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该研究以中条山油松人工林群落为研究对象,研究林下不同大小的子群落对群落物种丰富度分布格局的贡献,并确定影响该区域群落物种丰富度分布格局的关键种,为区域物种多样性保护提供理论依据.结果 表明:(1)该地区林下物种频度分布格局呈明显右偏,且不同样方物种丰富度存在明显差异.(2)常见种对群落丰富度分布格局的贡献大于稀有种.(...  相似文献   
为研究不同颜色遮阳网遮光对夏秋茶与春茶产量和品质的影响,在中国科学院桃源农业生态试验站以“碧香早”茶树为试验材料,选用不遮光和中度遮光(遮光率(50?4)%)的黑色、绿色、银灰色遮阳网开展遮光试验。结果表明:不同季节使用黑色遮阳网能显著增加氨基酸和咖啡碱含量,降低茶多酚含量和酚氨比,与对照茶园比较,夏季、秋季、春季茶叶氨基酸含量分别增加了14.22%、17.07%、6.23%,茶多酚含量分别降低了4.40%、6.43%、27.66%,咖啡碱含量分别增加了9.48%、8.10%、7.28%。夏秋季银灰色遮阳网效果最差,绿色遮阳网效果介于黑色和对照之间,春季三种颜色遮阳网效果均优于对照;茶树遮光后品质明显优于对照,夏秋茶经遮光可达到制高档茶的要求,春茶遮光可达到制名优茶的要求。  相似文献   
第2代杉木幼林生态系统水化学特征   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:36  
对第 2代杉木幼林生态系统的降雨、穿透水、茎流、地表和地下径流等水文过程中 N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Zn和 Mn9种养分元素含量进行了连续 5 a的测定 ,结果表明 :降雨通过林冠后其化学特性发生明显变化 ,p H值出现酸化现象 ,穿透水中 Zn和 Org-N为负淋溶 ,其余各元素浓度有所增加。树干茎流的富集作用比穿透水强 ,其中 Zn为负 ,其它元素的浓度均比林外降雨的高。地表径流中 Zn>Org-N>NO3 -N,与降雨中含量相比较为淋失迁移型 ,Ca>K>Cu>Mg>P>NH4 -N>Mn>Fe为内贮型 ,p H值增大。地下径流中 Zn>Org-N>NH4 -N>K>Mn为淋失迁移型、Ca>Mg>Cu>NO3 -N>P>Fe为内贮型。该系统的水循环中 Ca>Mg>Fe>P为净损失、Zn>K>Org-N>NH4 -N>Mn>NO3 -N>Cu为净积累 ,与第 1代杉木林相比 ,第 2代杉木幼林水化学过滤与吸贮功能较差 ,系统稳定性也较弱 ,生态功能的恢复需要一定的时间  相似文献   
拜得珍  纪中华  沙毓沧 《生态学报》2007,27(3):1093-1098
通过样方调查和采样,对元谋干热区2年生不同种植密度木豆人工林养分的营养循环和养分利用效率进行了研究。结果表明,不同种植密度下林分的营养循环表现出了一定的差异性,而养分的利用效率则一样。0.8×0.8m2、1.0×0.8m2和1.0×1.0m2种植密度下林分的养分吸收量分别为1497.64、1326.26和1046.00kg/(hm.2a),其中从土壤中年吸收养分量以Ca最多,N、K次之,Mg、P再次,Fe、Cu最少,且随种植密度的增大呈增加趋势;养分的归还量分别为476.30、729.95和518.98kg/(hm.2a);存留量分别为753.34、596.3和527.07kg/(hm.2a);大量元素养分的循环速率分别为0.49、0.55和0.49,微量元素养分循环速率分别为0.79、0.83和0.80。据此提出,对于生长旺盛后期的林分,采取适量施肥和调整林分密度等经营措施,提高养分的利用效率,增加林分对养分的吸收量和存留量。同时得出1.0×0.8m2的种植密度更有利于系统内营养元素的生物循环、养分利用效率和保持地力持久。与油松、刺槐、板栗、锥栗等相比,木豆对养分的利用效率明显偏低。  相似文献   
大尺度估算森林生物量一直是人们关注的焦点,而构建林分水平的生物量模型是一种估算森林乔木层生物量的方法。本研究基于聚合法1、聚合法2、平差法、分解法构建红松人工林林分生物量模型,并对比分析4种可加性方法的预测精度,为黑龙江省红松人工林的生物量预测提供科学依据。各模型均使用权函数来消除各模型的异方差,并以留一交叉验证法(LOOCV)作为各模型的检验方法。结果表明: 平差法的整体预测能力略优于聚合法1、聚合法2和分解法,预测精度排序为平差法>聚合法1>聚合法2>分解法;分别对比不同林分断面积的预测能力时,4种可加性方法的预测精度不一致。当红松人工林的林分断面积分布于0~10或50~60 m2·hm-2区间时,建议采用分解法的参数估计值,而林分断面积分布于其他区间时,建议采用平差法的参数估计值。  相似文献   
南亚热带人工林种植对赤红壤团聚体分布及稳定性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选取南亚热带地区桉树、杉木、马尾松、米老排和红锥5种典型人工林为研究对象,采用Elliott湿筛法和Le Bissonnais(LB)法研究了人工林对土壤团聚体稳定性的影响。结果表明: 5种人工林土壤经湿筛法处理后,水稳性团聚体(WR>0.25)均在62.2%以上,团聚体平均重量直径(MWD)和几何平均直径(GMD)分别介于1.58~3.71和0.57~2.02 mm,表现为杉木林最大,桉树林最小。各林分土壤团聚体结构破坏率(PAD)介于4.6%~31.5%之间;采用转移矩阵法评价5种人工林土壤团聚体,得出土壤团聚体稳定性指数(ASI)为杉木林>红锥林>米老排林>马尾松林>桉树林。在LB法3种处理下,快速湿润处理(FW)对土壤团聚体的破坏程度最大,说明消散作用是研究区团粒崩解的主要机制;预湿润振荡处理(WS)的破坏程度最小;慢速湿润处理(SW)介于两者之间,MWD和GMD值变化一致,均表现为WS>SW>FW,且随土层的加深,呈现逐渐降低的趋势。5种人工林土壤在LB法FW处理下团聚体GMD值与湿筛法ASI、MWD、GMD均达到显著正相关,表明湿筛法与LB法的FW处理具有很好的相关性,可用于表征南亚热带赤红壤地区土壤团聚体的稳定性。综合MWD、GMD、PAD和ASI等团聚体稳定性指标,杉木人工林比其他4种人工林更有助于土壤团聚水平的提高,其土壤结构相对较为稳定。  相似文献   
In many parts of the world, plantations make up a considerable proportion of the total forest area. In such regions, the identification of high biodiversity value stands and of management practices to enhance biodiversity is essential if the goals of Sustainable Forest Management are to be achieved. Since complete biodiversity assessments are rarely possible, efforts have been increasingly focussed on the use of indicators. Of particular interest are indicators applicable to individual stands that require no specialist taxonomic or technical knowledge to assess. Candidate biodiversity indicators had been identified in a previous study using data from Irish Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) plantations but had yet to be tested on independent data. In the present study, the provisional indicators for vascular plant, bryophyte, spider and bird diversity were tested on data from Irish Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), oak (Quercus petraea/Quercus robur), Sitka spruce and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) plantations. Conifer canopy cover was confirmed as an important biodiversity indicator, due to its influence on below-canopy microclimatic and structural conditions. Bryophyte species richness was higher in relatively high canopy cover plantations on poorly drained soils, while bird species richness was higher in more open plantations with high shrub cover. Coarse woody debris was an important substrate for forest-associated bryophytes, with higher species richness at higher volumes of deadwood. Both proximity to old woodland and stand age were confirmed as positive indicators for forest-associated vascular plants. This is related to dispersal limitation in these species, with nearby woodlands acting as important seed sources and colonisation increasing with time. Stand age was also confirmed as a positive indicator for forest-associated spiders and is related to the development of suitable habitat as the plantation matures. All of the confirmed indicators can be assessed without need for specialist knowledge, are ecologically meaningful and applicable to a range of forests managed under a clearfelling system. They can be used to assess the potential value of stands for the taxonomic groups to which they apply, as well as giving insights into management practices to enhance diversity in these groups.  相似文献   


Across the tropics, large‐bodied mammal species are threatened by rapid and widespread forest habitat conversion by either commercial logging or agricultural expansion. How such species use these habitats is an important area of research for guiding their future management. The tropical forest‐dwelling sun bear, Helarctos malayanus, is the least known of the eight bear species. Consequently, the IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group ranks research on this species as a top priority. This study aims to investigate landscape variables that influence sun bear habitat use in forests under varying levels of degradation and protection.


A 20,998 km2 Sumatra forest landscape covering Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP), Batang Hari Protection Forest (BHPF) and neighbouring logging and agricultural concessions.


An occupancy‐based sampling technique using detection/non‐detection data with 10 landscape covariates was applied in six study areas that operated a total of 125 camera traps. The potential differences between habitat use (ψ) of sun bears were first modelled with broad‐scale covariates of study area, land‐use types and forest type. Sun bear habitat use was then investigated with the finer‐scale landscape features associated within these areas.


From 10,935 trap nights, sun bears were recorded at altitudes ranging from 365 to 1791 m. At a broad‐scale, habitat use increased with protection status, being highest in KSNP (0.688 ± 0.092, ± SE) and BHPF (0.621 ± 0.110) compared to production (0.418 ± 0.121) and convertible (0.286 ± 0.122) forests. Within these areas, sun bears showed a preference for forest that was further from public roads and villages and at a lower elevation.

Main conclusions

The habitat suitability model identified several high‐quality habitat patches outside of the priority conservation areas for immediate protection. Consequently, conservation management strategies should emphasize the importance of high conservation value forests and prohibit further conversion of threatened lowland forests.
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