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Barley heat shock proteins have been cloned, characterized by hybrid release translation and sequenced. Clones coding for proteins of 17, 18, 30, 32 and 70 kDa have been obtained. Out of these the 32 and 30 kDa proteins have been characterized as precursors to plastidic proteins of 26 kDa by posttranslational transport and by cDNA sequencing. The coding regions of these two transcribed genes are highly homologous. Accumulation of the plastid HSP as well as of HSP 70 as well as their corresponding mRNAs has been studied in 2- to 6-day old seedlings and in the 7-day old barley leaf. The mRNA for all investigated proteins were only found after a heat shock; the mRNA levels increase towards the tip of the leaf and with development. Furthermore, under the conditions used the mRNAs for all investigated heat shock proteins accumulate in parallel. Unexpectedly, both proteins, HSP 70 and HSP 26, are found by western blotting in the 2-day old control plants in the absence of any inducing heat shock. At later stages of development and in the leaf gradient only immunoreactivity with HSP 70 was observed. In contrast to the levels of their mRNAs the highest levels of HSP 30–26 and 70 have been observed in the basal segments indicating that translational control plays a role during HSP expression. Under severe heat shock a protein of 30 kDa is induced whose identity is not known but which reacts with the antibody to HSP 30–26 and might represent the accumulating precursors of the plastidic proteins.  相似文献   
The interaction of a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungusGlomus fasciculatum with a wilt-causing soil borne pathogen,Fusarium oxysporum, was studied in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). It was found that pre-establishment by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus reduced the colonization of the pathogen and the severity of the disease, as determined by reduction in vascular discolouration index. In mycorrhizal plants, the production of phytoalexin compounds was always higher than in the nonmycorrhizal plants. There appeared to be a direct correlation between the concentration of the phytoalexins and the degree of mycorrhizal association. Three different compounds withR f values of 0.23 (I), 0.17 (II) and 0.11 (III) were obtained from mycorrhizal plants. Similar compounds were also found to be induced by an abiotic elicitor CuSO4. The first compound was identified as an isoflavonoid, daidzein and the other two remain to be identified. These compounds were checked for their antifungal activityin vitro. The germination of conidial spores ofFusarium oxysporum was strongly inhibited by the compound III than the other two. It is argued that the production of phytoalexin compounds in mycorrhizal plant could be one of the mechanisms imparting tolerance of the plants to wilt disease.  相似文献   
A simple behavioral model is used to investigate whether differences in the specific-mate-recognition system (SMRS), occur within species of the Drosophila genus. This model takes into account, and overcomes, the distorting effect of vigor differences on experimental results. Analysis shows significant deviations from the expected values under the assumption of identical SMRSs in around one fifth of the multiple-choice experiments performed with natural strains of twelve different Drosophila species. Different selection procedures raise the number of significant assortative mating results between strains of D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura from 3.0% to 32.8%. Finally, sub- or semispecific taxa show variations in their SMRS even more frequently (74.5%). Differences in male vigor and female receptivity are also found. These results show that a classification of Drosophila species based on SMRS stability, as proposed by the “Recognition concept of species”, is virtually impossible.  相似文献   
The effects of chicken litter on Meloidogyne arenaria in tomato plants cv. Rutgers were determined in the greenhouse. Tomato seedlings were transplanted into a sandy soil amended with five rates of chicken litter and inoculated with 2,000 M. arenaria eggs. After 10 days, total numbers of nematodes in the roots decreased with increasing rates of chicken litter. After 46 days, egg numbers also decreased with increasing litter rates. In another experiment, soil was amended with two litter types, N-P-K fertilizer, and the two primary constituents of chicken litter (manure and pine-shaving bedding). After 10 days, numbers of nematodes in roots were smaller in chicken-excrement treatments as compared to nonexcrement treatments. At 46 days, there were fewer nematode eggs in chicken-excrement treatments compared to nonexcrement treatments. Egg numbers also were smaller for fertilizer and pine-shaving amendments as compared to nonamended controls. Chicken litter and manure amendments suppressed plant growth by 10 days after inoculation but enhanced root weights at 46 days after inoculation. Amendment of soil with chicken litter suppressed M. arenaria and may provide practical control of root-knot nematodes as part of an integrated management system.  相似文献   
To isolate potential insect biocontrol agents, entomogenous nematodes were surveyed in Tennessee plant nurseries in 1991. Soil samples from 113 nursery sites were baited with greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) larvae, house cricket (Acheta domesticus) adults, lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperings) adults, and house fly (Musca domestica) larvae. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema carpocapsae were each recovered from 17 soil samples. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora was more common in habitats with crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) and Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis) than other nursery plants, and S. carpocapsae was more frequently recovered from habitats with juniper and Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora). Bulk density, electrical conductivity, organic matter, pH, temperature, and moisture content of the entomogenous-nematode positive soil samples were compared. Other nematode genera recovered with insect baits included Rhabditis sp., Pelodera sp., Cryptaphelenchoides sp., and Mesodiplogaster sp., which was recovered from a greater percentage of soil samples than the other five genera.  相似文献   
An automatic feeding process for microbial hydroxylation of ML236B sodium salt (ML-236B Na; compactin) by Streptomyces carbophilus SANK 62585 was developed. The hydroxylated product, pravastatin sodium salt (pravastatin; trade name Mevalotin), is an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methyglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase) used as cholesterol-lowering drug. The hydroxylation activity of S. carbophilus was induced by the addition of ML236B Na to culture broth but inhibited by high concentration of ML236B Na. In order to obtain high conversion yield, it was necessary to maintain optimum ML236B Na concentration throughout the fermentation by continuous feeding. For this purpose, we developed an on-line monitoring method, which mainly consisted of a cross-flow filtration module, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyzer, feed pump, and microcomputer for regulation of ML236B Na concentration. An algorithm for control of ML236B Na feed rate based on feedback and feed-forward control where conversion rate after Deltat was estimated by using regression analysis of the five latest values of conversion rate. In a fed-batch culture employing this system, the concentration of ML236B Na was maintained at optimum level during the fermentation and the productivity of pravastatin was increased threefold over that obtained in manual control culture. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The ability to genetically alter the product-formation capabilities of Clostridium acetobutylicum is necessary for continued progress toward industrial production of the solvents butanol and acetone by fermentation. Batch fermentations at pH 4.5, 5.5, or 6.5 were conducted using C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824 (pFNK6). Plasmid pFNK6 contains a synthetic operon (the "ace operon") in which the three homologous acetone-formation genas (adc, ctfA, and ctfB) are transcribed from the adc promoter. The corresponding enzymes (acetoacetate decarboxylase and CoA-transferase) were best expressed in pH 4.5 fermentations. However, the highest levels of solvents were attained at pH 5.5. Relative to the plasmid-free control strain at pH 5.5, ATCC 824 (pFNK6) produced 95%, 37%, and 90% higher final concentrations of acetone, butanol, and ethanol, respectively; a 50% higher yield (g/g) of solvents on glucose; and a 22-fold lower mass of residual carboxylic acids. At all pH values, the acetone-formation enzymes were expressed earlier with ATCC 824 (pFNK6) than in control fermentations, leading to earlier induction of acetone formation. Furthermore, strain ATCC 824 (pFNK6) produced butanol significantly earlier in the fermentation and produced significant levels of solvents at pH 6.5. Only trace levels of solvents were produced by strain ATCC 824 at pH 6.5. Compared with ATCC 824, a plasmid-control strain containing a vector without the ace operon also produced higher levels of solvents [although lower than those of strain ATCC 824 (pFNK6)] and lower levels of acids. Strains containing plasmid-borne derivatives of the ace operon, in which either the acetoacetate decarboxylase or CoA-transferase alone were expressed at elevated levels, produced acids and solvents at levels similar to those of the plasmid-control strain. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Successful control of greenhouse whitefly may be achieved by complementary activity of the parasitoidEncarsia formosa and the fungusAschersonia aleyrodis. One way to obtain an additive mortality effect of both entomopathogen and parasitoid would be achieved by the selection of healthy hosts by the parasitoid and rejection of fungus-infected hosts. Third and fourth instar larvae ofTrialeurodes vaporariorum which had been treated with a spore suspension ofA. aleyrodis 0, 4, 7, 10 or 14 days beforehand, were presented to female parasitoids. The parasitoids adopted the oviposition posture on untreated hosts as well as on treated hosts, irrespective of the different stages of infection in the hosts. However, significantly more hosts were parasitized byE. formosa in the control treatment than in the fungal treatment. The parasitoids offered treated hosts, showed rejection behaviour after probing on hosts showing detectable signs of infection (containing hyphal bodies or mycelium in the haemolymph). For instance, when hosts were offered seven days after spore treatment, the parasitoids showed an oviposition posture on a total of 83 (95.4%) out of 87 infected larvae, but laid only 4 eggs (4.6%). In contrast, on 48 (94.1%) out of 51 noninfected (or showing no detectable signs of infection) hosts an oviposition posture was adopted and 40 eggs (78.4%) were found after dissection. When infected hosts were encountered the oviposition posture lasted less than 1′40″ while rejection of non-infected hosts occurred after more than 1′40″. Other experiments were carried out offering treated hosts for 24 h to the parasitoids. The hosts were dissected afterwards. Again, significantly more eggs were laid in the non-infected hosts. When hosts were parasitized shortly after fungal spore treatment they were colonized by the fungus and the parasitoids did not develop. Transmission of the entomopathogen after probing infected hosts was observed to a limited extent. In conclusion,A. aleyrodis andE. formosa can be used together in a glasshouse situation. The parasitoid will be most effective when introduced more than seven days after application ofA. aleyrodis, because from that time onwards it is able to detect and reject fungus-infected hosts.  相似文献   
In this study, samples of Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were collected from Al-Safa district in Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia. The presence of Wolbachia bacteria in mosquitoes was confirmed by PCR technique and they were reared and propagated in the laboratory. Comparative studies were conducted between Wolbachia-infected A. Aegypti and the Wolbachia-uninfected laboratory strain in terms of their ability to withstand drought, resist two types of insecticides and the activities of pesticide detoxification enzymes. The Wolbachia-infected A. aegypti strain proved less able to withstand the drought period, as the egg-hatching rate of the Wolbachia-uninfected strain was greater than that of the Wolbachia-infected strain after one, two and three months of dry periods. Compared to the Wolbachia-uninfected strain, the Wolbachia-infected strain demonstrated a relatively greater resistance to tested pesticides, namely Baton 100EC and Fendure 25EC which may be attributed to the higher levels of the detoxification enzymes glutathione-S-transferase and catalase and the lower levels of esterase and acetylcholine esterase.  相似文献   
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