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The domestication and artificial selection of wild boars have led to dramatic morphological and behavioral changes, especially in East Chinese (ECN) pigs. Here, we provide insights into the population structure and current genetic diversity of representative ECN pig breeds. We identify a 500-kb region containing six tooth development-relevant genes with almost completely different haplotypes between ECN pigs and Chinese wild boars or European domestic pigs. Notably, the c.195A>G missense mutation in exon 2 of AMBN may cause alterations in its protein structure associated with tusk degradation in ECN pigs. In addition, ESR1 may play an important role in the reproductive performance of ECN pigs. A major haplotype of the large lop ear-related MSRB3 gene and eight alleles in the deafness-related GRM7 gene may affect ear morphology and hearing in ECN pigs. Interestingly, we find that the two-end black (TEB) coat color in Jinhua pigs is most likely caused by EDNRB with genetic mechanisms different from other Chinese TEB pigs. This study identifies key loci that may be artificially selected in Chinese native pigs related to the tusk, coat color, and ear morphology, thus providing new insights into the genetic mechanisms of domesticated pigs.  相似文献   
Predation is the dominant source of mortality for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) <6 months old throughout North America. Yet, few white-tailed deer fawn survival studies have occurred in areas with 4 predator species or have considered concurrent densities of deer and predator species. We monitored survival and cause-specific mortality from birth to 6 months for 100 neonatal fawns during 2013–2015 in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA, while simultaneously estimating population densities of deer, American black bear (Ursus americanus), coyote (Canis latrans), bobcat (Lynx rufus), and gray wolf (Canis lupus). We estimated fawn predation risk in response to sex, birth mass, and date of birth. Six-month fawn survival pooled among years was 36%, and fawn mortality risk was not related to birth mass, date of birth, or sex. Estimated mean annual deer and predator densities were 334 fawns/100 km2, 25.9 black bear/100 km2, 23.8 coyotes/100 km2, 3.8 bobcat/100 km2, and 2.8 wolves/100 km2. Despite lower estimated per-individual kill rates, coyotes and black bears were the leading sources of fawn mortality because they had greater densities relative to bobcats and wolves. Our results indicate that the presence of more predator species in a system is not entirely additive in its effect on fawn survival. © The Wildlife Society, 2019  相似文献   
Wildlife density estimates are important to accurately formulate population management objectives and understand the relationship between habitat characteristics and a species’ abundance. Despite advances in density and abundance estimation methods, management of common game species continues to be challenged by a lack of reliable population estimates. In Washington, USA, statewide American black bear (Ursus americanus) abundance estimates are predicated on density estimates derived from research in the 1970s and are hypothesized to be a function of precipitation and vegetation, with higher densities in western Washington. To evaluate current black bear density and landscape relationships in Washington, we conducted a 4-year capture-recapture study in 2 areas of the North Cascade Mountains using 2 detection methods, non-invasive DNA collection and physical capture and deployment of global positioning system (GPS) collars. We integrated GPS telemetry from collared bears with spatial capture-recapture (SCR) data and created a SCR-resource selection model to estimate density as a function of spatial covariates and test the hypothesis that density is higher in areas with greater vegetative food resources. We captured and collared 118 bears 132 times and collected 7,863 hair samples at hair traps where we identified 537 bears from 1,237 detections via DNA. The most-supported model in the western North Cascades depicted a negative relationship between black bear density and an index of human development. We estimated bear density at 20.1 bears/100 km2, but density varied from 13.5/100 km2 to 27.8 bears/100 km2 depending on degree of human development. The model best supported by the data in the eastern North Cascades estimated an average density of 19.2 bears/100 km2, which was positively correlated with primary productivity, with resulting density estimates ranging from 7.1/100 km2 to 33.6 bears/100 km2. The hypothesis that greater precipitation and associated vegetative production in western Washington supports greater bear density compared to eastern Washington was not supported by our data. In western Washington, empirically derived average density estimates (including cubs) were nearly 50% lower than managers expected prior to our research. In eastern Washington average black bear density was predominantly as expected, but localized areas of high primary productivity supported greater than anticipated bear densities. Our findings underscore the importance that black bear density is not likely uniform and management risk may be increased if an average density is applied at too large a scale. Disparities between expected and empirically derived bear density illustrate the need for more rigorous monitoring to understand processes that affect population numbers throughout the jurisdiction, and suggest that management plans may need to be reevaluated to determine if current harvest strategies are achieving population objectives. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
To test life-history theory that body size and sex should influence how animals allocate time to foraging versus reproductive activities, we measured the effects of size and sex on courting success and foraging behaviour of black surfperch Embiotoca jacksoni off Santa Catalina Island, southern California. Observations of focal fish were made while snorkelling, during which the length of each fish (estimated to the nearest cm), total duration of courting encounters and foraging rates were recorded. We made observations during and outside the mating season. Courtship occurred only between pairs and its duration increased with the size of both the male and female. Although males would court females that were smaller or larger than themselves, pairs that were closely matched in size had long courting sessions, whereas those that differed considerably in size courted only briefly. Small fish foraged more than larger fish, both during and outside the mating season. Males and females foraged at similar rates outside of the mating season, but during the mating season males reduced their foraging rates to less than half that seen outside of the mating season, whereas females continued to forage at the same rate. This decrease in foraging rate of males during the mating season was seen in all sizes of males but was proportionally greatest in the largest males. These observations indicate that males trade off time spent on foraging for time spent courting during the mating season, whereas females do not.  相似文献   
There are many anti‐predatory escape strategies in animals. A well‐established method to assess escape behavior is the flight initiation distance (FID), which is the distance between prey and predator at which an animal flees. Previous studies in various species throughout the animal kingdom have shown that group size, urbanization, and distance to refuge and body mass affect FID. In most species, FID increases if body mass, group size or distance to refuge decreases. However, how age and sexual dimorphism affect FID is rather unknown. Here, we assess the escape behavior and FID of the black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros), a small turdid passerine. When approached by a human, males initiated flights later, that is allowing a closer approach than females. Males of this species are more conspicuous, and therefore, may exhibit aposematism to deter potential predators or are less fearful than females. Additionally, juveniles fled at shorter distances and fled to lower heights than adults. Lastly, concerning escape strategy, black redstarts, unless other passerine birds, fled less often into cover, but rather onto open or elevated spots. Black redstarts are especially prone to predation by ambushing predators that might hide in cover. Hence, this species most likely has a higher chance of escaping by fleeing to an open spot rather than to a potentially risky cover.  相似文献   
乳酸菌发酵可赋予茶饮料独特的香气与滋味,且可改变其物质组成,产生益生因子等。目前,针对乳酸菌在不同发酵阶段对茶汤中风味物质形成影响的研究较少。本研究以从中国传统泡菜中筛选获得的棒状乳杆菌FZU63为发酵菌株,对不同发酵阶段红茶汤中的挥发性香气成分、还原糖、游离氨基酸、有机酸等含量的变化过程进行分析,并对发酵红茶汤的感官品质进行评价。结果表明,棒状乳杆菌FZU63以红茶汤中的葡萄糖、果糖、甘露糖和木糖作为发酵过程中的主要碳源物质。红茶汤经棒状乳杆菌FZU63发酵作用后,香气成分丰度显著增加,且主要香气组分结构发生改变,发酵红茶汤在花香、坚果香的基础上增添了水果香;此外,部分苦味氨基酸含量下降,甜味和鲜味氨基酸含量增加;并且,乳酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸等有机酸含量在发酵过程中呈现积累。同时,感官评定结果表明棒状乳杆菌FZU63发酵可改善红茶汤的感官品质,且在发酵48h后达到较优。本文系统分析了经棒状乳杆菌发酵不同阶段对红茶汤风味的影响,可为乳酸菌发酵茶饮料的品质控制与产业化应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   
The species composition of black flies (Simuliidae, Diptera) in a lowland stream of Aller-Leineregion (northern Germany, FRG) is analysed in the course of several years. Normally, Odagmia ornata (MG .) is the dominating species. For a short sharply defined period Boophthora erythrocephala DE GEER appeared in a great number. Possible reasons and related research on spatial stability of oviposition sites are presented.  相似文献   
Although infanticide has been witnessed in other species of howler monkey, and has been inferred for Alouatta pigra, an observed case of infanticide has not previously been recorded for this species. Here we describe the killing of a 2-week-old infant by the resident male of a small social group in southern Belize. The infanticide was witnessed as part of an intensive observational study that began in January 2003. The male was known to have resided in the group for at least 4 months, but it is not known whether he was the father of the infant. The literature proposes three main explanations for infanticide: two adaptive hypotheses (sexual selection and resource competition), and one nonadaptive hypothesis (social pathology). Individual cases of infanticide such as this one are important for comparative purposes, but when examined on their own they are difficult to interpret in relation to established theoretical frameworks. The data presented here show some consistency with the sexual-selection and resource-competition hypotheses, but the lack of critical information (i.e., as to paternity) makes it impossible to draw firm conclusions.  相似文献   
A mycological survey was carried out, for the first time, on black bean samples from the northwestern Argentinean province of Salta in the 1999 harvest season. Ten varieties of black beans were evaluated at three locations. Species of the genus Alternaria were the most prevalent component of the black bean mycoflora. Species of Fusarium, Sclerotinia, Rhizoctonia and Acremonium were also recorded. The predominant species of the genera isolated were Alternaria alternata, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium semitectum and Acremonium strictum. An analysis of variance was applied to determine possible differences between black bean varieties. Variety FT88/519 was the most susceptible to Sclerotinia sclerotinia infection, while the variety DOR 604 was the least susceptible. As toxigenic species were recovered, Alternaria toxins, zearalenone and trichothecenes may pose a contamination risk for black bean.  相似文献   
Transient electrical currents generated by the Na(+)-transporting F(o)F(1)-ATPase of Ilyobacter tartaricus were observed in the hydrolytic and synthetic mode of the enzyme. Two techniques were applied: a photochemical ATP concentration jump on a planar lipid membrane and a rapid solution exchange on a solid supported membrane. We have identified an electrogenic reaction in the reaction cycle of the F(o)F(1)-ATPase that is related to the translocation of the cation through the membrane bound F(o) subcomplex of the ATPase. In addition, we have determined rate constants for the process: For ATP hydrolysis this reaction has a rate constant of 15-30 s(-1) if H(+) is transported and 30-60 s(-1) if Na(+) is transported. For ATP synthesis the rate constant is 50-70 s(-1).  相似文献   
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