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As with most amino acid biosynthetic pathways in streptomycetes, enzymes of arginine biosynthesis inStreptomyces coelicolor show only slight derepression in minimal medium without, as opposed to with, exogenous arginine. However, when an arginine auxotroph was cultured in limiting arginine, ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OCT) activities rose by as much as 100-fold. The response was not due to a general starvation effect. To elucidate the repression-derepression mechanism, a DNA fragment containing the upstream region of the previously isolatedS. coelicolor argCJB cluster was cloned into a multicopy vector and transformed into wild-typeS. coelicolor; a slight transient derepression of OCT was observed in minimal medium without, though not with, added arginine, consistent with titration by the insert of a negatively acting macromolecule such as a repressor. A sub-fragment carrying the 5 end ofargC and the region immediately upstream showed specific binding, in mobility shift assays, to purified AhrC, the repressor/activator of genes of arginine metabolism inBacillus subtilis. It is therefore likely that inS. coelicolor, expression of arginine biosynthesis genes is controlled by a protein homologous to the well-characterisedB. subtilis andEscherichia coli repressors.  相似文献   
In the brain of the intact crayfish, three pairs of non-spiking giant interneurons (G1, G2, G3; NGIs) scarcely responded to substrate tilt about the longitudinal axis of the body either in the dark or in the presence of an overhead light. However, when the statolith was removed, these NGIs responded with depolarizing and hyperpolarizing potentials respectively to upward movements of the ipsilateral legs (2nd–5th pereiopods) and upward movements of the contralateral legs produced by substrate tilt. The relationships between the polarity of the potential and the direction of movement in the contralateral legs were opposite to those in the ipsilateral legs. The amplitude of the responses was proportional to the frequency (0.5-0.05 Hz) and amplitude of tilting. When the legs were moved unilaterally, the NGIs responded with depolarizing and hyperpolarizing potentials to upward movements of the ipsilateral legs and to upward movements of the contralateral legs, respectively. When the legs were moved bilaterally in the same direction by upward or downward movement of the substrate, the NGIs scarcely responded to the leg movements. A hypothetical model is presented to account for the pathways of sensory inputs to the NGIs and the role of NGIs in compensatory oculomotor system.  相似文献   
  • 1 Seasonal population growth rates for the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris, were determined in three different host plant habitats; alfalfa, Medicago sativa (L.), clover, Trifolium pratense (L.), and peas, Pisum sativum (L.); over four years and eight places. It was possible to estimate a common intrinsic rate of increase for each host plant habitat.
  • 2 An analysis of the relative influence of temporal, spatial and host plant habitat variation showed that the host plant habitat was most important in determining the growth rates of the populations, both in rate of build-up and decline.
  • 3 Patterns of alate production in the three different habitats differed substantially between the annual peas and the two perennial legumes. During the summer, alate production was large and rapid in peas and remained low and constant in clover and alfalfa
  • 4 Parasitism was highest in peas. The species composition of parasitoids differed between crops.
  • 5 Aphids in annual peas had a higher intrinsic rate of increase and a faster rate of decline than in the two perennial legumes. This explains the presence of both migratory and sedentary forms among pea aphids.
A quantitative genetic model, that uses known family structure with clonal replicates to separate genetic variance into its additive, dominance and epistatic components, is available in the current literature. Making use of offspring testing, this model is based on the theory that components of variance from the linear model of an experimental design may be expressed in terms of expected covariances among relatives. However, if interactions between a pair of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) explain a large proportion of the total epistasis, it will seriously overestimate the additive and dominance variances but underestimate the epistatic variance. In the present paper, a new model is developed to manipulate this problem by combining parental and offspring material into the same test. Under the condition described above, the new model can provide an accurate estimate for additive x additive variances. Also, its accuracy in estimating dominance and total epistatic variances is much greater than the accuracy of the previous model. However, if there is obvious evidence showing the major contribution of high-order interactions, especially among 4QTLs, to the total epistasis, the previous model is more appropriate to partition the genetic variance for a quantitative trait. The re-analysis of an example from a factorial mating design in poplar shows large differences in estimating variance components between the new and previous models when two different assumptions (lowvs high-order epistatic interactions) are used. The new model will be an alternative to estimating the mode of quantitative inheritance for species, especially for longlived, predominantly outcrossing forest trees, that can be clonally replicated.  相似文献   
The additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model has emerged as a powerful analytical tool for genotype x environment studies. The objective of the present study was to assess its value in quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. This was done through the analysis of a large two-way table of genotype-by-environment data of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain yields, where the genotypes constituted a genetic population suitable for mapping studies. Grain yield data of 150 doubled haploid lines derived from the Steptoe x Morex cross, and the two parental lines, were taken by the North American Barley Genome Mapping Project (NABGMP) at 16 environments throughout the barley production areas of the USA and Canada. Four regions of the genome were responsible for most of the differential genotypic expression across environments. They accounted for approximately 50% of the genotypic main effect and 30% of the genotype x environment interaction (GE) sums of squares. The magnitude and sign of AMMI scores for genotypes and sites facilitate inferences about specific interactions. The parallel use of classification (cluster analysis of environments) and ordination (principal component analysis of GE matrix) techniques allowed most of the variation present in the genotype x environment matrix to be summarized in just a few dimensions, specifically four QTLs showing differential adaptation to four clusters of environments. Thus, AMMI genotypic scores, when the genotypes constituted a population suitable for QTL mapping, could provide an adequate way of resolving the magnitude and nature of QTL x environment interactions.Ignacio Romagosa was on sabbatical leave from the University of Lleida and the Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries, Lleida, Spain, when this study was conducted  相似文献   
The retrospective analysis of a large database on wheat variety testing in New South Wales (NSW) is considered. This analysis involved three key steps. Initially error variance heterogeneity is modelled, indicating significant differences in error variance due to trial location, year of trialling, sowing date and trial mean yield. The implication of this modelling for the estimaion of variance components is discussed.  相似文献   
生物复苏——大绝灭后生物演化历史的第一幕   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
生命史是一部生物界短期,快速剧变与长期,慢速稳定相互交替的历史。大绝灭(即集群绝灭)事件反映了全球环境的大突变,点断了地质历史中的生命记录及其发展历程,预示着生物界的演化出现了最有意义的飞跃,近年来尝试研究大绝灭后全球生物界的残存-复苏及其基本型式,并探索复苏的控制因素,标志着地质科学中一个重心的转移(即从大绝灭转向其后的生物残存与复苏的研究)。生物复苏揭示了大绝灭后生物演化历史的第一幕,其研究的  相似文献   
Interactions between the Streptococcus milleri-group organisms (SMG; S. intermedius, S. constellatus and S. anginosus) and Eikenella corrodens were investigated. Coaggregation reactions occurred frequently between S. anginosus (83% of strain combinations) or S. constellatus (87%) and E. corrodens isolates, but were infrequent between S. intermedius and E. corrodens (28%). No enhancement of enzyme activities against lipid, phosphate, peptide and saccharide substrates tested were detected with combinations of species in comparison to the species alone. Exponential growth of S. constellatus and S. intermedius, in mixed culture with E. corrodens, occurred within 6h post inoculation, in comparison to 25h without E. corrodens. No growth stimulation of S. anginosus was observed. It is concluded that both coaggregation and growth stimulation occur between E. corrodens and SMG isolates, and may be important mechanisms in the establishment of mixed infections involving these bacteria.  相似文献   
双列杂交法已广泛地应用于性状的遗传研究,但均局限于无非等位基因互作的性状.本文在前人研究的基础上提出了应用双列杂交F_1代加倍单倍体检验双基因互作模型适合性的方法,并对遗传参数的估算作了进一步的研究.  相似文献   
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