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Grasslands are the dominant landscape in China, accounting for 40% of the national land area. Research concerning China's grassland ecosystems can be chronologically summarized into four periods: (i) pre-1950s, preliminary research and survey of grassland vegetation and plant species by Russians, Japanese and Western Europeans, (ii) 1950-1975, exploration and survey of vegetation, soils and topography as part of natural resource inventory programmes by regional and national institutions mainly led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, (iii) 1976-1995, establishment of field stations for long-term ecological monitoring and studies of ecosystem processes, (iv) 1996-present, comprehensive studies of community dynamics and ecosystem function integrating multi-scale and multidisciplinary approaches and experimental manipulations.Major findings of scientific significance in China's grassland ecosystem research include: (i) improved knowledge on succession and biogeochemistry of the semi-arid and temperate grassland ecosystems, (ii) elucidation of life-history strategies and diapause characteristics of the native grasshopper species as one of the key grassland pests, and (iii) development of effective management strategies for controlling rodent pests in grassland ecosystems. Opportunities exist for using the natural grasslands in northern China as a model system to test ecosystem theories that so far have proven a challenge to ecologists worldwide.  相似文献   
Question: Which environmental variables affect floristic species composition of acid grasslands in the Atlantic biogeographic region of Europe along a gradient of atmospheric N deposition? Location: Transect across the Atlantic biogeographic region of Europe including Ireland, Great Britain, Isle of Man, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Denmark and Sweden. Materials and Methods: In 153 acid grasslands we assessed plant and bryophyte species composition, soil chemistry (pH, base cations, metals, nitrate and ammonium concentrations, total C and N, and Olsen plant available phosphorus), climatic variables, N deposition and S deposition. Ordination and variation partitioning were used to determine the relative importance of different drivers on the species composition of the studied grasslands. Results: Climate, soil and deposition variables explained 24% of the total variation in species composition. Variance partitioning showed that soil variables explained the most variation in the data set and that climate and geographic variables accounted for slightly less variation. Deposition variables (N and S deposition) explained 9.8% of the variation in the ordination. Species positively associated with N deposition included Holcus mollis and Leontodon hispidus. Species negatively associated with N deposition included Agrostis curtisii, Leontodon autumnalis, Campanula rotundifolia and Hylocomium splendens. Conclusion: Although secondary to climate gradients and soil biogeochemistry, and not as strong as for species richness, the impact of N and S deposition on species composition can be detected in acid grasslands, influencing community composition both directly and indirectly, presumably through soil‐mediated effects.  相似文献   

In the wetland rhizosphere, high densities of lithotrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) and a favorable environment (i.e., high Fe(II) availability and microaerobic conditions) suggest that these organisms are actively contributing to the formation of Fe plaque on plant roots. We manipulated the presence/absence of an Fe(II)-oxidizing bacterium (Sideroxydans paludicola, strain BrT) in axenic hydroponic microcosms containing the roots of intact Juncus effusus (soft rush) plants to determine if FeOB affected total rates of rhizosphere Fe(II) oxidation and Fe plaque accumulation. Our experimental data highlight the importance of both FeOB and plants in influencing short-term rates of rhizosphere Fe oxidation. Over time scales ca. 1 wk, the FeOB increased Fe(II) oxidation rates by 1.3 to 1.7 times relative to FeOB-free microcosms. Across multiple experimental trials, Fe(II) oxidation rates were significantly correlated with root biomass, reflecting the importance of radial O 2 loss in supporting rhizosphere Fe(II) oxidation. Rates of root Fe(III) plaque accumulation (time scales: 3 to 6 wk) were ~ 70 to 83% lower than expected based on the short-term Fe(II) oxidation rates and were unaffected by the presence/absence of FeOB. Decreasing rates of Fe(II) oxidation and Fe(III) plaque accumulation with increasing time scales indicate changes in rates of Fe(II) diffusion and radial O 2 loss, shifts in the location of Fe oxide accumulation, or temporal changes in the microbial community within the microcosms. The microcosms used herein replicated many of the environmental characteristics of wetland systems and allowed us to demonstrate that FeOB can stimulate rates of Fe(II) oxidation in the wetland rhizosphere, a finding that has implications for the biogeochemical cycling of carbon, metals, and nutrients in wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   
Trees alter their use and allocation of nutrients in response to drought, and changes in soil nutrient cycling and trace gas flux (N2O and CH4) are observed when experimental drought is imposed on forests. In extreme droughts, trees are increasingly susceptible to attack by pests and pathogens, which can lead to major changes in nutrient flux to the soil. Extreme droughts often lead to more common and more intense forest fires, causing dramatic changes in the nutrient storage and loss from forest ecosystems. Changes in the future manifestation of drought will affect carbon uptake and storage in forests, leading to feedbacks to the Earth's climate system. We must improve the recognition of drought in nature, our ability to manage our forests in the face of drought, and the parameterization of drought in earth system models for improved predictions of carbon uptake and storage in the world's forests.  相似文献   
The copper membrane monooxygenases (CuMMOs) are an important group of enzymes in environmental science and biotechnology. Areas of relevance include the development of green chemistry for sustainable exploitation of methane (CH4) reserves, remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination and monitoring human impact in the biogeochemical cycles of CH4 and nitrogen. Challenges for all these applications are that many aspects of the ecology, physiology and structure–function relationships in the CuMMOs are inadequately understood. Here, we describe genetic and physiological characterization of a novel member of the CuMMO family that has an unusual physiological substrate range (C2–C4 alkanes) and a distinctive bacterial host (Mycobacterium). The Mycobacterial CuMMO genes (designated hmoCAB) were amenable to heterologous expression in M. smegmatis—this is the first example of recombinant expression of a complete and highly active CuMMO enzyme. The apparent specific activity of recombinant cells containing hmoCAB ranged from 2 to 3 nmol min–1 per mg protein on ethane, propane and butane as substrates, and the recombinants could also attack ethene, cis-dichloroethene and 1,2-dichloroethane. No detectable activity of recombinants or wild-type strains was seen with methane. The specific inhibitor allylthiourea strongly inhibited growth of wild-type cells on C2–C4 alkanes, and omission of copper from the medium had a similar effect, confirming the physiological role of the CuMMO for growth on alkanes. The hydrocarbon monooxygenase provides a new model for studying this important enzyme family, and the recombinant expression system will enable biochemical and molecular biological experiments (for example, site-directed mutagenesis) that were previously not possible.  相似文献   
Most microorganisms remain uncultivated, and typically their ecological roles must be inferred from diversity and genomic studies. To directly measure functional roles of uncultivated microbes, we developed Chip-stable isotope probing (SIP), a high-sensitivity, high-throughput SIP method performed on a phylogenetic microarray (chip). This approach consists of microbial community incubations with isotopically labeled substrates, hybridization of the extracted community rRNA to a microarray and measurement of isotope incorporation—and therefore substrate use—by secondary ion mass spectrometer imaging (NanoSIMS). Laboratory experiments demonstrated that Chip-SIP can detect isotopic enrichment of 0.5 atom % 13C and 0.1 atom % 15N, thus permitting experiments with short incubation times and low substrate concentrations. We applied Chip-SIP analysis to a natural estuarine community and quantified amino acid, nucleic acid or fatty acid incorporation by 81 distinct microbial taxa, thus demonstrating that resource partitioning occurs with relatively simple organic substrates. The Chip-SIP approach expands the repertoire of stable isotope-enabled methods available to microbial ecologists and provides a means to test genomics-generated hypotheses about biogeochemical function in any natural environment.  相似文献   
The Florida Everglades is extremely oligotrophic and sensitive to small increases in phosphorus (P) concentrations. P enrichment is one of the dominant anthropogenic impacts on the ecosystem and is therefore a main focus of restoration efforts. In this review, we synthesize research on P biogeochemistry and the impact of P enrichment on ecosystem structure and function in the Florida Everglades. There are clear patterns of increased P concentrations and altered structure and processes along nutrient-enrichment gradients in the water, periphyton, soils, macrophytes, and consumers. Periphyton, an assemblage of algae, bacteria, and associated microfauna, is abundant and has a large influence on phosphorus cycling in the Everglades. The oligotrophic Everglades is P-starved, has lower P concentrations and higher nitrogen–phosphorus (N:P) ratios, and has oxidized to only slightly reduced soil profiles compared to other freshwater wetland ecosystems. Possible general causes and indications of P limitation in the Everglades and other wetlands include geology, hydrology, and dominance of oxidative microbial nutrient cycling. The Everglades may be unique with respect to P biogeochemistry because of the multiple causes of P limitation and the resulting high degree of limitation. Received 23 August 2000; Accepted 23 March 2001.  相似文献   
Species-specific paleotemperature equations were used to reconstruct a record of temperature from foraminiferal δ18O values over the last 25 kyr in the Southern California Bight. The equations yield similar temperatures for the δ18O values of Globigerina bulloides and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma. In contrast, applying a single paleotemperature equation to G. bulloides and N. pachyderma δ18O yields different temperatures, which has been used to suggest that these species record the surface-to-thermocline temperature gradient. In Santa Barbara Basin, an isotopically distinct morphotype of G. bulloides dominates during glacial intervals and yields temperatures that appear too cold when using a paleotemperature equation calibrated for the morphotype common today. When a more appropriate paleotemperature equation is used for glacial G. bulloides, we obtain more realistic glacial temperatures. Glacial–interglacial temperature differences (G–I ΔT) calculated in the present study indicate significant cooling (8–10°C) throughout the Southern California Bight during the last glacial maximum (LGM). The magnitude of glacial cooling varies from 8°C near the middle of the Southern California Bight (Tanner Basin and San Nicolas Basin) to 9°C in the north (Santa Barbara Basin) and 9.5–10°C in the south (Velero Basin and No Name Basin). Our temperature calculations agree well with previous estimates based on the modern analog technique. In contrast, studies using N. pachyderma coiling ratios, Uk′37 indices, and transfer functions estimate considerably warmer LGM temperatures and smaller G–I ΔT.  相似文献   
A new model, CCBATCH, comprehensively couples microbially catalyzed reactions to aqueous geochemistry. The effect of aqueous speciation on biodegradation reactions and the effect of biological reactions on the concentration of chemical species (e.g. H2CO3, NH 4 + , O2) are explicitly included in CCBATCH, allowing systematic investigation of kinetically controlled biological reactions. Bulk-phase chemical speciation reactions including acid/base and complexation are modeled as thermodynamically controlled, while biological reactions are modeled as kinetically controlled. A dual-Monod kinetic formulation for biological degradation reactions is coupled with stoichiometry for the degradation reaction to predict the rate of change of all biological and chemical species affected by the biological reactions. The capability of CCBATCH to capture pH and speciation effects on biological reactions is demonstrated by a series of modeling examples for the citrate/Fe(III) system. pH controls the concentration of potentially biologically available forms of citrate. When the percentage of the degradable substrate is low due to complexation or acid/base speciation, degradation rates may be slow despite high concentrations of substrate Complexation reactions that sequester substratein non-degradable forms may prevent degradation or stopdegradation reactions prior to complete substrate utilization. The capability of CCBATCH to couple aqueous speciation changes to biodegradation reaction kinetics and stoichiometry allows prediction of these key behaviors in mixed metal/chelate systems.  相似文献   
Changes in regional climate in the Rocky Mountains over the next 100 years are expected to have significant effects on biogeochemical cycles and hydrological processes. In particular, decreased discharge and lower stream depth during summer when ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is the highest combined with greater photo-oxidation of dissolved organic materials (DOM) will significantly increase exposure of benthic communities to UVR. Communities in many Rocky Mountain streams are simultaneously exposed to elevated metals from abandoned mines, the toxicity and bioavailability of which are also determined by DOM. We integrated field surveys of 19 streams (21 sites) along a gradient of metal contamination with microcosm and field experiments conducted in Colorado, USA, and New Zealand to investigate the influence of DOM on bioavailability of heavy metals and exposure of benthic communities to UVR. Spatial and seasonal variation in DOM were closely related to stream discharge and significantly influenced heavy metal uptake in benthic organisms. Qualitative and quantitative changes in DOM resulting from exposure to sunlight increased UV-B (290–320 nm) penetration and toxicity of heavy metals. Results of microcosm experiments showed that benthic communities from a metal-polluted stream were tolerant of metals, but were more sensitive to UV-B than communities from a reference stream. We speculate that the greater sensitivity of these communities to UV-B resulted from costs associated with metal tolerance. Exclusion of UVR from 12 separate Colorado streams and from outdoor stream microcosms in New Zealand increased the abundance of benthic organisms (mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies) by 18% and 54%, respectively. Our findings demonstrate the importance of considering changes in regional climate and UV-B exposure when assessing the effects of local anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   
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