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用相关和回归处理方法,研究了8条正常狗咽喉部高频喷射通气时,调节驱动压、呼吸比和频率对喷气量、吸入气氧浓度、动脉血气及气道内压的作用。结果显示,驱动压和呼吸此对各观察指标几乎有同等重要的作用,频率的影响很小,喷气量与吸入气氧浓度、动脉血气、气道内压间存在显著的正相关关系。说明调节参数的意义主要在于改变了喷气量。  相似文献   
Lars-Owe D. Koskinen 《Peptides》1991,12(6):1273-1277
The cardiovascular effects of IV naloxone and a subsequent administration of TRH IV were studied in the rabbit. Naloxone caused a vasodilation in the myocardium and adrenal glands. Naloxone elicited an increment in cerebral blood flow in several regions which attenuated the cerebrovasodilating effect of TRH in a few regions. The blockade of endogenous opioids with naloxone did not modify the peripheral vasoconstricting effect of TRH or affect the vascular effects of TRH mediated by the peripheral sympathetic nerves. The results indicate that naloxone has a vasodilating effect in the myocardium and CNS in anesthetized rabbits. The major part of the cardiovascular effect of TRH is not dependent on mechanisms sensitive to naloxone.  相似文献   
Summary An extracorporeal circulation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was utilized to continuously monitor the rapid and progressive effects of endogenous or exogenous catecholamines on blood respiratory/acid-base status, and to provide in vivo evidence for adrenergic retention of carbon dioxide (CO2) in fish blood (cf. Wood and Perry 1985). Exposure of fish to severe aquatic hypoxia (final P wO2=40–60 torr; reached within 10–20 min) elicited an initial respiratory alkalosis resulting from hypoxia-induced hyperventilation. However, at a critical arterial oxygen tension (P aO2) between 15 and 25 torr, fish became agitated for approximately 5 s and a marked (0.2–0.4 pH unit) but transient arterial blood acidosis ensued. This response is characteristic of abrupt catecholamine mobilization into the circulation and subsequent adrenergic activation of red blood cell (RBC) Na+/H+ exchange (Fievet et al. 1987). Within approximately 1–2 min after the activation of RBC Na+/H+ exchange by endogenous catecholamines, there was a significant rise in arterial PCO2 (P aCO2) whereas arterial PO2 was unaltered; the elevation of P aCO2 could not be explained by changes in gill ventilation. Pre-treatment of fish with the -adrenoceptor antagonist phentolamine did not prevent the apparent catecholamine-mediated increase of P aCO2. Conversely, pre-treatment with the -adrenoceptor antagonist sotalol abolished both the activation of the RBC Na+/H+ antiporter and the associated rise in P aCO2, suggesting a causal relationship between the stimulation of RBC Na+/H+ exchange and the elevation of P aCO2. To more clearly establish that elevation of plasma catecholamine levels during severe hypoxia was indeed responsible for causing the elevation of P aCO2, fish were exposed to moderate hypoxia (final P wO2=60–80 torr) and then injected intraarterially with a bolus of adrenaline to elicit an estimated circulating level of 400 nmol·l-1 immediately after the injection. This protocol activated RBC Na+/H+ exchange as indicated by abrupt changes in arterial pH (pHa). In all fish examined, P aCO2 increased after injection of exogenous adrenaline. The effects on P aO2 were inconsistent, although a reduction in this variable was the most frequent response. Gill ventilation frequency and amplitude were unaffected by exogenous adrenaline. Therefore, it is unlikely that ventilatory changes contributed to the consistently observed rise in P aCO2. Pretreatment of fish with sotalol did not alter the ventilatory response to adrenaline injection but did prevent the stimulation of RBC Na+/H+ exchange and the accompanying increases and decreases in P aCO2 and P aO2, respectively. These results suggest that adrenergic elevation of P aCO2, in addition to the frequently observed reduction of P aO2 are linked to activation of RBC Na+/H+ exchange. The physiological significance and the potential mechanisms underlying the changes in blood respiratory status after addition of endogenous or exogenous catecholamines to the circulation of hypoxic rainbow trout are discussed.Abbreviations P aCO2 arterial carbon dioxide tension - P aO2 arterial oxygen tension - P da dorsal aortic pressure - pHa arterial pH - P wO2 water oxygen tension - RBC red blood cell - V f breathing frequency  相似文献   
Expansion of the canine A blood group system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M. SYMONS  K. BELL 《Animal genetics》1991,22(3):227-235
A detailed study of the canine A blood group system was undertaken, resulting in the expansion of this system into a three-factor, four-allelic one with the recognition of an additional subtype, a3. The serological and extensive family data supported the proposed genetic theory of four alleles with dominance with the order being Aa1, Aa2, Aa3 and A-. Gene frequencies of the alleles were determined in various breeds of dogs with frequencies in the general Brisbane population being 0.244 (Aa1), 0.042 (Aa2), 0.045 (Aa3) and 0.669 (A-).  相似文献   
Summary Human S-protein is a serum glycoprotein that binds and inhibits the activated complement complex, mediates coagulation through interaction with antithrombin III and plasminogen activator inhibitor I, and also functions as a cell adhesion protein through interactions with extracellular matrix and cell plasma membranes. A full length cDNA clone for human S-protein was isolated from a lambda gt11 cDNA library of mRNA from the HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cell line using mixed oligonucleotide sequences predicted from the amino-terminal amino acid sequence of human S-protein. The cDNA clone in lambda was subcloned into pUC18 for Southern and Northern blot experiments. Hybridization with radiolabeled human S-protein cDNA revealed a single copy gene encoding S-protein in human and mouse genomic DNA. In addition, the S-protein gene was detected in monkey, rat, dog, cow and rabbit genomic DNA. A 1.7 Kb mRNA for S-protein was detected in RNA from human liver and from the PLC/PRF5 human hepatoma cell line. No S-protein mRNA was detected in mRNA from human lung, placenta, or leukocytes or in total RNA from cultured human embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (RD cell line) or cultured human fibroblasts from embryonic lung (IMR90 cell line) and neonatal foreskin. A 1.6 Kb mRNA for S-protein was detected in mRNA from mouse liver and brain. No S-protein mRNA was detected in mRNA from mouse skeletal muscle, kidney, heart or testis.  相似文献   
本实验在体力锻炼与脱锻炼过程中观察了五条成年雄性杂种狗的无氧阈(AT)、骨骼肌毛细血管密度(cap/mm~2)、毛细血管数与肌纤维数之比(C:F)、肌纤维组成——慢肌纤维百分比(%ST)以及毛细血管弥散距离(弥散距离)的变化。结果表明:锻炼前AT与cap/mm~2、C:F,%ST及弥散距离均分别有显著相关。锻炼后第五周,AT、cap/mm~2、C:F和%ST分别增加了40.9%、12.2%、22.9%和2.4%,弥散距离降低6.3%,其中只有AT的增加有显著意义,锻炼十周后,AT增加68.2%(P<0.001)、cap/mm~2增加37.8%(P<0.05)、C:F增加78.1%(P<0.001),弥散距离降低17.0%(P<0.01)而%ST无显著变化。停止锻炼后第五周,AT等各指标都有降低的趋势,但无显著意义,停止锻炼后第12周,AT、cap/mm~2,C:F,%ST分别降低了18.9%、10.9%、10.5%、2.9%,弥散距离增加5.1%,其中除AT的降低有显著意义外,其余指标的变化均无显著意义。与锻炼前相比,这些指标的变化。除%ST外,仍有显著变化。在锻炼与脱锻炼的过程中,AT与cap/mm~2、C:F、弥散距离在各期或整个过程中均呈显著相关,但与%ST相关不显著。实验结果提示,骨骼肌的毛细血管供应状况是决定无氧阈的重要因素之一。  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic resistivities and membrane breakdown potentials of normal (AA), sickle-cell-trait (AS), and sickle (SS) red blood cells have been measured by the biophysical methodology of resistive pulse spectroscopy over a range of osmolalities. At isotonicity, the average membrane breakdown potentials are virtually identical for the three types of cells occurring at about 1150 V/cm. Average isotonic cytoplasmic resistivities are somewhat higher for the SS cells (166.7±7.49 ohm-cm) compared to the AA (147.6±1.98 ohm-cm) or AS cells (148.7±1.79 ohm-cm). As medium osmolality is varied, the differences in resistive properties become enlarged, especially at very low and very high osmolalities. At high osmolalities, both types of sickle cells show a large increase in internal resistivity compared to the normals; at low osmolality, the SS samples exhibit a distinctly different membrane breakdown characteristic, decreasing in this parameter, whereas the other two groups increase. Of the 15 SS samples tested, three displayed much higher cytoplasmic resistivities at isotonicity: 218.2±5.25 ohm-cm, compared to an average of 153.5±3.46 ohm-cm for the other 12. The relationship between these high resistivities and the subfraction of irreversibly sickled cells in the sample is discussed.  相似文献   
Résumé Le problème de la lutte biologique en forêt, par utilisation d'entomophages indigènes, est discuté dans le cas d'un hyménoptère, le diprion du pin,Diprion pini L. Des études de dynamique des populations montrent que le schéma de progression spatiale des populations de cet insecte dans le sud du Bassin Parisien semble se renouveler à chaque pullulation. De plus les parasites représentent un véritable “facteur clé”. Leur incidence varie notamment de génération en génération: en faible nombre au début d'une gradation, ils ne peuvent alors en empêcher le développement; mais ensuite leur multiplication assure une régression brutale du ravageur. Dans ces conditions, des interventions assez peu onéreuses et faciles à réaliser, comme de simples transports de matériel parasité pourraient être efficaces; elles supposent toutefois le développement d'un foyer initial d'infestation. En revanche l'élevage d'espèces régulatrices commeAchrysocharella ruforum Krausse etPleolophus basizonus Grav. permettrait d'assurer la préservation permanente des massifs forestiers.
Summary The spatial pattern of insect populations progression in southern “Bassin Parisien”, showed by population dynamics studies, seems to happen again for every outbreak. Parasites are moreover a true “key-factor”. Their effect is quite different from one generation to another one; scarce at the beginning of an outbreak, they cannot stop its evolution; but then, their increase allows a brutal collape of the pest. In such a case, cheap and easily achieved operations as simple carryings of parasited insects may be efficient, but they need the development of a first infestation focus. In return breeding of regulating species asAchrysocharella ruforum Krausse andPleolophus basizonus Grav. would be able to sure forest stands permanently.
Neurotensin stimulates pancreatic secretion directly and by potentiating the effect of secretin. Neurotensin also inhibits gastric secretion. Secretin inhibits gastric secretion as well, but whether it also interacts with neurotensin is not known. Secretin is known to inhibit gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF). The effect of neurotensin on GMBF is not known. Acid secretion (triple lumen perfused orogastric tube) and GMBF ([14C]aminopyrine clearance) were therefore measured in 6 subjects during neurotensin, secretin and neurotensin plus secretin infusions. Neurotensin plus secretin reduced acid secretion by a median 130 (range 34-394) mumol/min which was significantly greater than either neurotensin at 36 (7-67) mumol/min or secretin 54 (20-347) mumol/min alone (P less than 0.05). This effect appeared independent of GMBF. Neurotensin plus secretin reduced GMBF by 14 (12-27) ml/min but not significantly more than neurotensin at 11 (3-20) ml/min or secretin 18 (2-27) ml/min alone. Further, there was no correlation between changes in acid output and GMBF during infusion of the peptides. We conclude that the inhibitory effects of neurotensin and secretin on gastric secretion are at least additive and together they may function as an 'enterogastrone'.  相似文献   
Arginine vasopressin (AVP) has been localized in numerous extrahypothalamic brain regions and in the spinal cord. The results of intracerebroventricular AVP injections and microinjection of AVP into the brain stem suggest that this peptide, acting centrally at higher levels, may influence cardiovascular function. No function for the AVP occurring at spinal levels has been reported. In this study we report that AVP, in picomole quantities, increased arterial blood pressure and integrated heart rate in a dose-dependent manner following intrathecal application to the thoracic region in the rat. This response was not blocked by intravenous administration of the AVP antagonist d(CH2)5-d-Tyr-VAVP. These results suggest that AVP, acting within the spinal cord, may alter neural outflow regulating blood pressure and heart rate.  相似文献   
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