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水分利用效率(WUE)是表征陆地碳-水循环耦合关系的重要指标,但其对气候变化响应的高程分异仍不清楚。通过集合经验模态分解(EEMD)去趋势和偏相关方法,以"21世纪海上丝绸之路"沿线省份为研究区,揭示WUE对气候变化的响应及其随高程的分异。研究结果表明:(1)研究区内WUE多年均值由中心向南北递减。不同植被类型的WUE多年均值由高到低依次为:常绿针叶林、混交林、常绿阔叶林、稀树灌木草地、耕地和城市建设用地。(2)51.11%的区域表现出均温与WUE的正相关;而81.46%地区表明温差的扩大会使得WUE增加;有近一半的研究区表明最高温的升高有利于提高WUE,而最低温的作用则相反;有67.99%的区域表明降水增多反而会导致WUE的减少。(3)在大多数土地覆盖类型,日温差和最低温主要与WUE呈正相关,而最高温和降水主要与WUE呈负相关。在常绿针叶林、耕地和城市建设用地,日均温与WUE呈负相关。在其他三种植被类型下则呈正相关。(4)在低海拔地区,均温与WUE呈负相关而在中高海拔地区则转变为正相关关系。而最高温则正好相反。降水与WUE的负相关关系系数随高度的增加而不断加强,而温差和最低温与WUE的正相关关系也随高度的增加而剧烈波动增强。  相似文献   
基于4种生态位模型的金钱松潜在适生区预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金钱松(Pseudolarix amabilis)是我国特有孑遗植物,为国家II级保护植物。基于4种生态位模型(GARP、Bioclim、Domain和Maxent)预测金钱松潜在适生区,采用受试者工作特征曲线(Receiver Operating Characteristic,ROC)和Kappa统计量检验模型的预测效果。预测结果表明金钱松在浙江西北部、安徽南部、湖北南部、湖南北部以及江西北部表现为高度适生,并以这些地带为中心向外延伸至北纬24.43°-33.35°和东经106.41°-123.42°之间,4种模型预测结果的受试者工作特征曲线下面积(Area under recriver operating characteristic curve,AUC)平均值均大于0.9,Kappa平均值亦大于0.75,精度较高。通过"刀切法"分析得出年均温是预测金钱松潜在适生区的关键影响因子,可能为当前金钱松分布格局形成的决定因素。模拟金钱松在末次盛冰期和2070年气候条件下的分布,结果表明其分布格局随气候变化由"南扩北缩"变为"南缩北扩",未来分布面积将大幅减小,气候变化是导致其"南缩北扩"的主要驱动因子。建议在当前金钱松高适分布区域内(江西铜鼓县、湖南张家界和衡阳)建立自然保护区或种子园,并在未来气候条件下高适分布区域内(如安徽北部、河南南部、湖北东南部等地)通过人工引种辅助金钱松的北向迁移。  相似文献   
Links between climatic conditions in the eastern equatorial Pacific and extratropical ecological processes remain unexplored. The analysis of a 20‐year time series of spatial and numeric dynamics of a threatened Mediterranean bird suggests, however, that such couplings can be remarkably complex. By providing a new ecological time‐series modelling approach, we were able to dissect the joint effects of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), regional weather, population density and stochastic variability on the expansion dynamics of the White‐headed duck (Oxyura leococephala) in Spain. Our results suggest that the spatial and numeric dynamics of ducks between peak brood emergence and wintering were simultaneously affected by different climatic phenomena during different phases of their global cycles, involving time lags in the numeric dynamics. Strikingly, our results point to both the NAO and the ENSO as potentially major factors simultaneously forcing ecological processes in the Northern Hemisphere, and suggest a new pathway for non‐additive effects of climate in ecology.  相似文献   
长江口及邻近海域富营养化指标响应变量参照状态的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对长江口富营养化指标中的响应变量进行了筛选,并在长江口分区的基础上,运用参照点或观测点指标频数分布曲线法,对1992年-2010年的数据进行分析,确定了长江口外海区和舟山海区富营养化指标中响应变量的参照状态.选择叶绿素a和底层溶解氧作为响应指标的必选指标,浮游植物密度和CODMn作为辅助指标.经分析,长江口口外海区叶绿素a、浮游植物密度、CODMn和底层溶解氧的春夏秋3个季节的参照状态分别为0.87mg,/m3,17.44× 103个/L,0.42mg/L,8.36mg/L;1.88mg/m3,25.96×103个/L,0.56mg/L,4.22mg/L;0.84mg/m3,12.10×103个/L,0.46mg/L,6.95mg/L;舟山海区叶绿素a、浮游植物密度、CODMn和溶解氧的春夏秋3个季节的参照状态分别为0.73mg/m3,6.77×103个/L,0.51 mg/L,8.75mg/L;1.00mg/m3,9.72×103个/L,0.37mg/L,5.94mg/L;0.78mg/m3,4.59×103个/L,0.55mg/L,7.40mg/L.本研究确定的参照状态值能较为客观的反映该海域的富营养化参照状态,且不同分区,不同季节间的指标的参照状态亦存在着显著的差异.  相似文献   
新疆奇台荒漠植物群落的数量分类及土壤环境解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为阐明古尔班通古特沙漠南缘荒漠植物群落的分类及与土壤因子的相关关系, 作者于2005年6–7月在新疆奇台县采用机械布设样线和样线上随机布设样地的方法进行了野外调查。共设置48块20 m×10 m的样方, 每个样方中又梅花状设置5个1 m×1 m的草本样方进行植被调查。植被调查结束后, 选择群落外貌上差异显著的样地进行土壤取样(取土深度分别为0 cm、10 cm、30 cm、50 cm、80 cm), 共获得20个样方的土壤样本。以植物重要值作为衡量植物组成相似性的指标, 应用逐步聚类的方法将调查区域植被划分为4种类型: 芦苇(Phragmites australis)+芨芨草(Achnatherum splendens)群落, 梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)–枇杷柴(Reaumuria songarica)+西伯利亚白刺群落(Nitraria sibirica), 梭梭–心叶驼绒藜(Ceratoides ewersmanniana)–白茎绢蒿(Seriphidium terrae-albae)群落和心叶驼绒藜–骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)群落。不同群落类型土壤因子的主成分分析的结果表明: 提取3个主分量能够解释85.65%的群落间土壤因子差异, 第1主分量与土壤平均pH值和深层土壤pH值相关, 第2主分量与平均有机质含量和土壤浅层有机质含量相关, 而第3主分量与平均土壤含盐量和土壤浅层含盐量相关。  相似文献   
Klepeis JL  Wei Y  Hecht MH  Floudas CA 《Proteins》2005,58(3):560-570
Ab initio structure prediction and de novo protein design are two problems at the forefront of research in the fields of structural biology and chemistry. The goal of ab initio structure prediction of proteins is to correctly characterize the 3D structure of a protein using only the amino acid sequence as input. De novo protein design involves the production of novel protein sequences that adopt a desired fold. In this work, the results of a double-blind study are presented in which a new ab initio method was successfully used to predict the 3D structure of a protein designed through an experimental approach using binary patterned combinatorial libraries of de novo sequences. The predicted structure, which was produced before the experimental structure was known and without consideration of the design goals, and the final NMR analysis both characterize this protein as a 4-helix bundle. The similarity of these structures is evidenced by both small RMSD values between the coordinates of the two structures and a detailed analysis of the helical packing.  相似文献   
Fatty acid composition of Simonsiella strains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gas-liquid chromatography of methyl esters of bound fatty acids extracted from the cells of 48 Simonsiella strains showed that these aerobic, gliding, multicellular-filamentous bacteria have fatty acid profiles of the pattern considered typical of Gramnegative eubacteria. All strains contained predominantly tetradecanoic acid (29.5%), 9-hexadecenoic acid (22.2%), an unidentified acid with an equivalent chain length of approximately 20 carbon atoms (15.8%), and dodecanoic acid (11.4%).Discriminant analysis of the mean relative percentages of 12 fatty acids correctly assigned 94% of the strains to groups based on their source of origin (i.e., the oral cavities of sheep, cat, human or dog); the relative amounts of only 3 of the fatty acids (9-octadecenoic acid, hexadecanoic acid, and tetradecanoic acid) provided most of this discrimination.  相似文献   
影响天然林下层植物物种多样性的林分因子的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
以我国东北过伐林区3种典型森林类型为对象,用多元逐步回归方法来研究影响天然林下层植物多样性的林分因子,尤其是与森林经营有关的林分因子,从而通过经营来维持和增加物种多样性。研究表明,与经营有关的因子中对下层植物多样性有显著影响的有林分郁闭度、公顷株数和树种多样性。因此,在林分发展的一定阶段,应采取合理经营措施如采伐来控制林分密度,保持多树种的混交,来维持和增加树种多样性。  相似文献   
In North-western Germany woodland fragmentation has caused a decline in many forest plant species. Hedgerows partly offer a similar environment as forests and have been identified as potential habitats for forest plants in various studies from North America and Western Europe. The objective of this study was to examine whether this applies also to Central Europe and which variables affect the spatial distribution and abundance of forest plant species in hedgerows on a local scale. Three hedgerow networks north of the city of Bremen, Germany, were selected as study areas and divided into totally 515 hedgerow segments. In each segment we recorded all vascular plants and a large number of explanatory variables relating to structure, spatial configuration, environment and management. Averaged across species there was a predominant effect of environmental factors on the occurrence of forest species in the hedgerows, followed by spatial configuration and management. Hedgerow structure was found to be less important. In general, forest species were favored by low nutrient and light availability as well as high connectivity with other hedgerows or forest; they avoided hedgerows with a west-easterly orientation and an adjacent land use in the form of fields or grasslands. Forest species found and not found in hedgerows did not differ in their environmental preferences or life history traits. The number of threatened forest species in the hedgerows, however, was lower than expected with respect to their overall proportion to the total number of forest species in the region.  相似文献   
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