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Seedlings of cultivated rice variety ADT43 was investigated after challenging with two different abiotic (drought and salinity) and biotic (sheath blight and bacterial leaf blight pathogens) stresses. Salinity and drought stress reduced the growth of seedlings, mainly the higher conditions (100 mM NaCl and 10?days of drought, respectively). Increased level of MDA content was observed in biotic and abiotic-stress treated seedlings. The highest H2O2 content was observed under salinity-stressed seedlings and lower level observed under biotic stress. Superoxide dismutase activity showed a gradual decrease in all stress conditions compared to control. Salinity stress resulted in highest activity of catalase compared to biotic stress. The peroxidase activity of the seedlings was found to be increased under salt and drought stress conditions and the activity decreased under biotic stress. Drought stress resulted in induced expression of POC1 gene whereas the biotic stress showed lower expression level. Suppression of the rice peroxidase would have been the mechanism of overcoming the intrinsic defence in rice by these pathogens.  相似文献   
The role of facilitation in the structuring of plant communities has been often demonstrated in environments under high abiotic stress, especially in semi‐arid and arid ecosystems and high elevations. Few studies, however, analysed facilitation in systems that are highly productive and rich in species, which are thought to be theoretically unlikely to demonstrate strong effects of facilitation. Here, we investigate the importance of Eryngium horridum, a rosette species, on the maintenance of plant diversity in subtropical grasslands in southern Brazil. We evaluated facilitation in areas under two different types of management: abandonment and grazing. Plots were established in areas with and without individuals of E. horridum and all species were identified and had their cover estimated. The Relative Neighbour Effect index was calculated in order to verify the presence of competition or facilitation. Our results indicated facilitation in both abandoned and in grazed grasslands, but apparently through different mechanisms. In the first case, the plant's architecture opens the canopy and allows more light to reach small forbs in the grass matrix. In the second case, E. horridum appears to protect more palatable species from herbivores. Otherwise considered an obnoxious species, E. horridum plays an important ecological role in subtropical grasslands in southern Brazil by facilitating other species and consequently, increasing local richness. Areas with this rosette species are important sources of diaspores, which are able to colonize new open sites and thus, maintain biodiversity.  相似文献   
Resting spore formation of Pandora nouryi within the host Myzus persicae was investigated in an open cabbage field during two winters: 2007–2008 and 2010–2011. Multivariate correlation analysis of field data revealed that weekly mean temperature was the main abiotic factor governing the probability of resting spore formation in vivo, followed by host density and mean day length, while the effect of season was insignificant. Moreover, the temperature effect on the proportions of resting spore producing cadavers in those aphids infected with P. nouryi was well fit by a logistic equation, and high proportions (0.37–0.95) were found on most of weekly sampling occasions with mean temperatures of less than 10°C. Thus, these resultant analyses support the hypothesis that temperature is the most important abiotic factor controlling P. nouryi resting spore formation in M. persicae under field situations.  相似文献   
A study of the potential of autohydrolysis and alkaline extraction processes from corn stalks was performed for high purity hemicellulose extraction. The influence of process parameters on the purity of obtained hemicelluloses was analyzed. An experimental design was developed for the autohydrolysis treatments to determine the optimal conditions to solubilize the hemicelluloses with lowest content in contaminants. On the other hand, alkaline extraction, including raw material pretreatment (dewaxing and delignification step) was carried out analyzing the effectiveness of this processes for maximum pure hemicellulose recovery. The maximum yield (54% of the raw material hemicelluloses) and the best physicochemical properties (highest hemicellulose content free of lignin) were obtained with these pretreatments in alkaline extraction. Moreover, the effect of lignin removal by sulfuric acid from the autohydrolysis liquors before hemicellulose precipitation was studied. This purification step has allowed to obtain lignin-free autohydrolysis hemicellulose but with the presence of sulfur as predominant contaminant.  相似文献   
The stability of proteins in its native state has an important implication on its function and evolution. The functional site analysis may lead to better understanding of how these amino acid distributions influence the melting temperature of proteins. It has been reported that increasing the fraction of hydrophobic contacts in a protein tends to raise melting temperature; increasing the fraction of repulsive charge contacts decrease the melting temperature and consistent with a destabilizing effect. The role of amino acid distribution as hydrophobic, charged and polar residues in proteins and mainly in its functional sites has been studied. Due to limited data availability, redundancy check and controlled environment parameters, the study was carried out with ten single chain-wild proteins having melting temperature above 80°C at pH 7. The analysis depicts that, the entire protein, hydrophobic residues are more frequent in single chain proteins and charged residues are more frequent in multi-chains proteins. In functional sites of these proteins, hydrophobic and charged residues are equally frequent in single chain proteins and charged residues are very high in multi-chains proteins. But, the polar residue distribution remains same for both single chain and multi-chain proteins and its functional sites.  相似文献   
When restoring ecosystems dominated by exotic plants, reinvasion pressure, or the rate of new exotic recruitment following mature exotic removal, can vary broadly between similarly invaded habitats. Reinvasion pressure strongly influences restoration costs and outcomes but is difficult to predict. Ontogenetic niche shifts (ONSs, changes in niche breadth or position during development) in exotic species paired with interannual variation in abiotic conditions may decouple pre‐removal mature exotic density and average reinvasion pressure. Identifying such decouplings could improve restoration efficiency by informing site selection and management strategies, but requires estimates of average reinvasion pressure that mandate greater understanding of its principle drivers. We hypothesize that reinvasion pressure is predominantly driven by exotic propagule abundance and spatiotemporal availability of realized recruitment windows, which are periods of variable duration that permit exotic establishment from propagules. Realized recruitment windows are based on the “safe sites” concept but account for ONSs and are determined by abiotic conditions and interspecific interactions with recipient communities. Biotic resistance or facilitation may increase or decrease times required for establishment by influencing exotic growth rates or altering niche availability and may permit or preclude establishment in marginal abiotic conditions. We discuss factors influencing reinvasion pressure, basic approaches to estimate reinvasion pressure, and potential ways to increase management efficiency under different reinvasion pressure scenarios. Accurate estimates of reinvasion pressure could improve restoration efficacy, efficiency, and predictability in ecosystems dominated by exotic plants. We argue that greater theoretical and practical considerations of reinvasion pressure and ONSs are merited.  相似文献   
An incubation method was used to investigate the nitrogen release characteristics from the residue of ten plant species which commonly grow in the northern part of the Loess Plateau. The effect of the residue on soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) and soil microbial biomass nitrogen (SMBN) was also determined. There were significant differences in the total N content and the C/N ratios among the different types of plant residue. The total N content of the residues ranged from 6.61 to 32.78 g kg?1. The C/N ratio of the residue ranged from 14 to 65. There was an immediate increase in soil N after alfalfa, erect milkvetch, and korshinsk peashrub residue was added to the soil. In contrast, soil N decreased after elm, sea buckthorn, and wild peach residue was added to the soil. The soil N content remained relatively low for 14–34 days and then increased. This indicated that N immobilization occurred during the early portion of the incubation period when elm, sea buckthorn and wild peach residue was added to the soil. Soil N levels were low during the entire incubation period when simon poplar, locust, Stipa bungeana, and old world bluestem residue were added to the soil. The addition of plant residue significantly increased SMBC and SMBN in all treatments. The SMBC and SMBN values were greatest in treatments containing plant residue with high total N content and low C/N ratios. The C/N ratios of korshinsk peashrub, sea buckthorn, and wild peach residues were similar, but the amount of N released from these residues and the effects of the residue on SMBC and SMBN in soil were significantly different. This indicates that not only the C/N ratio but also the chemical composition of the plant residue affected decomposition. It is important to consider C and N release characteristics from plant residue in order to adjust the C and N balance of soil when revegetating degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   
The diversity of pathways through which mycorrhizal fungi alter plant coexistence hinders the understanding of their effects on plant‐plant interactions. The outcome of plant facilitative interactions can be indirectly affected by mycorrhizal symbiosis, ultimately shaping biodiversity patterns. We tested whether mycorrhizal symbiosis enhances plant facilitative interactions and whether its effect is consistent across different methodological approaches and biological scenarios. We conducted a meta‐analysis of 215 cases (involving 21 nurse and 29 facilitated species), in which the performance of a facilitated plant species is measured in the presence or absence of mycorrhizal fungi. We show that mycorrhizal fungi significantly enhance plant facilitative interactions mainly through an increment in plant biomass (aboveground) and nutrient content, although their effects differ across biological contexts. In semiarid environments mycorrhizal symbiosis enhances plant facilitation, while its effect is non‐significant in temperate ecosystems. In addition, arbuscular but not ecto‐mycorrhizal (EMF) fungi significantly enhance plant facilitation, particularly increasing the P content of the plants more than EMF. Some knowledge gaps regarding the importance of this phenomenon have been detected in this meta‐analysis. The effect of mycorrhizal symbiosis on plant facilitation has rarely been assessed in other ecosystems different from semiarid and temperate forests, and rarely considering other fungal benefits provided to plants besides nutrients. Finally, we are still far from understanding the effects of the whole fungal community on plant‐plant interactions, and on plant species coexistence.  相似文献   
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