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Aims:  To assess the ability of Listeria monocytogenes to form biofilm on different food-contact surfaces with regard to different temperatures, cellular hydrophobicity and motility.
Methods and Results:  Forty-four L. monocytogenes strains from food and food environment were tested for biofilm formation by crystal violet staining. Biofilm levels were significantly higher on glass at 4, 12 and 22°C, as compared with polystyrene and stainless steel. At 37°C, L. monocytogenes produced biofilm at significantly higher levels on glass and stainless steel, as compared with polystyrene. Hydrophobicity was significantly ( P  < 0·05) higher at 37°C than at 4, 12 and 22°C. Thirty (68·2%) of 44 strains tested showed swimming at 22°C and 4 (9·1%) of those were also motile at 12°C. No correlation was observed between swimming and biofilm production.
Conclusions:  L. monocytogenes can adhere to and form biofilms on food-processing surfaces. Biofilm formation is significantly influenced by temperature, probably modifying cell surface hydrophobicity.
Significance and Impacts of the Study:  Biofilm formation creates major problems in the food industry because it may represent an important source of food contamination. Our results are therefore important in finding ways to prevent contamination because they contribute to a better understanding on how L. monocytogenes can establish biofilms in food industry and therefore survive in the processing environment.  相似文献   
Aims: To investigate the action of different polyphenolic compounds, extracted from red wine, grape marc and pine bark, on oral bacteria. Methods and Results: The anti-microbial activity of extracts was examined by determining the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration and Minimal Bactericidal Concentration using the macro dilution broth technique. Their effect on the adherence was tested on growing cells of Streptococcus mutans on a glass surface and on a multi-species biofilm grown on saliva-coated hydroxyapatite discs. The effect on glucosyltransferase activity was analysed through the reductions in the overall reaction rate and the quantity of insoluble glucan (ISG) synthesized. Pine bark and grape marc extracts were the most effective inhibitors of the multi-species biofilm formation and of the ISG synthesis. Conclusion: The tested components showed an interesting anti-plaque activity in vitro. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is, to our knowledge, the first and the most complete report on the properties of wine and pine bark extracts that could be used for oral disease prevention purpose.  相似文献   
1. The effect of phosphate on species composition in biofilms was studied under three different phosphate regimes (0.5, 5 and 50 μm ) in two different multi species communities: one composed of the four diatom species Melosira varians, Nitzschia perminuta, Navicula trivialis and Achnanthes lanceolata and one containing these diatom species plus the two cyanobacterial species Leptolyngbya foveolarum and Cylindrospermum stagnale. 2. Algal growth in monocultures and mixtures was measured as chlorophyll a and PAM fluorimetry was applied to document density and physiological condition of the two main groups of photosynthetic organisms in mixed cultures. 3. In phosphate‐replete communities, a single species dominated the community (N. perminuta in the diatom mixture and L. foveolarum in the all species mixture), while in the phosphate‐deprived communities several species persisted, in spite of severe phosphate limitation. 4. We conclude that high supply of phosphate enables the species L. foveolarum, and to a lesser extent N. perminuta, to overgrow biofilm consortia, facilitated by their filamentous growth form, motility or the excretion of inhibitors. The persistence of several species under a low phosphate regime is explained by a less intense interspecific interaction in low‐density biofilms. This clarifies field observations published previously.  相似文献   
Modified protocols of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and catalyze reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) were developed in order to detect bacteria in situ in calcified stromatolite biofilms. Smooth, well-preserved thin sections of calcified biofilms (~5 microm thin, vertical sectioning of ~1 cm deep) were obtained by cryo-sectioning using the adhesive tape-stabilization technique. A modified hybridization buffer was applied during hybridization to prevent calcite dissolution as well as false binding of oligonucleotide probes to the charged mineral surfaces. Particularly, bright and specific CARD-FISH signals allowed the detection of bacteria in intensively calcified biofilms even at low magnification, which is suitable for investigating millimeter- to centimeter-scale vertical distribution patterns of bacteria.  相似文献   
Members of a triple-species 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1-methoxy-1-methyl urea (linuron)-mineralizing consortium, i.e. the linuron- and 3,4-dichloroaniline-degrading Variovorax sp. WDL1, the 3,4-dichloroaniline-degrading Comamonas testosteroni WDL7 and the N,O-dimethylhydroxylamine-degrading Hyphomicrobium sulfonivorans WDL6, were cultivated as mono- or multi-species biofilms in flow cells irrigated with selective or nonselective media, and examined with confocal laser scanning microscopy. In contrast to mono-species biofilms of Variovorax sp. WDL1, the triple-species consortium biofilm degraded linuron completely through apparent synergistic interactions. The triple-species linuron-fed consortium biofilm displayed a heterogeneous structure with an irregular surface topography that most resembled the topography of linuron-fed mono-species WDL1 biofilms, indicating that WDL1 had a dominating influence on the triple-species biofilm architecture. This architecture was dependent on the carbon source supplied, as the biofilm architecture of WDL1 growing on alternative carbon sources was different from that observed under linuron-fed conditions. Linuron-fed triple-species consortium biofilms consisted of mounds composed of closely associated WDL1, WDL7 and WDL6 cells, while this association was lost when the consortium was grown on a nonselective carbon source. In addition, under linuron-fed conditions, microcolonies displaying associated growth developed rapidly after inoculation. These observations indicate that the spatial organization in the linuron-fed consortium biofilm reflected the metabolic interactions within the consortium.  相似文献   
Osteomyelitis and the role of biofilms in chronic infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Understanding the mechanisms implicated in the initial attachment, development, and maturation of a biofilm phenotype are of tremendous importance for their effect on the medical, industrial, and public health arenas. This review explores the current understanding of the nature of biofilms and the impact that molecular interactions between the bacteria themselves, as well as between bacteria and the host, may have on biofilm development and phenotype using the nonmotile Gram-positive coccus, Staphylococcus aureus, as an example.  相似文献   
Aims: Bacterial biofilms generally are more resistant to stresses as compared with free planktonic cells. Therefore, the discovery of antimicrobial stress factors that have strong inhibitory effects on bacterial biofilm formation would have great impact on the food, personal care, and medical industries. Methods and Results: Salicylate‐based poly(anhydride esters) (PAE) have previously been shown to inhibit biofilm formation, possibly by affecting surface attachment. Our research evaluated the effect of salicylate‐based PAE on biofilm‐forming Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. To remove factors associated with surface physical and chemical parameters, we utilized a strain that forms biofilms at the air–liquid interface. Surface properties can influence biofilm characteristics, so the lack of attachment to a solid surface eliminates those constraints. The results indicate that the salicylic acid‐based polymers do interfere with biofilm formation, as a clear difference was seen between bacterial strains that form biofilms at the air–liquid interface (top‐forming) and those that form at the surface–liquid interface (bottom‐forming). Conclusion: These results lead to the conclusion that the polymers may not interfere with attachment; rather, the polymers likely affect another mechanism essential for biofilm formation in Salmonella. Significance and Impact of the study: Biofilm formation can be prevented through controlled release of nature‐derived antimicrobials formulated into polymer systems.  相似文献   
The susceptibility to various biocides was examined in planktonic cells and biofilms of the obligate aerobe, PCBs degrader, Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KF707. The toxicity of two antibiotics, amikacin and rifampicin, three metalloid oxyanions (AsO(2) (-), SeO(3) (2-), TeO(3) (2-)) and three metal cations (Cd(2+), Ni(2+), Al(3+)) was tested at two stages of the biofilm-development (4 and 24 h) and compared to planktonic cells susceptibility. Mature biofilms formed in rich (LB, Luria-Bertani) medium were thicker (23 mum) than biofilms grown in minimal (SA saccarose-arginine) medium (13 mum). Early grown (4 h) SA-biofilms, which consisted of a few sparse/attached cells, were 50-100 times more resistant to antibiotics than planktonic cells. Conversely, minor changes in tolerance to metal(loid)s were seen in both SA- and LB-grown biofilms. In contrast to planktonic cells, no reduction of TeO(3) (2-) to elemental Te(0) or SeO(3) (2-) to elemental Se(0) was seen in KF707 biofilms. The data indicate that: (a) metal tolerance in KF707 biofilms, under the growth and exposure conditions described here, is different than antibiotic tolerance; (b) KF707 planktonic cells and biofilms, are almost equally susceptible to killing by metal cations and oxyanions, and (c) biofilm-tolerance to TeO(3) (2-) and SeO(3) (2-) is not linked to metalloid reduction; this means that KF707 planktonic cells and biofilms differ in their physiology and strategy to counteract metalloid toxicity.  相似文献   
【目的】铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)是一种重要的革兰氏阴性病原体,可以加重囊性纤维化患者的肺部感染,最终会导致患者的死亡。然而由于多重耐药(multi-drug resistant,MDR)和泛耐药(pan-drug resistant, PDR)铜绿假单胞菌菌株的出现,使其防控变得更为严峻。【方法】从养殖场污水中分离能有效裂解多重耐药铜绿假单胞菌的噬菌体,研究其形态特征、生物学特性、宿主谱范围、基因组特征和体外抑菌能力等,并采用噬菌体和抗生素联用的方法进行生物被膜的抑制试验。【结果】透射电子显微镜的形态分析和基因组分析结合表明,该噬菌体属于Nankokuvirus病毒属。生物学特性试验表明,PH826具有广泛的温度稳定性(4-60℃)和pH稳定性(3.0-11.0)。宿主谱测试显示,PH826可以裂解13株铜绿假单胞菌(包括人源和动物源),体外抑菌试验显示,PH826在感染复数(multiplicity of infection, MOI)分别为10、1、0.1时对铜绿假单胞菌均有强烈的裂解作用。根据基因组分析,PH826噬菌体的基因组大小为87 95...  相似文献   
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