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To understand the radiation of any higher taxon, it is important to establish the degree to which global diversification may have been associated with, and possibly dependent on, local paleoenvironmental transitions. In this paper, paleoenvironmental changes accompanying the Paleozoic radiation of the Class Bivalvia are evaluated using a literature‐derived, genus‐level data base of 505 Paleozoic benthic marine fossil assemblages, mainly from North America. A series of contoured time‐environment diagrams, constructed to evaluate spatio‐temporal patterns in the Class as a whole and in constituent life habit groupings, reveals that the Paleozoic spatio‐temporal history of bivalves was dynamic. During their initial Ordovician radiation, bivalves quickly became established in both nearshore and offshore settings, although their highest diversities were generally nearshore. As the Paleozoic progressed, their importance in deepwater and carbonate‐rich environments, where they had previously not been of major significance, increased noticeably; elements of these patterns can be recognized in all four major Paleozoic life habit groups. Processes responsible for these spatio‐temporal transitions probably include a complex set of interacting mechanisms not all of which are related to innate biological characteristics of the group.  相似文献   
Abstract: The mid‐Cretaceous bivalve Goshoraia Tamura, 1977, endemic to Japan, is an early example of shallow‐marine siphonate bivalves of the family Veneridae Rafinesque, 1815. Three species, including one new, are here described: Goshoraia minor Tashiro and Kozai, 1989 (Aptian), G. crenulata (Matsumoto, 1938; Albian–lower Cenomanian) and G. maedai sp. nov. (middle to ?upper Cenomanian). The habitats of Goshoraia have been extensively compared with those of common Cretaceous, nonsiphonate burrowers, such as trigoniids, which range from tidal flat and shoreface to shelf environments. Depth of burial, which can be estimated from the extent of the pallial sinus, increases from the ancestral G. minor to its descendants G. crenulata and G. maedai sp. nov., documenting that the ability to burrow within this genus improved in time. These morphological and palaeoecological changes may be related to the Mesozoic marine revolution during the mid‐Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Because of the uncertain relationship between relative abundance and taxonomic richness, abundance data are potentially critical components in any analysis of faunal dominance within fossil assemblages. However, such data are often not available in the literature. In this paper, relative abundance data collected during field work at 25 Upper Ordovician and 22 Upper Pennsylvanian to mid‐Permian localities are used to evaluate Paleozoic transitions in the environmental distributions of bivalve molluscs. On the basis of multivariate analyses of these data, it is shown that even early in their history, during the Ordovician, bivalves were generally not restricted in abundance to just marginal environments. They apparently thrived in terrigenous—dominated regions, both nearshore and offshore, but were less abundant in carbonate settings. However, by the late Paleozoic, bivalve abundances had increased in some carbonate environments, in part because of the growing abundances of free‐burrowing suspension‐feeders, which had been substantially less abundant even in terrigenous environments earlier in the Paleozoic. The results of this study corroborate those of a companion analysis, using literature‐derived data, of paleoenvironmental diversity transitions exhibited by Paleozoic Bivalvia.  相似文献   
The morphology of gonads and development of offspring of the scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis sampled from six stations in Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) were studied. The retardation of gametogenesis, oocytes resorption, autolysis of spermatozoa and their phagocytosis were observed in the gonads of the scallops from polluted sites. The number of hermaphrodites was about 6% against 0.3–0.4% in the scallop populations from clean areas. In the offspring development, a decrease in fertilisation success,diminution in percent of normal trochophores, D-veligers, veligers, and retardation of larval growth were recorded. The scallop populations inhabiting polluted areas of Peter the Great Bay seem to be incapable of normal reproduction. Development of offspring was a more sensitive index of disturbance of the reproductive function than morphology of scallop gonads. Analysis of the offspring development of common species of marine invertebrates is suggested to be used as a sensitive indicator of adverse environmental conditions. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Arnold  William S. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,465(1-3):7-19
In Florida, U.S.A. populations of recreationally and commercially important bivalve molluscs are stressed by a variety of factors, including habitat degradation, overfishing and development. Bivalves such as the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, and the hard clam, Mercenaria spp., are uniquely positioned to benefit from restoration and enhancement activities because of the physical setting in which they live or because of recent efforts to restore habitat. For bay scallops, a major restoration effort has been implemented on the west coast of Florida. Adult scallops are collected from the target site and spawned in the laboratory. The offspring are cultured in ponds until they reach an average shell height of approximately 30 mm and then are planted in cages at the target site from which the parents were collected. Parents and offspring are genetically monitored, as are new recruits sampled at a variety of sites along the coast. The ultimate goal of this restoration program is to create concentrated patches of spawners that will supply recruits to west Florida seagrass beds. For hard clams, three different strategies are being tested to determine the most ecologically and economically feasible approach to use to enhance harvestable clam populations. Hard clams are occasionally abundant in the Indian River lagoon on the east central coast of the state, but transportation causeways fragment the lagoon into a series of basins that are largely isolated from one another. At any time, only a subset of the basins that compose the lagoon may be environmentally suitable for supporting the sensitive larval and juvenile stages of hard clams, and the members of that subset change constantly as environmental conditions change in the lagoon. Transplanting spawner stock, seeding juveniles under a variety of protective treatments, and injecting fertilized eggs directly into the lagoon are each being tested for their effectiveness in exploiting environmentally appropriate conditions and producing successful settlement events. Each strategy is being tested for its ecological and economic suitability, and the most appropriate strategy will be implemented in an effort to maintain clam abundance at a level where licensed clammers in the Indian River region can realize a minimum income from the fishery, even when naturally recruiting clam stocks are depleted.  相似文献   
Specifics of the digestive cycle were studied in normal individuals of Gray’s mussel Crenomytilus grayanus and in those infested by trematodes from an unpolluted area of the sublittoral zone of Peter the Great Bay in May (during the day), June, July, and August. Four types of tubules corresponding to four phases of the digestive cycle were identified, and three varieties of destructing tubules were distinguished. It was shown that normally phases of absorption and digestion prevailed in the digestive gland. The portion of absorptive tubules (type II) was 95% in spring and 79% in summer. The total portion of destructing and restoring tubules (types III and IV) did not exceed 10% in spring and 20% in summer, and portion of tubules at the initial condition (type I) was 4% in spring and 2% in summer. During the day, insignificant variations in the ratio of different type tubules were recorded. It was revealed that, normally, granulocytomes were formed during utilization of necrotic tubules. Parasitic invasion of trematodes entailed swelling of the gland and a change in the proportion of tubules: the number of absorptive tubules decreased to 20%, the number of destructing and restoring tubules increased up to 60% and 12%, respectively.  相似文献   
Abstract Mass mortalities of fauna are known to occur in estuarine environments during flood events. Specific factors associated with these mortalities have rarely been examined. Therefore, the effect of exposing, to lowered salinities, an infaunal bivalve that is susceptible to mass mortalities during winter flooding in a southern Australian estuary was tested in the present study. In a laboratory experiment, low salinities (≤6 parts per thousand [ppt]), which mimicked those expected during flood events in the Hopkins River estuary, were shown to affect Soletellina alba, both lethally and sublethally. All bivalves died at 1 ppt, while those at 6 ppt took longer to burrow and exhibited a poorer condition than those at 14 and 27 ppt. The limited salinity tolerance of S. alba suggests that lowered salinities are a likely cause of mass mortality for this species during winter flooding.  相似文献   

Isolated individuals of Lasaea subviridis simultaneously spawn both eggs and sperm. The sperm attach to the eggs by undergoing an acrosomal reaction and a male pronucleus is incorporated into the egg cytoplasm. Two reduction divisions associated with the production of two polar bodies occur before the first cleavage. These results are consistent with self-fertilization, but not with apomictic or meiotic parthenogenesis. The net fertilization efficiency of Lasaea subviridis natural populations is estimated at 99.93%.  相似文献   
An Early Jurassic fossil bivalve specimen belonging to the pectinid genus Weyla was found within the low human occupation levels in a structure of Pukara de La Cueva, Humahuaca department, Jujuy province, Argentina. This is clearly a geologically allochthonous record, and its source should be located more than 400 km away, probably from a locality in the Main Cordillera of northern Chile or southern Perú. This evidence is part of a research project which analyzes the human interactions among the Quebrada de La Cueva sites and neighbouring productive regions, as well as the inferred interchange networks between this and other regions, both nearby and distant. In this context, the likely symbolic meaning of this record is also evaluated.  相似文献   
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