bodies (P bodies) and stress granules; here, we show three orthologs of P body proteins, DCP-2, CAR-1 and CGH-1, and two markers of stress granules, poly (A) binding protein (PABP) and TIA-1, appear to be present in the oocyte RNP foci. Our results are the first in vivo demonstration linking components of P bodies and stress granules in the germ line of a metazoan. Furthermore, our data demonstrate that formation of oocyte RNP foci is inducible in non-arrested oocytes by heat shock, osmotic stress, or anoxia, similar to the induction of stress granules in mammalian cells and P bodies in yeast. These data suggest commonalities between oocytes undergoing delayed fertilization and cells that are stressed environmentally, as to how they modulate mRNAs and regulate translation.  相似文献   
The influence of Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (TLL) on the phase behaviour of liquid-crystalline phases of aqueous phytantriol as well as conformational changes of TLL entrapped in the cubic Q230 phase have been studied by small angle X-ray diffraction (SAXD), FT-Raman, and FT-IR techniques. It was found that the lipidic Q230 phase is able to accommodate up to 10 wt.% of TLL, and the temperature of phase transition to the inverted hexagonal phase H(II) increases indicating stabilizing effect of the protein. FT-Raman analysis of Trp amino acid marker band W3 revealed that the average rotation angle around the C3-Cbeta bond of four Trp residues of TLL in the Q230 phase increases. Reasoning from available TLL crystallographic data, this result is explained by structural transition of entrapped protein to so-called "open" and more related to the enzymatically-active conformation. TLL secondary structure analysis by amide I and amide III vibrational bands showed that content of alpha-helixes does not change, while a part of beta-sheet structures transforms to less ordered elements upon incorporation of protein into the Q230 phase of aqueous phytantriol.  相似文献   
A procedure is presented for refinement of a homology model of E. coli tRNAVal, originally based on the X-ray structure of yeast tRNAPhe, using experimental residual dipolar coupling (RDC) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data. A spherical sampling algorithm is described for refinement against SAXS data that does not require a globbic approximation, which is particularly important for nucleic acids where such approximations are less appropriate. Substantially higher speed of the algorithm also makes its application favorable for proteins. In addition to the SAXS data, the structure refinement employed a sparse set of NMR data consisting of 24 imino N–HN RDCs measured with Pf1 phage alignment, and 20 imino N–HN RDCs obtained from magnetic field dependent alignment of tRNAVal. The refinement strategy aims to largely retain the local geometry of the 58% identical tRNAPhe by ensuring that the atomic coordinates for short, overlapping segments of the ribose-phosphate backbone and the conserved base pairs remain close to those of the starting model. Local coordinate restraints are enforced using the non-crystallographic symmetry (NCS) term in the XPLOR-NIH or CNS software package, while still permitting modest movements of adjacent segments. The RDCs mainly drive the relative orientation of the helical arms, whereas the SAXS restraints ensure an overall molecular shape compatible with experimental scattering data. The resulting structure exhibits good cross-validation statistics (jack-knifed Q free = 14% for the Pf1 RDCs, compared to 25% for the starting model) and exhibits a larger angle between the two helical arms than observed in the X-ray structure of tRNAPhe, in agreement with previous NMR-based tRNAVal models. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Samples of overwintering populations of Harmonia axyridis were classified into five colour patterns, succinea 1, succinea 2, conspicua, spectabilis and axyridis. Generally, the succinea 1 colour pattern was dominant at six collecting sites in Daejon and Chungnam provinces of Korea and their occurrence proportion was over 50%. Non‐melanic forms such as succinea 1 and 2 were noted in about 90% of collected individuals. On the other hand, conspicua and spectabilis as melanic forms were dominant in the laboratory. One hypothesis is that the difference between field and laboratory populations is related to non‐random mating and environmental conditions. Practically, in mate‐choice experiments, most colour pattern ladybirds seemed to mate with the melanic form, especially the conspicua form. The body size (length) of H. axyridis in colour patterns was slightly different, but in females, there was no significant difference among colour patterns. However, both lengths of males were significantly different among colour patterns. In reproductive ability (fecundity), there was no difference among colour patterns.  相似文献   
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