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The evolution of behavioral and ecological specialization can have marked effects on the tempo and mode of phenotypic evolution. Head-first burrowing has been shown to exert powerful selective pressures on the head and body shapes of many vertebrate and invertebrate taxa. In wrasses, burrowing behaviors have evolved multiple times independently, and are commonly used in foraging and predator avoidance behaviors. While recent studies have examined the kinematics and body shape morphology associated with this behavior, no study to-date has examined the macroevolutionary implications of burrowing on patterns of phenotypic diversification in this clade. Here, we use three-dimensional geometric morphometrics and phylogenetic comparative methods to study the evolution of skull shape in fossorial wrasses and their relatives. We test for skull shape differences between burrowing and non burrowing wrasses and evaluate hypotheses of shape convergence among the burrowing wrasses. We also quantify rates of skull shape evolution between burrowing and non burrowing wrasses to test for whether burrowing constrains or accelerates rates of skull shape evolution in this clade. We find that while burrowing and non burrowing wrasses exhibit similar degrees of morphological disparity, for burrowing wrasses, it took nearly twice as long to amass this disparity. Furthermore, while the disparities between groups are evenly matched, we find that most burrowing species are confined to a particular region of shape space with most species exhibiting narrower heads than many non-burrowing species. These results suggest head-first burrowing constrains patterns of skull shape diversification in wrasses by potentially restricting the range of phenotypes that can perform this behavior.  相似文献   
《Cell reports》2020,30(6):1982-1994.e4
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BackgroundCancer stage at diagnosis is a critical prognostic factor regarding a patient’s health outcomes. It has yet to be shown whether insurance status across different race has any implications on the stage of disease at the time of diagnosis. This study aimed to investigate whether insurance status was a modifier of the association between race and stage of previously undetected prostate cancer at the time of diagnosis in Florida between 1995 and 2013.MethodsSecondary data analysis of a cross-sectional survey using information from the Florida Cancer Data System (n = 224,819). Study participants included black and white males diagnosed with prostate cancer in Florida between 1995 and 2013. The main outcome variable was stage of prostate cancer at diagnosis. The main independent variable was race (black vs white). Adjusted logistic regression models were used to explore the association between race, insurance status and stage at diagnosis. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated.ResultsBlack males were more likely to be diagnosed with late stage prostate cancer (OR 1.31; 95% CI 1.27–1.35). Being uninsured (OR 2.28; 95% CI 2.13–2.45) or having Medicaid (OR 1.84; 95% CI 1.70–1.98) was associated with a diagnosis of late stage cancer. Stratified analysis for health insurance revealed that blacks had an increased risk for late stage cancer if uninsured (OR 1.29; 95% CI 1.07–1.55) and if having Medicare (OR 1.39; 95% CI 1.31–1.48).Conclusion: Insurance status may modify the effect of race on late stage prostate cancer in black patients.  相似文献   
Morphology varies enormously across clades, and the morphology of a trait may reflect ecological function or the retention of ancestral features. We examine the tension between ecological and phylogenetic correlates of morphological diversity through a case study of pollen grains produced by angiosperms in Barro Colorado Island, Panama (BCI). Using a molecular phylogeny of 730 taxa, we demonstrate a statistically significant association between morphological and genetic distance for these plants. However, the relationship is non‐linear, and while close relatives share more morphological features than distant relatives, above a genetic distance of ~ 0.7 increasingly distant relatives are not more divergent in phenotype. The pollen grains of biotically pollinated and abiotically pollinated plants overlap in morphological space, but certain pollen morphotypes and individual morphological traits are unique to these pollination ecologies. Our data show that the pollen grains of biotically pollinated plants are significantly more morphologically diverse than those of abiotically pollinated plants. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
Adaptive radiations are known for rapid morphological and species diversification in response to ecological opportunity, but it remains unclear if distinct mechanisms drive this pattern. Here, we show that rapid rates of morphological diversification are linked to the evolution of novel ecological niches in two independent Cyprinodon radiations nested within a wide-ranging group repeatedly isolated in extreme environments. We constructed a molecular phylogeny for the Cyprinodontidae, measured 16 functional traits across this group, and compared the likelihoods of single or multiple rates of morphological diversification. We found that rates of morphological diversification within two sympatric Cyprinodon clades containing unique trophic specialists are not part of an adaptive continuum with other clades, but are instead extreme outliers with rates up to 131 times faster than other Cyprinodontidae. High rates were not explained by clade age, but were instead linked to unique trophic niches within Cyprinodon, including scale-eating, zooplanktivory, and piscivory. Furthermore, although both radiations occur in similar environments and have similar sister species, they each evolved unique trophic specialists and high rates of morphological diversification in different sets of traits. We propose that the invasion of novel ecological niches may be a key mechanism driving many classic examples of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   
Innovations in locomotor morphology have been invoked as important drivers of vertebrate diversification, although the influence of novel locomotion strategies on marine fish diversification remains largely unexplored. Using triggerfish as a case study, we determine whether the evolution of the distinctive synchronization of enlarged dorsal and anal fins that triggerfish use to swim may have catalyzed the ecological diversification of the group. By adopting a comparative phylogenetic approach to quantify median fin and body shape integration and to assess the tempo of functional and morphological evolution in locomotor traits, we find that: (1) functional and morphological components of the locomotive system exhibit a strong signal of correlated evolution; (2) triggerfish partitioned locomotor morphological and functional spaces early in their history; and (3) there is no strong evidence that a pulse of lineage diversification accompanied the major episode of phenotypic diversification. Together these findings suggest that the acquisition of a distinctive mode of locomotion drove an early radiation of shape and function in triggerfish, but not an early radiation of species.  相似文献   
Diversity and disparity are unequally distributed both phylogenetically and geographically. This uneven distribution may be owing to differences in diversification rates between clades resulting from processes such as adaptive radiation. We examined the rate and distribution of evolution in feeding biomechanics in the extremely diverse and continentally distributed South American geophagine cichlids. Evolutionary patterns in multivariate functional morphospace were examined using a phylomorphospace approach, disparity-through-time analyses and by comparing Brownian motion (BM) and adaptive peak evolutionary models using maximum likelihood. The most species-rich and functionally disparate clade (CAS) expanded more efficiently in morphospace and evolved more rapidly compared with both BM expectations and its sister clade (GGD). Members of the CAS clade also exhibited an early burst in functional evolution that corresponds to the development of modern ecological roles and may have been related to the colonization of a novel adaptive peak characterized by fast oral jaw mechanics. Furthermore, reduced ecological opportunity following this early burst may have restricted functional evolution in the GGD clade, which is less species-rich and more ecologically specialized. Patterns of evolution in ecologically important functional traits are consistent with a pattern of adaptive radiation within the most diverse clade of Geophagini.  相似文献   
Antarctic notothenioid fishes represent a rare example of a marine species flock. They evolved special adaptations to the extreme environment of the Southern Ocean including antifreeze glycoproteins. Although lacking a swim bladder, notothenioids have diversified from their benthic ancestor into a wide array of water column niches, such as epibenthic, semipelagic, cryopelagic and pelagic habitats. Applying stable carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotope analyses to gain information on feeding ecology and foraging habitats, we tested whether ecological diversification along the benthic–pelagic axis followed a single directional trend in notothenioids, or whether it evolved independently in several lineages. Population samples of 25 different notothenioid species were collected around the Antarctic Peninsula, the South Orkneys and the South Sandwich Islands. The C and N stable isotope signatures span a broad range (mean δ13C and δ15N values between ?25.4‰ and ?21.9‰ and between 8.5‰ and 13.8‰, respectively), and pairwise niche overlap between four notothenioid families was highly significant. Analysis of isotopic disparity‐through‐time on the basis of Bayesian inference and maximum‐likelihood phylogenies, performed on a concatenated mitochondrial (cyt b) and nuclear gene (myh6, Ptr and tbr1) data set (3148 bp), showed that ecological diversification into overlapping feeding niches has occurred multiple times in parallel in different notothenioid families. This convergent diversification in habitat and trophic ecology is a sign of interspecific competition and characteristic for adaptive radiations.  相似文献   
BackgroundAlthough the cancer mortality rate in Taiwan has been declining in recent years, no study has yet reported any regional differences in cancer mortality rates in Taiwan. We hypothesized that regional cancer mortality rates in Taiwan, an ethnically homogeneous society, exhibited no significant variations.MethodsWe investigated the trends in Taiwan regional cancer mortality between 1992 and 2014. We analyzed regional age-standardized cancer mortality rates for lung, liver, colon, stomach, oral, breast, and prostate cancers using the Taiwan Longitudinal Health Insurance Database and Demographic Database. Furthermore, we applied Joinpoint regression analysis to evaluate the trends across different regions.ResultsThere are clear regional variations in mortality rates for liver, stomach, and oral cancers, but not for lung, colon, breast, and prostate cancers. The regional death rates of oral cancer, especially for eastern Taiwan, not only elevate the fastest (APC = 14.78% per year, P < 0.001) but also show the largest disparities between men and women. Regional death rates for stomach cancer, which declined most rapidly, are converging in both general and gender groups. Liver cancer is the only one with regional variations whose trends do not all go in the same direction. We also demonstrated that northern Taiwan has significant regional advantages with respect to cancer mortality.ConclusionsSome but not all cancers in Taiwan show regional disparities. Liver, stomach, and oral cancers in Taiwan exhibit clear regional variations in mortality rates. In particular, the regional variations in oral cancer mortality rates are consistent with those in alcohol consumption.  相似文献   
The evolutionary radiation of dinosaurs in the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic was a pivotal event in the Earth's history but is poorly understood, as previous studies have focused on vague driving mechanisms and have not untangled different macroevolutionary components (origination, diversity, abundance and disparity). We calculate the morphological disparity (morphospace occupation) of dinosaurs throughout the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic and present new measures of taxonomic diversity. Crurotarsan archosaurs, the primary dinosaur 'competitors', were significantly more disparate than dinosaurs throughout the Triassic, but underwent a devastating extinction at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. However, dinosaur disparity showed only a slight non-significant increase after this event, arguing against the hypothesis of ecological release-driven morphospace expansion in the Early Jurassic. Instead, the main jump in dinosaur disparity occurred between the Carnian and Norian stages of the Triassic. Conversely, dinosaur diversity shows a steady increase over this time, and measures of diversification and faunal abundance indicate that the Early Jurassic was a key episode in dinosaur evolution. Thus, different aspects of the dinosaur radiation (diversity, disparity and abundance) were decoupled, and the overall macroevolutionary pattern of the first 50Myr of dinosaur evolution is more complex than often considered.  相似文献   
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