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Dispersal of adult Viburnum whitefly,Aleurotrachelus jelinekii (Frauenf.) was assessed over a period of 6 years, both in the field and in the laboratory. Flight activity did not appear to be strongly affected by normal variation in either temperature or windspeed. The aerial density of flying adults decreased rapidly with distance from the host plant. Movement up to 5 m from the host plant was found to be density dependent, although there is no suggestion that longer flights become more frequent at higher population densities. More males were caught at the beginning of the season and the number of males flying increased as the population density rose. Insects were flight mature after about 3 h, but flew readily only after 2 days. Longer flights were observed from younger females at a time when they would move from old to young leaves. Landing site preference was not recorded, which contrasts with the behaviour of the cabbage whitefly. Flight in the Viburnum whitefly appears to redistribute the population within the immediate habitat, but migration did not appear to be a significant demographic factor in the isolated populations studied.
Etude de l'activité de vold d'Aleurotrachelus jelinekii peu enclin au vol
Résumé La dispersion des adultes d'Aleurotrachelus jelinekii Frauenf, tant dans la nature qu'au laboratoire, a été estimée sur une période de 6 ans. L'activité de vol n'a pas paru être fortement modifiée par les variations de la température et de la vitesse du vent. Le nombre d'adultes en vol a diminué rapidement jusqu'à 5 m de la plante hôte, et il était density-dependent, bien que rien ne prouve que les vols les plus longs deviennent plus fréquents à des densités de population plus élevées. Plus de mâles ont été capturés au début de la saison et le nombre de mâles en vol s'est accru avec la densité de la population. Les insectes étaient aptes au vol 3 heures après la mue imaginale, mais ne volaient normalement que 2 jours après. Les vols les plus longs ont été observés chez les plus jeunes femelles au moment où elles devaient migrer de feuilles âgées à des feuilles jeunes. Les lieux d'atterrissage préférés n'ont pas été décelés. Le vol chezA. jelinekii semble redistribuer la population dans l'habitat immédiat et la migration n'apparaît pas être un paramètre démographique significantif dans les populations isolées étudiées.
Cogley T. P., Anderson J. R. and Cooley L. J. 1982. Migration of Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae (Diptera: Gasterophilidae) in the equine oral cavity. International Journal for Parasitology12: 473–480. Larvae of G. intestinalis pursued a specific migratory pathway within the equine oral cavity en route to the stomach. The larval migration included the following sequence: burrowing in the tongue mucosa, invasion of the interdental spaces, transitory attachment at the root of the tongue and movement to the stomach. The molt from first to second instar did not occur in the tongue, as commonly believed, but between the interdental spaces. Ninety five percent of the larvae invading the interdental spaces were associated with gingiva of the upper molars. SEM analysis revealed further details of the oral migration: (1) air holes excavated in the epithelium which connect with deeper burrows; (2) an intimate association between air holes and posterior spiracles of larvae; (3) precise impressions of larvae in tissue immediately surrounding the most recently formed burrows; and (4) initial larval entry into the tongue through the use of natural disruptions or healing lesions. Factors influencing the development of the oral migration are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of implantation of testosterone propionate (TP) in various sites in the hypothalamus on the photoperiodically induced vernal premigratory functions in the White-crowned Sparrows were investigated in order to assess the role of the hypothalamo-hypophysial-testicular axis in the induction of these responses.Implantation of glass capillary tubes containing TP in the basal infundibular nucleus (IN), in the median eminence, or in the pars distalis inhibited the photoperiodically induced increase in plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), as measured by radioimmunoassay, and testicular growth. The effective implants significantly lowered the levels of LH in birds held on nonstimulatory short days. These TP implants apparently inhibited release from the pars distalis of both LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It is concluded that the site of sensitivity in the negative feedback by testosterone is either the basal IN or the pars distalis, or both. The implants of TP that inhibited the increase in plasma LH and testicular growth completely did not prevent the birds from fattening.These investigations were supported, in part, by research grants from the National Institutes of Health (HD-6527) and National Science Foundation (BMS 79-13933) to Professor Donald S. Farner. This paper is based on a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of WashingtonThe author is grateful to Professor Donald S. Farner for his guidance throughout the course of these investigations. The assistance of Mr. Philip W. Mattocks, Jr. in performing radioimmunoassays is sincerely appreciated  相似文献   
Summary At the end of gastrulation, the lateral mesoderm of amphibian embryos migrates ventrally between the ectoderm and the endoderm. The present study is an examination of the morphology of the leading cells of the mesodermal sheet and of the substratum over which they move (the inner surface of the ectoderm). The cells of the leading edge of the mesoderm are generally round, with very short and narrow flattened projections in the forward direction. These projections do not have a ruffled morphology, regardless of whether fixation is carried out before or after the ectoderm and mesoderm are dissected away from the endoderm. The inner surface of the ectoderm is covered with fine (450–500A) filamentous extracellular material and the ectoderm cells sometimes extend cytoplasmic processes (approx. 0.1 wide) onto the leading surface of the mesoderm or onto adjacent ectoderm cells. These studies indicate that the morphology of cell migration in amphibians is closer to that seen inFundulus than to that characteristic of chick or mammalian cells.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Mac V. Edds, Jr., who warmly encouraged the developmental biologists of the Pioneer Valley  相似文献   

1. 1.|To determine the thermoregulatory prowess of altricial nestlings, we conducted both equilibrium and transient analyses of white-crowned sparrow nestings, a representative fringillid.

2. 2.|For an individual nestling at thermal equilibrium, feather development is the major factor reducing heat loss after 2 days of age; tissue- and boundary-layer resistances are of minor importance.

3. 3.|The nest substantially reduces wind speeds near the nestlings. Heat transfer through the nest material is of only moderate importance. Evaporation also appears to be a small proportion of total heat loss during hypothermia in natural environments.

4. 4.|Net long-wave radiant exchange is also minor, but short-wave radiation is potentially a major component of the nestling's energy budget, approaching the magnitude of maximal metabolic heat production.

5. 5.|When nestlings cool, their body mass and metabolic rate are also major importance in determining the rate of cooling, and (for metabolism) the equilibrium temperature as well.

6. 6.|The huddling together of nestlings is perhaps the single most important factor affecting heat transfer.

7. 7.|An older brood actually has more insulation than does an adult in the same microclimate.

Author Keywords: Thermoregulation; heat transfer; nestlings; huddling; Zonotrichia leucophyrs; bird  相似文献   

We tested the null hypothesis that differences in the seasonal return patterns between stocks of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., are a result of a direct response to the environment, and not under genetic control. Two stocks were used in the experiments, originating from the R. Figga and R. Imsa, respectively. In their native habitat fish from the former are known to return to the home stream as adult salmon early in the summer, while from the latter return during late summer and autumn. By rearing these stocks in the same hatchery and releasing smolts of both stocks together at three sites in southern Norway, it was demonstrated that salmon from the R. Figga stock returned earlier to coastal Norway than salmon from the R. Imsa stock, as maturing adults. Thus, we reject the hypothesis that these stocks are genetically identical in this trait. Within both stocks, multi-sea-winter fish returned earlier than one-sea-winter fish. Within stocks, there was no significant difference in time of return between salmon released as 1- and 2-year-old smolts, or between fish reared from parents ascending the R. Imsa early or late in the season.  相似文献   
Temperature-sensitive radio transmitters were employed to study the patterns of behavioural thermoregulation, habitat preference and movement of 19 adult spring chinook salmon, Oncurhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), in the Yakima River. During the 4 months prior to spawning, fish maintained an average internal temperature 2.5°C below ambient river temperature. This represented a 12 to 20% decrease in basal metabolic demand or a saving of 17.3 to 29.9 calkg−1 h−1. Fish were most commonly associated with islands, pools, and rock out-croppings along stream banks. Homing behaviour appeared to be modified to optimize temperature regimes and energy conservation. As the time of spawning approached, fish left thermal refuges and migrated to spawning grounds upstream and downstream of refuge areas. Although spring chinook salmon residing within cool-water refuges may be capable of mitigating sub-lethal temperature effects, cool-water areas need to be abundant and available to the fish. The availability of suitable thermal refuges and appropriate holding habitat within mainstem rivers may affect long-term population survival.  相似文献   
The vertical distribution of Pratylenchus scribneri populations was monitored under irrigated corn and potato grown in loamy sand soil. population estimates were based on the number of nematodes recovered from 100-cm³ soil samples and the roots contained therein. Reproduction was assessed by counting the number of second-stage juveniles. An index of population maturity was computed to evaluate the age structure of populations. At no time were nematodes distributed uniformly among five soil depths from 0 to 37.5 cm deep. During the summer (June-September), changes in the total number of P. scribneri and the number of second-stage juveniles recovered were not consistent among the depths sampled. Early (April-June) and late (September-November) in the season, changes in the abundance, reproduction, and maturity of populations were similar among depths. The timing and pattern of increases in numbers of nematodes suggests that variation in the abundance of P. scribneri in the soil profile beneath potato and corn was caused primarily by reproduction rather than the movement of nematodes.  相似文献   
In the Blackcap (Aves: Sylvia atricapilla), a widespread passerine noctural migrant, a “migratory divide” between SE- and SW-migrating populations exists in Central Europe at about 14° E and south of 52° N. The autumn migratory directions are known to have a genetic basis and are expressed in orientation cages in captivity. Migratory directions of birds in the contact zone between the two populations were studied by analysing ringing data and by testing three groups of hand-raised individuals in orientation cages. Available ringing data are insufficient to establish migratory directions in the contact zone north of the Alps. Hand-raised birds from south-west Germany and the most eastern part of Austria oriented SW and SE, respectively, confirming directions known from ringing recoveries. A sample of birds from the contact zone near Linz (Austria) oriented SW to NW (mean = 268°) and was significantly different from both adjoining populations. This contrasts with results of a cross-breeding experiment with mixed pairs of SW- and SE-migrants bred in captivity: The F1-offspring chose southerly directions, intermediate between both parental populations (Helbig, 1991). It is suggested, therefore, that a distinct subpopulation with a large fraction of birds wintering in the British Isles has established itself in the contact zone. Differences in directional choices between groups of siblings from this area indicate that intrapopulation genetic variability is present. This may have led to a rapid spread of the novel W-NW migratory direction, because north of the Alps strong selection seems to be acting against mixing of SE- with SW-migrating populations.  相似文献   
, , , and 1992. A new simplified assay for larval migration inhibition. International Journal for Parasitology 22: 1183–1185. A simple method is described for the in vitro detection of substances that impair the motility of third-stage larvae of gastro-intestinal nematodes. The test is based on the ability of larvae to freely migrate through selected mesh sizes of nylon sieves and the reduced ability of larvae to migrate after preincubation with, and in the presence of, substances that inhibit or reduce larval motility.  相似文献   
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